Other urls found in this thread:
I will never buy another Devil May Cry game again if he is fired. He didn't even say anything anti-lgbt
I really hope not, I am worried that a huge site is actually reporting on this shit.
Stay safe Reuben.
Why does Resetera exist? Why do people want to ruin all the fun?
but he should have
what happened now
Anyone got a backup or something
>Vergil has DarkSlayer when they release him in 5
SJWs are ugly, miserable people that want to spread suffering and destruction throughout the world unironically.
I'll take screenshots.
He said trasngenderism is a mental illness and that race and IQ are linked
Good. I’m glad he’s learned to be more sympathetic to the issues of marginalized people.
>thing is successful
>find terrible shit someone in it said 1000 years ago
>career ruined
Why do people do this?
Lets me guess how it starts
>a resetera user quoted a reddit thread about this totally unworthy """news"""
So the truth then cool
And even if it wasnt true people should be free to be as racist as they want, the left discovering moralism is the worst shit to ever happen
>plays irrelevant side character who is hardly in the game anyway
>terrible shit
Then click hide thread faggot, it's not hard.
social media was a mistake
this is the last page by the way.
I'm pissed off.
I fucking called it
didn't even click the link or saw your reply
game journos always spew shit in the same manner
>literal who on a tranny board got buttblasted; here's why
based Reuben
Seeing that Capcom is a nip company I hope they don't give a shit about any of this. After all, it was Capcom that hired a white voice actor to immitate a black man speaking
He is literally right about everything he said.
I hope these people live painful long lives for articles like this.
Mediocre and shitty people get a high when they play inquisitor.
>Using ResetEra as a legitimate source
> morrison's voice actor
who gives a fuck
Looks like I'm buying the game after all, then. Absolutely based cast.
Literally trying to get people fired because of hurt feelings.
What's the issue here? He said he likes the ideals of the movement and is all for empowering women. And he even talks about how everyone should learn to forgive. How the fuck do you twist this into "victim-blaming"?
>resetera ruins peoples careers and lives
>somehow Yea Forums is the worst site on the internet
>the comments
He's 100% right though.
This is what those loonies are so upset about?
Reminder to only ever post online anonymously
I really, really fucking hate leftists.
I much as I don't want anyone fired because of (((Resetera))) I'd be more concerned if it was Reuben, Dan or Johnny they were targeting instead of Morrison's VA. I mean, I thought he was played by Jet Black's voice actor, not some Jewish guy doing an amazing black guy impression, so I must admit I'd be disappointed but hardly gutted if Capcom chose to replace him
These assholes better don't get Reuben fired. Hell, he didn't say anything wrong either!
>black voices a white like in GoW
>white voices a black
Kek, you shouid of seen the thread yesterday where a black “female” mod on era didn’t know Kratos past VA wa black, made a rant about racism and confirmed “she” doesn’t play any games
They are targetting Reuben too, luckily Morisson's is a bigger focus, but still.
That's not why people are against reuben and you know it
black face dude is a retard, but Reuben actually makes sense
Why won't people just let me enjoy shit?
Why do they gotta make everything "problematic"?
I'm tired.
I see myself as left-leaning, but I agree with every single word Reuben has said, resetera are some evil fucking people.
>shouid of seen
You're as bad as any of those trannies
Its the principle of the thing
This trash should not have this much power
These are people who just want to use any issue they can to gain power and make things the way they want them. I think Pewdiepie is generally retarded and lucked out on algorithm bullshit but I wouldn't blame him for NZ. Some retard pulled that on their own.
Fuck this. DMC just lost another true fan here.
>it's the same fucker who wrote the DOA review
Oh no what a horrible tragedy and how indefensible for someone to say that POUNDMETOO went too far in a few places.
I'm glad I feel for the stem meme. The entertainment industry has always been about engaging with the mainstream, and right now it's like walking in a mindfield if you don't confess how much tranny dick you love taking in your ass
I'm just a literal who working in a research facility
So are you since you’re in the thread.
The real left needs to kick out these communist authoritarians from their platform
The truth hurts
We are the real left, you liberal.
If you’re not with them, you’re against them
>Dumb snowflakes on resetera try to ruin careers
In other news, water is wet
People need to keep asking him every day when's he doing an article on the thong mods for Ada and Claire.
The subversives ARE the left. Liberals skew more centrist than these lazy pieces of leftist filthy.
I don't know why the fuck theer are so many communists in it.
I want to preach acceptance, and freedom of speech, but also I want common-sense.
These people go against these things. I am not surprised why many now lean towards right-wing ideologues due to these people, I wanted to believe they are the minority but more and more I am proven that isn't true anymore.
You are scum that needs to be killed.
God doesn’t exist.
Climate change is real.
The United States military does not protect your freedom.
it's an actual secular religion/cult at this point. They remind me so much of the old evangelical zealots it's not funny.
why people take this trash heap seriously is beyond me.
Can you sauce me that image? I can't find a link to anything with it.
Your loss lardass, I'm sure those loreless corridors will not lament your absence.
This man is too perfect
>saying racist and biggoted things is fun
you need to 18 to browse this site
Also truth.
Good thing I play the game in Japanese anyway
Reminder that Matt browses the ResetEra DMC discord. I hope he learns how fucking bad that site is
Redpills all day every day
Yikes, hope he gets what deserves
Fuck off nigger faggot. You're not welcome here.
