CyberPunk 2077

Any news of this? I cant wait to walk around in NightCity!

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Other urls found in this thread:

When is it getting released anyway?

dood... imagine... rainy nights... and... neon signs

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Well I love a rainy night...

Why does it look like GTA IV 70 years later?

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wtf, explain?

What do you want me to explain?

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Because those are GTAV screenshots baka senpai.

>here's your futurism, bro

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The bottom actually has character. Too many games these days try too hard to be realistic. Cyberpunk should be the fantasy of the future.

Nope its CyberPunk 2077 official screenshots, you can find them on their website

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Nightcity? More like Daycity!

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Wow, this joke hasn't gotten old in the past 8 months!

>let's pretend that we don't understand what cyberpunk is: the thread
Oh, we are doing that again.

I knew Im not the only one who enjoys these


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>It's rain-wet streets, it's nights like this with fog rolling in; cars; faceless people going by doing the things that they're doing, there's something kind of hypnotic about it. That's how I get inspired. To carry what these streets are like; what this city is like; the mysteries; the stories; the thousands and thousands of people that you pass, that are going by as shadows in this wet, cold dangerous environment. I wanted to grab that, I wanted to take it to the future and where I took it was Cyberpunk.

>What I loved was the fact that it was a combination of dystopian society - a lot of technology - with this really great over-layer of almost Film Noir. In the Cyberpunk world I realised real soon, was a world where people had the technology but it didn't fundamentally change the fact there was a lot of treacherous, nasty behaviour; large weapons and a lot of - sort of - serious danger all about. The important part in Cyberpunk is just that. It's not the technology, it's the feel. It's getting that dark, gritty rain-wet street feeling but at the same time getting that rock and roll, lost and desperate and dangerous quality. Cyberpunk is about that interface between people and technology, but not in that Transhumanist way where it's all about the technology changing or improving them, it's about how people use things. There's a great Gibson saying " The street finds its uses for things" and that's what Cyberpunk is about. Cyberpunk isn't about saving humanity it's about saving yourself.

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b-but all my fanart is at night with neon! all my shadowrun parties were at night t-too!
a-a-nd blade r-runner!!

Is this cyberpunk?

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>Oh God Pondsmith help me today... We lost... our SOUL.
>70% of our skylines are led by our scorching, burning, illuminating sunlight, but as scorching, burning and illuminating as our sunlight is - one thing sunlight cannot do, SUNLIGHT CANNOT TURN A CITY INTO RAINY, FOGGY DYSTOPIA. IT CAN'T DO THAT - IT CAN'T DO THAT - IT CAN'T DO THAT.

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>generic Blade Runner night/rain/neon setup


Looks like Watch Dogs 2 my guy

>We've... uh, approached doing this as a video game numerous times before. We have fought to find somebody who was enough of a fan of the world and the game to not wanna go change it around or to... you know, stick a label of cyberpunk on it and then do something totally different and... so when CDPR approached us what we realised really rapidly was these guys are fans, these guys know the material, they're quoting things back to me I've forgotten.

>They've got it, and that's an important thing you have to be able to understand why this world exists. You're dragging my butt all the way over to Poland several times a year, we're excited because there is a really strong element of cross pollination, uh... there's a really strong element of co-operative building going on and... that's really great.

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>this whole thread

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I don't know. Are there all-powerful corporations, fucked-up socio-economical situation, and criminals who use developed digital and bio-technical technologies on a regular basis?

I know you're trolling but I wouldn't mind seeing interiors like that in C2077. Is that from the Observer?

>Cyberpunk 2020 was about early Cyberpunk, it was a world in which people didn't know a lot about what the tropes were, the feel for it. The great part about 2077 is that it's a mature form of that. We're basically able to progress a larger arc. You're going to get to see the outcomes of things that we started to talk about in the Fourth Corporate War. And... we're going to be able to let players who played the previous game, to see how those progress, see where they go to and how they'll shape them. We're looking at the same mucky, nasty night city that you were in before just a lot bigger and probably a lot more dangerous and with a lot of players you don't know about yet.

