What did he mean by this bros

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Boon seems pretty based

Don't buy anything made by Naughtydog. But we knew this already.

I'd destory his ass desu

The option to play as a female usually gets me worked up into a frothy fap rage

This guy could grind me into powder so I ain't going to mess with him.

Who is he even talking about? Literally nobody is mad about the option to play a game as a female

>Playing as a girl is still "controversial"
>Any time after Pokemon Crystal

based faggot aussie.

>Literally nobody is mad about the option to play a game as a female
user pls

boon cotter more like coon botter lmao

>any time after metroid 1

Plenty of people bitch about having to play as a girl

What the hell is wrong with white men these days?

There actually are, but we're so inured by the nature of Yea Forums that their shitposts here don't even register as sexist opinions, just retarded ones. That said, is also right, the Fem Option for major games tend to be powerful producers of porn, and for that alone I don't mind their existence. I just don't buy Naughty Dog games because I don't have a PS4, and I really don't care about these "Press X for Cutscene" type of games.

Getting fucked in the ass is playing as a female irl

I agree but it was crystal that made it an option.
Fwiw some dude told me a cheat code to Metroid 1 made you play as "some random girl"

This is why his reaction is unhelpful. He gets triggered by a handful of retarded troll posts, assumes it represents the majority of a subculture, attacks the entire subculture, then the subculture gets actually mad and everyone picks sides and goes to war. Nobody has perspective anymore.

What? Who would be mad at options, in a VIDEOGAME? I don't understand... my brain hurts.

The ones that reee about playing as females or rhe jacked gay ones? Personally I blame Regan.

Like who

>Everyone who proves his argument isn't moot is just a troll

A literal who degenerate said something stupid.

user you're on the same board that called Pokemon Sun and Moon ssjw for having skin tone options

How many people do you know who are actually genuinely angry about the option to play as a girl in some games

Both sides are retarded, him for taking the bait and the idiots for trolling but he's still right

If you don't want to play as a female just play the male if there's not an option then simple move the fuck on.

The breakdown of communication or even the refusal to communicate is one of the biggest drivers of conflict and misery in the Modern age. The moment you start flinging insults around is the moment you lose any ability to change a person's mind, and the fact modern society is obsessed with passive-aggressive finger-wagging on the assumption it'll convert people to their cause is, frankly, disgusting.

People aren't dumb and people aren't generally malicious. Don't treat them as either if you ever want to get anywhere.

Seems like A CUTE

That's gay

Yea Forums

As a faggot, I hate him and I hope he dies of aids

I know a guy named Billy that gets mad at this shit. No realtion to the OAG

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that aussie should have attacked a fag parade and killed more fags and trannies

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Everyone on Yea Forums plays as a girl whenever there's an option to

Not even the guy that made fucking Bastard Bonds was this much of a faggot and that's CRPG about bara dudes and demons fucking each other in the ass.

Oh so now it's okay to play as a girl? What happened to muh male gaze.

Chad Boon.
Although he's yelling at the sky, because no one cares if you play as a girl MC.

Great taste

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Is the pixiecut still in the game?

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These types of gays are the worst. Overly-flamboyant "hyper-masc" bear faggots.

>tfw no hairy Aussie bear bf

I don't know Yea Forumsros... Our boy Boon seems pretty based on Twitter this week.

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He didn't attack anyone else than the people complaining about playing a girl though, why do you assume he's talking about "an entire subculture"?
Feeling targeted maybe?

Yes but it's just an option now

>having to
read the OP again, it's about "the option"

I'll try to translate. I think he's saying that if you're so socially and culturally inept that the option to play a videogame as a female gets you all worked up in a frothy nerdrage: Then his name is Boon. He makes tweets, but not for people like you. Your kind is done, mate. Apparently you should do everyone a favour and fuck off and that you're embarassing.

Sorry man that's just what he said to the best of my knowledge.

would suck and fuck

>buff gay aussie telling you to fuck off
Maybe you guys should sit this one out.

