How do you deal with gamer head in public? Just wear a hat and never take it off? How about in places where you are required to remove to your hat?
How do you deal with gamer head in public? Just wear a hat and never take it off...
I just live with it, it's not like I'd suddenly be attractive if it went away
>going to places that require you to remove hats
You are the problem, not the fucking dent in your empty skull
>tfw normal shaped head
It hurts fellow gamers.
Is this shit real?
T-This isn't real, right? I-It's just a meme?
Dude just be yourself
You can literally see the PS artifacts
>not being deaf and using subtitles
It's real, as in low iq people with birth defects are more predisposed to playing video games than the general public.
I'm going to sneak up behind you and you'll never hear me coming.
Touch your fucking head and discover for yourself.
Lmao I'm watching this dude right now (SickNerd), chill CoX solos.
I know this feel actually. It's nowhere near as bad as these pictures but it happens. Though it fucks up my hair more than my head.
Here's the original.
>he doesn't have a job
What are you going to do when your NEET bux run out?
ok but what the fuck am I looking at for real
fucking america holy shit
>literally just flattening people's hair
60 iqs
It is real. Just search "headphone dent" you get it on top and from the sides from the padding. It is more pronounced if you have thick hair, but it also indents the skin over your head and over time your skull and slightly deform. It depends on how heavy the headphones are and how tight they are.
right? only in america can you rightfully defend your home.
I'm really glad I only use speakers.
I do have a job and we have absolutely 0 dress code
There are people in hats all day there
Because I'm not a brainlet wagecuck like you who works in retail or fastfood.
only if you've been gaming since you were a baby and used a rubber band instead then yea sure
>over time your skull and slightly deform
Your skull absolutely does not deform due to wearing headphones
quick, recommend me a decent surround set
or am i supposed to buy it piecemeal?
why we need to kill the beaners.
>absolutely 0 dress code
So, no business suits then. Sorry to hear that. *snicker*
What's a piecemeal, also get a soundbar instead, these are capable of dolby atomos surround sound now.
I use in ear headphones, headsets are uncomfortable and make my ears sweat
Dawg, that's not gamer head. That's a fucking cranial diformity.
It depends on the factors already stated.
Literally any of them will work unless you are an audiophile.
One piece at a time.
This would deeply concern me were i not an ugly sack of shit
>make my ears sweat
Your ears already sweat, it is that the plastic traps the moisture allowing it to build up instead of evaporate normally.
i have a shower before i leave the house.
>your skull deforms from headphones
Bro, you have to have some mineral, calcium whatever imbalance in your bones to have such a flexible skull. Ain't no way in hell you can bend your bones because of your headphones. The skull is meant to withstand kilos of pressure before it breaks.
>tfw have a weird alium skull
yeah yeah this is what I meant, but also they used to sweat more because it was simply much hotter under the pads.
Why using headphones in the first place?
I wear a hat with my headphones. The ATH-M50s are heavy and leave an impression in my hair, the hat solved my issues.
It's comfy. Better control over sounds, blocks out most annoying sounds from the outside, clicky gamer keyboards or whatever. Also after upgrading to wireless I can just walk around with it everywhere, while cooking, shitting, cleaning; never worrying about adjusting volume, switching input devices or anything like that.
I wear a sweatshirt with the hood up and the headset on top of the hood
Just fix your hair before putting the hood on and you're golden
lol @ anyone taking this seriously, it reads like a fucking power fantasy from some gun loser
yeah buddy i'm sure you executed a spic in california without any charges being pressed on you, suuuure
Bones are flexible, user. When bones stop flexing they become brittle and break. That only happens through disease. Haven't you seen those tribemen who shape their own skulls with boards and shit? While it is easier to start it at birth, it can be done as an adult too. It requires habitual effort. Just like that of a gamer who is constantly gaming and using heavy tight headphones.
>unless you are an audiophile
i'm not, i just really want to play games in surround sound again
does buying a sound card help at all?
