This game fucking sucks. I was absolutely engrossed those first few weeks of launch. After that, I quickly abandoned it for literally anything else. Never even beat it. Now, whenever I try to pick it up again, within 5 minutes I've paused it and started surfing Yea Forums, because it's that fucking boring. I've tried 3 separate times and every time that is the result. I've paused the game and spent 30 minutes dicking around on my phone. It fucking sucks.
This game fucking sucks. I was absolutely engrossed those first few weeks of launch. After that...
It's not a full gallop, it's a mosey
Ever considered it might not be your kind of game?
Or that you have severe ADD and cant focus on one thing at a time with depth?
Of course he hasn't.
Yes I have. Because I have hundreds of hours in RDR1 and reached max rank in that game's MP.
It's pretty good zoomer repellant.
Maybe the game isn't for you, man. It happens.
I was born in 1990.
Fuck, I'm too old to be here.
I agree, it was the slow pacing of everything that killed it for me, its not that the game isn't for me, I can have fun doing a lot of the stuff in the game, the problem comes from simple shit such as the slow ass animations, lack of fast travel, the empty world, railroaded quests and general lack of freedom which makes this game far behind from even other Rockstar games like SA
This is a movie game through and through and only those with the most casual of tastes can enjoy it
>ride autopilot horse for 7 entire minutes across the map
>reach objective, follow another guys autopilot horse for 5 more minutes
>reach *the real objective*, snap L2 to enemy, only headshots everytime, combat is over in 2 minutes
>this game isnt for you, bro
Who the fuck is this game for then? Why wasnt this just released as a movie rather than a game?
Good for one play. After that trade it in, buy something else
RDR 1 was unironically better. Much better merging of combat and cinematics. RDR 2 went to heavy into the movie style stuff. Honestly too many mechanics as well. I always assumed that a game that let you customize just about everything would be super kino but rdr 2 made me realize that theres such a thing as too much customization. I appreciate the effort but after having to shave it for the 4th time in realize I really DONT care if my characters beard grows in real time. Some will say I'm a casual maybe they're right who knows anymore
How far are you? I picked it up again recently and am having a lot of fun. You should look up how to get a good horse, and try a legendary hunt, or do more missions. There's also a lot of cool secrets.
Easily one of the biggest piles of shit gameplay wise but one of the most beautiful games made, but as its a game its terrible biggest letdown
I'm on like the last chapter I think, before the epilogue.
Brainlets defending it by saying it's slow paced. Fuck off lmao. The slow pace isn't why it's boring.
The fact that you do basically the same thing in every mission is what's boring. Follow a friend while they have character building dialogue. Shoot up the end location, possibly before or after fulfilling an obligation like 'talking to shopkeeper' or 'find a package'.
There is nothing new in this game, and what's in it isn't enough to fill the dozens of hours it takes to complete. It's staight out of 2005. It could have been released with only minor redactions on the PS2 with less shiny graphics.
>All GTA/RDR games have been the same since San Andreas roughly.
>Absolute brainlets complain that the game's structure hasn't changed.
>Every GTA/RDR game rockstar have made with the structure have been an overwhelming success.
Who's dumber, Rockstar and those who enjoy the game for sticking with the same structure or those buying it expecting it to be radically different. Not to mention people unironically say shit like "I've been playing this game for 50 hours and its shit" Like fuck me if you're doing anything for 50 hours and not enjoying it you're a fucking idiot.
It's shocking to me how popular is when the game is so sluggish from the overall pacing all the way down to intentional input lag in the walking animation. It's like the first "masterpiece" in vidya masochism (oh wait, 2nd, we already had GTA IV), I find it hard to believe people are loving this despite the masochism rather than because of it (maybe people associate tedium with profundity or something). It truly blows my mind how popular it is, because even if there was unique substance beneath all this tedium (and from what I can tell there is little) I still think all the tedium would be too much for most peoples' attention-spans. So even if it WAS good, I'd still be surprised if it was popular. So the fact that it doesn't seem good is even more surprising.
