Which do you prefer? Japanese or western takes on mythical creatures in gaming?

Which do you prefer? Japanese or western takes on mythical creatures in gaming?

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im not a fucking kid or a pedophile so the answer is obvious

Western approach is way better i hate anime girls shoved in every japanese game make cool monsters instead of fap material



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Are you implying this little girl is supposed to be sexualized and fucked? You monster.

>specialty: guessing milk expiry date by smell
Wow that is just hilarious.

Cool monstergirls should be the gold standard.

Well, the west can make ideas and Japan can only recycle, and thus why all their mystical creatures are lolis or 100% straight copy-paste of Tolkien/DnD. I don't know how a country with such creative poverty manages to make so much content.

how about Japanese demons?

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user I'm pretty sure the bottom image is from an eroge and even if not it outright admits to being moeshit.

You outed yourself as a newfag. Lurk more.

Its pretty ero for me t. different user

Weebs are mentally ill subhumans trash.

I thought kobolds in Japan were dogs.

Its still pedophilia when the loli is a "300 year old dragon in disguise" or some shit.

Hence why it said "it could be a cat instead of a dog".

>Kobold derived from Cobalt
Holy shit I don't care if this is a VN about rawdogging this dog-person-by way of anime dressup: this is the single most wrong thing in the image.

How can Japan be so fucking BASED.

wow it's like I'm actually on resetera

Furry shit vs loli shit

>me want my weeb safespace
Wow its like im on tumblr

I would prefer for monster girls to be much more monstrous instead of kemonomimi but kemonomimi is still ok.
Also literal sweater puppies is cute.

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classic weeb response.

Fucking hell

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I wouldn't know. Tell me more what it's like there.

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Imagine being this buttfrustrated that you get pointed out as an unwated migrant destroying the local culture and yet you're proud of it and claim that it doesn't exist.

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Did you just assume yhey gender?!

Neither of those are Deekin. Go fuck yourself.

Tiananmen Cunny protests of 1011.

all japshit is pedophilia so west

Japan used to get it right, before moeshit took over.

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Post more japanese monster

Daily reminder that you're under no obligations at all to take 0 effort bait.

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It might not even be resetera, thanks to what that faggot did in NZ, Yea Forums has been getting an influx of normalfags who have nothing to do here.

That's a girl in her gym uniform wearing dog socks and some curtains.

i tried moero quest and it was as shitty as all the other CH/IF game

Its more your style.

>a fury

you should consider killing yourselve you're worse than the migrants

>booting pedo weeb cancer from the site

sounds pretty based to me!


Don't talk to me about /jp/ your kind ruined it as well.
Oh christ you're right, why can't these faggots stop doing dumb shit and the site getting exponentially worse every few years.

>Liking sexy girl makes you a tranny

lmao nice mental gymnastic cancer

Got you covered

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>migrant destroying the local culture.
You are a straight Tumblr tranny apologist lmfao

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Clearly you have not seen Shin Megami Tensei. That or this is an empty discussion only to cause a fight between the fans of the west and weebs
I would still fuck a kobold from Shin Megami Tensei

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>being a pedophile
So you're an outsider unwanted migrant?

females: japanese style
males: western style

why does every tranny like anime then?

you should go back to /pol/ if you think anime girl have anything to do with trannies seriously

Imagine actually believing that Yea Forums has any culture worth preserving these days
Imagine being such a sad fuck that you care about the culture of a Chinese carton imageboard
Imagine also thinking that weebs being shatted on is a new thing that didn’t happen before resetera

This is a shitposting thread if you haven't noticed.
>Imagine actually believing that Yea Forums has any culture worth preserving these days
It doesn't, mostly, due to fags like you.

>not recognizing Suikoden immediately

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Its less of an east vs west and more of killing all monster girl fags.

Youre newfaggotry is showing bruh loli has always been liked here

Literally everyone who watch moeshit anime garbage and have an anime girl avatar online is a mentally ill tranny or an effeminate beta loser.

Pretty sure Japanese kobolds are just dog people.

Its like a standard in anime and standard JRPGs.

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yes, people care about things
now leave

> loli has always been liked here
>not allowed on any red board but Yea Forums

Trannies hate anime with sexualized little girls like picture related.

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yeah and what about the other 60% bigot?

Please point to where I said Tolkien invented kobolds.

>hurr durr loli belong to Yea Forums

keep going newfag

Any recent western game with kobolds?

