Still waiting for my Master System playing with Mordecai and Rigby Edition
Still waiting for my Master System playing with Mordecai and Rigby Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Reactor, Ha, thought I was gonna say Periscope this time huh?
I'm just 14 seconds late
Never thought I would see one of these threads at its beginning
For that user last week who requested Switch eating 2 hotdogs. Criticism appreciated, I'm not very experienced at drawing so I'm sorry if it doesn't hold up to the regular artists here.
By the way, how do you downsize a jpeg or png file so that it doesn't appear so large on the booru? I tried everything I could think of. Next time I guess I just have to make the original .psd file smaller.
Looks fine to me, but why is Xbone tethered to the wall?
The (Nintendo) gangs all here
Updated SEGA Sisters portrait when?
less than 2 hours until a new tan joins the roster
also less than 2 hours until the thread dies because Yea Forums will get flooded
>less than 2 hours until Yea Forums gets flooded by actual shills
alternate version
>5 threads already.
Today is gonna be rough.
Then we gotta hold the fort user.
Wrong post, sorry
I hope the rumors that sega's going to put some games on this console are false
Smuggest kot joins koikatsu!
Next panther.
>if it doesn't hold up to the regular artists here.
I doubt anyone here cares about skill unless you're drawing lewds or porn of the tans
>By the way, how do you downsize a jpeg or png
paint has a resize tool, that's what I use when I want to resize my drawings quickly, but if you're using photoshop i'm pretty sure you can decide the size before exporting it just like clip studio
This one came out really well
I wish koikatsu's actual gameplay was any good, it's a god tier character creator, but as a game it sucks major ass
Just jot it down onto another list of mistakes.
I have a class in 20 minutes, gimme requests to do and I'll look at them after that if this thread hasn't been obliterated by the Jewgle console threads.
So would this be a Tan or an extension of the NES?
neogeo and switch-tan enjoying SNK's family recipe hotdogs
Reactor and Wii being aggressive gymmates. Or reenacting the Faker scene from SA2.
for reference:
gamecube or DS preparing a gift for GBA's birthday
Dreamcast caged in a showcase.
I know user. I havent played the actual game in months. The only thing I do is cards and scenes in the studio. Hopefully the darkness update fix it.
probably just an extension
you ever did any other scenes with tans aside from the ones you've posted before?
Wake Up!
Im working on something comfy with the cats, but is far to be done. If you have a request maybe I can do something.
Good user.
Ten (10) minutes.
Brace for impact!
not really, you're aldready doing a scene and I dont want to stress you out or something, unless you dont mind at all
oh shit
it begins
Oh no
Dont mind me, just ruining vidya, and the thread.
oh yes
>Welcome, the CEO of Google
I died a little when I heard that.... Imagine E3....
Hold me, I'm scared.
This is gonna be pippin all over again
Stadia should be a waifu stuck on a computer screen.
Guess the Yeti concept is dead. I liked our winter coat girl a lot.
She can hang with Nintendo Playstation and Neptune
so how does the console look?
So is it said that I'd rather play my SEGA Reactor than this (Yes, I actually have one. No joke. Ths US version looks like Sonic's head.)
Stream just broke for a sec I'm laughing.
Something like Ritsu from AssClass? Seems logical, since she is not physical.
Either that or a ghost/cloud girl
Sounds like a cloud program.
Well, there's a controller
There's an updated version of the .RAR with all the Koikatsu's tans?
>A new way to steal and sell all your private data.
Best girl in the OP!
Stadia already worst girl. Time to bring back Soulja Tan.
did anyone ever make a MSX-tan
>Coming soon
I dont mind, always can use an user scene if it fits your request.
For (you).
Wow, thanks!
Shall I draw STD tan now?
no actual console yet though
It seems its just a cloud.
Lets compile all the specs.
>Can be used in multiple devices.
no, you can make your own if you want
Remember this guys? Remember? Remember!
I've been waiting for this.
Is this gonna be another Oton? Remember that? The console that makes its own games? That hasn't finished yet?
The Dreamcast is for bullying
I wanna slide those pants down
>The console that makes its own games?
Its finishing the games, dont bully her!
High tier escort.
that was fucking terrible
>no actual console
so how on earth do we make a tan out of this?
