Continued from Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically when people who actually play games want the opposite? What causes the divide?
Continued from >>455048676
Shut up you stupid Slav
but if everything is political even when you're not being political then apparently they were getting political anyway?
You've been copy/pasting the same OP across multiple threads, how is this NOT a general?
This thread is still going?
Jim Sterling didn't say that, this video didn't understand what Sterling said. Can we be done with this now?
How is that not what he said? He can be quoted verbatim saying this.
Because if games are political it makes it feel as the journos are doing something important other than writing about a hobby
>Why do game journos desperately want games to be political
Because the industry is infested with retarded hipsters who think their glorified bing bing wahoo simulator is super serious business and needs to be taken seriously
>no dood games are ART they need to have le epik cinematic story with shoehorned current events metaphors so I could RELATE to them
It's pretty much the "gamers rise up" shit, only unironically
It's not meant to be kept alive forever. The thread will only live on as long as the discussion is ongoing.
Sounds to me like you just want to censor us because you don't like the truth about your fat cuck media manipulator.
are you okay?
I'm sick of seeing "e-celeb gossip general" on the front page. Take this shit to reddit, it's not vidya
Exactly so it makes no sense that Ubisoft are trying to deny it
Hi guys what are ya talking about? :3
>video game journalism and the effect of journo influence isn't vidya
We have 10 kojima threads per day and they aren't strictly about vidya either, this is a)video game culture and b)directly impacts the vidya industry
So shut the fuck up.
About how degenerates need to be purged.
>Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically when people who actually play games want the opposite? What causes the divide?
There should be 0 issues with games having politics. Books do it, films do it, every media does it.
The issue arises when people (most often on the left) disagree with a games political message or theme and then try to boycott/censor/ or slander it, instead of treating it as a free work of art.
Kojima actually makes games. None of these shitty YouTubers makes games. So no it's not vidya
>muh culture xDD
Neither of those are meant for children.
Neither is an adult only game
Hey, retard who took English news sources on german reporting at 100% face value.
"A journalist from the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger contacted one of the victims who told her about the conditions at the main station. A police spokeswoman, on the other hand, responded to a request to be able to find only one criminal offense with a sexual background in the service computer. At 1.21 pm, the newspaper was the first to report on the events"
>newspaper first reported it within hours.
How hard is it to say to the kid "because this is based in history and women didn't fight in that war"
I don't know what you're talking about fellow kekistani, if we don't rise up against the muslim family down the street, white people are gonna go extinct!
I know what we can do, we can fuck our sisters and cousins more to produce loads of beautiful pure white babies and out-inbreed the dirty shitskins haha
See you at the LARP session, make sure to bring all your guns with memes scribbled on them and bring your biggest pepe mask! keep rising up and subscribe to PewDiePie!
There's nothing wrong with politics in games. What bothers me is that the left has hijacked every single major gaming company to push THEIR politics. There's literally no video games on the market promoting right-wing values, or anarchist values, or libertarian values. You want politics in video games? Then try adding some politics that isn't just shallow surface-level identity politics.
Ratings are memes and you know it. 8 year old kids play CoD all the time.
but they are being political by trying to deny it so what's the problem? He doesn't like their politics?
Oof, he's gone delusional. Glad to see you don't have an argument anymore.
How the fuck wasn't the first one deleted right away? How the fuck was the second one not deleted especially when people didn't even talk about the fucking topic anymore? How the fuck was this one not deleted for breaking the general rule, the off topic rule and obvious inflamatory rule and being about ecelebs?
About shotas. Feel free to post more.
>actually watch the video
>bearded fuck actually manages to BTFO Sterling and the game "journalism"
Huh, was not expecting that.
What did they mean by this?
I don't see your argument
Politics don't belong in vidya
Why that's my one purpose
Fuck off with your stupid e-celeb thread, you third world monkey.
>auto saged
political statement =/= political interpretation
>tfw no Gardevoir wife
Why even live
Shotas have more power than what you think.
That's a male Gardevoir tho. It's canon.
kys newfags