Why do you fags always scream about culture?

All depressed suicidal trash.

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Mods hate lolis, not the userbase.

Absolute toppest tier is japanese art inspired by western design

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Please Yea Forums only has itself to blame.

/l/ was deleted for a reason.

>trannies sent into seething rage at the sight of loli
>project their degeneracy to try and fit in
>get even angrier and and start their anti-chan culture chanting when called out
That's a yikes from me, better nuke this thread

makes it easier to shitpost

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>use internet
>is a tranny

i think we're onto something

weeb cope

Furry isn't allowed outside of Yea Forums either :^)

>Trapfags calling others trannies

Imagine being proud of being a pedophile.

Shallow sense of identity clinging to a nostalgic state of a website.

and I'm guessing your average cis genedered white male on Yea Forums isn't?

Furry isn't really even allowed on Yea Forums for it will get shitposted to death. /trash/ is the only breeding ground for that kind of degeneracy.

What's with so many threads starting as or devolving into this topic so often lately?


It's allowed in /trash/ I think


Yea Forums isn't your secret pedo club anymore.

Sweaty, this is 4channel

nah it's just an open pedo club now

whats up with lolis that makes redditors and trannies seeth so much?

Is like everything we like they have to ruin but they simply cannot come close to lolis, they even TRIED with the loli dragon but even that backfired in their fucking faces

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this, it's time us 4channelers get on the right side of history.

Which is funner to kill?

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You'll get bamned for pedophilia here tranny


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There's a loli and a shota thread up on Yea Forums right now.

Why are trannies always obsessed with anime? I swear every trannies you see online love anime. Why its ok when Japan push sjw shit?

They want to control what peoples think and fantasize about .They're deranged people who dont want to admit that they're the real pedo (hi Amir0x) and that's why they're bothered by it

>m-muh sekrit club!!!!
get fucked pedo

Is there something you'd like to admit, you fucking degenerate?

Yea Forums is Yea Forums. Go back to your racist site

Merely pretending xD

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that literaly happens once every month
Yea Forums even made a chart for it

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Moeshit full of little girls. what did you expect?

because people acting like Yea Forums and 4channel not being the same shit isnt being retarded on purpose ?

Yea Forums

>they simply cannot come close to lolis
Not without the tumblr artstyle.

I am not a retard who picks a side
They can both co-exist.

I like the humanoid japanese versions of mythical creatures, but I also like them in their "realistic forms" in western games.
And if the western devs are based, they'll make the creatures sexy anthros.

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thats not a loli
these are lolis

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It's like the polar-opposite type of degeneracy. Trannies and pedos should be banning together to avoid being gassed, but instead they're like mortal enemies. It's like how niggers and sand niggers hate each other even though they're both subhuman animals.

Damn that bring back memories. Fairly sure that worked like sage too but was broken by moot years ago?

Sex with little girls is the best!

>heh loli make normalfags and reddit pan-

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trap fags and loli fags hated eachother since before a age of chans existing

Shut up tranny, nobody wants you

dragon thighs

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This doesn't go against my statement

>H monster
What does the H stand for?

Incel spotted.

>ravioli ravioli dont lewd the dragon loli

like i said it fucking backfired

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What about them?

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why Yea Forums?? dude was posting on 8chpol

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Trannies and pedos should be gassed. I have BDE and trannies make me uncomfortable. You however have outed yourself as a pedo and should be gassed.

Are you implied he tried to bone lolis?

but there is nothing wrong with loving lolis, white people been doing that for generations until some jew doctors started to spout "think of the children" bullshit

I want to taste them

you and me both brother

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People who are attracted to little girls are virgins.


Get that loli shit outta my face.

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You could say the same for people snipping their dicks off pretending to be women. The long and short of it is these people can't be allowed to pass on their genes into society or trusted to make important decisions because they have serious mental issues (both groups are heavily disconnected from reality).

that's fine too, now post porn of it

there are also non virgins but they often end up in jail

Hoops. It's a game about monsters playing basketball which is popular in Japan. (basketball, not monsters)


Holy shit. Seething

>dogfucker thinks he's better

>You could say the same for people snipping their dicks off pretending to be women
But you can't

>You could say the same for people snipping their dicks off pretending to be women
nah that results in suicide

Marring a loli results in a big and happy family until death tears then apart

You are the result of generations of pedophiles marring lolis user. YOU LIKING IT OR NOT

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I know right?

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