Graphics age,
artstyle is eternal.
Graphics age
Other urls found in this thread:
good thing TW3 has both
BOtw looks like trash though
too bad botw was dated on release
Can you imagine Nintendos team, with actual hardware? I don't even want to imagine how good a Zelda game would look, if Ninty actually had some power to work with. It would be fucking biblical.
came to say this
tw3 has a distinct visual style that makes it look very unique compared to a lot of other realistic looking games
botw of course looks fine for what it is but the style it has was obviously chosen so it could work with the limited hardware of the wii u/switch
That's a nice excuse for shit graphics Nintendo shill. Witcher 3 looks miles better whenever you look.
nintendo has issues making HD games as is so they probably wouldn't be able to make good games without heavily modifying their development teams
Emulated 4k, color corrected 60fps BOTW does look pretty dope. Original looks like washed out garbage, however.
good looking I mean, as in take advantage of powerful hardware
I'd take the above any year over the bottom.
Plus, if you think that TW3 hasn't gotten any "style" in terms of art direction then you dont even know what the term means.
As would be expected by a kid.
can't wait until someone ports RTX features to botw, botw is such a low tier game for PC GPUs that I think it might be possible, especially since it's intended for 30fps
>nintendo spends 4 years carefully crafting an exquisite palette
>pcfags just slap a +35 contrast +50 exposure to everything and call it a day
Jesus wept
>remove plastic bag filter
>up the contrast
they did in literally every gen before the Wii
not him but I'd rather have the one on the right and I don't care about your muh not as intended argument
the thing is they have to create it on a platform cheap enough for most people to afford
Why do they do this? it looks washed out, and its kind of hard to look at. Are Japanese devs retarded? Do they think this adds atmosphere?
>Zelda looks ba-
>>nintendo spends 4 years carefully crafting a palette
>palette is shit
The joke about these pictures, is that what this user is complaining aboutis exactly what these pictures are. it's just edited, upped contrast pictures. kek
all cemu shots btw
>is exactly what these pictures are. it's just edited, upped contrast pictures. kek
edited game
you can change render in cemu
having just played BOTW for the first time recently, these pictures are low res cleaned up bullshots
you forgot to add the faded ass fuck filter over every area and 400 koroks in each screenshot
its washed out and barren as shit and the only thing that safes it is the colourful lighting at times.
>these pictures are low res cleaned up bullshots
>you forgot to add the faded ass fuck filter
they were taken on cemu
sorry you played on the inferior platform
Oh, my bad. Then that looks god tier if they're edited to look like that. That is what it SHOULD look like. The actual game, does not look like that. I thought those posts were saying that is what it looks like lmao, unfortunately, no.
I think the terrain itself looks kind of mobile gamey in botw
Fuck off graphics fags, botw has an infinitely better gameplay than witcherjank
your english is poor
have a video
Why Nincels are so insecure towards Sony?
it's almost like Switch hardware is mobile tier.
why are snoys? I See them making botw hate threads daily. Its kinda sad being obsessed about a game 2 years later.
slavs unlike the majority of modern AA/AAA devs know that hard non-stop work is all that matters when it comes to making a vidya
it still looks like smeared vaselin feces. botw has no art style. it just has smeared shit
TTYD, baby
holy fuck
As much as I love TW3, I'm not going to lie and act like it has a unique style. That is absolute, 100% bullshit.
?posting a game with auto-aim
>looks at sunshinepunk 2077
squat off
>no the final game looks like the reveal
Increasing saturation isn't color correction, dumb dumb.
I’m gay for both Link and Geralt
>still deflecting
Thread was created by Nincel and you were starting to complain about Sony just because someone doesn't think Zelda looks good. You need a theraphy man.
