>move onto baiting the next monster
why do people love Souls games?
is it the gore settings? is it the memes?
it all seems so tiresome to me
Sekiro already looks to be more of the same
>move onto baiting the next monster
why do people love Souls games?
is it the gore settings? is it the memes?
it all seems so tiresome to me
Sekiro already looks to be more of the same
Other urls found in this thread:
also FUCK chromatic aberration
its fun
It's incredibly fun to play and the level design and difficulty make up for the lack of variety in combat when facing regular mobs
Not to mention even if you dont like the combat you have fun and are motivated to keep playing just because the exploring the world is so interesting
Fun things are fun.
What games do you enjoy, user?
I watched 20 min of "no commentary" gameplay of Bloodborne to decide if I want to buy a PS4.
I watched until the acqueduct with big ass rats.
It's shit, sorry.
this kills the fromdrone
Congrats you boiled down the gameplay to its most basic components. No one has ever tried to diminish a game like this before. How will soulsfags ever recover.
RPG elements
Not piss easy like a lot of modern games
But it's a From game.
>play game
>you have to do thing
>once you've done thing, you move on to other thing
I'm just SO FUCKING SICK of it all....
not memeing but this does not loook fun to me
it seems just a chore to pointlessly drag the combat
The monsters all actually each feel threatening and imposing, unlike in 95% of other similar ARPGs and action games
>action game
>do damage
>avoid being damaged
OH NO NO NO NO NO , you can simplify every game like this noooooo
>But it's a From game.
and it's shit
that's the point of the webm retard
god damn fucking underage faggots make me seethe so much
there's your problem z
>>The monsters all actually each feel threatening and imposing
are you a teen?
Sorry but you are just shit at games and/or have terrible normie taste
Is it? Why?
this guy is terrible
>god damn fucking underage faggots make me seethe so much
I was born in 1989
Why doesn't he parry at all?
So, what are your favorite games? You didn't answer.
""""""normies"""""" are the ones who like soulsgames tho, that's why they're also considered hard although they're actually piss easy.
now Yea Forums will pretend dodging and attacking with two buttons all game is amazing gameplay
>play game
>have to press buttons
fuck this gay earth
He won't because every game can be broken down like he did.
because souls fags only know how to play basic shit. they think the game is hard because if you miss a dodge you get 1 shotted. mmorpg tab targeting trash has more depth than souls games lmao.
>lol i played through it once and had fun, so that means 10/10 objective masterpiece game of the decade because i said so period, end of story.
even more embarrassing
>>So, what are your favorite games?
Spyro 2
Crash Team Racing
Final Fantasy IX
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Hollow Knight
>play game
>you have to hit the enemies
What the FUCK.
that's even worse user. that means you don't even have the excuse of being underaged, you're just a regular retard then.
Why does OP make this thread every day?
>you can simplify every game like this
true, but this is all souls games have as gameplay, nothing else. every build and every choice boils down to
>miss dodge
>get 1 shot
>"wow that was hard"
>>play game
>>have to press buttons
>fuck this gay earth
sony got you covered son
>have over 400 hours in
>easily my favourite game
Instead of spouting memes, please tell us your preferred anime masterpiece with amazing gameplay
You are the big FAG. I never said that it was perfect, just fun. Good bait tho.
seething character action fag lmao
>Shoot head
See? I can reduce a game genre to it's simplest interpretation too. Why not just go to the extreme and say:
>Power up console
>Press buttons
>Commands take action
Stop doing this stupid shit if a game genre is not for you it doesn't make it bad.
Reminder that a literal who Spanish studio did it better in 2001.
>amazing gameplay
bayonetta. gg ez.
DeS used to have unique bosses, but yeah, the rest of the games are a bit boring.
next they´ll try to convince us that walking around with a stick is anything but dogshit
that's my hand
>>get 1 shot
This part doesn't happen unless you're under leveled. And the rest is literally every action game.
That's okay. I hope you find a game that you can enjoy in the future
shit games made for no lives that have something to prove
>I never said
everyone else does. you guys are pretty much a hivemind, at least you're not a delusional faglord like the rest of them, good for you.
>play game
>you have try not to die
DMCVfags are so nervous, their game has underperformed and now their only hope is to downplay Sekiro.
what the fuck? Dodge is even more broken in Bayonetta
Is Iosefka cute?
lol but seriously why are black people on Yea Forums?
Wouldn't that be the same audience?