The main missions suck compared to the set-pieces and shoot-outs of games that are designed to be linear from the get go. The hunting is also probably inferior to games where that is the main feature (although from what I can tell this is potentially what it does best, since the natural environment is so visually impressive in the game, and you aren't forced to do any stupid shit like walk up to a specific bush or whatever). So what is the draw here? I can safely say every other well-known AAA open world or set-piece style game is going to be much more fun than it. Maybe people are just so into the setting/movie that they are willing to put up with all of the masochism for it. Maybe they play it drunk after slaving away in a cubicle all-day, so the sluggishness doesn't seem anti-immersive to them but the opposite?
What do you think?
I think you like penises in your bunghole
>He plays with auto-aim
I started off turning AA off. It made the aiming feel weird. Now I HAVE to use it, otherwise it's impossible to hit fucking anything--esp on horseback. I find myself almost exclusively using deadeye and chugging tonics because of how fucking impossible aiming is in this shitty game. Maybe on PC with a mouse it will work better. But as is, it's terrible.
>Play for 4 hours
>Get shoved into the story without any fucking idea what's going on, apparently I'm a hobo outlaw or something
>Kill a deer because I have to, it's fucking boring
>Go into town because a bunch of dumb women whine until I drive them , get in a fight with a guy and it still manages to be fucking boring
>"Waaaah, user, go get me more money while I sit here in my wagon beating off."
>I watch as my buddies and I ride horses around talking to each other in cinematic mode, the most breathtakingly boring part of the game and 90% of gameplay
>Literally yawning as I go do the same "kill these guys in this camp" mission 3 times
>Basically watching a shitty western movie at this point
>Game glitches out and renders me immobile whenever I stand on a particular rug in a particular cabin that I have to search and now I'm permanently stuck on the 5th mission
>Currently, I have created my own game within the game called "Big user's Xtreme Sawed-Off Shotgun Rabbit Hunter 3000" because that's all this meme vidya is fucking good for
Well you might just be growing out of games. The pace of Red Dead Redemption 2 is much better than the first (although they should have included the same fast travel systen). The skinning animations are seamless and don't feel as janky. Better combat and shooting as well as horse riding.
I honestly think this game is a breath of fresh air when everything for the past five years or so has been constant over the top. Certainly the kind of game you need to be into though. If you don't like the slower moment to moment gameplay it's a bit harder to get in to
You can set it so your have free aim on foot and lock on while on horseback that's what I do. Personally I refer tapping the A button but you can switch it to Standard FPS controls and use the analog stick to sprint
I agree. I remember picking up Spyro shortly after it came out and unironically having more fun with cartoon dragons- because it was fun, because I enjoyed the gameplay, and because it didn't take itself so god damn seriously in a sea of 3rd person story games.
RDR2 is the greatest western simulator ever made. It's a terrible fucking video game, and the online tainted it.
>The pace of Red Dead Redemption 2 is much better than the first
Just a bold-faced lie right here
>The skinning animations are seamless and don't feel as janky .Better combat and shooting as well as horse riding.
Well yeah I would fucking hope so for a next-gen game that came out 10 years after the first
>You can set it so your have free aim on foot and lock on while on horseback that's what I do.
yeah that's how I set it. And it sucked. Also, "growing out of games." Is this really how pathetic the RDR2 apologists are? Find your game shitty, so I must be some boomer who's out of touch with gaming altogether? This is how I know your side is comprised exclusively of brainlets.
>RDR2 is the greatest western simulator ever made
>Out of all 5 games in this genre, the one that came out the most recently is the best
wow no fucking shit dude
>"growing out of games."
If I think Justin Bieber fucking sucks, it doesn't mean I'm "growing out of music", it just means that Justin Bieber's music fucking sucks.
The fucking zoomer trash on this board with their audacious bullshit, I swear.
>I didn't enjoy just rushing through the story
>I enjoyed exploring the open world and doing what I wanted
Wow you're some kind of mastermind
Oh okay, you're much farther than me I just got to chapter 4. I will say the secrets in this game are pretty cool though. But if you don't enjoy the hunting and shit then oh well.
It should be illegal to make a gave this slow that doesn't have a homestead management game in it.
yeah think im at the part where you're doing shit in lousiana or whatever its called in the game saint louis? Fucking boring repetative story
>lol dood get money
>lol dood spend several minutes travelling straight on a horse every mission
>lool dood we need to move house
>empty world
Wut? I can't ride from one town to another without at least one random event happening whether it be some guy in the woods screaming for help, some convict escaping, someone trying to rob me, getting jumped by mud people, etc. I've started ignoring them to get to where I'm headed because of how abundant they are during travel. Plus once in town if I enter a bar there I'd a solid chance I will get pick pocketed or bump into someone who wants to duel me. The world is full of people and shit to do.