>Its kinda sad being obsessed about a game 2 years later.
funny thing to say considering you're saying this in thread made by an obsessed nintendi with a sole purpose of undercutting the success of another highly succesful open world game
?moving goalposts
>>Thread was created by Nincel
I'm actually pc-fag
I had much more fun with bing bing Link wahoo than Witcher3 sorry
>I had more fun
Don't care, if you think Zelda looks better than W3 you are Nincel at heart.
it already looks fuckin amazing and they're STILL not done working on it, what's your point retard
I still don't understand why they decided this flat as fuck color grading was acceptable.
We have a picture with actually aethetic screenshots (and that aren't photoshopped like crazy)
dunno, you picking the best possible shots from an ugly game doesn't make it look very good
Those are cemu shots though
i'm gonna need some footage of those said shots running off a switch, pronto lad. cus at the moment all I've got is this
It's unironically a Wii U hardware limitation.
No idea why they didn't unfuck it for the Switch version though. Some sense of parity perhaps? Beats me.
That's why for example Odyssey can be so much brighter and stunning compared to BotW with its colours, but if it had been on the Wii U it would have had the same kind of flaw.
Honestly a BotW successor will be exciting if anything for the fact that it'll actually be designed for the Switch from the ground up.
>having just played BOTW for the first time recently, these pictures are low res cleaned up bullshots
lmao user.... you ever heard of emulation?
probably not, seeing as you wasted money on a 480p mobile game
>posting cemu emulated botw
>prefers retina piercing contrast instead of soft and pleasant visuals
it's not even a wii u limitation, yes wii u doesn't support full range rgb
no full range rgb is not requires for an image to not look washed out
they're not pleasant
>soft and pleasant
No offense dude but "soft and pleasant" has to be unironically one of the most so ye boi things I've ever heard
just mask my shit in a grey fog senpai, it's not like I wanted to see anything anyway.
I even own a switch, and I generally like BOTW I just hate fog mode.
No seriously though, why did Nintendo think it was a good idea to put a milky grey-white filter over everything?
>It's unironically a Wii U hardware limitation.
I really doubt it, it's just a LUT transform.
>it's one extreme or the other!!!
the reason botw is faded as fuck is because the terrain looks horrible if the draw distance is not increased, even then it doesn't look very good
The emulator at least looks pretty great.
switch hardware limitations, the white filter is on all of there games. Nobody wants to bring up the fact that half wii u games, look better than switch games
it looks too plasticky without cel shading but otherwise the emulator improves tons of things
bros.. why does it look so good?
Link looks like comeplete ass imo but the enemies looks so much more like actual mosnters without the cel shading.
and there it is, took longer than usual.
>It's unironically a Wii U hardware limitation.
no it isn't. Even N64 games didn't look washed out like that. They are just retarded.
>those N64 floor textures
oh no oh nononono
still mad after all these years
The white filter is on ALL Nintendo Switch games. You can see it the most on that newest Luigi Mansion game trailer, it's some kind of compromise tool they're using. It's on most Nintendo games. It looks good in some places, but looks absolutely terrible in others.
C'mon user, what other game looks like TW3.
Just because it's realistic, doesn't mean it likes stylization, don't be a fucking ponce.
Holy fucking seething
>still costs as much as other consoles
>they release shitty gimmicks to force their userbase to ultimately spend more than other consoles in general.
No excuse for Nintendo to keep releasing underpowered shit now a days.
I mean even if they removed the fog from that, the terrain would look horrible and that's what we'd be focusing on instead
that is what Zelda is doing in the picture, yes
Go away, CD Project Red employee
Why does Nintendo keep making weak hardware with gimmicky bullshit?
Imagine what BotW could have been had it been on a console like PS4 or better yet on PC.
fun > hardware
every game should have baby comic graphics
You're about to get a lot of "NOBODY CARES GRAPHICSWHORE" but the truth is this. If a Ninty console dropped, with actual hardware, and Nintendolads got a taste of that forbidden fruit, they would never, ever go back. They know it deep down.
good hardware can facilitate better games in terms of mechanics as well as visuals, visuals play part in immersion and atmosphere and mechanics play into gameplay :)
It's been like two years and this game STILL makes Yea Forumstards seethe. It's honestly a milestone in its own right.