Where do you think you are, peckerwood?
absolutely based and redpilled
>you should talk to someone and get to know their side of the story before you report on then
Reuben may have weird fucking interests but he's right about journalists.
Doing a black man's voice is not racist
Go back
Tell me more about how the right is more respectful of different opinions than the left.
I hope one of the Era mods gets found a pedo just to witness the same meltdown as NeoGAF.
What a terrible place
>Being this assblasted
Yup, it definitely stings your mutilated genitals
Cope harder
wrong. This gives a better summary:
There is literally nothing wrong with anything he said. It all sounds perectly rational and reasonable. How fucked in the head does someone have to be to have a problem with this?
Also, fuck RetardEra. Miserable cretins, the lot of them.
How little is going on in your life to be outraged against a conspiracy nut who voices a wacky woohoo pizza man? There’s so much actual suffering in the world and these keyboard warriors can only rally this silly shit that’s helping nothing but their own tiny egos. Sure, Yea Forums shit talks all the time but it’ll very rarely affect someone’s career.
Where does Reuben need to go back to?
Kek just nuke this crap
You cannot kill him.
>I'd rather take this heat for life than wish it on anyone else
You have to be severely mentally ill to take what he said as an affront on your life. People are fucking kooks, my dude.
He will be fired. Also, you don't have to worry about "buying more DMC products" because the latest one sold like dogshit.
I simply stated facts.
Reuben is my spirit animal
So did I.
We don't deserve such a good man.
Hey kiddos, I'm putting together a team to protect cuhrazy and defeat Era. You in?
Kratos isn't white
So is the cast of DMC under attack?
>Not white
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka
I have a duty to see these resetera trannies through.
only reuben and morrison's va
>Vic is touchy feely but he's respectful
Yeah, he respected the fuck outta all that cunny. You can still Google videos of him kissing his 12 year old fangirls on the mouth at anime conventions he later got banned from for getting too sexual with his 12 year old fangirls.
Who gives a fuck about his coworkers, the dude's obviously a cunnylover
Should have kept those shit opions to himself famm.
BASED and truthpilled
>PR and VAs literally cite ResetEra as their source of fanbase feedback and lurk there
>goes on record to say its the best site cause its not evil like Yea Forums
>they end up getting doxxed and witchhunt'd
I respect Matt, but god he's deluded
Why is everybody online so gay lately? You see people get excited for fanservice guys but then turn around and criticize fanservice females. It's ridiculous.
Resetra isn't celebrating mass shootings and laughs at the video of the victims getting murdered
>edgy over the top humour which hurts no one, only feelings.
>A witch hunt which ruins people's careers and lively hoods.
Posting a post where I say some edgy shit isn't harming anyone, go the fuck back.
THe iste is just filled with bots by now, right? Everyone else must have been banned by now.
I bet these tranniggers don't even play any dmc games
but they actually did. Multiple times, especially white babies
Go back.
LOL come on, let's not call Yea Forums anything but a cesspool.
Also thread is on auto-sage
>makes fun of every stereotype
>gets blasted for making fun of blacks and trannies
In order to brighten up your guys' moods, Bloody Palace footage leaked, you get a neat cut-scene after you defeat Vergil in it.
Pretty much yeah. Matt really fucked himself over trusting Resetera hard. They turn on everyone at a whim.
>mods auto-saged it
>provides no source
you have to go back
For people legitimately give a shit about this internet garbage drama that's already forgotten on friday:
Ruben literally owns the mo-cap studio Capcom and other companies do all their stuff. Last of Us 2 gets mo-capd there, he himself plays that main guy, forgot his name.
He's literally untouchable, regardless how many faggots want him gone. LITERALLY nothing will happen here.
Except for that white VA saying nigga on cam, he's fucked.
Not really. There are already a few threads up about this.
>I don't know what -phobia means.
Mods are auto-saging the threads about this.
Now what?
The re doing their job for once and keep this resetra bullshit out of here, you zoomer faggot
Keep making more. Fuck the sjw mods.
thank you for calming me down user.
reuben making that skrill
Some of those statements are not mutually exclusive. I mean, who would argue historically that America has not exploited the shit out of other countries (as all powerful countries do) but say that America's ideals aren't great as well? Or self-improvement and helping others. Both of those can be true at the same time.
We are discussing DMC cast being in danger.
its no wonder gays are becoming so prevalent
women are getting more disgusting than actual cock suckers
Matt seems like a cool guy who's passionate about what he's doing, but like others have noticed, it wouldn't be surprising that he was responsible for all the western touches in DMC5. He needs to get out of that place. Like him or hate him I'd rather not see him drown there because despite what he may or may not have done he was still involved in my favorite series and he was cool in interviews and btfo of journos.
Before this thread slides to archive, here's the mod deleting/auto-saging these threads
Late reply but using big words does not automatically make you look smart, tranny autist.
what a fag and if it's actually him that put this thread on auto sage then what a pussy too, just outright delete it and don't forget to do the same to the dozens of other off topic threads. keep posting this around.
Why do people use this website? There are other options.
Google it dude. Set your search to find shit from before January 2019.
There has been dirt on the guy for an actual decade now.
>thread is actually auto-saging
it's like I'm back to GG-era Yea Forums
We don't deserve a man this pure and CUHRAYZY
For some fucking reason it pops up first on some google searches.