What do you wanna see in Bravely Third?
What do you wanna see in Bravely Third?
lewd fairies
Less dialogue. Shut the fuck up, the characters aren't interesting and their discussions are repetitive shit about food.
If the dialogue in your RPG is annoying you, then there's a fundamental problem with the writing.
It's not normal for dialogue in a RPG to be so shit you want less of it.
Then it means it's not a very good RPG.
>It's not normal for dialogue in a RPG to be so shit
Wrong. RPG writing in general, especially jrpg, is garbage.
A new world with new characters and jobs. Bring back Revo even if I liked Second's soundtrack
>Bring back Revo
I want Tressa to be in it!
Revo as a composer and a complete reboot.
Moar Edea
Ringabel and Edea.
dude food lmao
Fight prime yulanya for the inquisitor asterisk
This. Ideally as player characters.
Dude I'm a swedish bikini babe valkyrie princess who need no man and kills my bf in every timeline
What i was fucking promised and the the end of Second. My boy Ringabel.
She cute
No censorship for once.
Revo making a comeback, a brand new overworld, (a) Ringabel/Alternis in the party, no censorship.
>Then it means it's not a very good RPG.
Not really, it just mean it has a bad scrip, but being a good JRPG or even a regular RPG and having a good scrip rarely go hand in hand, the problem is when the bad scrip abuse with it's dialogue.
I wonder if Square Enix regrets not allowing the game to be called Final Fantasy.
Branching side quests and multiple endings. It seems like the natural conclusion to what they've done with the timeline shenanigans in 1/2
>Bravely Third
I want this meme to end. The second game literally sets up the title, plot premise and macguffin of the next one as Bravely Sword.
I do not want a Bravely Third. I thought I wanted a Second but it turns out that was a bad thing to want.
I feel the need to express my sexual attraction to that fairy.
>Ideally as player character
But user she's been in the party the whole time :^)