In celebration of the sale and an influx of new players, let's greentext our best moments from Foxhole for fellow anons. Be they funny, sad, or XD random.
Foxhole war stories
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Towable field artillery when?
I bought this a long time ago and never played it. How easy is it to get into? Do I need to use a mic or are there other ways to communicate with players?
My advice is to just jump in, you can just chat with text but a mic is easier. Usually there's people waiting at new spawn for new players to help out.
>How easy is it to get into?
Depends, if you want to grab a rifle and shoot on the frontline you can. Everything else takes teamwork
>Do I need to use a mic or are there other ways to communicate with players?
It is recommend but you can also ping out directions by pressing the V key for commands on and off the map.
Here's something from the first time I played
>new player
>come across a bunch of friendlies standing around their burning truck in the middle of nowhere
>they call me over
>just join their circle surrounding this fire
>they're singing songs, telling stories, and drinking
>mfw I stumbled across an extremely comfy player made bonfire party in the snow
Sounds good. I bought it like a year ago and just now noticed all the content updates, so I'll check it out when I can.
>people sit around and chat with their friends in real life
>people sit around and chat with strangers in a shitty indie game
Society is doomed
Fuck off boomer doomer
>tag-alongs are a new thing
I just realized this game is a social media platform with guns. A very VERY slow gameplay social media platform with guns.
Why are wardens such weebs?
I want to check out the game, because the premise sounds really neat to me, but I don't want to have to play it like a second job in order to get anywhere. That's the reason I've almost never been able to get into MMOs and mostly play singleplayer games. What do?
is it fun? i'll buy it now if someone can confirm if its fun.
Uh no its a trucking simulator with guns
>Habbo Hotel with guns
There's literally no level ups or anything, you gain rank when other people commend you for stuff like helping them out or delivering ammo
The only thing rank locks you out of is creating squads and marking the map
If you want to just jump in and play, even with friends it's really easy and there's nothing to grind
>an influx of new players
>565 In-game
You can pick up a weapon and shoot some people for an hour if that what you want to do. Leave the heavy lifting for the autistic people that already invested too much time into it.
How well does it run? I got a crappy computer
It's a low poly game, but check the specs. If you really want to you could always refund it
>3 hours of preparation for 10 minutes of action
I dropped this game in 2 days. Jesus what a slog to play through.
Uh no its a mining simulator with guns
>New to the game
>Have a lot of fun in logi
>Play the game for 60 hours in one week
>First war ends because everyone was a sleep and collies just walked through in 5 hours
>Second war
>Everyone is now collie
>Noone wants to lose so they switch side
>Lose war in 1 week days
>Third war
>Collies now have a crazy long queue
>Collies just rush through because they are 100 to 1
>Lose 3rd war in 1 day
>4th war
>Noone wants to play on my side anymore
>Collies troll and just camp Logi's
>Logi's cant go anywhere because no soliders want to help
>Stop playing because we can't do anything
Is there any difference today? I havnt played in 8 month.
But that's the best part user! /s
Resistance phase soon blueberries
played the shit out of this after getting it on christmas sale
haven't played for a month or so since doing logistics in it every day started to feel like an actual job
Show me your way of conveying sarcasm over the internet, great wizard.
Too bad the population inbalance destroys the game so much
last war, collies quit when they were getting their asses handed by the wardens, got tech advantage because fuck you thats why.
then everybody realized you can't end the game without tanks and capturing the middle regions only boosts the other teams tech, with no collies to kill wardens quit because its boring, then collies come back on when they realize they have tanks weeks before the wardens and proceed to steamroll everything, when wardens finally get tanks, the devs cut the war short because of reasons.
if you add the retarded decay and border mechanics to all that, its no wonder people quit, last war there was literally a single collie retard abusing borders and going to blow up towns on the core regions because there is no realistic way to stop them without boring yourself out of your mind camping borders, and spies makes it even worse, the amount of back capping i've seen through resources being "coincidentally" left unprotected near borders is just ridiculous
and after playing both wardens and collies, i'm baffled how much collies enjoy steamrolling empty fronts, they rather go kill a bunch of AI defenses in other maps or on the back regions than actually fight the wardens, hell, if a zerg rush doesn't work they just straight up leave the area to go look for an undefended region
Wow, sounds so much fun. Such a shame i didn't buy the game sooner.
Alrighty lads. Let me tell you a tale of when colonials became pirates, and pirates became colonists.