It unironically looks like shit. Looks much better in motion.
literally wrong on all counts.
You're projecting your anger, nobody is seething, we're laughing at how bad it looks. Stop projecting kek
I'm fucking dying
Anger about what? I played a great game and moved on with my life. You people are still latching onto it for dear life more than its actual fans are. It's not even funny, it's kinda sad.
But BotW IS on the PC.
lel you're still obsessed and seething for 2 years
>delusion: the post
That's a problem with art direction, not hardware
Yes we all know you were mad enough to post that image
>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
This will never not be hilarious.
You didn't move on, or you wouldn't be here "defending" it, user.
stop projecting
not really but stay in denial
>That stupid wheel for a sprint meter.
Holy fuck was that really necessary?
>He literally gets tired and stops so obviously sprint ran out.
>He starts to run faster when you're ready to sprint again.
Literally no point in having that wheel there. And if they needed, why the fuck did they put it right next to his head. You literally have a wheel next to your fucking head through out the whole game.
you're gonna run out of times you can bring up the numbers
>game update
>it gets downgraded
Yikes then
Please delete this. Please. Zelda looks good in motion, just not in pictures like that.
Who's defending anything? I'm merely pointing out its amazing feat of even making its haters obsessed with it, simply because it's true. I've never seen a game causing so much butthurt that even haters became attached to it, it's like Stockholm Syndrome. No one brings up GoW anymore, whether fans or haters, yet everyone still talks about BotW.
witcher is a hybrid though, it goes for realistic graphics while still having a weird comic-like artstyle, i've grown to like it very much though.
I love how BOTW screens are always from that angle because it hides the hilariously short draw distance of the grass
>disaster of the wild27.jpg
Holy fucking cringe
I don't get it, I think anyone would agree that botw could be better and that better hardware would allow for more possibilities not only on the gameplay side but also on the visual side
Woah, grass and hills and shit
Art style is just a shitty excuse for bad low poly graphics, basic effect and overall developer lazyness or lack of budget in the vast majority of times. See: every single artsy fartsy indie shit.
please delete this post, please.
Literally only like 4 of those screenshots.
>i'm gonna need some footage of those said shots running off a switch, pronto lad.
Sure, here. Obviously looks even better on Switch since Switch screenshots are compressed jpgs.
you're attempting to hide behind the "i'm not offended, i'm just a bystander" but you're falling into your own trap and saying "its butthurt" only proving that it is indeed, hurting you, causing you go to defense. this thread is laughing at how bad it is, and talking, quite calmly, about how cool it would be if zelda was on proper hardware. dunno what to tell you aobut gow, don't really know
Yeah I love the bright cartoony textures with neon colors that is typical when something is downgraded to shit. It really compliments the dark gritty setting.
>but then rockstarofdavid shows up once more with RDR2 to btfo nintendo
But it's the same pics as in the compilation and running on Switch.
BotW looks like shit. If you want to show good minimalistic artstyle, post some DQXI.
there all cemu and that looks like garbage, that wasn't a very good response user I'm expecting footage bud . Out of all the pictures to show off what botw looks like, do not use that one, as a fan of this game
cool ps2 game you have there bro
holy fuck.....
im sure glad i bought a $300 plastic toy for this....
I think zora's domain was one of the weaker looking areas in the game
Is this Winder Waker?
RDR2 is the same boring shit Rockstar has been releasing since GTA IV. How anybody can play that movie without falling asleep is beyond me.
you have been upset for 2 years and you are desperately trying to portray yourself as rational.
Fucking hell, that harmonica.. heheh..
Please fuck off with that generic, static trash and stop comparing it to an actual open world game, lol.
