>No console
>No box
This means nothing
how does it have teraflops if its streaming only
That's a good thing.
The console is the data center you retards.
The future is the botnet. Dumb terminals for the consumer plebs. Real computers for the overlords.
whats a data center
But can it run Crysis?
It supports cryengine so I guess.
That doesn't matter. What counts is what's in the box you have in your home
Says who?
Gonna need some hands-on.
Because a DATA CENTER is not a HOME console? You know, something you have IN YOUR HOME?
I can't wait to lose access to all my Stadia games for having the wrong political views.
Will it have any games tho? And how much does it cost?
>he makes everything political
Just get the fuck out fag
What? I thought teraflops were a meme. Holy shit, the actual state of engineers and designers
>my Stadia games
It doesn't mean anything. If you have a shitty internet, an old monitor, a literal toaster or only a phone not even 50 teraflops will make it any better to game.
If there's one thing being a PC guy all these years have taught me, it's that power doesn't matter. Your power is only as good as the best game being made for it.
>I can't wait to lose access to all my Stadia games for having the wrong political views.
Isnt the increased input lag bad enough?
What about the fact you cant mod your games?
>onLive 2.0
why do people never learn
>Forced to connect your social media account to Stadia
>Talk about the wrong things in a private conversation with a friend
>"I'm gonna go play some games on the Stadia (tm) (c)"
>"You have been banned +tax"
>ps4 has the smallest teraflops
>their exclusive games look better than xboneX
lol. teraflops are everything, huh.
>Haha Orange man bad amirite?
“H-Haha yeah...?”
>Unsatisfactory response given, terminating game library
good thing im not american
my internet is actually good
Those flaws should be self evident. Google running a gaming cloud service is just asking for trouble due to their views and actions against wrongthink.
I live in rural Ireland. What use is this to me compared to PS5 or Nextbox?
>Imagine underestimating input lag this much.....
Unless Google plans to have a bunch of turn-based jrpgs this is going to be a nightmare
I can't wait to train Google AI for combat purposes.
>I thought teraflops were a meme
they are, just not with normies and casuls who need an easy number to cling to when comparing platforms
How can a streaming service have more terraflops than a console
>Whats that pleb, dont have internet connection good enough to play games?
>Enjoy input lag and general lag
Terrible Idea - Internet connection is never 100% to lose ALL access to the games you "rent" due to no internet. I'll pass
Funny, you Sony fucks think power is all that matters when discussing Nintendo stuff.
Microsoft's new console rumor specs are 12 terraflops and it's coming out in two years or less.
>implying google cares or even thinks about people who don't live in the California bay area
You could see the input delay in the short asscreed demo when the dude moved his mouse, imagine how it'll actually feel.
Jesus fucking christ
This. I bought the bioshock collection which is 70GB. It took TWO weeks to download it running 24/7
I absolutely require physical media to play games because of my shit connection
my dick rumor length is 27cm
They clone your likeness into a machine and use an AI that predicts what input you would have given. So you can now watch your alter ego play games.
Do you guys not have 5GB+ fiber internet with no datacaps? What are you, poor or something?
You are basically streaming your game off of there extremely expensive PC.
Thats good to know. I'll just buy PS5, Nextbox and Switch 2 so.
What the fuck is a terraflop?
Did they make up that word? I'm not smart enough to say for sure but teraflops sounds like a fun word they made up for the movie Hackers.
Never thought I'd see Sony, Microsoft and Google have so many flops in 1 picture.
>Forced to connect your social media account to Stadia
>Google and other social media sites would NEVER have a bias against political views they disagree with
>Pointing this out makes you a right-wing terrorist extremist /pol/tard incel, unless its me pointing at those right-wing terrorists extremist /pol/tard incels
m-may i see it?
>1000 player 8k battle royale
How is this shit going to make this possible, when real consoles can't do it, and they don't even have to deal with the stream lag-
Kill yourself carlos
The next Xbox X has 12 Teraflops though. So what are they on about?
a whole lot of floating point operations per second, not that it would mean anything in this setting
This. Parents are going to buy something in a store. They arent going to sign thier kid up for a membership to a data center.
Don't support censorship by buying ps5
5g will make this a reality which you are all ignoring
>anime image
every fucking time
Might be cuz Xbox devs are lazy fucks who don’t bother pushing the limits of their console.
have sex
10 TF with 3 seconds input lag and the image quality is still absolute garbage.
Flops means Floating Point Operations per Second, an operation with decimal numbers, needed heavily when rendering stuff since you need to compute polygons, texture positions, light reflections and so on.