Thats it? No price? What a shitshow.
I love my vita!
Will you buy Jade's future games?
Stadia-tan does not have a physical form. She is just clothes and a hat
Im all up for anons idea
a ghost that doesn't have a body but possesses(streams) other -tans
Damn it user, don't make mr want another tan specifically to bully!
Something like ps now I guess.
A bunch of servers.
How big are stadia's tits
This is important
>Phantom was ghost but the tan actually had physical form in irl
>Stadia one ups her by having no form in irl
Google can't keep getting away with this!
no games = no titties
She could be a cloud, or a ghost, or an bunch of servers like Shodan.
So whats new in the world of videogames this week /ctt/?
also drop requests here
As flat as the personality that conference had.
Or like the Girls in Red in Nier Automata, they're completely digital.
>PC and Mobile-Tan possessed by the spirit of Google
Google has NO GAMES. Bring back Soujaboy! He seemed to know what he was doing.
Did you guys not make a bombastic black girl-tan for the souljagame? You should have.
PC tan retarded little bro that just got out of sex change cirugy holding a chromebook and expensive bluetooth headphones.
>Toaster sells his soul to Google
>Can finally match PC while possessed by Stadia-Chan
Ghost seems to be the most obvious of choice. She just possesses other consoles/PC and their eyes goes all S to denote she's streaming/possessing them.
>Mobile can match PC in power now!
Bros... I dont like this.
>stadia is pc and toasty's stand
We even have one as a representation of the handhelds.
>Can finally match PC while *using Stadia as a Stand
Internet goes down as he is about to win
What about a Stadia based on Agent Smith from Matrix. She can possess tv's, phones and pc's to appear everywere and her mission is to exterminate the physical consoles.
Requesting art/edit of that 'woohoo, ghost blowjob' comic but with Stadia as the ghost, mobile as the one getting the blowjob and PC as the next-door neighbor hearing all this.
Requesting PC and Toasty with a bunch of anti ghost and exorcism shit to fight Stadia.
so who's gonna attempt at a Stadia design?
>Implying Toasty won't embrace it
no one
>I reject my humanity! PC!
Stadia does sound like a woman's name when you say it to yourself a few times.
is that the debian logo
So that means PS1 has the biggest titties?
Thats Dreamcast, dear tourist.
Need more specs first. DFC is justice btw.
no ps4 does
More loser tans
Stadia-tan's gonna be making superficial/normie references to vidya that the other platforms cringe at.
Her always open mic should make her similarly watchful to how Xbone was originally portrayed as.
That's why no one went to your birthday party PS2!
So she's gonna be a normie console? Also can we have her bear a slight resemblance to Jade but still look robotic?
delet this
it begins
not a console, doesn't deserve a tan
will get one anyway because this thread is starved for content
rate my google tan.
you got a gallery where you post your art, drawfriend?
0/10, needs to be flatter, maybe shorter and pink hair
im mostly active on twitter. doodles, OC works and stuff.
they did advertise it like one
N. Tropy/10
You tried. I'll give you that.
Also how come we don't have a Steam-tan?
I thought we did?
There is a steam machine tan
>people fell for the goobler meme
needs to be more spooky
we do have a SteamOS-tan
This is why no one likes you sony sisters, except Vita. AND BE NICE TO YOUR FUTURE SISTER IN LAW XBONE!
>PS2's bday party
>Only her sisters show up, just to comfort her
>Until suddenly Dreamcast of all people shows up and walks in with a single present
>"Sorry nobody came to your party, PS2. I decided that to cheer you up, I'd give you the game I felt you deserved the most!"
>She snickers softly as she gives PS2 the present
>PS2 unwraps the gift to see what's inside, oblivious to Dreamcast now trying to refrain herself from laughing
>Animal Soccer World was inside the present
Bedknobs and Broomsticks , true childhood favourite
>Her sisters
>After PS2 literally murdered the PS3 for no reason
>After what happened when she borrowed PS1's favorite games
Only PSP would be at the party.
So what do we do with these designs now?
trash them?
not use them I guess, it's not like we have other stadia tans aside from this one
At least she still is mom's favorite.