Because the better you get the more risks you start to be able to take. Anyone can play a souls game slow and safely with one-two back off tactics, but when you start nailing every opening and start being able to move with the enemies to continue your combos it gets more fast and exciting. Which is what makes Bloodborne work so well, since it encourages that type of play with rally.
Sekiro looks like the same only you're stuck with one weapon.
All you do is jump and move right.
All you do is point your cursor at stuff and click till it dies
all you do is grind against monsters and watch cutscenes
Wow, its almost like when you reduce a game to its most basic and simplistic actions without any sort of nuance or tone or mood or subsystems it seems overly simple!
like me a video senpai
all I see is people baiting and running to kill people one by one
>literally every action game
obviously not. action genre would be the most boring bland samefag shit ever and its not.
Shields, items, spells, and ranged weapons exist. Sure, you can go through the game doing nothing but slashing enemies with a sword and dodging, but you can also beat most of the Mega Man X games using only the X-Buster. It doesn't mean Mega Man X games don't have different weapons.
Also, very few enemies in the game can 1-shot you unless you never level up health. It sounds like you just tried a Souls game and are salty that you can't get good.
Because he's playing in the souls mindset. He's just trying to dodge and strafe.
wtf I hate all videogames now?!
yeah but you get combos and shit. what does souls have? light and heavy attacks? couple of shitty spells? lmao really nigga
you know most of these games are a lot simplier than bloodborne?
Sekiro isn't a cringeworthy anime, so not really.
I never talked bout difficulty
The level design is good and the world build is just as amazing. In my opinion, the combat isn’t perfect, but it’s different from most other stuff, so it’s a breath of fresh air.
Now that everyone is copying Dark Souls, it gets really repetitive.
why the fuck you are so delisional, admit you are just bad and we won't bully you jk, we'll bully you to death
I know you little cocksucker are shitposting and baiting but go ahead and name us your top 10 video games of all time.
If BING BING WAHOO shows up even once you need to kill yourself.
>salty that you can't get good
funny how this is always brought up as a argument point.
>lol maybe you're just bad so you're just shitting on the game haha, it can't possibly be that the game is actually that bad! no fucking way! impossible! a game that i like might be bad!!
This is bait but I'll bite anyways
Souls games really capture the feeling of not knowing what to do or where to go, and not holding your hand in the process.
This is why people who play it a lot say to people on their first playthrough, don't spoil yourself with a guide or a walk through, just play it. You can only understand how good it is by playing it, not watching it. Cus otherwise you just remove the suspense in not knowing what's gonna fuck you up.
I didn't like bloodborne at first and it took me a year to beat on and off, now it's in my top 3 favorite games.
I already did see --
>admit you are just bad
you act like the game is hard when the fundamentals of gameplay is the most basic shit ever.
Combat in souls takes no skill aside from memorising all the attack tells.
Normies only think it's hard because they never play on anything other than Normal difficulty.
>Souls games really capture the feeling of not knowing what to do or where to go, and not holding your hand in the process.
what are metroidvanias?
>I didn't like bloodborne at first and it took me a year to beat on and off, now it's in my top 3 favorite games.
sounds like stocholm syndrome or sunken cost fallacy
>fuck I bought a ps4 for this and it took me an year to swallow this shit, wtf I love it now?!
You're looking at it wrong.
It's not about what you do offensively, it's about what enemies do and how they fuck you up and how you interact with them.
It's the opposite of DMC where the enemies are lifeless sacks of shit but the player has a library of offense. That's a game more about player-initiated offense. It can also be boiled down the same way if you want to be a prick:
>walk up to sandbag.
The only Souls e-celeb I'm even aware of is Lobos and he's that type of player. I'm only speaking from experience. I guess just look at Bloodborne gameplay with the axe if you want to see crowds get mowed through? That's probably the easiest weapon to do it with since the transformed mode has a ton of wide sweeps. The beast cutter is the most fun in my opinion though since it has a very good singular target form and a giant whip blade form for groups and range.
Actual representation of what would happen with a real blade vs chink shit.
i don't talk about difficulty too, i mean not complex, uncomplicated
maybe video games aren't for you user, could try painting your nails or applying to lib arts colleges
Hollow Knight is literally a BB with much less variety, I don't get it.
I thought this was going to be a post implying there's a divide between sekiro and souls fans. Instead I have been informed that getting the same gameplay as before is going to kill me this on this 6th iteration in particular
Welcome to Yea Forums faggot
It's nothing like BB
>>Hollow Knight is literally a BB
holy shit soulsfags are delusional
>lol maybe the the game's just bad, it can't possibly be that i'm incompetent or anything. It's probably just a buggy mess filled with artificial difficult! yeah that's it!