Tera you can find out for yourself.
>press this button to have your game beat itself
>a truly revolutionary way to play your games
5g means ultra short range base stations. It's not going to be a thing in rural shitholes.
>PCfags build their tiny dick rigs
>consolefags now have data centers
Get rekt PC Peasants
Just wait for your government to run wild on ban&censor policy. It's a trendy thing these days.
My house has good internet speed but bad wifi signal, how am I supposed to play this?
Don't you understand that this is the base hardware for the next generation?
For me it's obvious that the next gen consoles will be a variation of those specifications.
And I can't wait to solve more captcha.
But Nintendo does well based on their exclusives. Which won’t be coming to google’s platform
How, this gen is over and the Xbox Pro and PS5 will shit on this streaming garbage?
Nintendo did it first
lol. are you just angry because nintendo wasnt even mentioned?
Reminder that since this is a google product they'll just drop support for it in 2 years as usual.
If only someone invented a cable you could plug into your router
Only if it flops. I beat you're viewing this page from Chrome nigga.
Did he bring the pope
The image is going to be ruined by video compression anyway, who cares what """"resolution"""" is being sent to you if it's compressed and looks like shit.
What if my router is on the other side of the house to where I want to play games?
Captcha Battle Royale
Input lag is gonna be absolutely disgusting and will
make the majority of games unplayable
He lives in a non euclidean house you insolent clod!
Why in the fuck would you name your """"Console"""" after a fucking artificial sweetener?
All this input lag.....
>Shooters fucked!
>Fighting games fucked!
>Hack'n'slash fucked!
>Racing games fucked!
>Sports games fucked!
>Any type of Speedrunning fucked!
Are there any game genres worth playing?
have to appeal to the fat mutts
If it teraflops I bet they will drop it even sooner than that.
I have a feeling this is going down the google plus road
Turn-based RPGs and strategy games, I guess?
Genuine question, what little brain developer sat in a boardroom and came up with this idea, and which executive turned around and said "Brilliant"?
There is no console you retard
over the shoulder dad simulators
imagine if Stadia has a temporary shutdown and you cant even fucking play the games you paid for LOL
get rekt googlefag
I have a console for you too. It's up my ass, dig in.
Just an extension the greed that made shareable and resealable games impossible. They like the subscription based model since you can't just buy a few games and keep playing them. You'll have to keep paying all the time.
Just those aren't enough to make it a hit, just tge input lag is gonna flop it. Google is fucking dumb.
>input lag
>only 60 fps
Yea.... no. Fuck off.
FGC fag here. This announcement literally means nothing for our branch of poverty.
Power would matter when it's actually in your house in a box you retard. Power doesn't matter if your connection is shit.
just like consoles in general lol
We need an edit of this gif with Stadia and the other consoles.
Oh yes !
>playstation and xone
nintendo is so irrelevante lmao
Nice try. I don't even know what that means.
Soon you won't own anything at all, everything is a subscription.
Do I get to own a data center now?
They're going to have warehouses full of Stadia cards.
No :'(
I'll be buying a PS5, NextBox and Nintendo Switch 2 day one. Fuck this streaming shit lmao
Streaming with real time input is impossible.
Do you own all the google drive servers retard ?
Not really. We have the better games, objectively :^)
And this is 50 flops or more since you can use multiple as they showed. You're effectively brain dead.
I haven't been watching the stream since I am stuck with my mobile data at the moment, what are you talking about
>live subscription on Stadia please
>my bandwidth? 10g
Yeah wtf
This console will fail.
soon you'll have to pay a triple monthly subscription to play the games you want: Stadia, PSNow and xCloud, literally around 100$/m
also enjoy playing with 1 second of input lag
>one person pays for existence subscription
>family, friends, friends of friends, random people you met once all use the same login
I've been using the Netflix account of the cousin of someone I haven't talked to in almost ten years.
And your arugument is ...? A fucking yuu gi oh png ?
Save states+option to ask for help in games for FAQs based on your position in the game
A lot of computer stores can cut a cable to any length you want.
I have a 50 meters one. Also consider that could can run it through the roof to make it a straight line from point a to b (my failure to consider this is why I have a 50 meters cable)
It's not even a console fuckwit
I don't use that, a local NAS is better anyway.