>there all cemu
The literal pot you are quoting proves they are not, you fucking retard.
now you're just claiming what I just said to you, about being the bystander, after it being called out. stop projecting, and also changing the subject
DQXI's artstyle is all over the place. The characters look great but half of the environment textures were clearly made from real pictures or scans while some others are obviously painted by hand. It's not coherent and I hate it.
now you're just claiming what I just said to you, about being the bystander, after it being called out. stop projecting, and also changing the subject
even skyward sword looks better. Even the places BOTW remade from skyward sword look way worse. How anyone thinks BOTW looks good is beyond me
>No u
Just stop replying
You have no idea what you're talking about. That's just UE4 being UE4.
my sides
This argument is funny since even games that "never age" like Wind Waker look old as fuck now.
Cartoony games look shitty over time, especially now
not him, but that's all you got big boy?
stop being angry about BotW
lol, I wanted to make a screenshit compilation for SS like this but I literally couldn't even make 5 nice looking screenshots throughout the whole game and then said fuck it and gave up.
So now after losing an argument, you've fallen to copy-cat? Is this the defense force of BoTW lads?
>proceeds to post these mobile game looking images unironically (I assume)
What the fuck? This can't be real.
DQ art style is already trash for the ugly Toriyama characters that only and ONLY work in Dragon Ball.
>these FC1 hills
I know exactly what I'm talking about. Look at the bricks in the foreground, that's a picture or from a PBR material library. Look at the barrels in the back or the characters, that's digital painting.
>jpg pixelation
now you're not even trying anymore.
>mobile game looks like mobile game
Someone said those screenshots in the comp aren't running on Switch (Apparently because they look too good?), I just prove him wrong.
Stop being mad.
we both know it looks worse without compression
user, you've no idea what the Switch communty just let side by saying "its portable..."
You can break those barrels, it's a choice by the dev team so players know what is breakable and what isn't.
what? I replied to I played the game on switch before I sold both
RDR2 may be pretty but it's SOULESS
brotendo wins again
stop projecting
But I'm not angry I just want you to stop getting mad over someone criticising botw
Graphics in games are already at the point that they pretty much cant age anymore because they already almost look like real life.
Witcher 3 looks enough like real life or a 3d cg movie that only thing future games can improve is draw distance or lighting.
Played witcher 2 a while back and even that game still looks good today.
Even the first game looks ok.
We are past the point of ugly polygons.
Yes but its still the same game as its on the console, sure you get some visual and weapons mods and the performance is much MUCH better but you will not get bigger cities, more enemies, dungeons ect ect because the game was held back by its OG hardware .Better hardware = More fun
Pretty sure my phone is more powerful than the Switch at this point.
another win for brotendo lads
another win *fist paw*
Red Dead 2 has a bigger world and better graphics but mechanically / gameplay is a massive downgrade to the first one.
No, twirling your pistol and horseballs arent improvements when your basic movement and weapon storage are awful.
it's been two years. two tucking years.
why are nintensóys still absolutely seething with buyers remorse over this game? why? when will you accept that you got scammed and let go?
why not other games like odyssey or smash? they were just as disappointing. is it because it was the first switch game so you really weren't expecting it to be so bad?
>These are the Zelda screenshots 4channers DON'T want you to see
I just had a brain blast
Both are shit. What now homo?
not tying to out myself as a snoy fag, but why does everything look like the contrast was crancked up to +100 in this game?
Please don't tell me thi sis a buttplug
google saving gaming 30 minutes asap
>ground textures
what the FUCK
Blast your brains on the wall behind you please
>projecting: the post
that looks like it has contrast reduced to 0
Also shit. Everything is shit. I hate everything equally so I am the most non biased person here
What? if anything it lacks contrast as proven by the picture you quote.
>that copypaste bridge
LMAO they literally made one side then flipped it
Shitendo could not be any lazier AHAHA
>Better hardware = More fun
The best game of all time was released on the GC
I can pretty much guarantee you that graphics of this generation will look good 20 years later.
