Here's what I want for the next Elder Scrolls:
>Bigger World
>More weapons & spells
>Spotify support
>Better graphics
>No PC release so it won't be ruined by mods
>Better voice acting
What do you want?
Here's what I want for the next Elder Scrolls:
>Bigger World
>More weapons & spells
>Spotify support
>Better graphics
>No PC release so it won't be ruined by mods
>Better voice acting
What do you want?
>Bigger World
As long as the bigger world is actually full of stuff to do and not fucking empty.
>More weapons & spells
As long as they give new ways to fight and the combat is improved.
>Spotify support
>Better graphics
It's Bethesda so I'm not expecting much better than fallout 4.
>No PC release so it won't be ruined by mods
Nice bait. Here's your (You).
>Better voice acting
Sure. Bethesda is pretty bad with reusing the same 10 VA's for an entire game.
>>Spotify support
If it still runs on Creation Engine/Gamebryo it's worthless. It needs to run on idTech or I'm not buying it.
I don't care if there is mod support or not.
I do want them to say it isn't a priority and may be further down the line than usual,if at all.
The salt mining will be glorious.
Spotify support? Like just run it in the background, you dumb bastard. Jesus Christ, man. If this is bait, you got me.
Bethesda isn't that stupid, they know modding is a huge deal for their games which is why they are co-opting it with the creation club crap and making actual free mods harder to maintain by constantly breaking the game with the CC updates, VI will only expand this and make free mods nigh impossible.
creation engine can do some wonderful things, bethesda just kinda suck at using their own assets
I wish they'd used all their dirty skyrim moneys to just make a new fucking engine already though
The vast majority of players give no fucks about mods.
You WILL resort to ad hominem because there is no observable metric that supports mods being important and quite a bit to the contrary.
>there is no observable metric that supports mods being important
The fact that Bethesda always supported them and is now monetizing them?
Modding Bethesda games isn't something the community just forced, the company itself highly encourages it by giving out the creation kit and structuring the engine around these plug and play packages.
you just described morrowind
it has spotify support, i play with it on all the time
>mods are bad
An actual decent RPG system would nice but there is no chance of that.
mods may not be necessary but why would you actively root against them you fag
Here what I want:
>more snow
>a game heavily focused on stealth archery
>mods may not be necessary
They are though, I feel bad for consoleshitters who can't even install absolutely basic shit like the unofficial patches to make the game not break every second.
Consolecucks need permission
I want spears back.
they are necessary for the fu enjoyment yes thats true. especially with bethesda. new vegas crashes like a bitch without patches. but in the barest terms you "dont need" mods to technically play- idk why anyone would not want them though
Dude the day developers finally realize Spotify could save them big bucks will be the day. Imagine not having to license music because your game can pull and play off playlists the developers make. I'm sure they could code it so certain songs play at certain times and again, you wouldn't have to license music
CC is about fleecing sheep.
If ESO can sell houses for $200 there is no reason to not get in on that.
Licensed music in games has always been cancer, and you want even more of it? Kill yourself you retarded faggot.
>No PC release
Congrats, the most plebian comment in the hsitory of this board.
Kill yourself my friend
What a fucking zoomer
I installed the Skyrim fan patch.
I went to pickpocket a trainer and couldn't.
Uninstalled the mod.
Patches are supposed to fix things not break things
I hope they won't release it on consoles so they can go all in and not be limited by tech
The modding community is high strung.
The salt they produce is far more entertaining than any mod they produce.
It's an exploit fix you fucking retard, if you have to exploit to play this retarded game then you are a double retard, if you just want to cheat on skills then just type player.AdvSkill in the console.
I want better spells that scale properly and not just ice, fire, shock and garbage summons with 1 that works. And no way to mega overpower the game. If I am the head of a guild it got to matter in some way, and you cant be head of all guilds on one char.
Also the unofficial patch just removes the gold from the trainer's inventory so you can pickpocket-loop it, I don't think it outright stops pickpocketing.
>can pickpocket-loop it,
No it wasn't.
It was something the guy who made the fanpatch didn't like and changed.
Get ready for Redguards, more Redguards, and even more Redguards. Oh, and evil Nords.
San Andreas demands you take that back.
I mean licensed music for games where it works, obviously OP is a retard when he says Spotify in an eso game would be good, but in a game like GTA or any other modern open world game, why wouldn't you want the ability to play and control music through an immersive mean in game via your characters phone or car radio
Nope, the patch fixes a lot of player exploits like the alchemy/smiting/enchanting loop too.
Doing exploits doesn't even make sense since the game has a console that lets you just bypass the exploit grind if you really want to cheat this hard and rob yourself of the whole point of playing a game.
A game that takes place in the real world or is heavily inspired by the real world is the sole exception. Otherwise licensed music is inferior in every single fucking way.
>Spotify support
Have we reached that level ?
That we can agree on, I hate the stupid fucking remixes EA does for their battlefield trailers, while they may not actually be in the game fuck them for messing with the Talking Heads
Pre fanpatch
Gives NPC gold to train me.
Me being a cheeky thief take it back.
