I'm sick of seeing niggers in videogames

I'm sick of seeing niggers in videogames

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just look away from the screen lol

i don't play trash games so i don't care

Then stop playing western games you mong.

Make your own games then, fuckboy

get a monitor that doesn't reflect your face

I'm sick of seeing /pol/ threads in Yea Forums

so you want only white videogames? cringe

That's your problem, look away or cry some more

This, how are black people even real lol

Then close your eyes retard


Oof! Niggers are canceled!

See the bright side, you can shoot them.
Maybe one day they'll add a cowboy with a lasso and you can rope them.

you never liked video games in the first place, fucktard

12% of the population 53% of the videogame characters.

> thinks black and whites are the only races

I am tired of little pastie micro dicks like yourself

Stop playing video games then faggot

>videogame universes must depict reality

usually americans who hate niggers in videogames are obssessed with whites
who the fuck cares about the skin
shoehorned niggers are annoying yes but blacks arent't

niggers are only entertaining in games when their culture is being parodied and mocked

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They are the only important race so yes

You fit right in here at v. We dont play the games we just complain about the characters that aren't waifus

t. butthurt white boy

>t, braindead ape than can only steal and rape

Niggers are ugly, loud and stupid and ruin whatever game they are in and have a big role in it.

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actually extremely based, but weebs or reddit fags will be offended, because they are degenerates or oversocialized

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I've done neither of those things, but we all descended from apes so I guess you're close?

Sick of seeing fucking wraiths ninja running at me, i'll take niggers over that.

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>septum piercing

>/pol/ threads
what does this mean exactly

>mfw there are more black characters in western and eastern games.

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These. You'd be a surprised how little of an issue this becomes once you stop playing trash.

she's korean tho

stormfags whining about black people and jews

LMAO. Literally the most insignificant race after Abos

Don't mean shit user, statistically you're the most violent and dumbest race

What's with the low resolution?
>You know I'm 1/15 Korean myself

even sandniggers are more relevant than negroids

Threads whining about non vidya issues that are completely beyond the OPs ability to change or influence, so they come here to talk shit so they feel bigger than they are

still full fledged korean, expect Korea to import rapefugees soon, the future is upon them

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I'm a white boy, so you may be right. I'm not one of those mass shooter white boys though, so I can't support your statistics unfortunately

>applying wide statistics to individuals
really displaying that big brain there my man

We need more cute female niggers in vidya
Remove la creaturas

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Why though?
South Korea's economy is geared towards high added value exports, they have little need for cheap labor.

wtf I love blacks now

>literally that argument why negros get forced into games and why women are ugly in vidya

>%53 of the videogame characters
you don't have to exaggerate and pull shit out of your ass.

I agree OP

>"dood I fuckin hate black people"
>"what do you mean by "/pol/ threads" "

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>white boy.
Doubt that. Yea Forums has told me most "whites" aren't white.

>Hair straightened

Stop appropriating white culture you she boon ape

>only /pol/ hates niggers
okay there plebbitor

Agreed. Playing The division 2 right now, leader of the settlement? Black girl. Quest giver? Black girl. Who opens up weapon modding? Black girl. Who is the DZ officer? Black girl.

Most black girls I know can’t run their ass to work on time, you expect me to believe they run half the settlements in the furture?

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>vidya needs palette swapped white people because negros are too ugly

kek good one user

Hello, resetera. You're one step closer to realizing that this is what you trully think, so consider going to and never returning. Just don't shoot anyone, okay?

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I'd change it to
>only /pol/ feels the need of shitting up other boards with their hate for niggers

>You have to go to /pol/ in order to be /pol/

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Sorry to let you down buddy. My dad paid for my college, my granddad stormed normandy beach, i have a roman numeral at the end of my name, and I've never been pulled over by the police. White as they come.

>1/100 parasites can be productive
>let's bring them all here anyway

Stay mad white boys

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Only /pol/ feels the need to complain about niggers all the time

>My granddad stormed normandy beach.
I've got bad news for you.

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>Playing games published by Electronic Arts in this current decade
Well there's your problem son

all the fucking time
do these people really have so little going on in their lives? no wonder they're so pissed off.

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Maybe it's just sexual frustration

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Based retard

Just make your own games then

I'm sick of seeing white people in videogames desu.

Why should I be mad?

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get over it tbqh

You can literally smell the discord trannies and resetera fags ITT.
Go back to cutting your arms and posting about it on your little discord servers.

That means nothing to me. I'm named after a man who killed some nazis and I love it. Maybe some day things here will escalate to the point where I can live up to the title.

Live in a small city in Europe.
I have never seen a nigger irl. Are they even real? Or are niggers in videogames all a ruse by whoever runs my simulation?

What if this is a simulation and niggers are just a madeup race?

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Probably, yes. But that's not the root of the issue, they are the product of identity politics on the left, which theyadopted, because they are just as retarded.

>Tfw Black
>Have never committed a crime in my life

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you can literally smell the frustrated /pol/tard zoomer phoneposting from a mile when reading this
go back to stalking that one cute cute girl from your class on fb user

I don't care but some people care a lot and it's so fucking sad that they care.