Can I already join in, or do I wait bit longer till flood comes away?

Can I already join in, or do I wait bit longer till flood comes away?

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what flood

The wave of Sseth subscribers.

Holy shit 500k views wtf, i see what you mean. Also he makes SS13 look like a desirable place to pass your time, wich is nice because drop offs will be quicker due to high expectations. Also dont fucking say "dont play it", just dont make the damn video if you are concerned.

He was just saying "don't play it" to cover his ass a bit. Gotta publish the video for those patreon shekels.

i played it and spent 1 hour doing nothing as a warden. its fucking boring and counfusing

its a meticulous work simulator. what were you expecting?

wait for a week or up to a month or play servers that are too obscure to be newfagwaved

murder sim

i spent yesterday injecting people with monkey blood and force feeding people medicine used to numb you. After i spent next game asking a docter to alter my dna and got made into a half deaf,mute,emotionless person. last game i was in i spent the whole round killing a zombie and taking him into a lab to inject him with drugs while screaming "its alive".

if not for this i would be more bored but its not fun much of the itme because the round stalls or takes forever for someone to do something

You have to make the fun happen, but don't be a cunt and grief for no reason (outside of furry erp servers that is)
Cargo/QM will always remain my favorite job.
The possibilities are endless when you can quite literally order anything.
Security beating you down because cargo supposedly doesn't have the right to bare arms?
Build a singularity engine in the storage room and threaten to release singuloth, that'll change their mind.
Good job, now you can go around and practice your robustness on valids while security is busy being incompetent.

>lool duud spays stayshun is fun only when i get to keeel!!!

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i never killed anyone. i just injected them with animal blood or did other shit.

I want to do something more than autistically wonder the halls in my gray jumpsuit but I don't know where to start, and whenever I join a server recently everything is on fire and blood is everywhere.


what is a good server? something between extreme roleplay every breath tier and just apes smashing everything

start in service jobs like chef or botanist or bartender, maybe even cargonian
you have a job and a goal, but not too much responsibility to be precise and on time. it's a perfect tutorial environment.

/vg/ wants to be that but it doesn't know what exactly it wants to be. also i think it's panic bunkered right now so new players can't play there.

be a lawyer and req meth from chemical when you got nothing to do
remember to stockpile weapons in your office for the inevitable hell breaking loose

be chaplain and give people brain damage with the bible, maybe look up how to make holy water just in case

be chef and have a perfect excuse to always carry a weapon and convenient body disposal

be janitor and actually do your fucking job, you'll be amazed how hard it is without going postal with the mop

>Chemist won't refill my bottles
>Resort to using the mop
>Put down signs but people slip anyway
>Help them up and point to the sign every time
>People start stealing my signs
>Use the holoprojector instead
>People still ignore the signs and slip
>They get salty and steal my mop
>Cargo refuses to order new janitorial gear
5 minutes later and the station is covered in blood
A janitor's work is never appreciated but always required.

don't know what server you joined that could let you play sec as a newbie
that's a bunch of jobs that are timegated on most servers so you don't fuck up

you can make some interesting contraptions or try and do fun atmos setups or meme gas chambers

never had a jannie round where I didn't end up in jail for workplace violence
I never rolled antag either, it's just the people are retards, shit where they eat or worse actively block you from doing your job

HoP's that don't prioritize Ian over the station piss me off. Fuck the station, Ian's happiness and well being is infinitely more important
If Ian wants go home to centcom, call the shuttle and let him go home. Other people's fun be damned. Ian is the most vital part of the entire station and I will kill everyone that tries to hurt him or does hurt him. I don't care if most people care about him as a joke, I'm entirely serious about him.

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Get the janicart upgrade and hope you don't get your cart stolen by the clown. Alternatively, have the roboticist make a janiborg and be replaced by the superior cleaning apparatus.

When the greytide pulls you from your office I haphazardly leave chocolate bars around Ian's bed.

What servers have Ian dying from eating chocolate?

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How many normalfags are there? Enough so that its worth toxin bombing every round this weekend?

I'm not sure, but the doggo in danger effect is the same.

I haven't played SS13 in years but I definitely think it is one of the best games in history. It transcends everything else in being totally fan-developed and revolving around you basically making your own fun using your imagination. I just wish I still had the time to play it.

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They've been mostly pushed out by now. Though I primarily play on hippie, so.

fuck it, mailing sseth cum

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I got into a fight with one who stole a multitool I had. He didn't even know how to hack a door and was using jaws of life to open them. I was unarmed other than a welding tool. He had a flash.