Please pay your: 11.99 to continue lease of your body.
Well then have correct opinions in the future
Yeah actually everything about the whole thing just sounds....ehhhhh....I can imagine it being an ehhhh experience
ouya 2.0 oof
Fps doesn't matter past 40
But the input lag is indeed a major issue.
>we have more flops!!!!!!!!!!!
doesn't matter at all when it gets compressed to shit on top of massive input lag lmao
>The only genres that can save disaster are the one that gets censored the most in the west
Such sweet irony
teraflops, more like teraFLOP amirite?
...you must use some cloud services ?
Right looks better.
Is there any1 who tells me if google can kill Nintendo,SONY, and Microsoft.
Not a console.
no wonder you failed your 5
>Those spec big numbers
>This is all there is to the thread
Wowwie, the sheer amount of games I can get for it is worth dropping all other consoles!
So does this have crossplay? Any big games lined up? Surely they've got some huge announcements if it's coming out this year
JRPGs were never good
I kinda like right...
Project stream wasn't that bad, although it was running 1080p60
Not sure about hypercompetitive games, but basic shit like asscreed worked well enough that it never going in the way. There were some minor graphical glitches though, which was pretty annoying.
There was lag in-house when the guy was looking around so yeah...that was funny.
Also they lied to everyone saying they were supporting cross-platform play. A VERY boldfaced lie in fact since cross-platform play has always been a development and corp issue, it's not network one. Maybe if they actually do publish games for all consoles you'll see it, Stadia made games could do it but you're not really gonna see many others doing it just like the way it is right now.
>SLI/crossfire means you can just add GPU performance together
YOU'VE got like 1 int, performance gains are usually around 10% for doing that and barely any games support it
>actually was scared that games would died now
>that google would start the streaming menace
>see this
>only gameplay is a faraway shot, with clear delay
>announcements with no gameplay
>ton of proof of concept
>no release date
>no price
>knock off tier logo/box/name
Oh yeah this is gonna work out great when you live in a country with shit internet infrastructure and datacaps. To say nothing about input lag.
>Input lag
I use my own
just don't spam nigger faggot and you are fine
It's literally all consoles. Stop commenting on things you don't understand. There's plenty to criticize it on legitly instead of being a retard attempting to do it blindly.
No his argument is my 5. Dumb faggot
You won't be owning data centers though
Why would a computer need to use decimals?
Instead of 1.5, they can just multiply everything by 2 and use 3. Lots of space saved.
So wouldn't the money go to their respective owners then? No one is btfo in this situation.
I don't want a new console, I want communism
Nice try, Xniggie.
not him, but historically this was not the case, it seems GPU bottlenecks are less common these days. I remember some crossfire/sli having scaling of near 90% gain not so long ago. 5 seconds on google shows that the games that really do scale seem to be about 25% on average and ones that don't quite a bit less. It's absolutely a waste of money to SLI/crossfire based on that alone.
Move out of the US, easy
I dont get it :0
>He didn't even watch it and he's still trying to talk
You don't even understand it on a basic level either lol
But I have capless fiber and I'm american
You're genuinely stupid, stop trying to regurgitate shit you don't understand about technology.
Naive child let me show you how the 5 of doom is done.
do you know what an exception is or did they not teach statistics in math class?
Teraflop does not begin to describe it
>"y-you don't understand because I say so, ur dumb!"
Not an argument
At least you can play your visual novels on Stea......oh wait
I doubt I am. I haven't had broadband since like 2012 and I've moved to a few different cities then, all have fiber
I'll explain to you some simple basics, retard. The reason you didn't see a lot of improvements over using multiple GPUs in the past is because said games were designed for use on a single GPU with that single GPU being the sheer limits of what they could design, period.
If you watched the presentation you would understand why a game made for Stadia would benefit from using multiple Stadia units.
Big dick 18 TFLOPS GPU coming through.
that’s pretty much what google is
The switch only has its exclusives going for it (and somehow that carries it well enough to be a success), why would they go on suicide watch because yet another console has more power than theirs do?
same for ps4
>Streaming device now comes with Goolag
Will you buy it now?
I haven't used Chrome in...ever actually.
Why the fuck would I use Chrome when it tries to ban extensions like Adnauseum?
I watched the presentation in 4K and there wasn't a significant difference.