>tfw hair is thinning due to massive amounts of anxiety through 5 years
>haven't used headphones because can feel my thin hair against my scalp
>not having your music and hentai at full blast on your speakers
>Also after upgrading to wireless I can just walk around with it everywhere, while cooking, shitting, cleaning; never worrying about adjusting volume, switching input devices or anything like that.
So, what you are saying is that this is an accurate representation of you?
i wear ear protection at work. I have the dent all the time and dont care.
it happens to your hair
If your PC doesn't support the surround sound output/input then you'd need to buy a card that does. That can be optical or regular depending on your system.
this is shopped
this is real
It’s very real. I have indentions above my ears from 31 years of wearing glasses.
I get that for a few hours after mowing the lawn. Now I have the kind that swivels to the back of the neck so I can wear a massive hat to block the fucking sun.
If you're asking, it's already too late
This only happens if you've been wearing constricting headphones from early teens into adulthood
Using headphones also gives you a bald spot.
Real chads let everything including their conversation with friends online blast through massive speakers at all times without giving a single fuck.
Not yet. We'll see. Though Arctis 7 feel suprisingly light on the top of my head thanks to the elastic band design.
Bro you can reform your whole facial structure with just proper tongue posture, much less having a goddamn headphone pressing on it multiple hours a day. Of course this thread is obviously exaggerated and just a meme but you don't need to go full retard and expect bones not to be malleable over long periods
God her ears must be a fucking swamp
>dude look at the top of his head
those are probably skin indentations
but it's not uncommon to have small indentations in that specific area naturally anyway, some unfortunate souls might have much more pronounced ones due to development.
Stop words you don't understand
>due to development.
Most of the people on Yea Forums grew up in the age of massive headphones and used them during their childhood while their skulls were still developing. Which is why there's so many more people with gamer head now.
>this entire thread
Playing horror game or just one with really good audio.
That's the biggest load of "information" just made up without any empirical effort. I'm going to suck your cock, faggot
>used headset since I was young
>skull is perfectly normal to this day
>there's so many more people with gamer head now.
don't split hairs
Holy shit if your headset gives you a fucking dent your headset is way too small or too tight. You need buy a bigger headset, ideally with a wide, flexible strap like in pic related. It's a lot broader so the pressure gets distributed better.
I wear a headset all day erry day because I'm currently a neet and I never had any problems owning a similar headset like pic related.
although i mostly used porta pro as a kid, barely even touched my scalp.
Fuck you, tyler1 is a hero that slew a dragon to save the innocent
It's almost like you're posting in a troll thread
Is this real? How fucking soft are your heads? I would literally kill myself if i looked like some alien headed motherfucker.
I've been gaming for 30 years and it hasn't happened to me yet. See?
Amazing. You probably have good genes.
>t. gamer head sufferer
so they're completely redundant if the on-board sound has the outputs?
the last time i owned a dedicated audio card it was a fucking sound blaster audigy, and back then it definitely made a difference, though i suspect it was down to the drivers
no u
>always used earbuds instead of headphones
>no skull deformities but slight hearing loss
You can't win. External speakerfags are the real geniuses.
That depends on the quality of the on-board device. Some of them have terrible line noise.
It's not a troll. It's happening to me. At least I'm not a baldfag.
the only reason I can think of to use headsets is if you're talking to someone while playing
are there any speaker/microphone setups that don't feed into one another?
It's either just your hair, or your shape was fucked from the get go. This thread is stupid
Its fake. The only dent that happens is with your hair
i actually have a small dent, but it's not where my headphone rest, just where the skull bones meet.
>At least I'm not a baldfag.
No your parents slipped and chucked you down the stairs, now you're bald, deformed and using Yea Forums
>Game at home and get gamer head
>Wear a bulkier headset at work but don't get gamer head
What the heck bros?
Fuck mexicans.
Build the god damn wall.
not when you're an adult you can't
This isn't Yea Forums.
>plastic headphones
>changing the shape of bone
Unless the pressure is big enough to maim or kill, nothing is going to fucking deform your skull.
