How hyped are you guys for the latest From masterpiece?

How hyped are you guys for the latest From masterpiece?

Attached: sekiro_shadows_HERO-hero.jpg (940x528, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Im more hyped for a real souls-like game desu

Attached: 156346.jpg (1024x512, 93K)

Fairly hypoed up, trying to distract myself with other games until Friday

who said sekiro is soul like

Nobody, which is why im not looking forward to it :^)

9/10 on the hype scale.
It’s guaranteed to win GOTY

nah it only looks, sounds, plays and controls like souls game
totally different guys


100% hype. Not been hyped for a game like this since bloodborne. Call me a from drone, idgaf, their games speak to me

Pre-ordered for PC I'm gonna have some serious fun, I'm stoked.

youre about to be severely disappointed lad

Pretty hype. The setting isn't as interesting as Dark Souls' or Bloodborne's to me, but it's still going to be Miyazaki kino. I've barely watched any footage or coverage since they announced it so im pretty much going in blind to the environments and bosses

Attached: hidetaka_miyazaki.png (700x495, 176K)

Will day 1 pirate it, if first 5 hours gameplay will be fine i will buy it.
I hope this game is not shit.

Cant wait to pirate it day 2

>You are going to be severely disappointed by the best game of all time

Attached: Sekirogiantserpent.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

>like fromsoftwares previous games
>new game is nothing like their previous games
youre a r etard

More like suckiro
>No soul level
>No shields
>Literally one main weapon and some mediocre subweapons
>No character customization
>Set in one of the most cliche and overdone eras in history
>Stupid prosthetic arm, why?
>Stupid ass James Bond grappling hook
>Confusing title (how does a shadow die twice?)
>not as difficult
Even the mighty must fall, this looks like trash, who else is ready for From's first major flop?

Nah I won't, I've spoiled myself on everything so far and nothing has disappointmented me at all

>new game is nothing like their previous games
This is a good thing, after Dark Souls 3 ended being one of the worst games of all time.

>one of the worst games of all time.

this game would absolutely push your shit in and tear you a new one and you know it

>like fromsoftwares previous games
>new game is nothing like their previous games
>a good thing
youre a retard

Yeah Haha its not a souls game
Its Tenchu but with
Bonfires, focus in bosses, enemies that swarm you, advertised exclusively about its difficulty, a main hub, chatacter builds through levels, currency gained by killing enemies but lost on death, a shrine maiden, world tendacy, vague storytelling...


I mean its definitely the worst souls game

this poster is scared he will get raped by the chained ogre repeatedly and can't grind or summon anyone for help

The revisionism around Dark Souls 3 is disgusting. The game was bad in nearly every facet.

Attached: Roll roll roll roll roll R1 R1 R1 R1.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

You dont even lose your shit on death anymore come on bruh you lose like half now I think

It will be one of the best games ever made, a work of art. Bought collectors edition btw

literally copypasta

ITT: shills

that your argument? wow you must have a huge dick sonny boy

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yeah, but it's lost forever. know your shit, casual

>waaaah why is game different from old game reeeee
play madden or nintendo games if you want the same shit every year

im sorry where was yours?

Libtards and muslims are the only ones not hyped

Not him but I'm looking for a specific combat experience which Sekiro doesn't offer, I'm not asking for a dark souls remake. That is a low IQ argument.

whys she so beautiful bros

Attached: emma.jpg (482x610, 38K)

Sekiro is already confirmed to have the best combat of any vidya.

Attached: Sekiro - Samurai General.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

So her painful death by dragonrot will be more inpactful

you have 5 souls games to replay and plenty of clones, stop crying

The most hype I've been for a game since P5, which was a huge disappointment. Hoping Sekiro won't be the same.

>The most hype I've been since a visual novel

She looks like she's on quaaludes

Allow me to reward you with one (1) yike

>Stop liking things I don't like!
Good one.

It comes out Thursday.

It's okay user. It's not your fault you were born with terrible taste.

Jesus, why? The first one was ass.