People always with that argument that people thought the same in every console cicle, but this is just false. Shenmue for example was a pretty game for it's time, but everyone with eyes in their head still saw that it' nowhere near realism. RDR 2 however looks like someone was in an actual forrest or western town in a few ancles.
I know the tards will fall for this one
>those fucking ps2 ground textures
>that low poly wood
>it's not even resting on the ground, it's floating and casting a (low res) shadow under itself
holy shit
and this is just the foreground
It's basically an item you can put anywhere in the world, retard, relax and breathe.
As much as I like to see the game like how it's shown in the reveal, I also like to prioritize performance. When you go into various woods in the Faron region, the Kakariko village, or the Korok Forest, it's full of life, but the framerate drops significantly and may even crash the game. I experienced the crash myself.
It's true though. Or would you have me believe the bridge was damaged in exactly the same way on either side?
Lmao what a failure in worldbuilding this game is.
what's even the purpose of spamming these shots? people already know what the game looks like
Didn't the GC had massive problems with shadows? I remember that the SC titles on it barely had them.
Years later this game is STILL causing so(n)ytard asshurt,
Truly remarkable.
But it looks the same as all the other sony movies
What's the purpose of spamming cherrypicked shots trying to make it look worse? Why is one ok and the other isn't?
hollup I didn't know that, I thought you meant why would the bridge be symmetrical not the damage
I don't really like this post...
Loved the shit out of this game, but this video is pretty funny. BotW does definitely suffer from lack of decent hardware performance, but graphics are honestly the least of its problems. If anyone is seriously getting angry at this you need to learn to take a fucking joke
it's all okay but very very pointless if don't realize, you're not making the game look any good either desu, it looks pretty dull and bad as seen in your shots even if they're not as pixelated
But Witcher is on PS4. Goes on sale every day.
But they can play the game on pc tho
Grow some braincels
besides everyone already knows how it looks like, do you really think that people who say it looks like shit don't know how it looks like and that you're changing anyone's mind by showing them what they already see?
cognitive dissonance?
please keep deflecting. sony and it's immaculate fanbase can do no wrong.
this gives me more flashbacks to my playthrough of xenoblade 2. shit was so blurry
Pfffhahaha even Vanilla WoW had better graphics than this.
what game was that friend?
I don't think you know what that even means.
>deluded sonygro still seething
F-Zero GX obviously
stop projecting
The best part about all this is that I can laugh at all this without being a Sonyfag cause I don't own either console loooooooool
stop seething shitskin
Are these CEMU shots or actual hardware?
Is that Witcher 3, or Dragons Age?
Just because its a higher quality, doesn't mean its a unique style. Its pretty victorian generic.
stop projecting
Playing Witcher 3, about half of Velen cleared, and Witcher Sense is one of the worst mechanics ever created in video game history. Combat is ass too. World is cluttered in ??? marks and isnt that fun to explore. The writing is terrific though. At times it makes me feel like Im in the videogame equivalent of the Hercules TV show from my childhood, actually going through the motions myself.
spotted the buttblasted bing bing wahoo
>720p compressed with artefacts
>that filename
It's Switch screenshots. Looks better when running on Switch, and much better on Cemu
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
pretty lame opinions desu
you need to go back to your japshit
stop projecting
eternally shit
Eternally shit, you mean.
We got the faggot
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
The island challenge was really something
Man this game was great.
>literal NPCs in action
stop projecting
Or game can have neither like BOTW
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
I think its been said a lok that smash 4 looks better than ultimate, DK is the best example
spotted the NPCs
why does the water in this game look like plastic?
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
Actually Nintendo has a fairly big problem that it can't seem to overcome and that no amount of hardware can fix, and it's that the devs are too set in their ways and seemingly don't want to change.