>2077 is about the Cyberpunk you thought you knew scaled up. Bigger. Badder. Stranger. It's the visual component that the frozen pictures we would put in the books can't give you. It's the sound. It's the feel. It's the movement. 77 is going to be about being there. We've gone through a long, long journey all of us. Those of you who've been fans have been waiting for us to get the right game together at the right time with the right team, and we're going to wait long enough to make sure it happens the right way. Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be the right way, and I can't wait to play and I'm hoping you guys will wanna play it as much as I wanna play it 'cause it's gonna be a hell of a ride.

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>why I moved here? I guess it was the weather

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>bottom pic has taller and more numerous buildings
How is this a bad thing? The improved atmosphere and palette is good too.

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Because those buildings would be nothing more than props. Of course there is no guarantee the buildings aren't already props. But if they're making sure you can enter every building like they said you could, you have to have a limit somewhere.

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They never said you would be able to enter all buildings.

>they're making sure you can enter every building like they said you could
When did they say this?
Also even if they did that's obviously a lie, come on.

Here you go, lifted straight from leddit

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even if they said this and did it, that's barely a selling point. who gives a shit if you can enter some buildings lmao they'll just be empty pointless exploration

>ALL buildings
Do you know how to read user?

>literally talking to a salesman social media handler who's disconnected from the production of the game
rly makes u think

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So not all. So there's still going to be prop buildings like in The Witcher 3. So there's no reason not to place more/taller buildings for the atmosphere.

Wow thanks for wasting my fucking time.

lmao Phil old boy

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Well I love a neon sign...

Day City. Home.

Why am I the only one who thinks cyberpunk is a dark Noir style game with cyber tech and future weapons?
Is it meant to be sunny?

that fucking image holy shit

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Its not meant to be all sunshine and rainbow thats why people are shitposting bout it

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I was working off my memory so I didn't get that point straight but regardless they're obviously going to make the bigger structures accessible and not every single apartment block and housing.
Which makes it a fucking dumb ass idea to add even more sky scrapers that are going to be ACTUAL props.

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>rainy nights
>smoggy skies
>cold colored neon lights
>flying cars
>cute waifus
>this playing in the background
I hope this game has mod support lads. It would allow for the very definition of "Comfy".

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What I don't get is that the intial trailer got the look perfect
How did they stray so far from it?

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No it doesn't. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I can imagine that designing vertical open world would be really difficult but it should've had narrow streets, tall buildings and flying cars

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Except that actually is better

literally nothing wrong with props

Shit you're right, and I meant GTA4, OP's pic look so much like that spot under the train tracks where the McReary residence is.

GTAV released in the meantime and they changed the art style.


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Unironically cannot wait for a Ciri cameo.

Are you an actual retard? The game is open world not linear. You can't have the same vistas because people can actually go and explore and not just just look at a 2d bitmap in the distance.
This has been the criticism of every single open world game I know, everyone literally always complains about lack of content and you want to add more nothing because of what? Intangible aesthetic purposes or something.

Mods, this fag has been spamming for months. When are you gonna do something about him?

What happened to this art style?

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>Art style
That's just generic 3D.

ITT: faggots who haven't read a single line of the source material and are whining because it is actually faithful to it instead of just being the same shit they've been eating for years

They're already adding empty ugly docks. This way it would've at least looked nice.

>expecting clostrophobic cities
>smoke and pollution so heavy that everyone smokes because it's cleaner than the air
>crime around every corner in the depths while the rich live in ivory towers that peek through the constant cloud cover
>get sunset overdrive instead
How did Pondsmith allow CDPR to fuck this up?


Meaningless buzzword. What we have now is not only generic, it's also fucking ugly as shit.