Wow so every checkpoint system is a bonfire now eh?
>Focus on bosses
>Enemies that swarm you
How the fuck is that unique to souls?
>>Advertised exclusively on difficulty
Thats not from's choice.
>Main hub
Oh god yeah, thats totally unique to souls games
>Character levels up
Wow, no game has ever done that except souls.
>Currency gained by killing enemies, lost on death
Another totally unique mechanic
>Shrine maiden
Yeah, completely unique to souls
>World "tendacy"
Not sure what "Tendacy" is but its probably not unique to souls either.
>Vague storytelling
I'm tired.

Still better than Dark Souls 2.

>says the soulsnigger

whatever you say weeb

>Get the bad ending if you die too much
That's a no buy for me

Attached: 1548826556806.png (844x792, 95K)


>someone pay attention to me please

Another casual filtered

What a beautiful game

There's items that reset the dragonrot status.

I never really knew that she could dance like this
She makes a man wanna speak spanish
Como se llama!
Sekiro Sekiro!

[citation needed]

>ended being one of the worst games of all time.
You're thinking of the unfinished asset dump that doesn't work as intended most of the time. 3 is just mediocre and Tanimura co-directing really shows.

Attached: gfqP39u.png (1280x720, 1.62M)

I honestly don't know, never been a big Tenchu fan, but it's not like there's anything else worth checking out these days and From does generally ok games at worst...

I don't remember which of the videos this was mentioned in.

Oh Sekiro when you die like that, you make the dragonrot go bad!

3 was worse. That's not to say that 2 was good, mind you.

Attached: Roll Simulator.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

>Dark Souls 3 ended being one of the worst games of all time.

you're probably one of those retards who think DS2 was good, right?

Multiple ones.

literally nothing wrong with some rolling

Refer to

Attached: Rolling Simulator 2.webm (700x400, 1.17M)

No, it wasn't. It was bad, but it wasn't disastrous oh both subjective and objective metrics. 3, as boring and dull as it is, is a finished, polished to some extent game. 2 is the best From's skeleton crew could make out of a game stuck on development hell for far too long that required either a massive delay or outright cancellation.

Anyone claiming that 2 was better than 3 is objectively wrong and should refrain from talking about vidya for the rest of his life.

>Rolling Simulator 2.webm
So one guy is acting like a retard and rolling the whole way instead of running, gets hit in the process anyway thereby demonstrating it's a terrible strategy, and somehow this makes DaS3 a bad game?

Out of all the possible webm's you picked a terrible one to complain about.


Attached: das3serpenthitboxes.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

cherrypicking won't help you DS3 has generally fairly good hitboxes.

You really don't wanna talk about how fuckin shitty DS2 hitboxes are, don't you?

>found one enemy that has a bullshit attack that goes to walls
>record said enemy attacking 40 times
come on user

nothing in that webm is a hitbox problem.

>no collusion between weapon and walls
>not a hitbox problem

Attached: 1528539451417.jpg (772x656, 53K)

so its not anyway near tenchu and more like souls because world exploring and boss focus.

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did you play bloodborne.

I know in your tiny little mind you think hitbox problem = your character getting/not getting hit but hitboxes extend to many more things than that.
Jesus christ.

as hyped as I was for MGSV

Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-3840x2160-e3-2018-screenshot-4k-19288.jpg (3840x2160, 1.73M)

I'm not

2 was already shit and 3 was complete rehashed garbage

As good as BB was, 2 shit games out of 3 releases is not a good record

Stop defending corporate, soulless cash grabs. It holds back the medium.

Attached: bbvsdas3.jpg (1920x1280, 184K)

>Dark Souls invented bosses, a hub, item based progression and vague storytelling
Truly the Dark Souls of game design.

I have three exams it will be my Friday post exam reward.

Look, I found DS3 disappointing too, but you really don't want to bring up hitboxes when comparing it DS2.

DMC5 guarantees this won't happen


Attached: boomerDante.jpg (1277x725, 390K)

That's not saying much. Bubsy 3D is better than that crap game.

2 and 3 was made due to a jewish contract which is no more

>interpretation is left in stone
people still can't make sense of that shit, what the fuck are you on about

>Terror Meter
Frenzy done right

Maybe like 5% hyped. Still feel really burned out from all the soulsborne games, but maybe it'll be different enough to feel fresh. Out of the two ancient weeb games the ghosts of tsushima looks much more enticing.

