He didn't have to be so rude about it.
He didn't have to be so rude about it
I love how Yea Forums turned him into an alt-right icon for some reason, but he's best friends with punchy, an actual gay british guy that is extremely left leaning.
Not a single person actually gives a shit about cavemen, he barely gained any viewers, nobody knows that he's into niche games and owns a huge collection.
All they know is "the epik politically incorrect guy that told the autistic kid to shut up, we live in a society".
Everyone involved in this shit is sad.
>He didn't have to be so rude about it.
Yeah. Poor Caveman just wanted to play his game.
When you have to secure the land of your people, you have to be a bit rude.
>get accepted to do a SR event in front of a hundred thousand people
>practice for months in advance
>the time comes, excited and anxious as fuck
>go in to do your run
>some random faggot you've never met before has not only arbitrarily decided that he gets to sit on the couch reserved for friends and commentators picked by you during your run, but talks over your commentators and interrupts donations with retarded inane bullshit nonstop
All things considered I think he handled it pretty well. There are a lot of runners at that event who would've just straight up punted the fucker off the couch.
Some dipshits need to be told when to shut the hell up. The cringe was overwhelming.
Confirmed: Santa's little helper is a squirrel
It was entertaining though, you can't deny.
I watch GDQ almost exclusively for the cringe. It started off super entertaining but that little autist must be the least socially aware person I've seen. He keeps going despite everyone's obvious discomfort. Even after being called out by the donations!
Though you have to admit Chibi was being annoying.
Anyone had the clip of this happening (or even just a thorough rundown)?
The guy on the left is a furfag and a literal pedophile, i wish caveman would of just beat the shit out of him
Yes he did. That little faggot wouldn't shut up.
>thorough rundown
Chibi and caveman just google it you fucking retard.
Great job answering the question, retard.
this is a tombi 2 thread retard
Sure was funny that this board actually identified with a version of this guy that they forged on their own. Meanwhile chibi has probably more followers than ever.
I didn't know who either of those people were
and speedrun cheater
Have you ever tried to get away from or shut down a person that never shuts the fuck up? Sometimes you just have to be blunt. It's rude but sometimes neccessary.
That was a great and witty commentary.
I would really prefer if you'd keep going, my man.
Yeah man, I'm soooo jealous of chibi.
Jesus Christ, this is the cringiest thing I've ever seen. They're both autistic, unfunny, uninteresting sperglords.
seejust ignore hostile retards who never give source.
That's pretty obvious with a guy who named himself Chibi and changed his name to a Pokemon's.
Good, fuck that autist cheater.
I'll never understand why he thought he could get away with that.
Can you imagine if he had pulled this shit with Goose? Goddamn, now that would've been some funny shit.
>Dude shut the fuck up, holy shit, why are you even on the couch? Who the fuck are you?
I assumed since this is apparently an issue that he would've been a bit more rude than he was. That fucking donation though.
lmao, where did he come up with this? it is GOLD!
I don't get why people think he sperged out. All he said was "I would really prefer if you'd be quiet" He didn't yell it or anything.
Doesnt he say shit like this at least once a month?
When people say "Just be yourself," Chibi really shouldn't be himself. It isn't working out for him.
I wouldn't be surprise if he's like that everyday but he just doesn't tweet it.
Listen to how he says it. He's been wanting to say that for like 15 minutes at least, but can't quite bring himself to do it, which is why after the most retarded joke he basically snaps and immediately just says it. To be fair I can't imagine a much better way to handle that, but his response is quite autistic as well, which is what makes the video gold.
Never said you were.
But you sure do seem to keep tabs on him lol.
>but he's best friends with punchy, an actual gay
Nuggetman is homosex? When did this happen?
What's some more GDQ cringe? I don't follow that community but the cringe videos arw are hilarious.
Personal fave of mine
They were both fags honestly.
My friends
>pause timer to listen to her sob story for 30 seconds
>unpause after she's done
wow so hard
Think of the precedent this would set.
He is actually quite the normie if you follow him on twitter. Or became one no idea.
I don't understand who in their right mind would willingly follow attention hungry people like this.
