Tell me the worst experience you had in an MMO
Tell me the worst experience you had in an MMO
Tank who refused to use AOE moves, refused to actually aggro combo, refused to protect healer, and just kept spamming their combo finisher over and over. They weren't a bot because they tried popping all their cooldowns at once when called out, but they also refused to acknowledge anyone or listen to their advice. Might have been a child.
>playing WoT
>doing some 7v7 ESL
>win some gold
>it doesn't transfer automatically to team members; have to wait some time
>playing some random battles before receiving the gold
>german 600EFI retards keep spamming battle chat
>type HEIL HITLER to relieve some stress
>some faggot screencaps this and sends to my team's leader
>get kicked out
>never get the gold
I played WoW.
online gf
>in new guild
>relatively passive player
>guild member approaches me and wants to play
>become really close over the next few months, playing together almost every afternoon, doing dailies and stuff, opening up to one another
>eventually let him know I have a boyfriend
>turns out he'd developed a huge crush on me
>I try not to make things awkward
>he feels led on despite me being genuinely oblivious
>stops talking to me
>starts shittalking and insulting me both behind my back and while I'm online
>I love it because I'm a freak
>rest of guild doesn't know that
>not sure if he knew
>eventually other guildmates get fed up with him being aggressive for no reason
>everyone in chaos
>don't want to say anything because I don't want to make things worse for anyone
>feel bad forever because I liked all of them and will never have a guild as cool
>farming Swallow's Compass as a WHM
>get a party with two DPS who have 50 gear
>tank's fairly cool so decide to run with it
>each pull is taking five minutes
>get to first boss and we're already ten minutes in
>DPS have such garbage DPS that even I'm doing double the damage
>not dodging AoEs either
>after three or four times reviving them I just leave them dead
>manage to get through it in twelve minutes
>DPS say I'm shit at healing
>decide to leave the duty rather than put up with it
Probably the sheer amount of times in Classic WoW when you'd LFG for hours trying to put together a group to do some dungeon just for the team to wipe once and half the players to abandon, making you start all over. Did wonders for developing patience and people skills but Group Finder was a godsend when it comes to actually playing the fucking game.
I wasted my time installing WoW.
For me it's Stone Vigil where I meet the most retarded people:
>Sprout PLD
>Runs without Shield Oath, protect and uses every CD on the first pull
>oh boy.jpg
>Remind him of shield oath and cast protect
>He doesn't know what the mob / enmity list is and how enmity works
>DPS die all the time
>I die
>I quit
Then as WAR
>Queue in
>Leave instantly
>Requeue after penalty
>Healer is AST
>Noticed he has no sect on and never uses cards
>Tell him to do that
>'It's useless, why would I do that?" he says
>Dude has other healers up to 70
>Has lvl 30 gear
>Tell him is gear and shit
>"There's no problem with my gear"
>call him a retard and leave
Everytime I run this dungeon, I know I'll get a retard
Were you a ninja in FFXIV? That sounds awfully familiar.
I dated a trap who turned out to be a real girl with a v*gina
>Join FC with friend in FFXIV during 2.X
>Playing a plain Jane female hyur
>Things going normally.
>I'm not online for a few days due to work, someone asks my friend if I'm actually male or female.
>He tells them female to start shit.
>This triggers the only actual girl in the FC
>She starts talking shit on me before I start playing again
>People who have heard me in the voice chat say I'm a guy but she tells them she "confirmed" I was a girl so everyone just believed her
>Tell people I'm a guy when I get back online, they don't believe me
>She turns everything into a competition, me vs her. Who plays X class better. Who has a better glamour. Whose character looks better. Ect. Ect.
>Have no interest in this shit at first but she gets on my nerves so I start fighting back
>She starts getting super pissed when people like me and starts a bunch of drama trying to break apart the FC and our static
>Friend finally confesses he made up me being a girl
>"Girl" eventually admits he is a MtF tranny
I ended up switching to male highlander to avoid any unnecessary complications
>crafting expensive equipment
>it failed and I lose all items
>quickly pull the power plug and hope the game didn't save
I was a really dumb kid.
Yeah, Tam Tara Deepcroft.
>hey user download this mmo we've been playing but won't play with you because you're not in the end game
>proceed to fuck around in the early game
>get bored of the grind and shitty combat before the trial is over
Every MMO I've ever played.
Logging in again after years and seeing that nobody has been online for ages
Applies to any and all mmos
>download The Old Republic
>play it for about an hour
That's pretty much it.
>not starting new characters when a friend starts
Shit friends to be honest family.
I knew wynnie, I knew
Getting ganked and spit on repeatedly by a high-ranked alliance rogue while trying to farm at the elemental plateau during TBC. Every single day that I went to farm there, he was there too and would kill me. I just couldn't do shit about it. Eventually I got lucky and got a kill and spammed /spit like the butthurt little kid I was. He rezzed and a tauren warrior came by who I thought was going to help me, instead he stood and watched while the rogue killed me and spit on me as well afterwards. Turns out they were cross-faction friends.
I legitimately screamed and fought back tears as I pounded my fists on my chair.
He contacted me around a year later and we became cross-faction friends too.