Attached: 2cadf46c2da44510d37df4579ada3b01.gif (320x400, 3.67M)

Want to know how I know you've never played Bubsy 3D?

>r-remember me pls
Your cringy anime popcorn flick wont get anywhere

Attached: 3D10BB7C-60A7-4153-8EE8-EC375F994DE0.jpg (710x548, 77K)

Unless the contract specifically told from to make two shit games I don't give a fuck about that excuse

It's not a Souls game. Dark Souls 3 was the last one.

lol sure

The contract told them to quickly shit out two sequels to Dark Souls

Bloodborne has no build variety, the bosses are infinitely inferior to what you find in DS3 and it's barely 30 fps.
Yes, the level design and art design is more appealing, but that's all. In the end DS3 gameplay is just more satisfying

Sales != quality
GOTY 2006 didn't even sell a million copies.

what is goty 2006?

That's why I said soulsborne, not just souls. It still looks pretty damn close, at least for me the previews and trailers are just too close to call it different enough to be refreshing.

4gb update on first day.

What could it be? Difficulty nerf?

And DMCV is a forgettable 8 hour movie game

>remove features
>need 4gb more files to do so
that sounds likely

Official 2006 goty was oblivion, nobody cares what your personal goty was or what game won the price from a literal who news outlet

They added online play.

I'll just wait for it to hit the bargain bin. Same with DMC5.

> I'll just wait for it to drop in price

Nothing wrong with that

I have Friday off work and I'm hyped as fuck. BB>DS1>DS3>DS2=DS Sekiro will probably be worse than DS1 but hopefully better than DS3.

God Hand

Attached: GOTYs.png (968x336, 450K)

Already got it from my local store, it's pretty good.

>Game with more non linear game world, more in depth combat, better aesthetic, no RPG stats to bog down enemy design and overall combat is going to worse than Dark Souls 1
Nice bait.

But will it be as good as Bloodborne?
It has half the development time and doesn't have Japan Studios to support Miyazaki.

I want it to be good, but I'm hesitant to buy it.

Attached: sekiro-24-1534764186.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

um, yikes

>pic related
Based and redpilled

>In march

Attached: 1549313459083.gif (300x236, 2.85M)

>am2r (not an official release)

am hella heckin' hyoped

>rpgstats bog enemy design
Low iq post

2008, much like 2018, was a weak year.

not hyped at all really. I already suffered from souls-fatigue by dark souls 3 so I only played it once. I'm hoping that sekiro's differences will be enough to make it feel somewhat fresh, but I don't really feel any excitement towards it. maybe the lack of hype will turn out to be a good thing since there's nowhere to go but up.

Attached: 1551952668927.jpg (402x720, 40K)

Good thing it's not a Souls game.

fuck off weeb

Yeah Haha its not a souls game
Its Tenchu but with
Bonfires, focus in bosses, enemies that swarm you, advertised exclusively about its difficulty, a main hub, chatacter builds through levels, currency gained by killing enemies but lost on death, a shrine maiden, world tendacy, vague storytelling...


why do people think this is a souls game when it's obviously a tenchu?
Straight up ignorance because kids these days never heard about tenchu or what?

Not pvp, just co-op?

>mass effect
>crysis warhead
>dead space
>far cry 2
>left 4 dead
>a weak year

>focus in bosses
Not unique to Souls.
>enemies that swarm you
Not unique to Souls.
>advertised exclusively about its difficulty
>a main hub
Not unique to Souls.
>chatacter builds through levels
Not unique to Souls.
>currency gained by killing enemies but lost on death
Not unique to Souls.
>a shrine maiden
Not unique to Souls.
>world tendacy
>vague storytelling
Not unique to Souls.

Sure, sure. It's still an action game by From and I've played a lot of those in the past eight years.

Not exactly hyped per say. I mean, I pre-ordered the collector's edition and everything but I'm nowhere near as excited as I was for Devil May Cry. I am looking forward to it but I'm still a little unsure about the game. I haven't been in many threads or seen videos so I'm basically going in on blind faith that From will deliver, but the obvious shilling and anti-shilling in these threads make me think I'll just have to trust my own judgment when the time comes, instead of hoping on here to chat about whether it's good or not

Not trying to bait. DS1 is without question one of the best games I've ever played or will play. Up there with likes of Homm3, ffVI, SMB3, lttp, etc. BB only slightly beat it

Mass Effect was '07.