>multiple stadia units
Now your getting into having more than 1 CPU, RAM, etc... instead of just an SLI setup
Because any industry movement worth being excited about is apparently suicide watch for everyone else, because console warriors have a small vocabulary.
this is the future you choose
Nothing will save it if they don't iron out the responsiveness.
The Google Goolag actually sounds like a marketable and trendy name.
>I watched the presentation in 4K and there wasn't a significant difference.
You don't understand the basics, you legitimately don't get it. That was just a demo.
It'll literally be the difference between 100s to 1,000s of enemies on screen, with minimal effects to maximum effects and 8k resolution.
You're quite simply stupid if you genuinely don't get how crippled developments has been by consoles over the last 15 years.
Stadia gets full games for it it'll be stuff that's quite simply IMPOSSIBLE to operate on even rigging multiple consoles together at minimum settings.
>10.7 glops
so it's just a vega 56
Also you clearly didn't watch it based on your comment so your lying doesn't work.
is this gonna work with internal resolution or what?
Shhhhh don't let the google shills know that xcloud will run on multiple xbox anacondas in a data center which will beat out stadias by a margin
Call a fucking electrician.
all competitive is doomed
I can’t wait for marketing algorithms to track me and advertise me normalfag games.
Ps4 is like, it years old lmao. Cant wait for the ps5 to sweep the fucking nation
And that's 50-100 flops less than what Stadia can do
>Fps doesn't matter past 40
You have something wrong with your eyes if this is the case. I can see clear differences between
upscaled 240i
This is going to flop so fucking hard.
Even if you could stream with high enough bitrate to even make the picture bearable to look at, the delay still exists
You compare a single console to a data center machine. Stadia's competition is Xcloud, whose induvidual units are next gen xboxes, which are 12x how ever many are being used vs 10.7x how every many stadias are being used
You need to wake up you dunce.
>7500 edge nodes
You won't have a problem unless you have a shit connection.
Streaming inside my own network already produces enough delay that it bothers me enough to not play games that way. Steam and PS4 already provide streaming capabilities.
If my local network is not enough make things smooth, how could something like a datacenter handle it better?
I hate these fucking marketing tactics to fool retarded consumers
It's sega genesis all over again
>enter the normies clapping and praising this shit they don't understand
>shit connection
so basically everywhere?
Everything's going to eventually be stupid fucking streamimgshit. This is the future you've chosen.
Fuck you the genesis was great
>Future you chosen.
Not me, I still play 360 games.
>hook up my black and white tv from the 60s to a super computer
>dude lmao my tv has a gorillion petaflobs
Meanwhile there are already services for PC streaming, that works with minimal latency in certain cities (e.g. London) and provides you top notch hardware to use (gtx 1080~ gpu), so nothing new, it's just a little stronger.
power of the cloud
>e.g. London
Would rather stick with my pc tbqh
>my Stadia games
>imagine relying on companies to still have access to their games after you buy them
>there'll be netbot shills all over Yea Forums soon
>connection is interrupted
>drop 1(one) frame
>lose FLOPS
whoa/............. so this is the power of a bad idea...
>Shill articles are coming soon
"Stadia is amazing. The Manbabies are already crying"
Mean nothing, ps4 is the lowest and is still btfoing all the others
>more jewgle botnets
>Eric is shilling for Jewgle
Day of the rope soon
FGO Console Edition
Did you use voice to text you trucking phone posting faggot?
L2Pronouncewords nigger.
>Honkai Impact
All on a Console.
It'll have one FLOPs
The whole system FLOPPING.
How can they recover now?
"The Stadia announcement is triggering the Alt-Right, here's why it's a good thing!"
If it's anything like their AC thing they put out, it'll be shit.
On my 300mb/s Ethernet connection the input lag was atrocious. I can't imagine streaming games to ever fully counter this issue.
can someone give me a quick rundown? I just woke up
its not possible to counter input lag of this kind
it's onlive 2. nothing to see here
completely retarded system, plus there's a fucking lot of people who live in countryside areas and don't have access to the kinds of internet required for this
real gamers buy their physical copies and play them whenever the fuck they want. only absolute virgingamer brainlets even considers that this is any good thing.
I can't wait until I can plug the Google botnet hive mind directly into my brain.
And what cost?
Not owning your games? Yeah no thank you.
one trillion disastrous flops
A trillion of these
Renting is for poor people.
You stupid motherfucker, ad nauseam actually clicks the ads instead of blocking them outright, meaning you're running a constant shekel machine for free
*presses again nervously*
What does owning a data center have to do with owning a small cloud?