For example their design philosophy is way too arcadey, while BOTW was a step in the right direction, the world was trash from a world design standpoint, even the earliest 3D open world games are a lot better at making you feel like you're in a real world than BOTW. This phenomenon is the most obvious with Pokemon, for example while Sword and Shield is a fully 3D console generation, at its core it's barely any different than RBY, the 3D is just kind of tacked onto it and they didn't take advantage of what the extra dimension could've brought.
Truth be told other Nintendo teams are far more competent than Game Freak (for example BOTW did take advantage of some open world aspects), but I still don't think they have what it takes to make a change as large as successful as e.g. Fallout did when it went from isometric CRPG to open world RPG, since that was a result of the series changing devs, which is something that Nintendo is unwilling to do.
I hope this board gets thread IDs soon.
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
Because it does in real life.
Take a look outside
The Witcher is far from a realistic art style
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
true. BotW looks like a gamecube game nintendo needs to stop being so cheap.
stop projecting
i think that the inevitable passage of time will bring younger developers into the more prominent developer roles. from interviews it seems the youth is getting more of a say in nintendo now and this could be the reason for bits of greatness in the switch era.
Witcher 3 still looks leaps and bounds better than Breath of the Onions you utter faggot.
maybe in delhi
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
The Witcher 3 will never look bad. It's not one of those games full of postprocess effects that hide bad textures or low poly models in the distance.
BoTW is ugly when it comes to textures, models and view distance so the relatively good art style isn't really highlighted.
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
reminder that this empty shit is supposed to be one of the major locations, it's even one of the better ones imo
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
Lock Ethernet cables and fuck already
stop projecting
Agreed, WW looks better than BOTW
but its not a sony movie you idiot.
>2 faggots spamming the thread
>another faggot posting ps2 screenshots for no reason
Just nuke this
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
It’s almost like adding filters make things look good! You’re probbaly still one of those faggots who think filters are bad because they know people on social media use them and they’re so contrarian (aka losers with no friends) that social media == bad!
The Guardians are cute!
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
>posting pics of the game this thread is about = no reason
Also you aren't being funny. Stop seething about BotW and take meds.
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
>The island challenge was really something
Only because of limitations. BotW complete freedom was a mistake. Gamers do not understand that constraints leads to good challenge, pacing, puzzles and setpieces.
When you can go anywhere, climb anywhere, cheese any puzzle with physics and have zero actual progression after Plato - this is huge fail.
Best parts of BotW are when developers restrict player in some or the other way (remove weapons, set location into the dark, put spikes at the tower, disable climbing inside shrines, etc.)
See kids? Now THIS is projecting.
not him but god you're autistic and your coping mechanism is doubling down your retardation
>Unironically preferring the vaseline filter
In contrast to Witcher 3 which is 100% generic shit everywhere in its empty trash world you can't even interact with?
>trees literally placed on rocks or floating
>can't even set fucking hay on fire with your key fire magic skills
ice cream? god I love ice cream!
stop projecting
woulda been nice to get through the day without being subjected to a post this embarrassing
No idea about the top game but man, BotW looks so bad.
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
>Bawww why is there fog when the climate is cloudy
Can't believe basednyfags are crying about this
That's quite a train of buzzwords. Let's talk, though since I have time. What coping?
after having seen a hundred images that show that the game looks like it came from PS2, I can finally appreciate it...
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
Actually, you can find trees growing that way irl.
It has neither, though. Just a huge empty generic shit world with no gameplay to boot.
keep projecting
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
TW3 is very distinct, it's clearly not hyper realistic on account of it being a fantasy world.
well you clearly have more time than life but I am going outside after this one
but the game looks bad, your images look bad, you post them without any context, I imagine you think there's some point to it, but no the game looks like that and people know it looks like that and that's why people say it looks bad
that's how it is, accept or deny
>le funny PS2 XD
Jesus what's your IQ?
No you can't, brainlet. lol
>Witcher 3 fanboys in charge of possessing a brain.
