Reuben Langdon #uncancelled

He doubled down and called SJWera fake news

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quick rundown?

Wrong board

Absolutely fucking based.

Wtf i love Dante now

Langdon is a conspiracy theorist and thinks BLM and #metoo aren't morally justified 100% of the time.

Restera faggots found out about this and started a witchhunt.

Based. What is it with VAs for Jap games and being based? Guy Cihi also publically supported Trump.

>try to ruin vic's life
>he starts taking people to court
>instead of learning their lesson, they try it again with another guy

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Absolute madlad

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LMAO. Perfect person to play Dante. Mad lad.

Dumb alt-righter interviewed him and egged him to say anti-SJW stuff.

Reuben acknowledged that BLM and metoo were important movements, as those people were always disadvantaged. He acknowledged that he doesn't know a woman who has never been harrassed in her life. However he also said that it could be misused (which is a fact). Resetera is seething and dug up his alien and Qanon conspiracy tweets trying to smear Reuben as right winger, even though Reuben a Berniebro, Vegan hippie who cared about the environment, climate change, and constantly tweeted anti-Trump stuff (from liberal point of views).

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He's just turning into Dante at this point.

I wonder how he acts if his wife comes home and tells him she got groped on the sub
>lol calm down, honey, stop overreacting. oh and just look what you are wearing. asking for it, huh?

>Qanon conspiracy tweets
Proof on that and i'm dropping Langdon forever.
Only the most retarded, braindead and mentally ill /pol/ subhuman can believe that garbage

based, I will stand with reuben. Also why is resetera after him, he supports LGTB and trannies

More like
>did you report it to the proper authorities?

Except vic's life actually is ruined.
Huh, so this is what happens when you "stay loyal to a character," huh? Maybe the union-goers had the right idea all along.

Wtf dante is so fucking based im buying dmc5 when i get off of work just to support this madman.

he is Dante in real life fighting the demons

>ironically proving him right.
Whew its like these people enjoy hanging themselves.

His full quote in context. Literally nothing wrong

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>dropping a man for believing the most benall boomer shit ever
come the fuck on user, its not like he's a fucking edge lord or some shit

He's like 1 interview away from popping DT and calling for race wars

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>Except vic's life actually is ruined.
If it was truely ruined he wouldn't have tons of support and several lawsuits ramping up that are almost guaranteed to be successful. His "friends" hated him, and tried to fuck him over. Luckily they're complete fucking morons and made it obvious what they were all trying to do. He's having a rough time now, for sure, but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Seething tranny

Wow the balls on this mother fucker

But what's he gonna do now? There's no way he's going back to funimation. Maybe he'll start doing video game voicework or something.

Who is this and why should I care?

>survives a murder attempt
>won't survive the retardera ree machine
We can't let this happen, bros. We need to make sure Capcom understands that SJWs don't buy games, just look at the retardera thread. Not a single one of those dumb trannies actually owns the games.

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viz gave him rohan and is still doing it for the foreseeable future. So depending on how many rohan ovas they make since araki likes jacking him off he might do well.

everything he says here is completely reasonable

Reuben supports Bernie?
Seems in line with his mindset but I don't recall him ever saying that.
You shouldn't take him so seriously, Reuben's a funny guy and he's genuinely a great person for a lot of things, but he's also plenty retarded for others, like most people out there.

Post capcoms email

If only these insane trannies gathered in a particular place like shit skins gather in mosques. I think further acceleration is required.

Literally nothing will happen user, he owns the studio capcom uses for mocap, Chrazy boi will do all right. plus everything he said was so mundane.


>it was a balaclava

>But what's he gonna do now?
He's running a full motion capture company. His company is working for TLOU2, TLOU (Reuben himself mocapped Joel). I doubt Resetera will boycott TLOU2

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>You shouldn't take him so seriously,

Retardera takes him 100% seriously you dumb fuck. Thats the problem.

I don't think he's in the wrong but he sounds like such a reddit boomer, pretty fitting for dmc5 dante

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Leftists fucking over their own, what else is new..

>actually making a statement yourself and not your publicist

oh no no no no no no

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>i'm not a nazi, nazis are bad....BUT...*goes on a 20 minute rant on why the nazis were right*

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I'm talking about Vic McMayonnaise, not Reuben.


Imagine being this stupid. I'm still voting for Bernie, but people like you make me wish I wasnt.

We're having thread after thread over this?

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I'm not talking about Resetera you little bitch.

The next DMC wont be for another 10 years anyways. The sjws will have forgotten about this incident by then

Vic deserved it. Reuben doesn't. Hope people will leave him alone

reuben is a crazy ufo guy, couldn't be farther from a nazi

I wish you faggots would discuss video games, and not the politics behind them.

Vic is a popular VA, there's always going to be work and opportunities for a guy like him. The question is how he's gonna deal with all the other VAs who've thrown him under the bus during the whole thing. I mean, even if he could get his jobs back at funi and rooster teeth, he'd be working knowing he's surrounded by people who fucking hate him so much they were willing to bring up false rape allegations against him.


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>he said the 8-word


>facebook drama
fucking great

Get dabbed on tranny

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>tfw Vic Mignogna, Todd Haberkorn, and Reuben Langdon start their own anti sjw localization studio


Still haven't gotten an answer, faggots.

Only the most retarded, braindead and mentally ill /resetera/ subhuman can believe that you should always belieb wamyn

It's not that they hate him, it's just that they're willing to throw him under the bus to save an iota of face. If anything, he should hate them at this point for being untrustworthy. He should go with people who haven't shat on him and go union or something.

do us a favor and drop this site as well faggot

fanboy got triggered

What happened to Todd Haberkorn?