Bulkier is probably better because they are big, so they don't put so much pressure on the top of your head.
>not understanding the forces at play
Stay in school, Tyler.
>There are actual retards ITT who believe this shit
>skull deformation from slight pressure
Someone will read this and believe it.
>feel the top of my head
>caves in a little bit, right where my headphones would usually sit
At least my hair hides it for now.
This shit will return to normal eventually, r-right?
You can, just not that severely. But it still affects it. It affects mostly the other way around, if you have bad tongue posture your face sort of melts away very fast. But having proper tongue posture negates it, while the positive effects take a long time to be noticeable.
Nobody sees it since im taller than 90% of people.
>t. balding fuck
Do I have to be the first one to tell you that this is actually a common occurrence in skulls and has literally nothing to do with headphones that don't even press ON your head but to the side of it? Not to mention that this shit won't affect your skull at all?
Or are you really that underage to believe this? I wish this was a rhetorical question but it really isn't at this point...
I feel like the vast majority of Yea Forums has legit brain problems so it's no surprise.
Are you an idiot?
Did your parents ever cry at night?
Just asking because you compare a joint like the jaw to a skull.
Going bald gives you a bald spot. I bet you believe jerking off makes you blind, too.
Explain to me, then, how a lightweight plastic headband is going to make any physical modifications to bone.
> I have indentions above my ears from 31 years of wearing glasses.
same here
they're kind of spooky
most human skulls have a small dent like that, due to the anterior fontanel and nearby coronal suture. it's often hidden by skin and tissue. size and depth varies from skull to skull.
zoomers thinking it's due to gaming, fucking hysterical.
You're trying to explain this shit to a board that believes in racial realism and nofap.
It's not the jaw bone that changes, it's the actual skull and midsections of the face, via the jaw putting upwards pressure. Maybe you should try doing a simple googling or something if it's the first time coming across this concept and not just shooting up a hot take.
>Be in highschool 10 years ago
>Army recruiter comes in
>This student with a skull like the guy in the pic seems really interested and is asking a lot of questions
>His chums asks if the army even accepts people with malformed skulls in the first place
>Entire room breaks out in laughter. I fucked laughed hard
>Recruiter kept his cool, didnt even crack a smile as he calms the class down
>5 years ago at a party and see a shadowy figure in a corner of the room
>Recognize him as the guy with the mishapen skull
>I go to shake his hand and his hand is mostly nubs his face is burned and patchy with dark skin mixed with white scar tissue
>Find out he got his humvee or whatever blown up and burn inside for a bit.
>In a typical case, headbinding begins approximately a month after birth and continues for about six months.
Damn nigga, babies already becoming hardcore gamer these days huh
>baiting retards into continuing to cave in their own skull/brains
i like it
why the fuck would I use headset at home? speakers masterrace all the way
>better quality
>less damage to ears
>can hear if something going on in the house
>don't heat up my ears
>no limiting strings
Worse, they're becoming audiophiles.
>It is done by distorting the normal growth of a child's skull by applying force.
>Typically, it is carried out on an infant, as the skull is most pliable at this time.
>dude wearing headphones will deform your skull
Yea Forums is by far the dumbest board on this entire website, jesus christ. Even /x/ wouldn't believe something this retarded.
I could beat you up in real life, just stating that
>look in the mirror
>see I have gamer head
>try to hide it with various hats
>doesn't work
>decide to try and shape the bottom half of my skull like the top half
>wear headset upside down
>3 years in and no progress
I fucked up bros, I'll always look like a freak
I'm gonna sue razer for this shit, fuck them man
This happens all over the world now. Only in the US you can easily own a gun to defend yourself.
>most pliable
Meaning it is still pliable later on, just not as pliable as stated earlier in this very thread.
That's not a funny story at all.
What kind of starship troopers hellhole do you live in?
Not even gonna read it i know what is in there before opening it and it has nothing to do with anything in this thread. No i haven't read the thread either. Be less predictable with your shit.