>implying i'll use (((Google)))'s new scheme for stealing data from users
Fuck you, Google, you won't stop me from saying the truth and thinking what I want. FUCK NIGGERS AND FUCK JEWS.
Do you have a loicence to post that?
holy fuck it flopped that much already?
it could be 20tflops and that would still not make up for the lag.
This shit is just gonna lag, it will be unplayable.
I guess it's the perfect console for sony exclusives
Is there a list of details I can read about it somewhere? I don't want to watch an hour of some boring conference.
It is quite literally impossible to fix the input lag with this sort of thing
>we are totally gonna allocate one gpu per person guys.
It should be illegal to lie about technology like that.
dynamic resolution, and a lot of streamers paid to say "who cares if it dips at 480p when I walk, it's the concept that matters! the future is there! fuck dads!"
Don't say that, you just have to live inside the data center and you too can enjoy 0 lag.
> Exclusive first party game
>that googleslave that got paid 3 toopies to shit on consoles for no reason no stop since the reveal
hey pajeet, out of your Alita money already?
>mashes button few times
>once it starts to lag like crazy he hurries up and moves on
Still get noticeable input lag over LAN (Remote Play)
>T. world champion of hiden object on his phone
I'd play it on any other platform
please don't shit post with cute korean girls
Streaming will never catch on with America's internet infrastructure. I live less than 40 minutes from NYC and the best available connection for my zip code has 0.5 mb/s download. This shit is literally worthless unless you live in or directly outside a city.
So, what's the benefit of streaming your games supposed to be? Because I can't think of any
Corporation gets to control what you play
What a time to be alive.
>Well then have correct opinions in the future
This. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
it was worth watching only for pic related
I'm sure Google Ultra Premium members won't have to solve Captchas to play the games they bought the rights to stream.
t. Still on 56k dial-up
onLive was 16 years ago, and didn't have that Google money supporting it.
>post yfw user mods are kill
>gay mafia in charge of games
say goodbye to above average size boobs
>Fps doesn't matter past 40
You've obviously never played beyond casual shitter level at anything vidya related.
>thinking you own anything
aww, that's adorable.
Huge flop, most of America has really fucking shit internet to begin with, let's not even talk about the input delay. Even if we ignored those problems this is a product no one asked for.
You can tell google has no idea what they're doing and that they're blowing smoke up everyone's ass just on the "gamestate sharing" idea alone.
Why are californians such mental delusional psychopaths?
>Won't have any lewd game
What's the point?
what about Ataribros?
>play game on my stadia
>google server has a tiny hiccup, millions of people worldwide die in their single player games simultaneously because of the brief connection loss
>get to this part at last
>just can't solve it
>use google assistant: GOOGLE HELP HOW DO I SOLVE THIS
>keep playing with input delay of 200+ ms
>Fps doesn't matter past 40
I don't like how this anime studio keeps shoehorning not-little girl characters into their cute and funny shows
Every monopoly loses sight of what put them into their position to begin with.
This is the future of capitalism.
PCfags too, OP. All video gamers are on suicide watch, gaming is absolutely fucked if this pulls off.
Calm down, games will be more forgiving now so that doesn't happen.
This is not for "gamers", this is for the mobile audience. You'll probably get games rewarding you shit for sharing crap on social media.
>he hasn't run cat7 ethernet into every room through the walls
Lmao pleb
>GPU teraflops is the new blast processing
Right is better, sorry.
the real question is will it have chuchu rocket
Is that chick that worked on first assassins creed?
the graphics of western aaa trash are getting fucking shitty cause aaa marketing is collapsing. will amerimutts keep running the unsustainable business?
i mean, i dont really understand what westerners want to do now. it has nothing to do with japanese devs anyway. ganbatte amerimutts san
Anthem will be released 10.6x1000000000000 times per second.
>t .incel
I don't think it is for anyone! Google didn't hire enough people who actually know anything to make this platform reliably functional, much less profitable!
We want the Jennifer Hepler audience. Her body has input lag so she won't notice ours.
No shit, that's the point, you send fraudulent data and fuck over their metrics.
dubs and it flops and gets forgotten within a year
>advertising youre the biggest flop
>1.5 second lag on menus
Flops is literally an objective measurement of processor speed used to describe components and whole computers right up to major science datacenters.
Mobile gamers will now play normal games from their phones, user. Normal games cater to the lowest common denominator.