Voice actor for Dante and Ken. Motion capture actor for Chris Redfield, Joel from TLOU, and many others. Also combat choreographer for RE series.

Dante is the most videogames character ever made. That makes Reuben the most videogames person ever.

i dont even like dubs once again kys

>>tfw Vic Mignogna, Todd Haberkorn, and Reuben Langdon start their own anti sjw localization studio

Competition wont have it

guy who plays Dante as of DMC3, reset era is trying to fire him but they are too much of a gargle of retards to actually do anything about a successful celebrity with a mocap studio
just fun to watch as capcom and itsuno do not give a fuck about the interview in the slightest.
happy fag?

>when the golem starts to kill itself
It was just a matter of time until their own purity tests bring them down.

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What is Qanon?

He's right. They're terrorists.


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Have they banned DMC5 threads from retardera yet?

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>He acknowledged that he doesn't know a woman who has never been harrassed in her life
I don't know a man who has never been harassed in their life.

>I'm still voting for Bernie
You can't say this and claim to be smart.

>There's no way he's going back to funimation
Two words

Mel Gibson

This thread is a failure. Should be named "Reuben UNCHAINED"

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>he fell for the "nazis are bad" meme
Imagine being you lmao

and this time it WASNT /pol/ fancy that.

>What is it with VAs for Jap games and being based?
Turns out that David Hayter is actually NOT based.

doesn't he live in japan? why would he care about us politics. if I was living there I wouldn't follow any of this garbage

>SEETHING resetard

No, they definitely hate him, Rial and Marchi are literally the friends and spouses of Funi execs. I guarantee you that they hate him, after all the fake shit those two were feeding them.

FUCK OFF reset-tranny! You are not welcomed here!

guy makes video saying BLM and other leftist political 'movements' are mostly full of shit

his editors and lawyer people pull this video from his youtube

he overrides them and puts it back up

guy also happens to voice dante in video gaymes

you cannot kill me is dante theme is about to die ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnohnoohnoohno yikes

Out of morbid curiosity I went over there to look through their thread. It's really astounding, not one of them engaged with what he actually said. Every comment is a one-line "how dare he!!" outrage pandering bullshit.

>But what's he gonna do now?
After he wins his lawsuits, he ain't gonna need to work anymore.

quite a lot of VA for jap shit are actually quite often not they're very left leaning in there views like DC douglas and david hayter
ontop of that right now there is a big shitfest going on with funimation VAs

how does it feel to vote for someone who openly hates you?

>not one of them engaged with what he actually said
you get banned for it
dont ask me why is anyone going there, i have no idea

go read the pewdiepie thread for a good laugh

Reuben is way too redpilled
absolutely based, truly the son of the Sun

I'm a hardcore alt leftist extremist purist and this is acceptable as fuck lol. I feel bad for the journalist whos about to get btfo for trying to spin this.


That's because anyone who says anything that could even be interpreted as a different opinion is banned on sight.

Some goofy larp about trump trying to unmask the deep state and thats why they hate him so much. The truth being the deep state hates him because he (and white people) reminded them that they dont need to pander to demographics to win.

This is also why there was a fuck white people thing suddenly, as a demographic they can decide elections on their own even if you get 100% of the minority vote.

he's getting hunted just like vic with metoo and sexual assault allegations. he has hired the same law firm as vic and is currently preparing to sue some slanderous catladies alongside vic. he was probably targeted for his close friendship with vic.

The only truly redpilled post in this thread.
All that garbage comes from resetra and twitter and should stay there.

hero worship is seemingly inherent in most people. to date ive never met anyone other than myself who was immune to it.

I don't know what the point of this thread is but I love videogames.

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>people still haven't realised Qanon was real for a good half year or so but very clearly got compromised

Same shit happened to assange, they capture the dude and then fake being him online

>hardcore alt leftist extreme purest saiyan

So you're literally a retarded fucking faggot? Wow

My political views align with the left by the way.

What is true news theres no such thing everyones biased in some way


Most of these people on retardera bandwagon the prevailing opinion without fact checking. The only reason why Yea Forums doesn't always do this as well is because, 1. dissent is allowed, 2. a high concentration of passionate contrarians. Funny enough, low effort trolls are mitigated by high effort posts, meaning that all the contrarian posting only forces supporters of a certain belief (x game is good/bad) to provide good arguments.

This bullshit is getting annoying. If you're gonna call out someone for this stuff, they should present a shred of proof or just fuck off.

that rekeita law person is alright with me

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>Out of morbid curiosity I went over there to look through their thread.
Nigga why would you do this? That's like jumping in the sewers and swallowing raw sewage water.

and the fact that, you know, they're just fucking wrong 10 times out of 11

>"Black Lives Matter"
>don't comment on how 10k blacks are killed by other blacks every year, about 1000x higher than another other.
I don't think black lives matter even actually matter to black lives matter

You now know how rapid feminazism works.
they don't actually care what is said. they see one thing that makes their fee fees feel gurgly and then start a massive circle jerk chain reaction in their hugboxes until they legitimately believe their opposition is literally hitler because they DARED to think maybe everything isn't exactly as they say.

It's never the comments they have a nuclear anal implosion over. It's the fact that someone has a opinion they don't have.

Good answer but guys pick your heroes well.

That's because if you voice an opinion that opposes them, you'll be hit with a ban (with a random reason like trolling, promoting hate, etc) that could be 3 weeks, a month or perma.

>BLM and #metoo aren't morally justified 100% of the time.
He's right though.

>The only reason why Yea Forums doesn't always do this as well is because, 1. dissent is allowed, 2. a high concentration of passionate contrarians.
As if either of those are enough.