Its noticeably worse, yes, but it's fairly similar (just a lot more basic).
You do not like my game therefore you are bad at it /thread
Stairfax Adventures is basically a Souls game when you disect the core game fundamentals.
One is a hack and slash, the other one is a metroidvania. Literally the only thing that's similar between them is that you kill enemies and go back to your corpse to collect your shit.
I wouldn't have mentioned if it weren't for the last bit where you claim getting 1-shot is part of the game and then say "wow so hard". Most encounters are set up so that you can get hit a few times before dying, so as long as you aren't gangbanged by multiple enemies or try to heal at a bad time, single encounters shouldn't kill you.
Souls games have their flaws, but saying they're shitty games because there's a lot of attacking and dodging is as asinine as saying Ikaruga is bad because there's too much avoiding projectiles.
Hollow Knight is shallow pretentious hipster garbage and BB is peak gaming.
not him but HK is basically 2d dark souls and that's a good thing, it's one of my favourite games of all time.
>Hollow Knight is literally a BB with much less variety, I don't get it.
Donkey kong country was soulslike as fuck for its time too.
It's less pretentious than Bloodborne
They're both Metroidvanias, one is just a lot more traditional.
mostly to shitpost about smash
>on MY Yea Forums
How is Bloodborne a metroidvania? It doesn't have a map nor abilities to unlock that help you progress. It doesn't even have platforming.
Yeah man, muh deep deviant art OC bug city isn't peak pretentious faggotry lmfao
hollow knight would not exist without the souls franchise, this is irrefutable
>no stamina limit on movement or attacks
>movement in fact is entirely different from BB
>no charm system in BB (no runes are not charms because runes are all passives except for 2 very specific dlc runes)
>meatboy style platforming
>metroidvania exploration unlocked by new abilities
They have the same death punishment, and even then your "bloodstain/echoes" are a hostile entity you have to beat to regain your geo. You're nuts.
But I love both games user
Because I know that at some point the enemies gets weird, and I like the more unhinged creature and boss designs that From produces. Also, the combat reaches a good quick but not overly-fast pace, you (tend to) have a lot of freedom in how you grow and build your character, and it's exciting to have to make decisions knowing that the game saves after everything you do.
It locks content with key items (key, tonsil stone, cainhurst summons, fetid eye, etc).
It not having a map means fuck all.
You don't know what pretentious means.
Got any source for that aside of your ass?
>don't get hit by enemy attack
>attack enemy
Is literally every action game
>Play game
>Hit eniemies with sword
>Try not to get hit
OK wow this is just not ok
The core combat is LITERALLY combat
How does from get away with it
Could the normalfag go back to reeeddit
See them for the similarities retard, not the differences.
that doesn't make a game a metroidvania retard
Godamn you sound assblasted.
>Because I know that at some point the enemies gets weird
I really wish this turns out to be fake news. Big monsters with flailing attacks is boring as fuck.
Yes. It means striving to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. This describes Hollow Knight to a tea.
>haha, I le beat le hard game of le souls series
thats it really
What makes them?
There are many more differences than similarities. The only similarities are tone and death punishment. That's it. That does not make Hollow Knight "literally" BB, in fact it barely makes it related at all.
so you exposed yourself, you only hate souls because they became popular?
no, u!
I don't hate it, I just don't think it's that great.
>Mario games
Ummmm?!?!?!? Hello? Why do people like this???? You’re just pressing buttons and looking at a screen?? Do people like it because the mushrooms or the turtles....?
Wow, really? Oh my god, who would have ever thought that the basic foundation of gameplay would be basic?
Zoomers that never even played Oot
I see the appeal and have enjoyed the games somewhat, but why in 2019 does the enemy show zero physical signs of damage? Their clothes and armour should be getting torn up and they should be bleeding. The games are good, but apart from graphics they could have been done on ps2.
The level and world structure, the tone, the dour atmosphere, the constant flow of bosses, the gating of levels, the currency, even minor shit like the very deliberate upgrade system, charms and runes/gems, etc.