Mobile gamers don't care about 1s lag because they play literal garbage everyday
i fear nothing
1.5 second lag? Do you have proof of your claims Mr. Trump?
Finally played through Amnesia:TDD and I don't really remember this puzzle. I was waiting for it but I never saw it pop up
it's a building full of server compooters and storage devices. Google now added several AMD rigs to them.
Most of the internet lives in google data centers btw
*busts your bubble*
And the industry is using it like Blast Processing
you have to go back
>Sells over quality
hello sonyfag, did ps4 selling more affected you in any way? does any game run in native 4k on ps4 pro?
> bit wars is now flop wars
Don't blame the term for the industry being retarded.
it's not like anyone else is using GCP
>they cut away too slow to stop people from seeing him tear the controller apart
Even the cameras have input lag
they're releasing a console on the very end of this generation and comparing to consoles of 2-3 years ago, a fair comparison would be comparing stadia with the next-gen consoles by this point.
Good to see onLive shitposting is getting an expansion
I own all the consoles. Stop being delusional, jewgle is bigger than M$ and also happens to own the internet so a cloud gaming service by jewgle is basically a slow death to all other gaming companies, including the amerifatbox.
For you? Nothing.
2.7ghz+ ryzen cpu, radeon vega 56 graphics card, multiple enterprise fast hard drives in raid, shared hbm2 ram
its just pcs used like servers would be
>the next-gen consoles by this point.
the only one that has been released is the shitch and I think we all know how that comparison would go.
there is a 1,000 player battle royale already coming. Its called Mavericks.
I've seen enough youtube compression fails to know that streaming doesn't work. Imagine exploring an area with a few tiny moving objects and see link related as a result. HAHAHA youtu.be
found this by doing a quick search on google, so, nope, microsoft's bet on cloud gaming is project xcloud, something 100% apart from the next-gen console while the same time being optional to them.
a better opinion would be what this user posted
comparing a console released end-gen with consoles released mid-gen is kinda unfair, and we know nothing about next-gen consoles yet
also again, sells doesn't make a console better, xbox one x is still better than ps4 pro in every way
OK, M$ is marginally larger. That doesn't change the fact that google owns the internet.
AMD wins.
people like this have access to computers and post dumb shit all the time
How is this shit ever going to take off with all the shit places with shittier internet?
Do companies who every 5 years try this streaming games bullshit ever check to see what the majority of internet upload and download is like?
Theres so many shitty ISPs who have a stranglehold on the internet in areas you can't even change from them to get better internet, its that or nothing.
Mobile gamers don't mind 1s lag. Games are developed to the lower common denominator and thus will try to compensate for lag with dumbing down faster play.
>here's what I found for "help how to dissolve this"
All the teraflops in the world won't matter when latency turns every session into a shitshow.
Memes aside, will this thing actually succeed and crush other consoles?
It's unlikely but anything is possible with marketing. Of course Google sucks at marketing as well.
Of course it won't. Maybe some people will take the bite, but after just one gaming session they'll be utterly disgusted by it.
You can't even play a JRPG with that much latency. Navigating through menus with a 1-2 seconds delay is too fucking much.
What the fuck are they even doing?
This kills the console generation
Yea it's a vega 56. AKA my PC already beats this.
This is their target audience
Who would win?
Here's your 5 bro
I've watched the gaming public degenerate at an ever accelerating pace since I got into this hobby.
Mark my words: if Stadia becomes popular it WILL become a tool for the SJWs. "Problematic" games will become a thing of the past. If can't play a trans character you can forget about selling titles.
Henneh seems like an alright guy, Yrry is hiding a hatred we can barely comprehend behind those eyes,
Sounds like it started with you.
Google of all places underestimating lag is the most craziest shit, it's like they wanted to fail.
>cancer zoomerhandle will rule all
Henneh seems dumb and friendly whereas Yrry would stab you to see what would happen, so him
So, no cuphead?
Does this thing have a price tag yet?
It would be funny to waste hundred of dollars just to realize your connection is so laggy that everything is unplayable
>5 year dd?
Digitalfoundry confirms its shit, 188ms latency, top kek, good luck playing games on that
Nah, it had been going on for a bit, I got in just at the cusp of the PS3 generation when it all really started going to hell.
dumb poltard cunt
good work comrade, you sure showed him. :^)
It will be this generation google+
>"Lmao that was a nice shot"
>"I dunno, feels like that retard was afk or som-"