>PS2's bday party
>She is all alone
>GameCube shows up to laugh at her but starts to feel bad eventually.
>Takes a deep breath, rings the doorbell, once PS2 opens the door she talks about leaving rivalries aside and being friends.
>PS2 slams the door
Only because Sony was scared for her life after the "showing PS2 her successor" incident
kek. Poor dreamcast.
Someone draw this
>poor dreamcast
>when user was talking about gamecube
PS2 is the best, literally every other console is envious of her success.
She can kick anyone's ass! She can even kick her own ass!
Please dont bully me, bully Ouya instead.
mucho perfecto
>"So what I am saying is that, even with all our differences, I wouldn't mind joining your party."
>"I would" *slam*
Get the fuck out of here, you nut
>that twitter
yeah no, fuck off
what's wrong with maldraw? first time hearing about him
I love ngage
I'd rather avoid derailing so TLDR lunatic """"artist"""" who does absolutely anything he can to rope people in to giving him money.
>parent as in i have no idea if im her mother or father. i gave birth to her but i identify as male half the time. heres a version without bg
end your life freak
I see, well back to posting tans then
Will this get you guys to come back?
Not sure how I feel about this design
People don't want to repeat the switch fiasco.
A lot of drawfags left after that.
I'm going to be radical and suggest that Stadia-tan be Male like PC, Toasty and Adroid since it's not actually a console.
Paizuri will get me to cum.
>Try to have a conversation with Stadia
>She takes several seconds to register and respond to anything you say to her
>That valley girl speak
I may have a problem anons.
Nice. Dont like the Casper trail though.
>That input lag.
I guess she needs some time to send the signal and store all your information.
How does Marty feel about having a new ghost around?
like a faceless -tan?
maybe make her tomboyish? she is part of consoles but also PCs
How do I get this hand to look right? I can't figure out why it feels off. (this is Dreamcast)
Hello, my fellow masketta tan.
Yeah, that's sort of the look I had in mind. Looks pretty good, user, nice work.
It's not a console, but it's not a computer either. No hardware to speak of at all (on the user side).
Should be a virtual, artificial tan, programmed to appear and act female (act like a console).
I just realized I could totally make Reactor a masketta since her US design is just sonics face silhouette. Too bad I like the knock off wii tan look. Maybe in the future? Though my drawing skills are weak.
Masked tans are the best
I just arrived home, can I get a quick rundown on google Yeti?
someone should re-draw these two, i want to see what they would look like if the artist was better
Yeti is now Stadia, its not a console, its a streaming service
Onlive but even less physical.
>Logo is the hair
Works too well
I've been on this thread all day and I still dont understand what the fuck is stadia is, from what I've gathered
>it's not a console, it's a streaming device
>it's much more powerful than the xbox one x
that's it I think
Replace the legs with a spooky ghost tail and it's perfect.
Nuon have some nice art, but I think Lumiel is the only one to ever draw Amstrad.
Are we doing one for Stadia?
I like the idea of Stadia-tan being a ghost, especially since it gives excuses for possession stuff of PC/Toaster/Android
what? how that does even work?
>streaming service named "stadia"
>all hardware is google-side, the entire thing is essentially a single, very powerful PC running a whole bunch of games at once while the players play the game over the internet
>has great potential, but still has ridiculously bad input lag
Stadia is a game streaming service for Android, Chromecast and Chrome
I think the games are run on the servers and the video is streamed to the device
Stadia-tan should probably be a hologram that can come out of phones and other devices, sorta how Cortana from Halo is able to interface with different technology
The input lag will be unbearable...
Isn't Stadia just using good old PC as her stand? She's PC with an input lag nerf.
Reminder that you're not supposed to marry your console.
Make a contract with me and become streamguca
>madoka pc and toaster
the controller itself connects to the google servers
so you'll have delay for your input being sent to their server
and then you'll also have delay for the streamed video on your device
Screw the rules.
>tfw input lag
And this is the future of gaming?
She looks like an asshole genie who will distort your wishes for shits and giggles
The insides of the fingers aren't aligned properly. Everything else is good, but lower the gap between the ring and pinky finger especially so that it makes a line almost parallel with the bottom of the palm.