>now being forced into playing female is an option

t. Chuck

Why is this guy stronger than 99% of the people here

Mate he's pissweak

>that rainbow paw
Is he a gay furry?

Oh thank God

>being forced to play as male was always an option
why can't more games just let you pick? How hard is it to decide just a new head model and stick it on another body in the world? There's normally leftover shit cut during development anyway, it's not like it's exactly a big project.

Thanks, user.

Seems pretty self-explanatory. Stop getting triggered by women in video games.

because Yea Forums is full of cute little lolis?


muscles won't save you from aids
and since he ain't natty, all those supplements will show their side effects at one point

You won't be mad if I put my money on him and his boyfriend spitroasting you?

>Making dog noises

Couldn't be subtle about being mentally unstable

Literal Chad and only incels/contrarians are seething over this. Handled in the best way possible. Cherrypicking his extraneous posts to include not related to his OP further proves a grasping for something that is unrelated and makes no sense. If you don't like playing a female MC then don't play the game, done. Not that I defend his OP in the first place, since I'd honestly say most people don't give a fuck if it's a female MC.

faggots are disgusting

Even if he's technically "right" taking the bait the way he did will only turn neutrals against him. He's not going to shame the trolls--they wanted to get a rise out of him in the first place. What he is doing, though, is giving the impression to an entire subset of gamers that "we're going to assume you're all sexist retards. You're guilty until proven innocent." That's only going to push neutrals away and create more trolls because if people are going to assume the worst of you no matter what then it's inevitable many of them will conclude they may as well do the crime they're being convicted of.


>you better be quick hunny bunny that lasagna had a lot of CHEESE in it

They look like average /fit/izens

Jesus, why has ND/Sony become so degenerate?

That seems like he's not the one at fault but the ones ''trolling'' him. They should be to blamed for ruining it for everyone.

>options are inherently good
Careful not to fall into that fallacy.

I want to say I wish they kept her red hair but the black is better contrast with the red costume.

We got guns over here boi. Good luck with that.

>People aren't dumb and people aren't generally malicious. Don't treat them as either if you ever want to get anywhere.
Most people are absolutely dumb, and a lot of people are malicious. I'm going to keep treating conservatives as utter shit because I have no interest in "converting" them to my "cause", they're subhumans

>I make games
>Naughty dog
Yet another example of where fate looked at your plans, and laughed

Well, not always, but in a game that does allow for it, it's in most cases an RPG or something of the like. The only way I can see it being a bad thing is when overbearing options make a story of that character more generic, since you're essentially forced to write a genderless raceless... thing. So it fits with everything.

Yeah but that's their goal. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Oi I gus dey's gotsum scopions da soize o' un dere doggie wallies, oi gus yu to roight got sum gollywollickers to beet 'em roight guvner?

oh god he's one of this guy's slave isn't he

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Every gay guy I've met that has that nose piercing is fucking crazy.

>Your kind is done, mate
>Hairy Aussie homo
>a literal genetic dead end

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Man I put things in my butt but this guy is 100% a fruit.
What happened to naughty dog? What happened to Crash and Spyro? Why do they think they make movies now?

Obvious cases would be gameplay options which detract from the experience e.g. by skewing the intended difficulty, or as you said player character options which dilute the writing resources to fit the new variables.

did he really?
based faggot

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Why are gay guys always jacked or fit?

"If you don't like playing a female MC then don't play the game"
>BF5 injects progressive
>"lol, don't buy it then" .t EA
>people didn't buy BF5
>EA and game journalists blamed the consumer for its failure
There's no reasoning with these kikes.

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Adoration of masculinity, but its really not always the case.

Playing as a well written female character that fits in to the enviroment

Is better than

Hamfisted in female mc for the sake of inclusion, then make her uber powerful and dab on all the men,

Prove me wrong you really can't.

holy shit

Imagine them forcing me to dress like a girl and taking advantage of me over my protests? Oh god. that would be awful. I hope that never happens.

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they hang out at the gym all the time trying to butt fuck each other in the locker room and sauna.