Yeah yeah. You guys spouted the same shit when Bloodborne was around the corner.

did you have a stroke in middle of your playthrough and dont therefore remember the entire second half?

>it has cutscenes so it's a movie game

when will this gay meme die

Bloodborne was explicitly a Souls game, this isn't.

>bb is souls

All games have their positives and negatives, overall I'd still say that DS1 is a near masterpiece.

you have very low standards, dark souls 1 isnt even the best video game FROM has created (and im not talking about bloodborne)

>BB isn't souls

Attached: 1509551930994.jpg (645x729, 26K)

room temperature IQ post

On a scale of 1-10 about a 7

From who?

I'm pretty sure bloodborne is considered a bornes game...

>no bonfires
>no boss souls
>no souls at all
>no medieval fantasy
Bloodborne is a Bloodborne game.

Agree to disagree. For me BB is undoubtedly the best game From has made and DS1 is a close second.

BB for me, followed by DeS.
DaS was just a pale imitation of DeS.
Hoping Sekiro is as good as BB

I'd like to revise my post to
>sub zero IQ post

>DaS was just a pale imitation of DeS.
DaS was an improvement in every way.

You should honestly start gaming if you think Ds3 and 2 are bad games you fucking zoomer

>has only one attack button
Lol casual shit

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not him but you cannot disagree unless you're an autistic fuck

Mario uses a couple. Your point?

>You should honesty start gaming if you think DaS2 and 3 were good

Attached: das2isagoodgame.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

People are more critical of developers that perform well. If you consistently produce quality games, anything less than the very best will be reviewed and dismissed.

The inverse is also true. Devs that are known to produce shit (capcom) are more likely to get praised when they release something average at best (dmcv)


>if you dont agree with MY opinions youte autistic

whens the crack bros

Attached: [Erai-raws] Comic Girls - 06 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_13.11_[2018.05.11_01.36.35] (2). (250x479, 26K)

>semantics the post

It's not about what they're called it's about the mechanic you dingbat. The lamps perform the main purpose of a bonfire, badges do half the function of boss souls and blood echoes function like souls.

Bloodborne isn't a Dark Souls game, but it is in the genre of what people call "souls"

Oh no, a gate has shit collision.
Guess DMC5 is 1/10 game because it's full of invisible walls as well.

Super hyped. It looks like a homage to Japanese culture or something of that nature. I love passion projects like that.

>genuinely responding to a low effort shitpost

Yup, BB isnt a souls game. Glad you agree.

DMC5 is a 10/10, you zoomer.

Attached: das2isagoodgame2.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Sekiro is in the same boat.
If people call BB a souls game then Sekiro is a souls game too.

This is why I’m hyped, it feels like From is kicking it up a notch because it’s their own country and mythos as inspiration

>Dante only playable for 1/3rd of the game
Yeah, no

yeah sure, just like bloodborne wasn't a souls game. When will you retards learn that soulsborne is a genre now, not just a series.

>Emphasis on vertical movement
>Stealth component
>Multi faceted way to approach situations in the world
>No RPG elements

>Souls game

Attached: rotatingBrainlet.gif (326x368, 258K)

>>Emphasis on vertical movement
Grappling on predetermined points is suddenly an "emphasis" on vertical movement?

You having a stroke user?


Attached: 1552607079154.webm (960x540, 2.37M)

>predetermined points
Durrr durr?


desu vague storytelling has been a hallmark of From since the early 90's when they began with King's Field AND Armored Core, but these based retards are just soulsbabbies who don't know any better and think gaming started with Souls.

Not to mention all the countless games that did that before Demon's Souls was even conceptualized.

based mussolini

Thanks op I already definitely going to pre-order and play game soon

>No RPG elements
what DID he mean by this?

I won't preorder but merely await a week or so and see how game is. If it's good I will simply purchase it and enjoy. Easy.

>streaming on main account

>streaming on his main account

The game is getting ready for preload as we speak. I have pre-ordered the game.