Otherwise, it's decent
>give me your clothes, nerd
I drew this knowing very little about joojoo
Sure is bro
Looks like an angry bear.
thank you
Was PS1 as much of a bully as her younger sis anyway?
Notice the Konami Code on the controller, you can hear me visibly cringe with every fiber of my being
>all these Stadia designs
>they're all ghosts for whatever reason
Phantom fits because of the name and because it's a console that never actually existed, this one has no reason to be a ghost except the fact of being a cloud service
PS1 is typically edgier but less of a bully. There is also a difference between early PS1 who is all gung ho about everything, especially revenge on Nintendo, and late (99-2001) PS1 who is just very melancholic, and is where she has been for the last 19 years, waking up in the morning, looking at the beautiful morning sky, and then going to the net to shitpost about how Reignited fucked Spyro's skyboxes and made them soulless.
based Jinzoposter
And the fact she has no physical body and needs PCs and mobiles as vessels.
Sony was bullied by Nintendo and Sega when she got pregnant of PS1, that's why she raised her kids to bully other consoles. But PS2 was such a big bully that she literally bullied Dreamcast to death.
I've come for your borgers
Remember to upload new drawstuffs to the booru!
If you tag correctly, switch-tan will crawl into your shirt!
and drawing legs is hard
Please post more Xbone.
is this what you want?
Come to think of it, PS1 is rarely depicted interacting with rivals on a friendly, antagonistic or romantic way. I guess that is what happens when you pick the "Not Interested" answer all the time.
No, now I'm sad
only with saturn and that was way too easy, n64 came too late to have any fighting and ps1 aldready won by the time she actually arrived
Do PC and Toasty play runescape with each other?
Taking some 6th or 5th Gen requests, may use nonstandard designs
We need PS1-Saturn interactions and lewds, but lets not include N64, her design its awful.
ps1 knocking saturn out by just shouting '299'
Requesting Switch twins as Justine and Caroline
i know they aren't 5/6th gen, but could you try drawing nuon and amstrad?
Ps2 kicking N64 ass.
PS2 and PS1 moving tons of shipping boxes into a moving truck, to represent PS1 giving her fuckton of games to PS2
Saturn dressed as Lara Croft, since Tomb Raider came out on Saturn first.
Bonus points for polygonal boobs
>upload original version and alternate version to the booru
>original version disappears from the catalog, presumably deleted by a mod
PS1 wildy bullying Saturn and N64. With plenty of bondage involved.
dreamcast and xbox being very good friends
Check the alternate version again. I grouped it as a parent image
Xavix dreaming of being loved. Now whether its lewd or wholesome is up to you.
how about THIS?
Have you ever seen a 5th gen console war thread? There is no cute rivalry and bullying in there, only rage and bitterness.
There are too many almost philosophical differences between them, from library sizes to sound and texture, it all chases.
64 fans can never get over their console being Nintendo's downfall from the lead. Many who pick PS1 as their favorite is resentful at Sony and likely went idort, chasing PS1 IPs into the GBA and DS, being tied to Nintendo but never at home since their favorite console is N's satan.
Back in the day, but PC is a bit of a graphics whore.
I want to smack that belly
Current stadia ideas
>Big titties because tflops
>or male maybe
>Pony tail
>Some sort of womens' business suit
>Genie tail instead of legs
which have I missed
Ok, which one of you faggots made this and how long would you take to make porn of it?
They're not wrong
There's already a few Stadia-tans ITT
would it take you*
I don't even know what I'm writing.
In fact, yes
>Big titties because tflops
she's got falsies lol
This is a good request. Good luck, user.
PS1 sitting alone on a beach
how do you feel about some middle ground then?
Peak Xbone, my dude.
this thursday is GBA's birthday, say something nice to her!
She's got good pits.
And nips too - you could poke an eye out with those.
I wanna lick those abs... Or bite the chub, depending on the version.
You have a gorgeous sister!
that's rude
Fug this too tired going to bed
Good stuff, was as funny as i thought it would be, sleep well drawnon.
>4th gen was a heated rivalry but it's looked back on fondly and the -tans are all relatively friendly
>5th gen was over almost before it began but there'll always be bad blood even from the winner's side
She has a great wife!
