how come metro doesn't show what DRM it's locked behind but the other 2 do?
I should add that I do have friends, I know anthem is doa, and I played last light and thought it was good, not great
Its like picking which one gun you want to use to kill yourself
ok user here is my answer prob you will not like it.
select anthem
pirate metro
fuck battlefield V because battlefield 1 is way better and is 5 dollars
*very* obviously memetro. Come on dude.
I only like "pirate metro"
metro, that one is actually a functioning game
anthem has retarded math on so many different levels of scaling that it will take a year of remedial classes for the dev team before they can begin fixing it
also fuck you, everytime I've tried to redeem, it keeps saying their redemption system was "temporarily offline"
Get BFV. The gunplay is decent. Only reason it was badly received for the most part was the political shoe-horning.
You can pirate metro and Anthem is just whatever.
Man that's some bullshit. I bought my 2080 and forced to get BF5 and Anthem. Really wish they had given me some better games.
Nvidia Games Present
I also have an extra EA account with BF1 on it if anyone wants it.
you can crack metro
anthem is shit
battlefield is shit but ok for 10 hours
so battlefield
I like this. I'm doing this. Thanks, user
Metro is the least shit option
If not for the epic Games store thing I would choose metro in a heartbeat
As is I am going to go with anthem, it might not be as mechanically sound as battlefield but at least it's not trying to shove identity politics and historical revisionism down my throat.
Is Anthem really that bad? The futuristic armor looks cool
Anthem runs like shit even on my RTX 2080. It dips regularly below 60fps in 1080p during freeplay and combat.
Shit is fucking ridiculous, and you don't see Bioware even acknowledging the problem, the only thing updated are loot stuff.
Avoid that game, save yourself the headache.
re2 can be found cheap on grey market
td2 is shit
They're all not bad so pick the genre you like
metro unless you pirate games
bf5 otherwise because holy fuck anthem is bad
Same for Far Cry New Dawn on Steam. Absolutely no mention of Denuvo on the store page.
It runs really bad. The game is actually enjoyable despite all the retardedness you would expect from Bioware.
the division 2 because you can torrent the other 2
Re2 is only not bad until you compare it to the original and realise it can't hold up.
Metro is the only decent game.
It's only 20 hours, but it's 18 hours of fun.
>do you want aids, cancer or diabetes?
tough choice famalam, metro or battlefield over anthem anyday though
I want it share it
I loved the first games and books but Exodus is aids, get Battlefield V since it's online and you can play some matches
3movie games
Literally this
Can I just pick none? Jesus christ.
I'd say Metro but you probably have to install Epic launcher.