VNN (Tyler McVicker)
Bamboozled edition
VNN (Tyler McVicker)
I don’t get it
Did anyone actually believe it to begin with?
What a fucking moron. This shows desperation from him, too.
>tyler mcnigger
>being ever right
He confirmed hl3 at least 10 times
When you are like him desperately wanting any news for a new half life it is sad. Like a drug addict who needs his next fix
>twitch channel goes sub 200 viewers
>suddenly half life 3 news!
>gets 800 viewers
>oh wait it was a hoax...
>thanks for the follows my dudes!
Im cynical enough to believe it desu.
Half-Life was SJW trash and its fans are all petulant manchildren. I hope HL3 never comes out because the only people who want it don’t deserve it.
I'm afraid you autism.
Artifact should be a skeleton.
>SJW Thrash in Half-Life
You play as a bearded nu-male with a black woman sidekick to overthrow an evil government led by a white man like Drumpf.
HL3 exists in some form at Valve.
The worst part is I bet he was correct all 10 times too. Valve has probably picked up and dropped Half-Life projects many times since the last game.
Tyler always jumps on the flimsiest shit and makes retarded speculation based on nothing, he has no one to blame but himself.
The only "accurate" stuff he reports are posts from reddit about files other people data mined but even then he has to throw his wild speculation spin into it.
He is literally making fun of people who believe him.
it's because he based his channel on the development cycle of the most glacial, slow moving game dev of all time. he has nobody to blame but himself
Nigger you're od'ing on the red pills.
is this actually what he looks like? jfc
also, tu hablas espanol?
retard deserves it. remember to bully him every chance you get
is that actual fetal alcohol syndrome
doubt it he has that philtrum or w/e