ITT we pay respects to those we couldn't save
ITT we pay respects to those we couldn't save
god i hate dogs
t. subhuman
F, rip little buddy
F good boy sleep well
t. white woman
>Hating an animal so pure and loyal that it will lay down it's own life for a human
Get help.
Doggo didn't deserve this
Why do you hate puppers? They just want to be your friend.
dude it was just bred to be friendly lol
like how niggers are bred to be violent
I watched a review video of Ace combat and the the blatant carboard cutout doggo made me lose my shit. The people playing it werent aware it was a sprite and I almost died of side exodus.
Dogs are factually better than cats, more affectionate, loyal and serviceable, which is what makes good pet.
And your point is? Theyre a species of loyal companions and have been for millenia.
F jpg dog
F Tabloid
F Full Band
F High Roller
F real dog jpg dog was a picture of
I hate you.
his point is that he's a shitskin
>It was a photo of a real dog the producer owned and had died, put in as a tribute
It is the creators real dog that died and he put it in to remember his pet by.
Cats are cheaper to take care, quiet, not dangerous and clean, you can bring them to anywhere.
Absolutely based
You don't belong in this world, autist
why did they kill off tabloid again?
Do you guys have Dog Trouble?
And they literally dont give a shit about you. To a dog, youre their whole world.
He died saving a kid during some shit going down at the space elevator.
belkans deserve death
The movie?
maybe you're just a shitty pet owner. Dogs will be loyal even to niggers.
yeah but why, they could have had the doctor do it to redeem himself, or have that random george guy do it
>both dog.jpg and Missile died
This is a bad year for dogs ;_;
Belkan scum
From a story standpoint the player wouldn't give a shit about that random guy Gregor dying. I guess they had other plans for the doctor guy.
This, fuck the normies on this board.
What was that Nagase message at the end? Was it a recording or did she show up saying stuff? Was confusing.
Here you go
Check out my dog Yea Forums
>Can't stop listening to this song since the other day
Damnit, I already knew the song before but now it's stuck in my head.
Dogs are okay, dogfags are the worst with their reddit "doggo" bullshit
cute dog dude
Ban Dog must pay for his murder of Full Band. Doesn't deserve to have the name dog and brings shame to dog.jpg.
Cats can be cute
Good doggo 10/10 dog points
t. Jiggaboo
He's lumpy.
I can't believe I let her die
agreed, but they kill off him while your high af fighting the arsenal bird. they should have done it after or in a cutscene desu
Even Hitler and Mussolini had dogs
You're not even human at this point lad
Old Missile*
Most characters die over the radio anyways.
Bandog was in the right. Full Band was blatantly saying he was going to blow Bonehenge, or blackmail. The war would have been lost had he done so.
fuck dogs and fuck Erusea
>Dog dies at the end of Fable 2
>Too much of a moralfag to not save all the thousands of people who died just for one dog
>Try to play post game shit
>All I can think about is my dog being gone
Fuck that game
kill all redditors who post their pets in threads for (You) points
"doggo" and related vernacular, as well as the pet circlejerk is seriously cringe
s-shut up
my wife didnt die
For maximum pottery
>Trigger ends up not being the ''trigger'' for the war
>Count stops counting once Wiseman dies
>Champ is BTFO by the real champ, Mihaly
>High Roller dies randomly in a low-stakes mission
>Tabloid the anarchist dies right when nations have no meaning anymore
Fuck off Mohammed
That dog helped take down countless evils and assisted in the rescue of multiple areas and people of importance. It's pretty likely that dog alone is more valuable then the thousands of shit-slurping peasants you revived. Good job, asshole.
>Queen becomes mother figure for a Princess
How ironic.
fuck you kadokawa
>Being this edgy
Do you make yourself cringe sometimes from the shit you say? Or are you just oblivious to it?
>Nuke your own fucking clay six (6) times because you're getting blown out in a war you started
>Your entire remaining populace fucks off to start insidiously sowing the seeds of war worldwide after this
>"Wow why is everyone so untrusting of us?"
Belkans are a disease
I took off my moralfag hat in the dlc and paid the blood price to bring him back. I can't remember if the person I sacrificed deserved it or not, but it was a life for a life and it seemed more fair
I was told buddy there would be in AC7 and was very disappointed when I realized he wasn't.
ok that is heartwarming. But when I first saw it I couldnt believe my eyes.
Didn't the DLC or something have some way to rez the dog?
Those games were pretty ass but I still remember them and fondly.
>tfw don't have 31m to drop on a joyride F-15
The eternal Belkan strikes again
Step up
cats are garbage literally a womens toy ,
I haven't touched the multi yet. What am I in for?
god I wish that were me
>Join room with special weapons enabled
>Get TLS'd by some Infinity hardpro with 10000 flight hours immediately
Stay out of special weapon rooms.
>where is the sakuya plane
in the trash can i hope
she was in space and dropped down on earth while the shit was going down
I know some people didn't care for the story, but I'm really glad the drones didn't pull a "THEY'RE SENTIENT" bullshit. They were just doing what they were programmed to do.
Ace Combat isn't that sci-fi.
What would they have even done if they mass produced themselves? Just ruled the skies forever? Or would they harass people on the ground too?
Even Islam recognizes the loyalty of dogs. Also horses, because they charge into battle with no hesitation
AC3 was. Kinda.
t. you cannot kill me
>Or would they harass people on the ground too?
>AC7 bad end world
>walking down the street while eating a sandwich from the local italian bistro
>minidrone flies directly above me and calls me a fat osean faggot and calls my mother a whore
Does Yea Forums like my dog?
F jpeg
F Tabloid
F Full Band
F Champ
F High Roller
F Wiseman
F Brownie
F Harling
F Sea Goblin
F Skeleton Squadron
F Liberty
F Justice
F Chopper's Record Collection
It would be better if your dog made the choice of his own free will. If you explained the situation and he woofed in a stern and srs manner and dove headlong into the pit while you screamed no.
But no, YOU killed him.
*mauls you*
heh.. nothin personel..
was bred this way.. bro..
You should be proud of dying against someone that use that garbage weapon efficiently and doesn't rely in qaam and EML like the rest of the shitters
Don't get me wrong, I don't disparage their skill, I simply wasn't on their level and the skill gap was so large as to make it no fun for me or them. In special weapon disabled rooms I find there are a good mix of skill levels, and it's more rare for some super ace to tear everyone in half.
How? Is it because they always want to be around you and stare into your eyes and will genuinely do whatever they can to protect you? Does that amount of love and care frighten you?
>that filename
fucking kek
Kess Ikhtak