>Zelda Breath of the Wild
faggotass shit taste. repetitive lazyass empty dead soulless collectathon copypaste trash with game mechanics so retarded even E.T. for the Atari shines like a beacon of brilliance against it. worse than Zelda 2
>Hollow Knight
literal Newsground flash game that gets insane amounts of paid $hilling on this board
>Spyro 2
nostalgia goggles reminding you of better, happier times of your childhood. Spyro was always soulless empty generic shovelware tier trash
>Crash Team Racing
>Final Fantasy IX
At least you are not a complete lost cause. Still, you have no right to shit on souls games as yours can just as easily be deconstructed to their most primitive elements:
>press button to accelerate and never let go of that button
>steer left and right
>keep drifting to win the game
>use steal all day every day
>don't forget to heal and resurrect between stealing
>win the game
This but unironically.
show bbc
>wah blah buzzword buzzword buzzword
Good post
You sound like a fag. The user stated his opinion and all you say is "opinion not mine, opinion in bad". If you dont like it, dont like it. I see stupid shit on here all the time I dont like, you know what I do?? Nothing. Cause I'm not a fag. But u are.
What you're conveniently overlooking is that the games have an incredible amount of enemies with very varied movesets in them.
>the level and world structure
Are a 2d platformer. Bloodborne is 3d with very rare jumping segments
>the tone, the dour atmosphere
Bloodborne has a bigger focus on horror during an apocalyptic scenario, Hollow Knight is exploring a ruin
>the constant flow of bosses
Not exclusive to Bloodborne. Any game with a focus on action combat has bosses. It's been that way for a long time
>the gating of levels
There is a difference between gaining the ability to perform a platforming challenge and using a key to open a door.
>the currency
Is not used to level up at all. The one similarity is how you lose it and regain it
>upgrade system
Are not the same. There are no stats and builds.
Charms have utility, such as adding new methods of attack. You can even combine charms for unique effects, something you cannot do with runes.
They're very different.
>all games can be reduced to simp-
still better than button smash spectacle fighters like dmc or bayonetta
This is what games are all about,upvoted
>aim at head
>move onto the next enemy
why do people love FPS games?
is it the modern settings? is it the memes?
it all seems so tiresome to me
>button smash
>Having to press lots of buttons precisely and very quickly is basically identical to just mashing
based retard
I can do it too
bing bing bing wahooo/10
at least you tried
This but unironically.
Many modern shooters are dull AF because they incorporate little to no movement in their combat.
Yeah moving toward "realism" was a mistake
Post the /k/ one.
Lol botw
>hit enemies til weapon breaks
Lol hollow knight
>dark souls 2d
Lol FF
>take turns selecting “attack” until the game ends
Yeah it seems like movement and aiming have been completely removed from being anything meaningful thanks to auto aim and movement speed reduced to snail speeds to mimic realism. Now it's all about positioning and spotting the enemy before you do. It's all so boring, but literally millions love this and arena fps games are ignored completely.
fps are unironically shit and repetitive
way to drive yourself into a corner
People think that they have "taste" because they enjoy these deep and edgy souls games. Fueled by casuals praising their difficulty (despite them being fairly easy games).
All this builds up a huge ego worthy of slaying any "hater" of what they're doing.
Soulsfags are invincible and untouchable.
>Lol hollow knight
>>dark souls 2d
your life is a meme.
stop parroting opinions, get out and see for yourself
Souls games are ok but people have to stop pretending they are revolutionary or even different from each other. All of them are the same game (which is totally ok to like). You dodge, make a simple attack of like 3 hits and prepare to dodge the next wave or you die and lose your body. Since the penalty is high i think i can understand why there are mainly no combo moves on this... automatic moves would result on far more deaths because if not timmed perfectly that would prevent the player from taking a step back in time.
I do understand that the fun of it is on dying and understanding the enemy´s attack patherns and whatnot which is fun because it makes the player swtich pace and have to think an strategy instead of depending solely on whatever skills he´s learned. In a way it forces the player to play differently and that adds the variety to the gameplay.
Still all the backtracking and repetition till you get there is kind of tiresome to me but i think that´s just a matter of personal taste. I just don´t have the time to replay the same section 2 or 5 times till i get it right.
>. In a way it forces the player to play differently and that adds the variety to the gameplay.
>You dodge, make a simple attack of like 3 hits and prepare to dodge the next wave or you die and lose your body.
Except it's not driving ourselves into a corner at all. FPS games are loved by literal millions, if not billions, not even exaggerating. Obviously there is a lot more to FPS games, but you can do this to literally every genre and reduce it to similar stupid steps. Why doesn't op ask about FPS games? Why doesn't op ask about literally any other genre the same question? He could, and it would be as worthless as asking this about souls like games.