>play the game in a way that everything from rising to aiming is done automatically
>bitch about it being automatic
Those are optional things you're using. You're intentionally making the game easy as piss then complaining about it. At least now it's obvious why you are here.
Well I enjoyed it OP and I'm 4.6% away from 100%ing the story mode
I recommend a adderal prescription
It's either autoaim mindlessness, or impossible. There is no middle. You will either be snap-target headshotting everything, or chugging deadeye tonics. Trying to free aim means you'll waste 5-10 bullets every time you land one. And I play console shooters all the time. It's unique to this game.
>your brain is broken if you don't like this shite game
You clearly have ADD user don’t worry it’s fixable
So there is no winning. I play without auto aim and have no issues, I might miss a shot here and there if an enemy ducks behind cover as I'm firing but other than that I have little to no issue. I'm sorry that rockstar didn't come and have you be the exclusive play tester so that the game was made to the exact difficulty you personally require. Must be tough learning that it was made for a mass market and not you specifically.
fuck off
I've played every single rockstar game. I've enjoyed every single one. Until this. So take your "you just dont get it" bullshit and shove it up your ass.
RNG events /=/ good content
not just that they get old fast, I can't tell you how many times the same content repeated over, sure there are scripted random encounters, but its just that, scripted
Truthfully, it isn't much different from the first game.
much better than playing breath of the empty wild
>but you can cut down the same copypasted tree and let it roll down a hill
check your autism
BotW is on par with RDR2 and GOW as the most overrated game of the last 5 years. It's also way better than RDR2.
Being better than Breath of the wild is not a big accomplishment user
RDR2 is a great game, you hating it, because you're retarded means nothing
Itt whiny zoomers
Game just wasn't for you and I'm glad you wasted your money throwing money at a game without a slightest bit of reseach before purchase.
Why did Sinclair need you to find the carvings? To time travel back?
>RDR2 is a great game
>everyone on Yea Forums already stopped talking about it after months and the only threads are about how dissapointing it was
Sure bud
>played every single rockstar game ever
>watched those promo vid docs
>born in 1990
you are wrong and you have shit taste
And here we have a mega brainlet who thinks that discussion on Yea Forums is a metric if the game ws good or not.
Same happened to God of War
Same happened to RE2Make
Same will happen to DMC5 soon
>in a thread about RDR2
>t-there are no threads about it
yikes. kys. should shit on it it daily like botw, you're right. people hate botw with a passion, truly showing how ''''great''' it is
>Same happened to God of War
this game sucks fucking ass, though
>still seething about goty
oof, never ever
he literally said no threads except complainers, of which this is one. brainlet.
re-read idiot instead of sperging because you saw someone criticise your shit game
plenty of non-complaint threads, grow a brain and stop being blind
we talking about botw now? why are people not allowed to criticize that shit game, what?
you can, I never said otherwise
don't see you talking to those fags defending it endlessly.
I haven't played it yet. When it hits 10 bucks, maybe I'll give it a go. I never ever pay anywhere close to full price for any game.
After Final Fantasy 15, I seriously think about this now.
There are so so many games I want to play, there is absolutely no need to pay full price for a game. Unless you're a multiplayer fag, and then they got you 2 ways, because they don't even give you a single player campaign anymore for your 60 dollars. And this generation, every game has some sort of Complete Edition or GOTY edition with all the DLC, and then even that version goes on sale. You can end up getting 120 dollars worth of content for 20 bucks if you just wait and play other games in the meantime.
Why can't you take some new images you fucking shilling faggot. For somebody who drones on about how great the game is you spend all your time posting about it instead of fucking PLAYING it.
RDR2 story would have worked better as a TV show.
Then how come I only see zoomers playing it?
it's a bad game
this game has a pleb filtering mechanism that you can't disable
i recommend mario or apex legens
millenial piece of shit
removing evidence
I'll shove a pog in your urethra, nigger.
Just think of all the blackjack and poker you can play with the $20,000 you get for beating it.
>no liar's dice
>he doesn't go around hunting animals with 3 star furs
>he didn't go around hunting the legendary animals