Ask retardera

so just another case of a liberal getting a taste of the toxic medicine they have been throwing at conservatives for years?

Reuben was Dante in real life all along, absolutely mad lad

I hate the inquisition.


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>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans

What happened?


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Under normal circumstances, there's nothing to care about. But these aren't normal circumstances. Thanks to Twitter, everyone is an open book, and every tweet is like a megaphone that reveals the mindset of people, famous and obscure alike.

Moreover, there are many people in the entertainment industry who allow their political affiliations to affect their work, works that are better off being politically neutral. TOO many, in fact. They allow their political affiliations to divide fans, and divide themselves from their fans. That's why people care about it.

Those sites are actively trying to ruin these people's lives. Nothing wrong with fighting back.

>""""""""""""""""""promoting hate""""""""""""""""""
aka catchall phrase for anything that contradicts or disproves their false narrative

I can totally imagine vergil being a sjw never trumper and dante being a conspiracy nut and against the establishment

>if you disagree with me, you're a republican

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Can a game get any more based?

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Black user here, most of the niggas I know believe BLM started with the best of intentions but once certain others got involved(the jews/rich whites) it stopped being about helping people and more about taking advantage of the situation.

>It's really astounding, not one of them engaged with what he actually said
Its so weird how this is the norm. Why do people not do research before talking. Shitposting on Yea Forums is one thing, but getting outraged on stuff that didn't happen is retarded. I hate how arguing about politics either makes you an sjw or a nazi

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are you literally upset right now lol

To be fair to trannyera, there's almost no overlap between users who are actually playing the game and discussing the mechanics in peace (over 140 pages of replies) and the SJW who are seething about Reuben.

Yea Forums is against anyone who fucks with games it used to be republicans were the ones into fucking with games but now it's liberals trying super hard to ruin games so fuck them and fuck you

People here enjoy waifus and tits tranny

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the only thing I know about Qanon is that it makes liberals triggered like nothing else.

You wish, you spiteful prick

>When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body

Pretty much, though I've seen surprisingly few wit that as the reason. Most reasons just seem to be trolling.

>if your not a full blown resetard cuck you're a republican
go back

yeah why


kek, they never have. Shit like this is always just hearsay and conjencture at best. Asking fdor proof itselg is equal to a crime since it undermines the "good cause" they're fighting for.

Except Republicans never stopped and in fact took their whining straight to Yea Forums

Oh i must have missed the part in dmc3 after you fight the demons when dante takes time out of his daily routine of sliding down bannisters and flipping through fiery hellscapes to shitpost on twitter
what are you fucking retard

BLM was an unironic terrorist group, often calling for violence against innocent people.

Serious question though.
Why the hell did he namedrop TheChan? That just seems like a dumb idea regardless of what your opinion on anything is. Might as well mention Stormfront at that point,

That's a pretty balanced view point, and they're trying to make him sound like he's alt-right? Liberal media is /pol/'s best friend.

Tea party all over again

Mods are auto-saging and deleting these threads. Already damage control in effect

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Tesla was right, only eugenics can save us from an army of retards polluting society.

nope it's only liberal people who seem to fuck with games 24/7 now oh and PETA but they're irrelevant and everyone laughs at them

It's like trying to grow mushrooms. You can only provide the conditions for it to happen. Then you just have to wait.

So are you saying that some of the Yea Forums mods might be mods from ResetEra?

I'm asking Yea Forums. In the thread on Yea Forums dedicated to plumbing the fucking rotten recesses of the twitter swamp for some JUICY POLITICAL ZOOMS from ACTOR MAN 5000

Which for some reason has been posted on Yea Forums - video games

This pisses me off so much. And they either ignore or insult the people that speak up about this issue as well.

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It’s much more Jews than rich whites user. And blacks who saw the bags of money and avenues of power being open to them.

I’m not sure that BLM ever had the best of intentions, their early manifestos were about getting endless gibs and not arresting blacks for committing crimes, and drenched in quasi-religious original sin thinking about unprovable and unfalsifiable evil white sins. In other words it had Jewish fingerprints all over it from the beginning.

Even the left laughs at PETA too. Remember when they tried saying animals are equal to blacks and they got fucking swarmed.

we are having a thread of this


>nope it's only liberal people who seem to fuck with games 24/7 now
They're bitching on twitter. Conservatives bitch on twitter. No difference.

you tell me

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i don't see many if any conservatives bitch on twitter about video games at all only the left

It didnt start out like that. Reuben was right how radicalists take it over.

>alt right boogeyman
Fuck off

>animals are equal to blacks
im not on the left and i'd fucking swarm them for that bullshit too. what a crock of shit, equating innocent animals with bloodthirsty braindead chimpout niggers.

I know PETA are fucking retards but how would they ever think that saying somehting like that would go over well?

>it used to be republicans were the ones into fucking with games
Fox News saying incredibly dumb shit about video games in the mid 2000s and Jack Thompson existing is nothing compared to Democrats wanting the government to ban violent video games in the 90s and wanting M rated games to be illegal to sell to children in the 2000s.

Fuck nope, "muh vionlent video games and degeneracy" shit needs to fuck off too.

For him it was more like retweeting Ancient Aliens clips. Not serious.

i ain't even racist but i'd say animals are higher on the list then blacks for me

That's retardera in a nutshell. It's a bunch of cucks who want to discuss video games, but are fine with bowing their heads if the SJW brigade hits their thread. Occasionally you get a new guy who raises his head and asks why everyone is bowing, and gets immediately banned.