Also was a great handheld and gave me many days of pleasure during her lifespanas her -tan does today.
very nice
looks like N. Tropy with a big G slapped onto his hat. It's silly.
Honestly this makes the most sense. The PlayStation was created both out of Sony's anger at Nintendo and desire to prove themselves in the video game industry, so PS1 definitely seems like the kind of person who started out being aggressive towards everyone, but over time simmered down and came to dislike how she used to be. Essentially, she'd undoubtedly be the most "jaded" when it comes to the console wars.
Good evening consolefriends,
Please observe this Neil Cicierega video and draw whatever comes to mind.
>thicc thursday is GBA's birthday
>I won the war... but at what cost?
>GCN-tan being carried by a giant eagle
it's worse when you consider the fact that she was basically nintendo and sony's lovechild until nintendo cheated on sony with phillips, she probably feels bad that she has to fight her half sister
extend it to GCN tan dressed as a hobbit
Stadia-tan anyone????
Extend to GCN dressed as a nudist
Big burg buns
How about GCN after watching too much MTV?
Has anything been established for her yet?
The streaming sounds nice, but noone seems to be thinking of all the fucking data that shit's gonna eat while streaming. We have a decent cap in our house, but with 2 Gaming PCs downloading games/updates/etc + 2 TVs constantly streaming, we've nipped the cap a few times. Maybe it makes up if we stream vs download 40gb, but it still seems like a concern.
Which is why Stadia-tan should be some kind of secret data-eating/info-spying succubus of some sort, putting on a normal look for everyone else
There’s been ideas here and there, I think this is literally the first thread where designs for her have been thrown around
I like the ghost idea personally, since she's not a console she shouldn't really have any physical form. Her being a succubus is an interesting idea, since she's somewhere between a computer and a console being a dickgirl would be appropriate.
No futa, I will not allow you to soil my idea with that over-used shit. Plus she doesn't "plug" into anything, she just siphons the data into herself, like a succubus.
Stadia is cute, she is for *EVERYONE!*, therefore, she’s pure
the streaming takes 20 gb per hour by google's own admission
anyone with a cap simply won't be able to use stadia safely
>she is for *EVERYONE!*
>therefore, she’s pure
Sounds like a hooker to me. Very impure.
>posting anything other than Arcade-tan
jesus fuck, you would think the biggest fucking internet company in the world would realize that's just not acceptable nor safe for the network in general
That Genesis?
i hope impact visits /ctt/ again, he was my favorite
Fuck, your right, I'm being stupid right now.
sega pico?
Apple Pippin?
How about Beena instead
so when are the lewds going to start?
when we make the after dark thread, so better start posting until we hit 500 replies ITT
Very cute.
>340 posts
We have a long way to go bubba
cute ps1, why so lonely though?
I'm pretty sure we can make it, right?
I mean, we have 160 posts to go in next few hours so possib-Well that's one less encouragement. Well if you tap your heels a couple of times, maybe.
c'mon user, I'm sure we can do it
funny how this is the best stadia design
Oh shit. The magic numbers. He's comin'!
I sir prefer the ghost designs.
>some pointless subscription service has multiple anons coming up with their own -tans
and i thought switch and xbone x -tans were dumb enough
google hyped this shit a lot, might as well make something out of it right?
>cute ps1, why so lonely though?
Considering the scene it's based on, guess user did not remember his promise.
>I won the war... but at what cost?
Or for a PS1 related quote
PSN has one, Steam has one, So Stadia will have one.
Undecided on colors, but streamer girl look seems appropriate.
Because it's fun
Its 950, we're at 350. If we keep it at this rate, we won't make it. So get to it.
Also this
I don't know why, but I really liked the Genie/Ghost tail. Still like your design though.
She looks so happy...
I like it, but I dont really dig her clothes a lot, they seem a bit lazy
at what time zone do mods run? I thought it was GMT 6
I don't know, if its not Wednesday in some part of the world, I believe we can count it.
All SEGA Sisters version when?
if that was the case someone with an ip from that place must make the thread
Point taken. Guess its a lost cause. Start praying to PC tan that we make it then user
I'm in EST, and usually if it's made by 11:30 here then it's usually undisturbed. For reference, it's 10PM right now.
good luck, i need to see more lewd retards
I believe user
Hey, You're the one that wants an after dark thread. You work for it buddy. You want the tigers to win?