It ended with me handcuffed and him desperately trying to attack me while I skirted around him instead of just restraining me. When he finally subdued me three tators came in and beat the shit out him before throwing me into disposals while the rest of the station was gutted by plasma fires.

there were 1667 people playing SS13 yesterday

I tried to get into SS13 like 3 months ago, looks like a fun game but I am much of a brainlet to learn all shortcuts

I always wanted to play this, but I'm too scared that I'll fuck up in some way and have no idea what I'm doing. Are there any servers or ways to play as a beginner?

The recently opened beestation. Hippestation. TGstation.

just mix gasoline with water
it usualy works to clean shit up but will leave the floor wet

They're fun for a noob job, especially when you could knock out a drunk junkie trying to steal your shit and have him get rip to shreds and sent out of space through the garbage line.

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All traitor round tinystation best day of my life. Especially when the cuck who gets assigned to kill everyone kills your target in the first 30 seconds of game so you can drink until it all goes to hell.

Rate this grenade recipe:
>Beaker 1 (Heated to 987K): 10 sugar, 25 stable plasma, 20 sulphuric acid, 30 fluorine, 5 aluminium, 5 radium

>Beaker 2 (Heated to 954K): 20 fluorosulphuric acid, 15 potassium, 30 phosphorus, 10 chlorine, 5 sulfur, 5 carbon

You know I've always loved Space Station 13, it's depth of autism is something that fits perfectly for me.
I'm just always so daunted though, the only job I've learned thoroughly enough to proficiently function in is Cargo Tech.
Everytime I spawn as something else I just freak out and start fumbling all over the place.
Well, there was this one time I spawned as a robot and made myself into a maid, that wasn't too hard.
At the very end of the round a firefighter dragged a cat person who was handcuffed next to me, laying a crowbar at the ground saying.
"Take care of this xeno, Borg. That is a direct order."
I then repeatedly bashed in a Khajit's head with a crowbar until a doctor started screaming at me and drug the bleeding corpse away into the escape shuttle.
Good times. Beep boop~

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Solid but honestly too time consuming relative to power. You could build a good enough grenade that gets the job done with a simpler ingredients list, drawing less suspicion.

Listen here faggots there is one singular way to enjoy ss13
You play qm
And you make everyone sign request forms for any crates or items from the autolathe.
It will drive them up a wall and they will spend more time arguing with you and type more words then it wouldve taken for them to fill out the forms. It is by far the best way to play.

>Greytide McSausage knocks on the window with a spray bottle (chlorine trifluoride).

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True, but it's very pretty.

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what do you do as a doctor when there's already 2 other doctors taking care of all the blown-up people?

Offer experimental surgery. Like replacing peoples limbs with pizza.

Perform experiments of dubious ethicality, of course

tell them they need to be tested and remove all the blood before replacing it with chimp blood

>Finally have a grasp of the controls
>Start playing Engineer
>Set up Sing and Solars without issue
>No clue what to do next
>Wander the station for 40 minutes

>Start playing Roboticist
>Building medibots is getting dull
>Borgs mad I stole their corpse from genetics
>No one wants augmentations
>Too brainlet and no guide on how to research new technologies
>Miners and Cargo won't give me materials for the mechs
SS13 is like no other, but at times it demands that you make your own fun. Playing solo often resulted in no one wanting anything to do with me unless I was on an antags shit list. I eventually switched to Borg and AI just so I had more stuff to do and got to be part of the action from time to time.

Post stories.
Here's my favorite.
>Be me, cargo technician.
>I don't remember the first half of the round but the second half I remember super vividly.
>On /vg/ there's of race of plant aliens that move super slowly.
>One of these slow alien bros were part of Sec
>He came up to Cargo and asked to order a powered wheelchair so he could more effectively carry out his duties.
>He had no money, but I didn't want to shrug off one of the station's own enforcer of law and justice.
>I walk to the back asking QM if I should still order it for him even if he has no money.
>QM says sure, but that there's problems right now and the shuttle isn't coming in.
>Head to the back of Cargo to check, see the other CT stooped over the door of the shuttle wearing a welding mask
>Sec alien rolls up behind me asking why the order is taking so long.
>My co-worker gets up, flipping up his welding mask up saying
>"There's a fucking clown in the shuttle, he's welded both the doors shut and we can't get him out or call in another shuttle."
>Sec pulls out a baton saying "Let me take care of this."
>We weld through the doors, the clown on the other side naked screaming about how he can hear they're ghosts. They're real and taking over.
>We shut the doors behind us and the officer unleashes a barrage of whole-fully justified police brutality.
>He shoves the clown into a locker, welding the door shut.
>At this point the shuttle had been called and the officer begins dragging the locker to the shuttle.
>Once we had all arrived, the officer opened up the locker only for a bloody and beaten clown body to flop out.
>He then immediately got up and began screaming about the ghosts and goblins
>Sec smashes his skull again, throwing him back in the locker as we all fly home.

