Fallout 3 is ba-

Fallout 3 is ba-


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yeah, even fallout 4 is better. that is quite something

gr8 b8 m8

prove me wrong

>megaton is built around a bomb so they could collect rainwater in the crater
thanks for the laugh OP

That's not how burden of proof works


>Building your city in the middle of a Boston Warzone
Yup, much better

OpenFO3 when?
The game is literally unplayable properly these days yet it's still being sold.

so you cant. i knew it

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You have to prove yourself right I don't have to prove you wrong

F3 has
>genuine atmosphere
>a world that's fun to explore even with towns that make no sense and shitty metros
>a dumb but short and to-the-point story that knows what it wants to do
>dumb but memorable quests, episodic-like content is spread out neatly in the world
>Two Good DLCs

>Better, memorable companions
>shitty settlement building
>can't even remember half the quests besides the one with the crashed pirate ship
>so many fucking audio recordings
>shitty raidiant quests
>world is big but lacks any style or grit, no memorable places or cool ideas, kinda boring to explore
>Gunplay is more streamlined and focused but lacks depth, becomes a chore some 20 hours in
>story is a mish-mash of undeveloped factions with a non-ending.
>Institute is the dumbest thing ever created in the Fallout universe, and it's not even dumb fun, it's just shit
>Poorly implemented voiced protagonist
>1 good DLC

As a Falloutfag that genuinely enjoys F3 I thought F4 would be a good sequel but it misses almost every mark when compared to F3

1 > NV > 2 > 3 > 4

>n-no u!
so you cant. i knew it

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I'm not gonna bite. Give it up already bucko

You're judging them as RPGs when really they are just open world shooters

>Give it up
>so i dont have to prove you wrong

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Recently replayed 3 and NV, and I really wish I replayed 3 before NV, because when I went from NV to 3 I had to force myself through it. So bad.

I don't really think so desu, I'm judging them on what have and what they try to do.
Like, memorable quests aren't just a thing RPGs have. If a game tries to have them, they should be good, regardless of what "genre" they fit themselves into.

I thoroughly enjoy FO3. I played it when I came out and actually just replayed it. Fun game when you're just dicking around with nothing else to do.

Maybe I'm too much of a boomer but gameplay is the most important thing


quite based and nma pilled

Agree. New Vegas is the best though.

thats not a fair comparison

Objective, however
2 = NV > 1 > Tictacs > 4 > 3 > The rest
In terms of fun.


You can hate bethesda all you want but they're the only ones who make this kind of games

yeah, a decade ago. now every game is an open world rpg shooter hybrid

Absolutely, but F4 has "gameplay" in service of everything else. You shoot and loot so you can go to other cool places and shoot and loot there.
In a vacuum F4's shooting and inventory management is kinda boring and shallow, so that's why there's other aspects of gameplay to spice it up. Talking to characters, exploring places and going on quests are all gameplay as well, the unfortunate thing is that all of those are shallow in F4.

If the shooting isn't fun, if the story is boring, if exploring isn't fun, if going on adventures don't feel adventurous, why am I playing this? You feel me?

You're going to seriously say for F4
>Gunplay is more streamlined and focused but lacks depth, becomes a chore some 20 hours in

but not for F3
>Gunplay is complete irredeemable trash designed by chimpanzees

Fallout 4 has better shooting and better exploring. To quantify why I think 4 has better exploring, you find bobble heads that give you permanent boosts. So something that used to be part of a RPG-type character progression is now a reward for exploring. Since I think both of these games fail miserably as an RPG I know which system I prefer

Not him but Fallout 3 had those too
And yeah the shooting might be a little better since guns have recoil now but the enemies are still just bullet sponges, how is fighting them fun?

Based and Todd pilled

*blocks your path*

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You're right, F3's shooting is braindead. But at the same time is sorta simple and satisfying enough so that it never gets annoying or tiring.
Maybe it's because F3 is a lot shorter than F4 so the game ends before it gets tiring? I just remembered late-game F4 absolutely draining my energy, you're shooting a million bullets and getting the same variation of a gun you already sorta have. It's tiring.
I will give you that for 2/3rds of the game the shooting/looting loop feels mostly good and overral better than F3.

I dunno, maybe it's nostalgia goggles but I can just replay F3 in a weekend a have a good old time while I still haven't beaten F4 a second time, I always drop it halfway through.

What do you mean by the bobbleheads? F3 also had ones that increased your attributes. Or do you mean how the Science Bobblehead gives you another chance at guess hacking instead of like, 10 points into science?

>he did it, he unironically posted hbombercuck
>durr hurr Fallout 3 doesn't feature transgender people so it is bad durr hurr

The molerats who populate the area around the city. This abstract concept is called "hunting".

But Fallout 3 has a doudecacentenian mtf yto transsexual transhumanist