Games you own more than twice over

Hard Mode: You don't regret it

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I own it thrice, worth every cent

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I've purchased Persona 3 about 3 times. And i have 2 copies of Tales of Symphonia and I Xenogears

I have every Dead Space game on PS3 and PC


Got the first two on pc, infinite on ps3 and the collection on ps4

Shantae & the Pirates Curse
>digital Wii U & 3DS (humble bundle)
>physical PS4
>physical collectors edition Switch

Only other example I can think of are various Sega games I own physically and are included in various collections

>Original EU release
>Special Edition
>HD Collection on PS3
>HD Collection on PC

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Pretty much every RE game.

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PS3 version, PC version and then again on SotfS

And it was probably my least favourite in the series.

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Dragon's Dogma.

Played the 360 version on like a 10' TV, rebought it on PC many years later. Still as fun as ever.

Final fantasy 10 12 and 13. I have 13 on Xbox, regular edition, and limited edition.


PS1 disc,DS, psn, mobile and PC.

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starcraft broodwar
rabi ribi
diablo 2

The orange box. 360 and pc

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>being a nigger

no regrets here, this game is fantastic

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Can you please tell me why you like this game? Tried to play Chrono Trigger but honestly felt bored through the game decided to quit. I feel much different than the others who praise this game.

Dragon's Dogma
First vanilla on ps3, then digital dark arisen, sold vanilla, bought vanilla again for into free,then dark arisen for ps4, and I pre-ordered it again for switch

Most valuable goys.

I think own a majority of ALL the metal slugs on different consoles and even phone, but mostly 3 tho

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>Can you please tell me why you like this game?
For me it was The art style.

Own the vanilla and Substance/Subsistence editions of both games on PS2, as well as the HD Collection on PS3. Admittedly, I only bought the HD Collection because it had Peace Walker, but replaying MGS2 and 3 on 720p/60fps was still a blast, even if a few things were off.

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>Own the vanilla and Substance/Subsistence editions of both games on PS2

I bought 3 copies of super smash bros melee because I played them so much bubbles formed on the discs
I also owned 2 copies of brawl, and 2 copies of Halo Wars


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I have an old big box DMC4 for PC and bought the SE on steam, does that count?
If not, I have a bunch of wow accounts I paid full price for over the years

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I still need to get a hold of the Japanese limited editions of both games one of these days too.

Based blackbro triggering Yea Forumsaggots

Own the original PS2 version, bought Scholarship addition on 360, and then bought it again on Steam. I bought all versions years after the fact so they were always inexpensive.

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I'd answer some Dreamcast games if my parents didn't give it away when I got a Gamecube. Otherwise I'm capped at 2 purchases, typically console only games that got an enhanced PC port later.

Where is Legendia user

dark souls and dragons dogma ps3/pc
fuck the ps3 and consoles, shitty restricted pieces of shit

based when it came to PS4 digital

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ps4, switch, and pc

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I think I have eight copies of Baldur's Gate 2. As long as it came in a different box, I bought it. The collector's edition is pretty cool, if empty.

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Original xbox release and the remaster on piss4
Absolutely fantastic game

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