>new e-shops are created
>finally a challenge for Steam™ monopoly
>people are upset
What the fuck is wrong with you mongoloids?
New e-shops are created
I thought we were faking it because this board is boring and we need to shitpost about something just like google yeti.
You must be really craving those (You)s, monopoly-man.
Here’s your (You), I don’t like Chinese spyware anywhere near my computer
Steamdrones aren't people
Normal well-adjusted people have no issue with Epic Games Store
Why mad? Game got released one month ago, if you want a discount wait for some time (or pirate it).
Sure it's better to pay for Gaben's doughnuts :*)
Better than tiananmen square gook shit, I pirate most of my shit anyways
Exclusives are cancer monopolies in entertainment are a good thing
GOG has been a thing for a decade.
Fuck off chink.
Exclusives are a good thing for customers. It forces the stores to offer better deals to the developers and customers.
>Exclusives are a good thing for consumers.
Smoking cigarettes is also good for your lunges.
Why support the use of multiple stores though? I want one store to house all my shit and I hate fucking around with origin and Uplay and steam and epic and all this other horseshit. It's fucking stupid. And to be forced to use epic store to play certain games is annoying and makes me not want to use it at all (and I don't).
I don't give a fuck about steam or epic or anything. Fuck em all. It's all bullshit. You should be able to play your games anywhere on anything.
Also steam isn't an exclusive unless the devs themselves purposefully choose to not sell it elsewhere. But you can buy what I'm going to guess is like 90% or more of the entire steam library on other sites like GoG or Amazon or somewhere else. But epic launcher is exclusive because you CAN NOT play or buy elsewhere, at all. It isn't that devs are going their exclusivly but allowed to sell elsewhere, it's that they cant.
Imagine having game store wars on top of console wars. Truly the worst timeline.
It's not going to lower prices for the consumer, it's going to create exclusives, which is bad for the consumer.
Don't like chinese malware, don't like all my games on a bunch of different clients.
Because this e-shop does nothing better than steam and everything far far worse. The only thing is does is add another inconvenience to the games I want to play.
June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre
Because it isn't a choice, it's forced. If you want to play certain games you are FORCED to use this service that has shit features other. It's giving another company access to sensitive data that you are forced to trust them with if you wanna play games. It's not like epic is some bastion of trust and giggles. They are 25% owned by the cheating Chinese. They can't protect fortnite accounts for shit, they offer less features than steam, and to top it all off they encourage devs to go back on promises as in the case of pheonix rising where the devs promised a gog or a steam key but went back because they craved the big daddy financial dick of epic and gave that store a year of exclusivity fucking over the backers that believed in their game.
I fucking hate poo in loos so god damn much
Steam is like Google.
It's lodged so far up peoples asses they don't want it moved.
Both are ahead of the curve service quality wise and complaints against both stem from their dominant position in their markets more so then because of the specific choices they make.
Supporting Epic is like supporting Microsoft in trying to get a slice of the pie by integrating their search engine into MS shitware.
I'd give it a nod for fighting for a more diverse market, but I'd use Duckduck another meme engine if I was feeling ideological (the equivalent being GoG).
I wouldn't oppose it more then I oppose google/valve because it's all fair game the way I see it.
who is upset? i've never liked using steam.
>all steam keys vs actual different drm
wow holy shit
>Izzy Doherty
Wrong, retarded shill.
Literal Sony cuckold. Just kill yourself already and stop calling Epic anything but "the cancer killing pc gaming".
Enjoy pcfags :)
Hey OP.
I dont play pc white boy
Neither does OP. And neither do 99% Epic Store shills.
>introducing exclusives to the PC market
you mean pay for exclusivity
Hope you had fun with those bro, I had fun with them on PC
well i cant speak for Yea Forums but my problems with steam are the non-optional use of it when booting games and having to fucking update that shit back in the dial up era
epic solves neither of these and only threatens to divide my library
I dont understand, pc has 90% of the games there
the joke
your head
Niggers aren't very smart.
The only store people are upset with is that spyware and shady shit you have there mate.