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Pointless to point this out. Shitpost harder than the fags crying about this fact. That is the only way to retake these threads.

there's more to style than how you render something

Generic posts defending generic soulless 3d. Kek

I don't want to believe is right but this is fucking ridiculous.

haha epic KEK

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the post from someone who classifies art style solely based on the rendering approach

am i soi then?
it looks so good

>The only art style is generic 3d

yeah well you're unironically dumb and unable to comprehend that there's more to things than it may seem to your tiny mind

Why did i move here? I guess it was the weather


the source is shit, now what? I don't want shit

not him

They admitted that they changed it.

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And yet here you are, thinking that generic 3D render has anything more to it kek

more like daycity lmao

I don't get your picture senpai. The whole washed out bright artstyle is messy, not just the presence of the sun.

yes there's more to it, something you unironically can't comprehend, it's something lacking on your part, even if you want to put your own stupidity on a pedestal for some reason

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Much better desu

Sounds preferable to me

make it more black instead of blue/violet

Yall realized yet the butthurt about the day aesthetic is the same people who said that New Vegas was "just a desert"? Its warm climate coping.

>We're proud to announce we're adapting X into a videogame.
>(You): Yeah!
>Here is the trailer for X: The Video Game
Do you understand a bit better now?

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Shit looks like GTA IV

I don't like it, I think it looks like shit, do you understand a bit better now? oh I am supposed to like it because it's supposed to be shit, in that case nope


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I do prefer that sort of color scheme, just not as crushed blacks

no shit sherlock

>look mom I posted it again
god forbid devs actually putting some thought into the entire setting rather than the literal most basic surface level shit and striving to create a believable setting rather than a desktop background simulator

they could've put thought behind it and had a good atmosphere

There's nothing thoughtful about ripping off GTA, Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row 3 instead of making something actually good looking and fitting for the genre.

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Hahaha nice try pretending a generic 3D render with nothing more than a 'realistic' art style is anything more kid. Go back to crying about the sun kek

look at just admit that all you have in terms of arguments is
>sun bad
>night good
you dishonest basic-ass nigger

ok, the game looks like garbage as is...

Hahahahaha literal brainlets
>REEE why is this cyberpunk 2020 and not blade runner REEEEE
Hajahahahahahaha imagine being so stupid cyberpunk is the filter that stops you.

Your mom's pussy looks like garbage too but that didn't stop me from wrecking it.

umm yes I'd prefer if it wasn't suncity
yeah I don't want this shit I want something that looks like blade runner or alternatively like the fifth element
I don't understand why you expect me to accept it as it is just because it's supposedly as it is intended, I'm not obliged to like shit

Why are you taking some basic criticism so personally shill? Why have an emotional investment in this?

>I want something that looks like blade runner
Nigger then why are you in these threads? Lmfao close your eyes nigger. This is Cyberpunk 2020 series you dumb fuck lmfao

Your mom says hello by the way.

>I don't want this
You've known that since the trailer came out more than four months ago, just drop it man

I'm free to shit on this even if it displeases you

I'll use the same retarded cock sucking argument as you, why don't you close your eyes when someone shits on this if it so deeply hurts you or something?

This game looks like trash. Just look at pic related. Like one of those parody pictures OP is spamming. It's like one of those bulllshots you'd see in a 2005 gaming magazine with "CAN YOU BELIEVE THESE GPRAFIX!?". Awful.

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well when the devs figure out what went wrong they'll probably figure it out due to people voicing their opinion

Holy fuck, so many artsy faggots itt
go play deus ex you clueless retards

They confirmed that there’s not gonna be one.

Looks good to me. Get your eyes checked faggot.

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Why are you lying? There was another user posting quotes from pondsmith who literally called it dark noir in an eternal night city you dumb fucking jew cunt.

Looks hilariously bad. That shit dof making the screen seem covered in grease, the godawful face models, the flat shoddy PS3-tier textures on the car etc.