Like go get help instead of tweeting about it.
Actually no, what he should've done was paused the game, let the timer continue running in the background, and give her a dead stare right into her eyes until she stops talking
I guarantee you everyone will instantly hate the bitch instead of thinking that he's the dick
>wait until the next run is being set up
>tell your shitty story
wow so hard
Moustache man is literally in the wrong. He's at a convention where gamers of all age, shape, size, gender, and identity come to play video games really fast, and he's going to be rude to one of his fellow gamers who is merely trying to have a dialogue/commentary about the game they're playing? Green Hoodie kid, god bless his soul, was devastated by how rude moustache man was. If that fucker told me to be quiet I would have stood up and gotten right in his face and then sucker punched him in the jaw just so he knows not to fuck with me ever again. It would all be on camera too so the videos of me sucking punching him would make me an internet legend
Most people on the internet wouldn't survive old internet. Smart phones were the key factor to the flood of normalfags and hug boxes. I realized something the other day on youtube in the comments. People are always complaining about ads and I always tell them to use adblock or whatever.
And almost everyone told me they were on phones. And it hit me. They're always on phones. The wide usage of smartphones made it easier for everyone to get online and shit everything up.
>is this what user is mad about today
It just came to me when I read the OP.
you can achieve internet infamy without the going the jail part
He was polite he did nothing wrong.
He should have, and had every right to, ask him to get the fucking hell off that couch. But no, he just pleasantly and passively allowed him to go along with his shit and expected him to pick up on the social signals being sent to him.
After all it was being streamed LIVE so he couldn't really swear or get too mad or anything or stop the game for this guy
You can get adblock on phones. Most humans are just dumb.
not to mention it was his birthday
Why was Chibi even there? It was obvious he'd never played Tombi.
Why do you even care??? I scroll past no name retards i don't know spewing shit. Do you really have to be in the loop so badly about the time one speedrunner was shitty to another on camera? Yes i realize you know what happened this is more for your little spoonfriend asking 12 fuckki
He was bored and thought himself a speedrunning celebrity. At least now they strictly enforce couch schedule and who should/should not be there.
>If that fucker told me to be quiet I would have stood up and gotten right in his face and then sucker punched him in the jaw just so he knows not to fuck with me ever again.
That would be pretty rude
based. Moustache guy is a pussy. He only felt tough because the person he was alpha dogging was literally a bottom of the barrel beta orbiter hyper autismo kid. It's easy to go up to Ants and be rude to them, because they don't do anything back, even if you step all over them.
how long did it take you to think of this b8 you sad incel
It was his birthday lmao
unfortunately lots of people are like this. I never understood why. They probably just want attention from that 1 person they are in love with hoping they reach out to them and support them and fall in love with
Have literally never seen what you're describing. Why do you just make up shit?
you got a solid point actually
Chibi is still not as pathetic as you losers
If you say so.
so he got a boyfriend? good for him i guess?
>undertale trash
>icon is a nervous sans
>got the Shouyuboy look
yeah sure
can someone have the screenshot of him literally getting cucked and saying he brought condoms
By the tranny?
He absolutely did. You might not know this, but if you don't shut this kind of "obnoxious brat who thinks everything has to be *le funny jokes xD* and doesn't even respect personal space", they'll dominate you everytime
If you watch the whole speedrun, she tried hard to gravitate the conversation to her yarn until she just finally spat out her story.
When the fuck has anyone made this to be political. The most I've seen is associating Chibi with being a reddit memer and him just putting him on his place.
i thought chibi tweeted that, saying that he was meeting a girl and then he got thrown to the side
Yes. Yes he is.
so hes fucking traps?
Not gonna lie I'd fuck that boy.
I like that jump!
Nothing came up when I searched for that, what else would I look up for it?
>epik politically incorrect
stop making shit up
Wasn’t that rude really
cry more resetera tranny
Do you guys really expect me to know who the fuck these wastes of sperm are?
at least we're not craving attention on a taiwanese basket weaving board
Like your parents, I don't expect anything from you
/threading and fippybippying your own posts is an acceptable behavior.