Where did everybody go?
This is a loaded question since I'm a Detroit sports fan
But in the spirit of co-operation, here's a pic to motivate everyone.
here's the future of gaming bro
First time in these threads, but I tried to make a quick Stadia thing.
DAMN IT user, WHY DO YOU GOT TO GET MY URGES GOING please keep going
>I dont really dig her clothes a lot, they seem a bit lazy
True, but it's pretty much standard streamer gal attire, which fits the streaming service bit, the fact they advertised it as allowing streamers to have fans join-in games, plus the first this user made.
Was also thinking of adding tats but I'm too tired for that.
That a Human Pikachu?
Any fat Xbone in this bread?
jesus, it's worse than I could possibly have thought. This is in a controlled environment too, it must be even WORSE on shitty American internet.
fun! what's the lightning bolt on her head represent?
Want to see Stadia as Toasty's stand/persona/whatever
and attempt an uprising against PC, only to be powerless and get btfo when the internet is shitty or slow
>Konami code tat to be 'cool' & 'hip'
Can't wait to see her personality.
>Time freezes like The World, but PC can walk through it with ease
Time for a jojo battle.
It's even worse than I thought
It was meant to be the logo but now I can't unsee pikachu's tail, rip
Something Something Zeeba
I'm sorry user, I thought it was a tail for sec. Didn't mean to be mean.
nah you're fine, it was pretty quick anyways. I can try making it closer to the logo next time
Why are the early Sony Sisters so evil?
Whoops, didn't mean to reply to anyone. Sorry
Posted a random pic I liked from my folder, don't think I have any more. Sorry, user.
Mostly unlikely console and non consoles
Switch Tan, Mobile Tan, Android Tan
Im missing three fitting Tans. Any Ideas?
Tweaked the shading
Stadia trying to sell PC a camel by saying "It can hold 20 GB of data, carry it across internet in hour!"
I've got an idea, where the stripe acts as her clothes, almost like tape on her body, alternates between showing skin and showing prime navel activity. I guess I really gotta learn how to draw.
Nintendo's Bizarre Adventure
Making Art for this
Need Ideas
Cute ghost
>Mostly unlikely console and non consoles
So you want us to choose more unpopular tans or...?
Adorable. Does she have a Konami code tramp stamp?
part 1 is famicom
part 2 is nes
part 3 is snes
part 4 is n64
part 5 is gba
part 6 is wii
part 7 is wii u
part 8 is switch
You’re god damn right she does
Snes-tan playing Oh! That's a Baseball! against Genesis-tan with game genie hovering over Genesis-tan
Alright, 100 more to go & then we can make an after dark thread, I believe in you ctt.
>hating part 4
Who is this?
This thread's going a bit faster now.
I never did though?
just make a ms paint doodle of your general idea and hope an artist picks it up
my favorite so far. she actually has a personality here
Then why would you give it the second weakest console on the list?
>part 6 is wii
>Dio's sons are replaced with wii lookalikes Zeebo, Vii, & Reactor
Don't know why that works so well but it does. Unless we're switchin Vii for Xavix, but Xavix was first so that wouldn't be fair.
So wait, do you want us to suggest you barely used tans? Or just a random assortment?
What even would vii-tan be?
it's the only way I can fit all the main consoles
shouldnt they bee genesis lookalikes?
I wanna do things to those pits.
because chronological order is a bitch
>All sonys are perverts
>All nintendo handhelds have totally fuckable armpits
I love hereditary lines through -tan families.
Could have given it GBC, at least then you'd have her nice ass bouncing around the screen.
looks like all game boys have nice armpits
Does said fuckability apply to Switch's pits, or did she take after the console lineage?
I guess a raggedy lookin girl like Polystation?
I mean I guess, but then we still have Reactor, replace Vii with Genesis Mini, & then who would be the 3rd one?
There is a Polystation tan?
wouldn't that metal plating be abrasive to your dick?
Yea, its actually a homeless child. I don't have the photo, someone post it.
Genesis 3?
why stop?