The point is that this thread is retarded, just like OP and you if you agree with him.
>FPS games are loved by literal millions, if not billions, not even exaggerating.
and 100 million people bought a wii fit
must be the best game ever
>I watched
>action game
>no dodge, parry or block mechanics
>no attack options
>can take on several enemies at once without penalty
name one good action game that does this
>how dare you not buy blind?
>what are you, not a good goy consumerist?
I needed to form an opinion.
That means the core basic movements are always the same but you have to be creative about how you use them for each boss.
>I didn't play nor do I think I would enjoy a game. >Therefore it's "shit" and I cannot understand why others would believe it's not.
Jesus Christ, this thread is pathetic.
Souls players can't into proper action games so hide in roll, roll,r1 land while shitting on any action game with depth as a form of cope.
>Jump over enemies
>Collect coins and starts
>Move in to next area and kill "bosses in 3 hits"
>Repeat over 2349249234974 games
>Select gender
>Catch pokemons
>Defeat trainers/gym leader
>repeat over 3405348535
>Same blonde guy
>Pick sword /bow
>Defeat enemies in 2-3 hits
>Move in to next temple
>Save the same realm/princess
>Repeat 234029482304923498
Why do poeple love nintendo games?
its all seem so tiresome to me
Way to miss the point.
I'm two thirds through Dark Souls 3 and I'm sick of Souls games. I don't even want to play Sekiro.
>Implying there is only one playstyle
Go play some CoD
It makes you think that you have skills just because you died so much that you memorized every enemy.
Also the dodge mechanics are boring. Instead I'd like
>some enemies can only be blocked and will hit you if you try to roll
>some can onle be dodge rolled
>some weapons are more effective on some enemies but also need different stances to be optimal
The surge had some interesting ideas like being able to aim at specific limbs. But story was meh.
The games difficulty pays off and it feels rewarding, once you get gud at souls/bloodborne games you start wanting more difficulty from all the other games you like. They lack instant gratification that other more popular games give you, and speaking only for the souls games, the variety of weapons, items and the pursuit of new ones is what gives the games their replayability and taste.
Unfortunately this is just a thread you made to start a shit talking party just like every other thread on v. If you dont like the genre then dont fucking play it lol. Save your seething insults for sequels that dont live up to your standards, Attacking game concepts you dont like is like a chess player bitching about mahjong. lol just dont play mahjong, faggot.
Weird, I was sick of Souls games about 2 hours into DS3. Kept playing for quite a while after that though. Once I got deep into Cathedral, I really started enjoying the game.
Doesn't the game feel comfortable to you by now? You should be able to enjoy exploring.
Why make a thread bitching about a genre you arent entertained by? Just dont play it lol what the fuck. Should I start making threads bitching about card games because I find them boring? This is the absolute peak of autism
Their fan base is so retarded they have fun pressing between 2 different buttons: light attack, and roll. Oh, and it has to be on a quick weapon.
Anything else (weapons, different attacks, magic, parries, buffs) is a waste of time. And they genuinely enjoy it!!
In Sekiro parry will replace roll, but it's the same shitty principle...
? oh my god it looks like a video game aaaaaaaaaaaaa
God I fucking hate monopoley. why do you STUPID KEKS play monopoly eeerrg Im so angry people enjoy things I cant enjoy
So you've switched from Sekiro isn't enough like souls to sekiro is too much like souls?
>Combat in souls takes no skill aside from memorising all the attack tells.
>no skill aside from memorizing telegraphed attacks
>no skill aside from the skill you develop as you play the game
your baiting is sad. Its easier to make fun of you then it is to seeth about your opinion
>only baiting out one or two enemies
>not rushing in until you're good enough to dodge/kill five or six enemies at once.
You're playing it wrong
It's funny because the way that shrine is actually designed is 'put ball in cup'
Those are not intended to be major parts of the game. There is a reason why there are only two shields and why magic was relegated to a an item slot rather than a weapon slot. Similarly, there is a reason that the canon was nerfed. Those are not intended to be the main way that the player plays the game. This is of course different from the Souls games and I do not intend to imply that either is innately superior.
It's fun seeing soulsfags seethe
your games are shit and killed armored core
What is that supposed to show me? Looks like a dogshit player getting his ass dumpstered by an armored knight.
Imagine linking botw as examples of a game that isn't simple. Imagine posting a webm of a speedrunning trick autist as an example of anything aside from severe low functioning autism.
You've played Nioh, I assume?
Too bad armored core was such fucking garbage.