Now that the dust has settled can we all agree upon the fact that digital piracy is immoral?

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree upon the fact that digital piracy is immoral?
I mean seriously most of the people who pirate their games are literal kids and they don't know any better but in case you are in fact an adult yet still pirate your games think about it this way: How is it any better than stealing? In fact, how is it any better than if someone made YOU do work but didn't pay you? What do we call that again? That's right, if you pirate you might as well enslave others.

Attached: piracy.png (1200x800, 53K)

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Using Yea Forums as your personal blog is immoral.

Nobody cares nigger. I'll pirate what I want. Suck it.

Piracy is free publicity.

The fact you call me "nigger" speaks volumes.
I guess you really might favor slavery.

Yeah, slave away to subsidize my free games darkie.

So I guess shoplifting is free publicity too?

So it's only ok for the companies to be immoral? How about you get fucked you corporate cock sucking drone.

Not sure if those games can be considered to be "free" ...
After all doesn't the bitcoinminer show heavily on the electricity bill? And having my credit card details stolen isn't my definition of "free" either ...

Your kind is not welcome here, corporate cuck. Fuck off.

Attached: 19864986.png (743x832, 55K)

Pirated this indie game too.

Attached: 1552552328815.png (485x399, 4K)


Do not use those words to describe copying of files as it has nothing in common with killing people and pillaging ships on the high seas.

I mean sure it does not kill people but it has lots in common with pillaging ships on the high seas, hence why the term originated. After all by pillaging ships on the high seas you make people lose out on their money which you also do by partaking in digital piracy.

The term originated because the jews against it couldn't call it stealing, since it's not.

Nice pirate flag.
Did you pay the artist for it, or did you make an illegal copy?

Intellectual property is well protected in the US and other developed countries and can in fact be stolen.

It's in the public domain.

Do you see anyone profiting from it? No, so fuck off faggot. Doesn't matter how much you scream or suck on jew cock, it will never be stealing to copy a game to play it for free.

>Do you see anyone profiting from it?
The pirate themselves of course.

is your moms pussy in the public domain too?

Nice argument

A couple hours of possible entertainment isn't profit you fucking dipshit.

>pirating is literally slavery
Wow matey

nice cope

>So it's only ok for the companies to be immoral?
You still haven't answered this OP.


Morality is a spook

I just got a powerful pc for the first time and holy shit, i didn't realize how easy it was to pirate games, took 2 minutes and im able to play. if you dont pirate games you're a moron

Attached: Untitled.png (646x676, 521K)

I just visited first time and holy shit, i didn't realize how easy it was to shoplift goods, took 2 minutes and im able to steal. if you dont shoplift goods you're a moron

>Now that the dust has settled can we all agree upon the fact that digital piracy is immoral?
This is already established, no need to agree on it just now.
If you are a white western christian man, and you pirate software, you are scum. You are an animal. Piracy is a crime, unethical, immoral, and a sin.

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>Now that the dust has settled
I like how you use it without any reason. Now that the dust has settled. Settled from what? Has it even settled anyway in that case?
give me upvotes

i read that as trump: thick big lick ass.

>can we all agree upon the fact that digital piracy is immoral?
Yes. Absolutely true, and you have to be brain dead to think otherwise.

That being said, I still don't give a shit.

This, so much this. Piracy is degenerate, and everyone who pirates is scum

>Now that the dust has settled can we all agree upon the fact that digital piracy is immoral?
Who the fuck would ever argue it isn't?
What a stupid start for a thread.

>Copying pixels and text files is considered immoral

I'm making a copy of the product from information that has been given to me by a third party who has obtained this data from freely available information.
>Didn't pay you
But the developers have already been payed. If there is a significant loss on behalf of the publisher then it is a service problem or the game is shit since most people still buy games.

Free samples certainly are. A copy of a game that you didn't have to create or distribute doesn't cost you anything.
A shoplifted item has associated costs, data does not have costs past the effort required to generate that data in the first place.

The fact that publishers have decided that demos are not worth it just adds another reason to pirate games.

It's the sharing of ideas. Intellectual property and piracy are merely terms used to confuse the issue in favor of those who stand to profit.

Attached: piracywarn.jpg (500x735, 78K)

>not paying for a service is not immoral
You're fucking retarded. I pirated every single game since GW 2, but saying it's not immoral shows that you have literally no education.

Morality is relative user.
Piracy isn't immoral, from a certain point of view.

If you are not a third world nigger subhuman poorfag/whatever other buzzwords others can come up with, but still pirates games you are infact a subhuman. You are the reason 99% of games nowadays are always online as that is the only effective anti piracy measure.

Not my fault you chose to work in an industry where such a thing as piracy exists.
Should have chosen more wisely, now suck it up code monkey subhuman.

ok retard

Ironically most real actual pirates were europeans who freed slaves and refused to trade in their fellow man for the countries like America which still used slaves for way after the golden age of piracy.

Based Euro bros.
Reminder that the biggest slave trades were the jew sandniggers.

I'm black so it's only natural to steal.

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