>screen seem covered in grease
try to wipe it faggot and not with that cumrag

It's so bad even CDPR deleted it from their site.

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>blur=covered in grease
you're not fooling anyone with these vacuous weasel word you faggot, it's very clear you have no fuckin clue what you're actually talking about

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>tfw all of these look vastly superior than the underwhelming shitshow we got

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>REEE why is this cyberpunk 2020
But it's not even CP2020 since it lacks the pollution from that setting.

I don't remember it ever being there.

juts play gtav at night, the devs are making everything possible to make the game a gta clone.

Anyone read Neuromancer? Night City or Chiba in that book is so fucking comfy. I really wanted that from this game but fuck me it's looking less likely every new screenshot I see.

Attached: neuromancer.jpg (1000x600, 538K)

Here, I made this just for you so open wide, here comes the airplane: there is still pollution but the situation is getting better and Night City is among the places with the best weather in the United States, which is why there is no Blade Runner-like perpetual rain or whatever.

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>Is it meant to be sunny?
It absolutely is, in the same way as it is sunny on the ground in chink hellholes when that side of the planet gets sufficient solar irradiation. This is what those who post ebin maymays about sun somehow fail to get.

>this city is awful to live in guys
>is actually not even polluted anymore
It's like they want to have the cake but are lazy and gluttonous enough to eat it too.

it'd be cooler if the sun was blocked by some sort of corporation rainsmog or something

Day 1 pirate

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I'm reading it but shit is boring

Would Detroit having pollution-free air suddenly make it a nice place to live in?

Yeah and corporation could be like super evil and they could also kick puppies and eat babies.

I loved it. Confusing at parts but it was really good. The ending is great as well. Read some Philip K. Dick for more cyberpunk stuff, he's easier to read I think. His cyberpunk books are more like what this game is trying to be.

I need them to show me 1 thing that they completely failed to show in that 48 minute long demo.

I need to see choice permutation.
I need to see a series of choices that actually results in you avoiding the entire firefight in the warehouse.
I need to know if that is possible.
I need to know that you can play the game smart.
That you can use the item inspection shit they showed to see that the cred chip had a vector on it and either A. Remove the vector or B. Get enough eddies from side-quests and the like to legitimately buy the bot and walk out the front door without ever talking to the corpo woman.
I want see people do the [grab the gun] option when talking to the corpo and get shot in the face and die.

Without that, to me at least, it is just another jerk-off first person shooter.
Padded playtime bullshit by telling the player over and over to go from A-B and shoot up a warehouse or apartment complex full of goons to grind until all their numbers go up.
If that is all the game really is at the end of the bright sunny Californian day than the game can completely go fuck itself.

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Top looks great

yes but no evil like that but evil as a machine like entity bigger than the individuals

I can't help but think that this is where they're going to drop the ball sadly.

Most of the time sun would be blocked for the majority by buildings anyway. Overpopulation, you know? Only the most soulless corporate fucks would be able to enjoy clean air and enough sunlight just because they can afford them.

top is a concept art for "remember me" a beat them up that everyone forgot about because it was mostly lame and uninspired

yeah but it'd be cool if the really rich lived above the smog clouds due to crazy high buildings or something

>i want to be railroaded into only doing diplomacy/charisma characters.

[grab the gun] should be some sort of skill check, but having auto-failure on anything is stupid.

This screenshot was on their official website too at one point, but it's gone now.

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is this gta 5?

makes me sad.

>I need to see a series of choices that actually results in you avoiding the entire firefight in the warehouse.
They actually did show that to journos. If player warns the gang about the chip, they thank the V and give her the spiderbot. If you do that corp mommy gets "retired."

That's how things usually work in the setting but shows that smog was there only during summer and you only needed a filter mask and some relatively light protective clothing most of the time by what I assume is 2020. So it's perfectly reasonable to expect that human greed and shortsightedness would allow to turn that promised land into a slice of Eden in mere 57 years.