Congrats retard?

I just pre ordered on Steam and cannot wait to play!! GOYT incoming.

>Pre-ordering an Activision game

>day -2 torrent when?

Pre-ordered the collector’s edition by accident and don’t even know what’s in it. Oh well

But if she dies we can't get married and have kids!

lmao, that'd wouldn't fly.

>not Deus Ex

Attached: 1552073561651.png (1276x714, 788K)

user, all of these games are textbook mediocrity


Attached: Deus Ex - Liberty Island Madness.webm (853x480, 1.82M)

This should be good. I'm looking forwards to it and will set aside time to play it soon!

here's your dragon

Attached: 1545878468369.png (480x480, 250K)

That looks like shit. What happened to From's god tier art directors?

dahhh why game wit tree charagters only hab 1 charagter for 1/3 of game? me no like dis

Attached: 1231125415.jpg (200x313, 13K)

whats ur fav boss in the series

Absolutely patrician list holy shit. user was not a faggot today

no way, fag

From a design perspective or gameplay?

hollow knight was not better than BOTW


I've never played a From Software game. Should I get this?

Are people ironic-shilling or am i seeing this shit?

Hard to say, probably Ebrietas.

Attached: Ebrietas_Concept_Art_Large.jpg (1600x975, 399K)

No thanks, it still runs on the jank engine


>unironically being a nerofag
Based dmc4baby

From have had complete autonomy in designing and developing the game. Activision are literally just publishing the game.

kinda looks like shit user

Attached: file.png (240x240, 136K)

Doesn't this game require steam on PC?

If so, you'll have to wait for the executable to unlock.

Definitely interested desu
/dsg/ and /bbg/ seem to hate it though

I want to be her kid !

Still looks better than that uninspired dragon. Even DaS3 had a good dragon design.

Attached: Oceiros_DS3_Artbook.jpg (1357x1027, 150K)

I don't care.

That makes you my son!

Yea Forums hates it a lot more, I assure you

>Not DS4
>Not BB2
Why wouldn't they?
>No multiplayer

They wanted another soulslike game.

This thing's different and as we all know, change is bad.

Elaborate pls

You missed the point.
Judging a boss's look by the fucking TROPHY PICTURE is the most retarded shit you can do.

Attached: Filianore.jpg (2714x1920, 1.23M)

I hate this place

Attached: A3A9DA57-6B9F-4F11-AE6E-C6B188A94DC6.jpg (500x500, 47K)

There's still a discernible interesting design from most of the trophy pictures. The same isn't true of that dragon.

Attached: Darkbeast_Paarl_trophy.jpg (244x244, 20K)

that's because chinese dragons
1) just arent that interesting
2) due to their morphological nature, a lot of their design and visual impact will come from how the body moves during an encounter

It's a fucking just cause

Attached: 1524544899950.jpg (693x693, 138K)

I hope you're right. I just expected something more original from the artists. Even DaS2 had some good designs.

but i do share your concern. a lot of the trophies make the bosses all look generic as fuck. the weirdest thing there is is a fucking giant ape. everything else is just normal animals or humans.
let's hope for the best.

Why do you think it’s the final boss for some reason?

It’s supposed to be a figure made by The Sculptor, of course it looks lacklustre.

hah hahah ha you are funny guy.

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It's just a shitpost lad

Waiting on those threads when everyone is playing and trying to figure out shit.

Attached: c.jpg (600x579, 42K)

Based and Alfredpilled.

0 hype. looks like a last gen game.

Attached: 1552911512684.jpg (480x640, 12K)

>big new games sell most
no shit

>looks like a last gen game.
that's fucking amazing

Looks pretty good for a last gen game.

Think that's wrong, chief.

I hate people that shitpost about the game before even finishing it.

I hope we have a recurring leitmotif in the game. Menu OST is good, btw.

Attached: IMG_0974.jpg (735x828, 396K)

Souls games never have a leitmotif

3 was just “good” and not amazing compare to 1 and BB
Also 2 exists so..

Looks like shit desu, can't imagine anyone being interested in this.
Then again, fromfags are known for their low standards.

Attached: grorious_rippon.webm (960x540, 2.98M)