>PETA are fucking retards
you answered your own question

Truly the most oppressed group of them all

>i don't see many if any conservatives bitch on twitter about video games at all
Then you are literally blind and simply lying about the left. It's the only explanation.

> Republicans
> what happened
A bunch of people are tired or trannies and faggots trying to cram their ideologies into the industry. Additionally, people are sick of trannies and faggots trying to cram their ideologies into the whole of our society
> disagree with lefty
> a mob tries to get you fired from your job and smears you to anyone who will listen tone in your life
> all because you didnt step in line
Inb4 alt-right /pol/ maga man. No.
The left has adopted the moral busy body attitudes that wacky conservatives used to have. It's not evangelicals crying about violence in games, now it is feminists.

send me some screenshots of conservatives bitching on twitter about games all the time then

Well is there anything pointing at that person being a Yea Forums mod since the screenshot gives off an impression of them being an Yea Forums mod. Also you got any screenshots showing them spouting political bullshit, that could certainly spark some shit.

alt righters are just SJW of the right

>It’s much more Jews than rich whites user
Oh yeah I think so too, but most black just lump them in with the "crazy white folk".

>I’m not sure that BLM ever had the best of intentions
Maybe, maybe not, but we call all agree it started going sour or rather even more sour after certain groups got involved.

It sounded sjw as fuck, far from reasonable

>used to be republicans
>b-but w-what about 20 years ago
meanwhile leftists are getting people fired and things censored for wrongthink which only seems to becoming more frequent

being anti-communist, anti-sjw and anti-leftist doesn't necessarily make you a republican

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My point was even 20 years ago it was Democrats that wanted video game censorship.

Based nepbro

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Wow, what a fucking Nazi!

It does now. Welcome to the right.

Reuben even supported a petition for Capcom to make Chris the bara king officially gay.

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>le Yea Forums used to be left leaning
>look at this paint image I made

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Don't worry, this sjw shit is eclipsing them in popularity and support in online spaces, but they're still there, calling things they don't like degenerate and whipping out age old disproven studies.
I want these faggots that don't even play games to leave, but that doesn't mean I want to potentially invite jack thompsons back in.

that was just jack thompson
whatever happened to that guy anywya

Nope. Just that your definition of self and what you identify as has absolutely no meaning except forsome schizophrenic shit you conjured up in your mind.

Well... Not angry at you to be honest. My fucking housemate. But you're getting the brunt of it.

So tell me how exactly do YOU promote the purest form of socialist utopia in the most radical way possible while also being hardcore? Except by trolling polcels on Yea Forums of course. Oh wait, you don't and the ideologies you have branded yourself with are then ultimately meaningless. If you're a radical dude man skater man centrist altright beatdown machine then what is an actual radical skating altright beatdown machine? Someone that now, because of you, needs a new identity in order to not be seen as another poseurs
like you

How much did i get wrong?

>Yea Forums ever being left
Keeping dreaming faggot. Yea Forums was always and only ever for not censoring video games.

>Implying any part of his past beliefs matter now that the mob has found ONE (1) outlier belief

Fags are done when the next aids epidemic is unleashed. Even the WHO has studies that admit that the next one will probably devastate populations of fags in the west and Africa as a whole.

It doesnt help that they are insanely promiscuous hedonists. When the reckoning comes theyll be begging for help they shouldn't get and medicines that dont exist.

Cant wait.

I forgot where I found the source but one guy investigated it and apparently all the left leaning VAs for vidya and anime are in the Texas branch.

Dumbass, you are a republican and theyll beat you in the street like a nigger for not being firmly in their camp.

>>What happened
The radical left happened. The right generally maintains the status quo except they probe here and there and you tell them fuck off and they fuck off. The left is extremely anti-status quo and actively tries to crusade against anyone not agreeing 100% with what they are saying and if you tell them to fuck off you're a nazi.

not exactly hard to figure out why most identify as moderate right wing now.

how can Chris be gay if he wants to see Leon fuck his sister so badly?
Checkmate Reuben

Yea Forums was definitely left leaning in 2011. If you don't know why, you are to young to be browsing this board.

Your boogieman never harmed anyone or demanded censorship of girls wearing bikinis in a hot spring. Lefties do. Pick your battles more wisely, bitchtits.

all of it

>Post-2016ers can't read a simple image
Nothing new here.

>all truths are true
>ayyliums lmao
>vegans are good
>i dont drink monster energy drink, I get my energy from air
I don't know how to feel about this guy, he's clearly so far left of the spectrum

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>their early manifestos were about getting endless gibs and not arresting blacks for committing crimes, and drenched in quasi-religious original sin thinking about unprovable and unfalsifiable evil white sins. In other words it had Jewish fingerprints all over it from the beginning.

Damn, you people love making yourselves out to be the victims just as much as blacks.

A lot of people see him reposting conspiracy theory articles and him going "wow interesting read" and take that as him fully endorsing and believing it, but that's not the case.
His conspiracy shit is a hobby and he enjoys reading it regardless of who or where it's from or how valid it is.
Except for when it comes to aliens.

>you tell them fuck off and they fuck off
Or shoot up a mosque

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Reuben Langdon confirmed based and redpilled until that faggot david hayter who likes trannies

It was never feminist, pro homo and pro nigerian, fuck off and never come back.

fuck off, I'm not in league with neocons and Israel worshipers.

Someone shoop resetgenderjak onto vergil's face.

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>how can Chris be gay if he wants to see Leon fuck his sister so badly?
He doesn't want to continue the Redfield line, so told Leon to do it with his sister

Good thing shitskins like yourself are completely innocent of self-proclaimed victimhood

t. Also a shitskin

>It was left leaning
>If you disagree you're underaged
ok retard

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Tell that to retardera faggot.