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
Yeah, I'm sure you have time.
>all cemu shots btw
>they were taken on cemu
These are screens I made with Wii U capture card. I posted them billion of times before actual release when Wii U version was leaked.
uh oh looks like i broke the skinshit drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
You didn't give me an answer and the game looks great for what it is. And the reason I post the screenshots is because one of you literally accused my compilation of being bullshots and Cemu shots. At least be consistent. And now gtfo, brainlet.
>No you can't
Do you ever leave your house or just live in the city?
Too bad both look like shit.
stop projecting
Did the tendo bot break or something?
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
More like tendie bot lmao goteem
stop projecting
You fat stupid retard, just post a picture of a tree growing on a fucking ltieral boulder like that or shut the fuck up. Why would I argue when pictures say more than a 1000 words in this case?
Oh, you can't? Brainlet. Go play your slav shit for retards and fuck off coughing your infectious low IQ shit on us.
t. Never seen a Scottish greater floating root
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
Come on man, I'll defend BOTW to the ends of the earth, as it's a fantastic game and screenshots often don't d it justice, but if you are trying to say the left shots look better than the right, you're fucking delusional.
Jesus christ take a chill pill.
Also stop projecting.
stop projecting
BotW on Switch looks nice, BotW on Cemu looks better than all your favorite games.
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
Still no picture. Kill yourself. Dumb retards like you should be euthanized, you are dangerous and making this world a dumber place by transmitting your incessant smattering.
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
>dat fucking grass
stop projecting
Thread's over. Nintendorks can go away, now.
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
Funniest thing? There is a literal retarded polack in this thread right now who's feverishly Googling for a tree of that size that grows on a fucking boulder (while half-floating in the sky) to prove Witcher 3 isn't procedurally generated shit.
He is doing it right now.
stop projecting
It's manga style. That's so frequent in manga, the lead character designer is, as I'm sure you're aware, a manga artist.
I think DQXI looks amazing, the beach areas, the little unique areas like sparkling caves and dense forests are all so well designed yet remaining minimalistic.
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
365 replies, 108 posters, could you fucking stop this you double niggers?
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
is that san andreas tier mountain supposed to look good?
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
stop projecting
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
Together witht he lighting and color composition, yes.
>control f
>0 results for pso
What are some games with ''realistic'' graphics that have aged well?
you're not coping you're unironically dumb
that hill looks like they didn't even try texturing it
Sad thing? literally you, scroll this thread and look at what you spent your limited time on, holy shit and somehow you can't see what's funny about you
Shitty gameplay is also eternal, botw will always be just as shit as it is now.
I too, like showing footage of glitches in a thread about graphics and artstyle
Then it failed.
Too bad both games suck in the gameplay department.
>spent his time posting ugly ass images from random ass game
>got emotionally involved
Imagine paying for a Switch, THEN paying for BOTW, THEN playing a 900p 30fps at best version of the game...
Instead of just emulating it at 4k 60fps for free with far better visuals all round.
Why are Nintendo users so infatuated with being cucked?
uh oh looks like i broke the shitskin drone
>WW has more "soul" then BotW
Defend this zoomers.
For climbing
Nintendo bonus
>Still using my screenshot of Rito village
>Graphics age
We've been at a point of diminishing returns for a while, so not much.
>artstyle is eternal
If it's good. BotW has trash style AND graphics.
Though both need sweetfx/clarity to not look like shit.
Based DMChad
>Comparing an Action game to Exploration games
graphics don't age, they stay the same, always.
relativistaclly, graphics might get worse though but even that's not a given
true, but sadly both artstyle and graphics are shit
it looks like teletubbies and that's a good thing!
>These are screens I made with Wii U capture card.
What about these ones (Cross-thread)?
Are they from the capture card?
You can see the downgrade even compared to 2016 screenshots
Why does BOTW look like half assed celshading?