I haven't seen much of her pits, so I'd assume they're not very fuckable. Feel free to prove me wrong, though!
does anyone have that chibi chart?
>Genesis 3 made by Tectoy
>Zeebo also made by Tectoy
That actually kinda works
Here you go
okay now how many of them are actually just normal size here?
I guess user left and I'll never get my answer.
>18 seperate switch-tan designs
>all because artists couldn't decide on one
I'm still a bit irked to be honest.
97% of them. Classic & Mini's are not normal size, but they are obviously baby size in the photo anyway since their clothes don't fit them.
Correction, 15. But still.
We were so active... But then the war tore use apart.
I like it, because you get to switch between tans.
Mobile "consoles" of the newest generation?
Like the Ideas was
Part 2: SNES and Genesis vs the PC master Race
Part 3.The DS, Game Cube, Gameboy Advance, Snes, PS3 vs the Cheating Devices
Part 4. 3DS,2Ds,Vita, Xbox One, and vs Bootleg Tan(As PS4)
Part 5: Switch, Mobile, Android (Odd Consoles) vs King Crimson?
So im basically looking for Tans that are very distant from being a console
>tfw was bullied from ctt because of this
But I’ll return soon
So Ngage, Stadia & um, Gamestick? I actually had a last one but this headache is killing me at the moment
>Bootleg Tan(As PS4)
Not Soulja-tan?
This thread needs more Zeebo, draw more Zeebo.
Well I saw this and thought shit Vita is basically Hayato with Kira Yoshikage wearing PS4's skin
Ah. Understandable.
Can we make it? I bet we can. Maybe. Probably not.
Oh yeah, like 42 posts. I can't do this by myself though guys
We are almost at after dark, we can do it!
Maybe if we bully Ouya some more we'll make it.
Is toasty cheating on ouya with stadia?
If toasty does something like that Zeebo would castrate him.
That's heartbreaking... We're gonna get lewds of that scene right?
Give Zeeba a girlfriend & make her forget. I bet we got some candidates.
I love Xbox 360!
I love her!!
Alright, it's too late. We aren't going to make it. We tried
Yes, but it's more like she periodically possesses him and jacks him off. He gets to feel what it's like to run at "4k 60fps", like an acid trip or something.
If you pay to get a hooker and she gives you a baby, does that count as Gacha?
Fuck, didn't mean to reply to anyone
>Almost after dark
>everyone stop posting
fuck you guys.
What a strange question
Ok than so Its sorta decided and I give you your options
Part 5 Fighting Code (feel free to give better name) Positions of Characters On Table
Giorno: Switch Tan
Bruno: ?
Leone: Android Tan
Guido: Mobile Tan
Pannacotta: ?
who should it be Ngage, Stadia, Arcade, Nevada Shied, Steam. Make your choice wisely
(For shits, who fits Diavolo best? )
Yeah I tried. Everyone doesn't want lewds I guess. So close too. But keep trying
I just realized we could also use Gizmondo. Especially since its closely associated with the mafia.
Some weeks are just lewder than others, unfortunately.
Stadia should be Fugo because she's the youngest & already has a haze like form. Arcade because they are the true hero of the story, and Narancia will be Ngage.
And today should have been the lewdest.
sleep comfy /ctt/
You all suck
Literally so close too
3 more minutes boys keep bumping
I gotchu boys
So, if it isn't 12 o clock somewhere, you ctt lads wanna still make a after dark thread?
Wait user, really?! Are you our hero? Am I holding out for a hero til the morning night?
I want more villainous oral tards
Its like 9 in the pacific
>good portion of thread just meta-posting about wanting another thread
>doesn't happen
requesting switch-tan (the twins) cosplaying as kirlia and gothorita
Shut up Cube
We just need a pacific boy to see it through.
You deserve to be bully cube.
What side of the world you live on?
Let's keep this train rolling
Fuck you intelly
us east
Are we saved?
Well fuck.
Do we really have no one from the PST that comes here? Like, are we really that dead?
Well that was pointless. It was a good run. No lewd night I was even on vacation too See ya next week. Oh, and make your last minute requests
Birthdays next week. Have a comfy week. See you guys!
Someone asking for a west coast boy?
Make the after dark thread! Please?