The fuck it was. I've been here longer than you and I've always been right leaning.

Islam deserves a taste of its own medicine now and then.

I visited NeoGAF daily for 5 years.

There was a lot of actual video game discussion but over time the amount SJW mods and having to tiptoe around expressing your actual thoughts to avoid being banned became too much for me. And I was a lurker that didn't post very much.

i've never cared about dub shit but all this drama around it is very entertaining i just wish someone as nice as VIC wasn't the subject of all of the abuse

It was a shame he went for muslims and not jews.

Reuben isn't left, right or centre.
He's above.
A man that has seen the truth of truths

So he's a literal nazi mass murderer complicit?
Big yikes

He's a new age faggot who goes around the 3rd world in hopes of "breaking the simulation" or whatever. Hope he gets beheaded on camera.

Because the best they had clearly knew fuckall about what he was talking about and didn't have a bigass twitter megaphone to reach out with. College retards are eating this left shit up and that makes it the immediate problem.
Neither extremists want what's better for games. Shit they don't like is either "problematic" and needs to be removed, or "degenerate" and needs to be removed.

Neogaf was a good place to be in until Anita announced her video. Then they let in a bunch of trannies and the moderation got pozzed, and the place died.

I like how you post that as if its evidence to the contrary. Nobody gave a fuck about politics until stormniggers showed up to shit up every board forever. Moot just gave up because alt-righters were extremely autistic about shitting up the entire site until given a containment board. I can only imagine how much better this entire website would be if Moot made /pol/ stay dead the first time.

No not the jews. They're the victims of something that happened over 70 years ago. So they must be protected today.

t. tranny

Reuben also liked trannies
Literally nothing wrong

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Reuben is too good for us.

Only as far as it took to disagree with christfags, conservatives, and shit like that. Yea Forums is a bunch of contrarians at the end of the day and those people were more in charge. Or at least seemed like it to a lot of users.

Left and right does NOT equal liberal and conservative and neither does it equal democrats and republicans yosemite sam

Is ReserEra worse than Neogaf?

Read the thread and use context clues. Faggot.

Reuben is an old-school laid back hippie who hates the witch hunting and outrage culture lots of these movements devolve into. The fact he's the furthest thing from an alt right member politically doesn't matter to the identity politics morons smearing him

It wasnt leaning toward anything. This is fucking Yea Forums headcanon.

>believing the holohoax


>Maybe he'll start doing video game voicework
As far as we know, he's still Omega in the Sonic games, and has been for a while now. Sega has said nothing this whole time, so presumably they're keeping him

ResetEra is neogaf, except they don't even have to pretend they're supposed to be about video games.

>try to make an account on resetera to shitpost
>have to actually wait for an admin to give me posting privileges
How the fuck can anyone stomach it? Of all the things I miss about the 2000s internet, authoritarian forums where you can't move a pinky without the approval of a mod is not one.

Yup. The fucking alt right jackasses have ruined this entire board. What was it Yea Forums used to say? If you act like retards then suddenly retards will find you and believe they’re in good company? That’s what’s happened here. The alt right shitters need to fuck off

do you think that's linetarp?

Somebody died.

ResetEra is even more draconian than NeoGaf because now all the mods are even more scared of people discovering that they're pedophiles

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that's sue lightning a low-tier tranny that has a dedicated fanbase on Yea Forums who shitposts his content on the regular

If disney keeps hiring James Woods to voice Hades then what makes these faggots think anything is gonna happen to Langdon?

>This was about a yotsuba thread.png
>guy in log says "it was for a serialized manga with several anime"

Either he's bullshitting or you are, which is it?

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His mistake was to disapprove of "throwing people under the bus" without giving a clear definition of what it means to him. It generally that expression refers to mob justice, public lynching without evidence, without due process. But that's not what it means to everyone, someone who follows Me Too wants to throw rapists under a moving bus. That's perfectly fine for them and I'm not against throwing certain criminals under a bus either. The guy uses this unclear expression to describe the totality of Me Too and BLM. He says "all this stuff with Me Too and BLM is never gonna end because it's throwing people under the bus and creating conflict", even if we use the definition of throwing under the bus to refer as public lynching then he's strictly in the wrong. The problem ends when these organizations follow due processs and refuse to do defamation without proof. It has nothing to do with forgiveness and letting go of the past. He is giving arguments which are clearly in favor of never going after someone for a crime or misdeed that took place after an arbitrary amount of time. That argument is misguided and universally wrong regardless of whether the crime is rape, racism, theft or murder.

>he defend 8meme
In the trash he goes
Hope they change his voice

James Woods is unironically based as fuck.

Ron Paul was everyone's favorite meme candidate, during the bush years especially hating on the Iraq war and neocon Republicans was popular because it was the counterculture.

The 2016 election brought in absolute floods of braindead flyover state MAGAposting mongoloids who confirm 100% to mainstream conservative dogma.

Pretending that a forum made by a somethingawful member to talk about anime and porn has always been a bastion for the religious right outs you as the most cancerous form of newfag

wah wah wah suck my dick trannie homo nigger subhuman 80 iq faggot

Yes. They called for a boycot on Catherine over transexuals of all fucking things.

didn't he almost die like a month ago because he was filming a documentary in some south american shithole to bring its plight to the public eye

So basically you came here in 2014 when you heard about gamergate huh?

>conservative in any sense
seething resetera grogs

>took almost 30 minutes for someone to catch that
I'm just going to assume nobody looked at the filename

Obviously, but he's said much, much worse things than some podunk voice actor and keeps getting primo work

There's no such thing as a good idealist.
To be an idealist is to be a subhuman that needs to be lynched, since all idealists know about is destroying, never building.

bros why does Reuben look like a middle-aged Ulillilia

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Everybody (except for me) who posted in this thread is the cancer killing Yea Forums(nel).
Neck yourselves.