>artificial cranial deformation (head-binding, weave whackin, alien cranium) is a quasi self-mutilating, bone distending and body modifying practice that has been in use in many different cultures for various purposes (religious, socio-poloogable ethnic cleanse everyone in this thread) by applying pressure to the
Fuck you
That only works when you're a toddler you fucking retard.
wasnt supposed to be, its just how i experienced a part of my life.
>wear headset upside down
>jaw bends upwards
>see this thread
>check mirror
>got the dent in the top of my head where the headphones are
>distinctly remember that the headphones sorta "click" into place better over the years
>sides of my head around the ears are indentated a bit showing a ring
>haven't worn a headset for the past 2 days due to working outside
>it has nothing to do with anything in this thread
>No i haven't read the thread either.
Do you even know what thread it is you are posting in?
How stupid are you?
I hear this is worse if you are a virgin.
Just made me check my head, I realized I have a groove where a chunk of ceiling domed me as a kid.
Imagine everyone on Yea Forums posting on /pol/ all day about the future of the white race and then they look in the mirror and all they see is this ugly el goblino creature with a malformed skull and fucked up hands, bags under their eyes and scrotum hair in random places.
yeah, the latest spawn of the last generation having misshapen skulls, because their parents didn't give a shit about parenting when they were a baby, didn't happen either
>ring indents and literal indent line from ear to ear
AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! this shit will go back to normal right?
Read my post bugman. I hit the nail right on its fucking head
>Imagine the current reality
okay, now what?
maybe you should try again
i lost my eyesight due to jerking off too much, should have listened to my pastor nad let him fuck me instead.
seeing these pics makes me glad I have never bought headphones and only use speakers or earbuds, whuch are infinitely more comfortable than goyphones
who /patrician/ here?
The more I read about this online the more I find. Seems it is a thing and not just bad genes. Hair problems are of course common, but so is skin indentation and minor skull indentation. Seems it only happens to people with heavy headsets and long term use.
My cousin used this on his head one time as a joke and accidentally tore out his eardrums
Bones are malleable. Wearing a headset every day since you first started using your computer is obviously going to have an impact. Worst part is there's no way to deform the skull back into shape because you can't put pressure on it from the inside. Once you get your dent, you're dented for life.
I know that headphones aren't likely to deform a fucking skull, but I do wonder if they would affect someone with very pronounced ears.
Would they pin them back at all?
Hey, I have a somewhat rare disease, can I be the cool user of the day?
I have this defect on my tongue.
I can't lick an ice cream, french kissing, or giving cunnilingus, not like I would ever have the chance of course.
You really want to be deaf user?
kys tranny
Yeah, I have it, it scared the shit out of me when I felt it one day, mine is fairly subtle.
>Once you get your dent, you're dented for life.
>earbuds, whuch are infinitely more comfortable
get a load of this guy
everyone is talking about skull indentation when it has nothing to do with the skull and yes this can be fixed with not hearing headphones for a while.
its just a skin indentation
Can't just cut it away?
There's a simple surgery for that.
>i take retarded [growing teen] posts into consideration
based retard
I was right on the money. Either read the article or read my post you retard. Nowhere is there any proof that wearing headphones gives you a groove in your skull, neither wikipedia nor this thread nor anyhwere in the world for that matter. I didn't even have to read any retards shit to know what this thread would be: halft the faggots saying it's obviously untrue and the other half comprised of shitposters, actual retards who think this will happen and trolls. Fuck outta here with this shit. Now everyone in this fucking thread fuck off take your stupid looking heads with you and put some fucking effort in son.
Entertain me again like you used too Yea Forums
Where do you think you are?
Something about this troglodyte chad turns me on
This is true i stopped using headphones and my hair grew back, i grew 5 inches and my dick doubled in size and girth
the guy would be in jailed getting raped by arabs if this happened here, so I don't know what you're on about
I keep quoting the wrong guyYeqh fuck you buddy read this you piece of shit
Isn't he the guy who ate his own load????
