Let's get it going


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Guess I'll post this since it did take me 4 fucking hours yesterday

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why did you do this is not like anyone fucking cares what your opinion is or for that matter, no one cares what anyone's opinion is


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Good taste

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you as well
Kingdra would have been my dragon pick, but I love Goomy's dumb face


Anyone has Swampert in his list is allright in my book.


>alolan exeggutor
Swampert again, bretty gud list.

I am not the biggest fan of objectmoms, but coffagarius is pretty rad.

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I couldn't select it with this thing but I hope you all know that east side gastrodon is the superior form

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15/18 -Lycanrock, Emolga, Salandit
12/18 -Tsareena, Braixen, Panpour, Gardevoir, Diancie, Primarina
17/18 -Salandit
I see quite a few identical choices between us, based
12/14 -Sceptile and Goodra
18/18 very based
16/18 Salandit and Spheal
17/18 -Primarina
18/18 very based
14/18 -Seedot, Torchic, Spheal, Azurill
16/18 -Drapion and Infernape
18/18 very based

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Favourite mon: Sandslash
Favourite type: Fire

Man, you really like some levitation.

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Flygon bros unite.

A lot of bugs

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You all have amazing taste.

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I think I'm alright

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Great taste
>Haunter > Gengar
My absolute fucking nigger.

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>All these similar picks in this thread
what the fuck

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