Fucking love this man, even if he is bat shit insane.

>that PewDiePie thread on resetera
These people really are mentally ill

That makes you a racist yeah unless you also think animals are higher than all other races

You tell me chief

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Kek. Come fuck my shit up then anarcho communist piece of shit oh wait you're part of a delusional splinter of a splinter of a splonter group that comprises only you and your imaginary friend cuddles even if i told you my exact fucking address your broke ass couldn't even fight me coz u cant front da mula son.

Zurich switzerland the fucking main train station 1600 19.4.19 bring your boyfriends if they wanna get fucked son come on radically assert your hardcore leftist doctrine on me in the purest form fucking faggot holy shit nigger how can you be serious please be trolling i am SEETHING AND I LOVE IT

Pic related right here you fucking faggot hyper radical bitch if you really are a radical dude then cowabunga you absolute piece of filth

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if you ungrease your pizza, you too can look like Reuben.

Yes and he immediately forgave the shooter. He's trying to uplift indigenous people in Guatemala with his positive energy nonsense.

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>institutional racism

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>we stole kratos

>this what dumb ass ignorant niggers actually believe

kratos is not black, hes Mediterranean just like EVERY OTHER GREEK WAS. his voice actor is black because his voice is deep as fuck.

Confirmation bias mate

Classic White Saviour Complex™, he should really learn to stop being racist.

Tell that retarded mod that Morrison got blackwashed from being a white character in the first plce and I guarantee you'd get permab&.


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>Almost EVERY response includes the words tranny, cuck or communist
The answer is underage impressionable contrarians. The mainstream currently portrays the right as more evil than the left. Therefore these bandwagoning shithead fourteen year olds feel the need to try and be as far right as possible, because it makes them feel enlightened and above the common person for having an uncommon opinion.


DMC5 is the quitessential toxic masculinity game. It's about white male going WAHOOS saving all the supposedly "badass" female protagonist who fell down naked onto their hands.

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tranny cuck communist sub 80 iq nigger homo retard

i used to think jamie marchi was pretty cool but i'd figure something was going to happen eventually the second she started retweeting shit that brianna wu said,the gamer gate thing in prison school didn't help either

So since Reuben is clearly gonna get replaced, who should voice Dante in the next game?

Vic Mignogna

Haiti 1804. they want to genocide you.

People who say this genuinely need to die.

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I've said it all my life, I'm not changing because of some califaggots.

And that's why I enjoy it

>I don't like a word wahh
Back to retardera, tranny.

Nah, Yea Forums as a majority was only ever against video game censorship.

It gets worse. “She” is a black female opressed.

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>Reuben is clearly gonna get replaced
Why? CAPCOM doesn't give much of a shit about this stuff. Also if Reuben can't voice Dante, DMC ends with 5.

Devil May Cry 5? Kino
Langdon? Based
Resetera Trannies? Cringe

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somehow im not surprised
blacks are unable to handle truth
women are unable to handle truth
black women are doubly unable to handle truth


You came to Yea Forums from reddit in 2016 or later.

I am a woman and I love the game, faggot.

>the status quo
This is what they hate. SJWs hate neutral people even more than the Right because they are complacent which to them is "cowardly" and "gross".

Hey Matpat

>Reuben says something
>He's personally looking down on her
What the fuck? What kind of over inflated ego

Replacing Reuben for Dante means replacing Reuben for Ken and replacing Reuben and his mocap studio for all the motion capture footage they use courtesy of Reuben's studio.

If anything happens to Reuben because of this, Capcom is dead to me. They just fucking redeemed themselves so they better not fuck with him.

normalfags dont even know who he is, they just play the game on normal and move on to the next game. People will forget this non-issue by next week


As a Confirmed Leftist myself I am routinely embarrassed by how quick Resetera is to drag good people like Reuben through the mud for their daily dopamine hit of smug righteousness. What's even more embarrassing is that they pride themselves on fostering an environment where progressive discussion can take place but the second you speak out against any corporate fuckery the hammer is brought down.

>do whatever you want
I'm trying just stop witch hunting and censoring everything I like into oblivion. The fuck is so hard about "live and let live?" I don't give the slightest inkling of a fuck about overwatch, or gone home or whatever because it simply doesn't appeal to me. Why can't others do the same?

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Based Reuben once again proving aliens exist

I'm pretty sure Al Sharpton is neither jewish nor white.

I'd say he's in more hot water for stuff actually related to Capcom. I hope they don't take any actions against him

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Capcom knows he's fucking bonkers and never cared. They literally don't give a single fuck what these people bitch about anymore after their death spiral half a decade ago

why do people on resetera claim to hate Yea Forums so much yet they keep constantly either coming here or talking about it on resetera

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big if true

No, he's just a puppet

>You sure know how to throw a rally. No crosses, no torches, and the only nigger just left.
>My sinceres apology, grand dragon. I was so eager support the cause and couldn't concentrate on the preparation for the lynching.
>Whatever. At any rate, it's been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your fellow klansman? Or better yet, how about a kiss from this? So this is what they call a black burning klan reunion, huh?
>You got that right
Raimi and Reuben went hard when they collaborated.

If that's what you took away from reading that, you're a complete fucking moron.

Same reason why a feminist will claim to hate men yet cries like a schoolgirl losing their virginity when they get their snatch filled by a guy who will give them the time.