Any good headphones recommendation (not headsets, headphones). I'm currently using apple headphones, sound is good but they're not very isolated.
Not yet keep going i need something man juet something to prove to me you're worth this time we spend together
>t.head denter
Go back to Mars you deformed loser lmao
I have no idea what this is, why would you deliberately wear headphones while playing a game
like just use the speakers
nigga turn up the volume
Anything that doesnt have a mic, isn't branded by retards like Beats, Apple, Bose,etc. and is moderately priced ~100 is nice
So, like how do I undo this thing that was done to me by my own hand? Real replies only, plz.
I literally can't use headphones because I'm too paranoid about not hearing something happening around me. Even in the middle of the day. I can't enjoy whatever it is I'm watching/playing because I'm too busy thinking of something bad happening and me not noticing.
A juvenile attempt at humor.
Next please. Something worthwhile perhals?
Things that never happened for $100 Alex
I use mirrors so I can see behind me all the time while wearing headphones at the PC.
You gotta dent it backwards
Go to a plastic surgeon
you wait
That's kind of common though. I know two guys that happened to from high school. I didn't know them very well personally, but I remember them from before. Shit sux sometimes, but hey I got cheap fuel prices thanks to their efforts.
>moderately priced
well fuck, I was thinking more around 40. For a hundred I would want a mic with it
It's been 2 days and I have a raid tonight. I can't use speakers or people will bang on the walls.
Businesses are starting to get away from the business formal attire. JPMorgan and Goldman are both going in on a business casual approach which is nice. Wearing a suit all day kinda sucks. But you would of known that had you worked for a fortune 500
dent around it until you went full circle & everything is dented
Tech companies are not worth working at. Those are pure slavery.
Wear them upside down
I'd fucking hate having to wear a suit every day
take your pick
>expensive as shit
>uncomfortable as fuck
>all of the above
Monoprice and Grado have some good cheap headphones
So this is a headphone thread right?
I just ordered these today. Anyone else have them? they're supposed to be similar to the HD600/650.
This, you work out your brain until you skull pops back into place
>mfw just touched top of my head
I am not fucked, right?
If youre looking for something priced at that corsair makes some good headphones
The thing about headphones with mics is that they up the price quite a bit while having shitty quality, there's a $5 external mic that is way better than most integrated ones
>NOTICE: You will be subject to search.
That's even worse than I thought.
Get a tailored suit, they are great.
>expensive as shit
lol Seriously? $5k is pretty cheap.
>check mirror
>Notice hair is a little thinner at "bump" area
Oh well
Iv'e had Horse shoe head for the better part of 4 years so it's no real surprise
haha very funny
where my visual snow niggas at
>Hair thinned out a little where my headphones sit
>Look! Look I have money! Look at me!
you realise 5000USD is twice the median monthly salary in the US?
>wagie unironically buys a suit for $5000, just to keep on waging
>the virgin headphone user
>the chad surround sound master
>he doesn’t use earpods
Yeah, your skull is still pliable. Allow me to apply a hammer to it.
They're subject to getting searched on Facebook because they work for the place. It's a joke.
don't mind me bro, just passing by your line of sight.
>Heh, 5k is nothing, I make 100k yearly and only pay 80k in rent and taxes.
It's not your skull, it's fat. This happens if you have a fat head. A headphone band isn't enough to deform your skull unless you're a literal infant and the top of your head hasn't ossified yet.
I said fortune 500 not tech company
What in the actual fuck...
in what power fantasy does the wife get raped for 10 minutes instead of being saved immediately?
your dick changes shape if you use your hand too much btw
With rogaine
>liquid water
>changing the shape of rock
Get on my level
Headphones will leave a temporary indent in your hair and skin the same way tight underwear will leave marks on you for a while.
There is a cranial suture that runs over the top of your head though. Lots of people may have a slight indent there which they naturally find to be a comfortable location for their headphones.
When you're born the sutures are soft which allows your fat head to more easily squeeze out of your mother. The sutures then solidify as you age. Headphones wouldn't affect them unless you wore them all the time at a young age.