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>Not experimenting with the sme to get a basic understanding of atmospherics
>Not learning more and more until you become autistic enough to build a rust
>Not building cyborgs
>Not stealing plasteel from eva to build more mechs
>Not following the robotics kickstart guide on research on the wiki
That said, engineering and hydroponics are great for solo autism.


I hate playing this game, but I love reading about it

Constructing borgs is one of the things even that shitty co-roboticist who hordes all the flashes and then dies in a tunnel two minutes in can do. Buildan' frames and poppin' in brains was one of the few things I did consistently, just that most ingrates would rather be cloned. Even had positronic brains yell at me for pulling their spirit from the aether despite that they opted for this shit.

I never really got to build mechs beyond the basic bitch one, and most of the time I was just left with a "What now?" feeling. I wanted to play as some Mechanicus tier Scientist with a rivalry with genetics, but my playthroughs were getting too real when I discovered that most of them were about a lonely autist coping with a downward spiral.

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Goddammit I was just going to get into this too

due to the nature of children having low attention spams they should be gone by the first 2 weeks or month. or that's what i hope.

Wait until they leave. Like, over a month from now, at most.

>Back in the day of Goon Station
>Playing humble engi-borg
>Round goes smoothly for the first 5 or so minutes
>Suddenly alarm blares
>*Meteor Storm Inbound*
>All antics and fun for the round come to a halt as everyone heads to the center of the station to hide in energy fields
>Station is obliterated before we even get the opportunity to call for the shuttle
>Fields start failing as people try to migrate to what's left of the escape arm
>Dodge several meteors making my own way
>Start mounting rescue missions as the station is totally beyond repair and continues to get hammered
>Pull those unlucky enough to not have a suit through the wrecked corridors getting them to the heaters moments before exposure to space puts them in critical.
>Drag in corpses I find along the way for "cloning"
>Begin to lament that I couldn't save more
>Suddenly remember what happens when you use the RCM on the deceased
>Create a horde of living walls who help shield survivors from incoming meteors and use their bodies to fill critical gaps in the station
>Survive to round end to the adulation of no one
Most of my stories sound cooler when they're typed out compared to when I actually played them through.

because you're boiling potentially an hour+ of bullshit into a snapshot of highlights you can read in under a minute

No, you're too late, go away.

>Tried hopping back on /vg/station for the first time in almost a year
>70+ people
>Medbay in complete chaos
>Have no idea what the fuck is going on or what to do because I'm just bumping into everyone
Is "dead hours" at least a bit slower despite this free advertising?

Fuck catbeasts. Cat beasts being Cat-furries. (Not the cat ears and tails ones. Those are just cat boys and girls.) They're screams are almost as bad as moths. And they're ALWAYS shit. Am annoyingly robust catbeast was thankfully beheaded. Fucking hate those things.

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So when is it going to be ported over to a good engine?

When you do it

user, I...

there have been multiple attempts over the years that were scams or abandoned.

The Merchant's Guild is a harsh and unforgiving master.

The whole point of SS13 is to do everything you can WITHOUT killing.

Turning them into mutant space clowns or sentient screaming asses is much better than just killing them.

>tfw you like Byond because of how jank it is

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You sound like a bunch of fags who have giving up hope

what gave you that impression

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I have not.

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Offer limb replacement/upgrade services in exchange for materials and tools.
Clownification, etc.

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Unban ___

there's so many newfags right now, TG is having a blast

only shortcuts you need are T to talk and WASD to move, all others will come naturally over time.

People have been wanting an SS13 that gets away from BYOND for years and years, but it's ultimately way too niche to get the kind of interest that would result in something that actually improves on all aspects of it.

So is it a good time to get into this since there's a lot of newfags?

>have known about SS13 for years because of Yea Forums threads before /vg/
>Never played it

Is it getting into now?

Cuban Pete