I mean, the right wing is an insane death cult at this point, if anything the media aren't harsh enough

Even /pol/ doesn't give two shits about the Q garbage. The only ones that do are The_Donald retards who get told to fuck of when they bring it up.

They want to turn Yea Forums into another Resetera to stick it to those damn nazis

I imagine it's the same reason Yea Forums hates resetera but keeps bringing it up.

The same reason we go there and talk about it here.

The status quo is right wing, which is why "neutral" people in practice favour the right wing.

This bitch literally claimed she has never played a game in her life, and just watches twitch steamers for her gaming fix. Really makes you think

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Reminder that without Trish V wouldn't have had the resolve to see things through, and without Lady and Kyrie Nero wouldn't have unlocked his DT and saved the SoS.

I think he'll be fine still, Capcom seems to understand alot of shit post inafune. Plus reuben's know them for years. and Dan wasen't fired after confirming 5 was he?

Do they come here?

I hope Reuben wins this but TrannyEra will do anything to destroy his career and they already have a track record

voice of dante said he doesn't believe Vic Mignogna (voice of Elric from FMA, Broly from DBZ, etc) did anything wrong. said metoo and BLM were taking things too far

>why do people on Yea Forums hate resetera so much yet they constantly keep screenshotting it or talking about it on Yea Forums
because people on both sides want evidence of the other side being idiots — either actual stupid posts being stupid or saying stuff that doesn't gel with the screenshotter — so they can have their beliefs affirmed.
it's foolish to believe that either side is 'more enlightened' than the other

>egged him to say anti-SJW shit
Yeah how dare those evil Nazis ask a voice actor about what’s going on with another voice actor, fucking Drumpf supporters.
Why are you even bothering to paraphrase what he said while adding in a bunch of shit that he didn’t even imply when the full quote is in the article?

A retarded conspiracy theory about Donald Trump, Roger Mueller and Jeff Sessions secretly working together to perform mass arrests of democrats, Hillary Clinton and George Soros over an alleged worldwide child sex trafficking ring.
Lots of /pol/tards and boomers fell for it, but it unraveled when the few concrete things that Qanon predicted didn't come to pass (like the Democrats decisively taking the house when Qanon claimed there would be a red wave) and when Trump fired Sessions (when part of the narrative was that Trump and Sessions were secretly working together and their animosity was a ruse)
At this point its lost all credibility and is generally known to have been a giant hoax.

im honestly just more confused on why they dont ban people who mention Yea Forums on sight, it seems like something they would do

multiple screencaps have people mentioning visiting various boards

the worst thing you can do to leftoids is simply ignore their screeching

>TFW my sleeper account is on page two on the Resetera thread
>Only a matter of time before I go full on shitlord with it
Guess which one anons.

come at me yankee faggot
my fully automatic assault alligators will be the death of you

Ruben is a weirdo hippie. The fact that anyone on resetera thinks he's right leaning AT ALL should tell you how far to the left people in resetera are.

Reuben is safe. Aside from being mates with Itsuno who bosses Capcom about he's been with them for years, voices both Dante and Ken, and is beloved by the fanbase who knows this shit trannies are spinning is complete balls. They'll move onto their next triggered thing within the next week and no one who is involved with or likes DMC will even remember this shit.

why is it that every tranny i've ever seen fakes there enjoyment of videogames?

Why do these people pretend to care about video games?

Based in the games and in real life, this man is a treasure

>multiple screencaps have people mentioning visiting various boards
Oh well

Yea Forums welcomes a multitude of different viewpoints because it's not like Resetera. We should be glad they come here to expose themselves to alternate views as well as present their own.

Most females don't have a hobby and tranny's are fake females.

Wait, how is he a conspiracy theorist? Those movements do tend to go a little far from time to time.

Nah Vic is a fucking pedophile and I hope he gets shot.

Because they are miserable that nobody takes them seriously. It’s like most wrestling fans you see in modern WWE shows. Very unkept, meek, depressing to look at.


>Yea Forums welcomes a multitude of different viewpoints
Except liking video games

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why didn't i realise it sooner!

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I looked at his twitter and he shares stuff about like Indonesia repurposing its military for environmental cleanup in peacetime and the merits of a 4 day workweek, dude seems like a total bro

They want to be seen as the heroes in games.

>Nah Vic is a fucking pedophile and I hope he gets shot.
*citation needed*

>why they dont ban people who mention Yea Forums on sight
Oh someone mentioned that before and they actually answered it. Basically they said they don't ban mention of Yea Forums is because it's important for starting a discussion. They claim that if they ignore and don't discuss Yea Forums it will give us more power.

You're making the mistake of thinking it's a single slider from left to right. He believes many of the things Resetera also believes. But he also believes QAnon shit which is a right-wing conspiracy theory. They're not "more left" than him. They disagree with him on some things.

BLM never had good intentions nigger. Last black leader who had good intentions and actually had a plan to bring those intentions to reality was Booker and the negro community smeared him as an uncle tom.

t. fellow nigger

Ironically, being reasonable in 2019 is the unreasonable thing to do.

>except liking objectively good gameplay


>Resetera is getting Yea Forums to sympathise with far left positions by vilifying a guy who holds them for unrelated reasons
76d chess

Fucking based, DT Reuben needs to happen

Republicanism is the new punk-goth-technocore

Simple contrarianism, Yea Forums was largely left-leaning libertarian during the Bush era and leaned more toward the right in the Obama era. It's starting to tilt more toward the left now that a Republican is in office, along with backlash from gamergate and the election absolutely destroying the overall quality of this site

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>conspiracy theory

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Alright then noggbot

>Being this new
Nice outing. Best one I've seen.