People like have some other defect or injury that caused the skull to be misshapen.
Anyway, the solution to prevent your hair/skin from getting fucked up is to wear earbuds instead.
what the fuck
Yes, you can. Your head is like a soft metal, it's slow but it'll still deform under certain pressures and the tongue just happens to be good enough to cause it.
this shit is going to be memed here for the next few weeks isnt it
my dick bends more to the left than it used to how do i unbend it?
always thought I was crazy until I figured out it was a thing other people had
I've used a headset on and off for a few years and this thread scares the fuck out of me. I'm done with this shit.
What are the most lightweight, comfortable, earbuds with decent sound quality?
>dentlet trying to deflect his permanent self caused deformity by equating it to something ridiculous
Keep seething
>headsets won't cause permanent damage despite the fact that you wear them for over 8 hours a day every day
yeah and I hope we got to see some sweet OC
>it's just a neck ring user, it's not going to cause any permanent damage
This happened to me once, but I just adjusted where my headphones rested and eventually got a different pair and it went away in a few days. Was pretty fucking alarming to feel a dent in my head though.
holy shit I actually have a dent there
literally made my entire class freak out in Highschool by making them aware of it
>buy "gamer gear" designed to make you better at games
>it actually puts pressure on the part of your brain responsible for motor function, resulting in slower reaction time
Is there solid water?
It sounds like you've grown your entire childhood in cotton wool, considering even the slightest """""unusual"""" story instantly gets you sceptic
I've had a person jump off of a roof and drop right in front of me, everybody around the dude just froze and didn't know what to do, some retards even started recording it and talking shit like "oh my god, someone just jumped down from a roof and I'm right next to him", me and the group I was with checked if the guy was still alive and called ambulance and put him in a position where he wouldn't choke, to this day I don't know if the guy survived but he was still alive when on the ground, his limbs tangled around him like a fucking ball of yarn, torso seemed to be unharmed since his legs took the biggest blow
Earbuds aren't any better unless you want to go deaf
Even if this thread is in jest and it doesn't mess with your skull, I hate the way it fucks up my hair. What's the point in going to the gym and paying for nice clothes if this gay shit fucks up my hair?
I usually only use them for FPS games to hear my surroundings better without blasting the volume on my speakers.
>user bones cannot be moved, once they're formed they're that way for life!
>Once you get your dent, you're dented for life.
Just dont leave your cave. Get a job that requires headwear/earmuffs.
I have half a pair of headphones that i turn up real loud and use as a speaker
yeah but I'll smell you.
What is erosion?
Use earbuds you dummy
You're a good guy user. I live in the south where when it snows people forget how to drive. I was keeping a steady pace heading to the airport when a fucking idiot swooped around me and hit a car that was about 2 car lengths ahead. The hit car went into the ditch relatively gently but the idiot car flipped at least 6 times to the right before landing hard in the ditch. I just kept driving. My girlfriend says I did what I had to, if I had stopped I probably would have been hit to. I regret not helping a lot. I looked online and didn't see any deaths for that day but it still fucks me up
Do you know how much fucking pressure braces apply constantly? Even with that it takes years to straigthen them
>plastic headphones
These are metal. Get real headphones.
what a baby lol.
Then why does it feel like it's more than that when you touch it? Or does the head just naturally curve there?
By not having shit genes
You just pop it back out, bro.
Whatever you say bro. I don't use sound in video games anyway, I'll just use speakers.
Hope you have good bone structure and density. Get dent.
>pc gaymers btfo
Probably the US. We have military recruiters coming into HS all the time to try and trick kids into enlisting instead of going to uni. They have pep rallies and play games with the jocks and shit. Gotta find bodies for the endless oil wars somehow I guess.
They probably made you bald like that guy though
well then good thing it's not bone you total fucking opie
it's the layer of flesh above your skull being indented. have you never seen dents from glasses?
How do you fix those dumb ass dents then?