>be me
>newfag collie
>get bored of logi in Umbral, decide to join the fight in Endless
>eventually find a group of lads that have been stealing boats from the filthy wardens
>decide to join up with them for some high seas hijinks
>sink a few warden barges with nades and smgs
>we collectively decide to fuck with the wardens further by stealing more barges
>pull up to their docks
>wardens confused and scared by the might of the colonial pirate navy
>bodies everywhere, none of them green
>now we have 4 barges
>get an idea so dumb and retarded it can't possibly work
>say we should build a FOB on the island the wardens are on
>everyone on board
>pic related
>we move a CV and trucks with all the stealth of a dump truck
>wardens too busy being fags to notice
>I am now Captain Sgt. Newfag
>tasked with carrying trucks with supplies and troops to our FOB
>Tortuga established, wardens continue being fags and don't notice
>raiding barges harassing dumb wardens
1/2 I guess
>eventually some dumbfuck comes over to the island and decides to chuck grenades at the wardens
>the wardens finally take notice of us and decide take action
>continue bringing trucks and supplies over, now dodging warden barges
>the boys at the FOB put up a good fight
>wardens redirect attention from the front they were fighting on to take care of us
>chad pirates continue to fuck shit up
>sadly we ran out of supplies and shirts, so we all packed up and went home
>fellow collies make progress in other areas of the map
>mission accomplished
It is truly sad that the game is only fun in ways the devs didn't intend.
Wrong image sorry
Sounds like planetside 2
Sounds like the problems would be fixed if more people played and were on to defend, but people won't want to play until the problems are fixed. What can the devs even do in this situation?
It's a wall building simulator
>Building walls close to the town hall that can be mortared anyway
Why does it keep happening?
borders need to be fixed so they can actually be defended, and defenses must be buffed, right now it can take a day to make defenses and they can be taken down in less than 20m by just 1 or 2 people if there are no defenders, that makes them mostly worthless for defending back regions, defenses should at least take a comparable time to take down to the time they take to build, they should require a coordinated push of people to take down, not a team of 2 taking them down with little to no effort and almost no danger to themselves
they also need to make taking territory worth something to make this pushes worth something
Because being mortared isn't the only way to kill a TH, walls will not help against them no matter where they are unless you make a perfect circle around the TH outside of mortar range, which is still shit since you can just blow a single wall section and get in to mortar the TH anyway
building some walls close to the TH stops a single retard from blowing it up after luckily getting close to it while costing minimal resources, an as long as its properly done it doesn't slow down logi or bother spawning people
the only reason not to build walls on them is if its a retard or a new player doing it and doesn't know how not to clog logi with them
>womyn soldiers
fuck off
Everything you just said can be solved by building circles of foxholes/gunnests alongside walls as well as evenly distributed gates to hunt down the fuckers efficiently.
if you have people then you don't need anything anyway
foxholes/gunnests alongside walls at the distance to avoid enemies to be able to mortar a TH can be easily blown up before you can react to it, the closer to the TH its easier to go hunt them
also you are not considering the time it takes to make a large perimeter and the resources to make it
doing both is the best thing you can do, which still doesn't matter for shit if there are no people to defend
builderchads>heavy weapon teams>medicbros>tankers>infantry>arty team>logicucks
Frontline builderchads>medicbros>tankcrews>infantry>logi>artifaggots>autismofortbuilders
Wardens > Collie bastards
>Want to keep your vehicle for more than a day? Fuck you too bad.
>No appreciation for ammo-zon prime same day delivery
Typical colonial
Jade Stronk
I've played like 50 hours and colonial logistics is nonexistent. Despite begging on all chat for hours we'll get no shirt deliveries despite being the front line and we had to scavenge most of our equipment from dead wardies
Why is there no /fhg/?
Because 1. There are so many active generals on /vg/ that 404'd smaller threads 2. Every time one is made it devolves to leaking info for the enemy to use.
ded, not enough players for a general, it gets buried under waifuposting in /vg/
>Collies winning 4 times in a row
What timeline are you from? Or do you think losing a single region while you slept constitutes a "won war"?
>if a zerg rush doesn't work they just straight up leave the area to go look for an undefended region
As someone who played collie since first buying the game, this is without a doubt the single thing that pisses me off the most. "Oh noes, ALL of the Warden clans are showing up to push back our naval landing!" No, dumbass, the five blueberries who were already here just decided to pick up RPGs and sit in a bush because your tank crews were too thick to run with infantry support. Don't call off a 20-man op just because people are trying to wage war in a wargame.
Because that already exists as the For Honor general. And yeah, intel leaks on both sides really prevent active discussion about the game unless the entire population is all one side.