>a literal strawman
And you wonder why people hate you

>. It's starting to tilt more toward the left now that a Republican is in office
I mean, that's what the "Yea Forums is contrarian" model suggests, but in light of the results we're getting, might I suggest the alternative "Yea Forums was colonised by Stormfront" model?

>Yea Forums was largely left-leaning libertarian during the Bush era
I laugh every time.

>largely left-leaning

You damn right i'm fucking based motherfucker

Like not on crack but cool you know like they say in the memes

Well he's fucking finished


It was a hashtag. I don't doubt people with good intentions wanted the best for it, but they were likely nobodies that got brushed aside for the "exciting" riots and sticking it to whitey.

Why do people who even think about addressing some of our problems internally first just get the uncle tom label thrown on them?

Wait what toxic shit did he throw at conservatives exactly?

I've been here since 2010, election tourist.
Pre-Obama Yea Forums hated neocons and bible-thumpers, although not to the extent of being hard leftists or socialists (which is why I specified left-leaning)
Also moot bringing /pol/ back was a colossal mistake, instead of acting as a containment board it was a cancer on the site that has constantly metastasized onto other boards, Yea Forums worst of all.

So neither left nor right

Once again, no. It was never progressive liberal. If you think people here were ever globalist feminists, then you're insane. Go fuck yourself.

being conservative and or religious is the new punk, it attracts the teenagers who want to be edgy and unique, thats why you have alot of people who would on a dime start ranting about family and moral values on a fucking video game forum, and people respond with "based & redpilled" while the same behavior would be laughed at 10 years ago

You heard it here first. Reuben is as bad as the New Zealand shooter

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Tranny detected.

the kind of shit that smelly suburban losers dig?

"left-leaning" does not mean "progressive liberal".
>magatard can't read

speedrunning for a WR is not enjoyment

>I've been here since 2010
Fuck off back to /reddit/, cancer.

>Using all the specific buzzwords
Yeah yeah. If you really weren't role playing you'd ignore the people calling you out. Nice try.

Yes it does, at this point you can't be left leaning for the money if you're not in for trannies and somalians. You can't have one or the other.


>Reuben Langdon
>A man who believes in aliens despite trying to be proved wrong for as long as he remembers.
>Who has been conditioned by himself to judge everything based only on evidence (god fucking knows what ancient alien evidence he has though)
>Backing down from his statements
I shiggy diggy.
Reuben is a good lad, he has very well-adjusted point of view on all this, and even this statement was brought up in lieu of Vic Mignogna incident. I think he was talking along the lines of how preposterous some of the claims were (like "Vic was groping a 14 y/o girl at a convention!". Yeah, in a day and age where everyone is prone to record everything on their phone, it just happens that there is no proof for that), and that all of the claims against Vic were debunked, yet still affected his career considerably. He's actively against outrage culture and views it as social role reversal in current day and age. Nowadays men are afraid to work with women because they can get sued for suspected harrasement, just like women didn't want to work with men under the threat of being harrassed and all that. Black lives matters, just like metoo movement, do not work for equality, they exist to weaken the opposition and empower themselves, not looking for reconciliation.
He's preaching balance and is very vocal about it. I remember his tangent going as far as delving into metaphors - you know, Sun as the masculine symbol, with Moon and its tides as feminine, and with one of them being too strong, life just simply cannot exist.
I hope he's able to shrug off some resetards the same way he shrugs off people accusing him of being an ayy lmao loon.

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I just chalk that up to him being a weirdo. He's overall a pretty liberal person and a decent person at that. Hell, resetera keyboard warriors are practically fighting against a person who actively tries to make a REAL difference considering he filmed that documentary and got shot at in a third world country and is a general enviormentalist. Keyboard warriors think theyre doing a good thing trying to ruin the life of a guy who actually actively DOES stuff in real life compared to them.

There was no chance. If you're a Canadian, your pH is < 3.4

>He is giving arguments which are clearly in favor of never going after someone for a crime or misdeed that took place
No he isn't. He's deliberately talking about racism and moving past that. And talking about how focusing on race and racism and female oppression is helping to perpetuate the cycle of hate.

And that we should be preaching about acceptance and forgiveness for slights as well and adopting forgive and not forget as opposed to constant persecution after persecution. I've read this post multiple times and he talks about how the movements get corrupted by people who join who want to use it for anything else.

One of his direct examples were hugs being considered rape. In my time in the Navy had went through yearly presentations on how literal eye contact could be considered sexual harassment and was also talked to personally by my chief at the time about how I should have taken a completely harmless comment about black people as a direct slight to my race and tried to browbeet me into reporting my friend.

He's absolutely right, and we've gotten so fucking oversensitive and broaded terms so much that anything at all is over the fucking line now.

So I agree with him. We should work more on forgiveness and less on constant persecution. People who break the law should of course be brought to justice. But when I as a grown ass man am being told that even the tone of my voice when I'm asking a question can be seen as sexual harassment? We've fucking gone way too god damn far.



>pre-obama Yea Forums

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You want to know what happened? We got lax with the furfags.

>magatards on Yea Forums constantly cry about being called nazis for having conservative views
>but if you lean left at all you're instantly a communist tranny who wants open borders
Back to r/the_donald, nazi.

>election tourist
>Also moot bringing /pol/ back was a colossal mistake
Kek. That just absolutely cemented your outing. Give it up and try again another thread. You literally cherry picked every point faggots use.

>left-leaning libertarian
It might be true to say that there were more libertarians, but they were never left leaning.
Yea Forums has been home to genuine nazis, holocaust deniers, Hitler jokes, 'nigger' spewing anons for just as long as it has been home to Ron Paul fans.

The idea that Yea Forums was ever left wing is something that only newfags believe.