Makes sense
Post patch
Give NPC money to train me.
It disappears into some unreachable nether realm.
Makes no sense and stonewalls the cheeky thief build.
Exploiting isn't a "cheeky thief build", it's an exploit.
If you want to be a thief you wouldn't even be using trainers, just steal shit and install mods to make it less shit while you're at it.
I wasn't exploiting.
I was playing it as intended.
The patchmaker fixed something that wasn't broken just something he didn't like.
That is not how you patch games.
If he wanted to do an overhaul he should have labeled it an overhaul.
Radiant AI.
Exploits can't possibly exist if we follow your retarded definition of exploits since they always rely on abusing the game's weaknesses.
It's an exploit fix and I already told you an easier way to cheat, why do you want to use this particular exploit?
I like being a cheeky thief.
Then go do cheeky thief things instead of exploits, are you a "cheeky enchanter" for abusing the enchant loop?
Does anyone actually expect TESVI to be well-crafted with how shitty Bethesda is now?
I want a good game, but Bethesda isn't in the business of making those
More gear slots, better combat, guilds that aren't an afterthought. That's all you really need.
That and the game being finished and not being held together by duct tape on release, but we all know that's never going to happen
That isn't an exploit.
The Restoration loop is an exploit.
Pickpocketing trainers is working as intended.
I don't even care. Bethesda just make the game however you like. I'll probably give it a shot.
All I need is
>streamer mode
>twitter integration
>better graphics and overall visuals
I cannot believe you fell for this bait
>No PC release
Only in some old games have i only noticed that I
couldn't play spotify songs because it keeps saying that i'm in a blocked scene
Better modding tools out the gate. A complete rewrite of the Creation Engine fixing all its bugs.
The game will be shit no matter what, but as long as Bethesda provides modders with the tools to fix it it doesn't matter and the game will be worth it a year or two later.
There are people that genuinely complain about these loop exploits, he might very well be retarded.
Can't you find those aspects in other games like Horizon Zero Dawn for example?
Skateboards and skateboard tricks
>No PC release so it won't be ruined by mods
Why need bait to get anons in your thread mate, elder scrolls is popular so a populated thread was guaranteed
Someone other than Bethesda to make it
are you literally retarded? why the fuck would someone listen to some shit for 239 time instead of enjoying OST.
>ITT:Console Fag asks for Skyrim 2.
They should charge for the tools.
Modders are hooked and now that they are addicted they could rake in the ash.
CC can be a hook to justify the purchase for them.
Base desires:
More buildings in villages
Less linear dungeons
More diverse enemy types
No dragons
New mechanics
Extra fluff:
Extensive in game fast travel options with good dialogue directions
H2h skill or options
voice acting
>streamer mode
>twitter integration
(you) try to be more subtle next time, it's too obvious
If Bethesda's current state of affairs is anything to go by, nothing you listed will be included. You'll receive an even further dumbed down product with an "expansive" world filled with small little enclaves dubbed cities.
Heres what we will get
Throwback Memes
Dialogue Wheel
Village settlement building
Gamebryo bugs
better combat and actual possibility of roleplaying, i don't wanna see that fallout 4 shit, absolutely ruined the game for me
Pete please go. Why haven't you been fired yet?
>As long as the bigger world is actually full of stuff to do and not fucking empty.
The real world is mostly empty
>As long as they give new ways to fight and the combat is improved.
Has nothing to do with adding more weapons and spells
>It's Bethesda so I'm not expecting much better than fallout 4.
That's a given
>Sure. Bethesda is pretty bad with reusing the same 10 VA's for an entire game.
I mean they've been rat her low budget so far, so obviously they can't afford to many VA's. But hopefully they're finally willing to put more production cost down.
Fuck that shit
>complain about these loop exploits
Being fixed, I mean.
Just google about it and there will be people complaining about the fixes and there are actually mods that re-add the exploits back, people are fucking retarded.
actually I hope bethesda just go crazy and make an elder scrolls themed spacestation 13 clone
like you could have a cute little stronghold somewhere in tamriel and there's lots of rp roles and one of the players is a cultist or something
progress report?
This isn't borderlands, it won't have memes in it. It's the game itself that will be the cause of memes
>unreal engine 4
Holy shit it actually works now.
He has been fired.
Trumps brother had enough of his BSand the board agreed he was using his job to share his political beliefs to the detriment of the company.
>>Spotify support
>>No PC release so it won't be ruined by mods
Hahahaha no.
>The real world is mostly empty
No shit, that doesn't mean games should be too you nut
Personally what I want for the next Elder Scrolls is:
>something that isn't a downgrade in design and competency from 10 year+ old games, again
Literally the only thing this game needs is more complex and balanced skills/perks (which allow you to solve quests in various ways), and higher difficulty level. You shouldn't be able to waltz into dungeons casually, you would have to prepare for a tough challenge.
>unmodded ES games
No one should subjected to such suffering.
3D Minecraft?
>more spells
Remember when tes games had a spellmaker?
>no mods
this is actually a great idea and Yea Forums will be too retarded to see why
mods increase game lifespan incredibly meaning they can't pump and dump more games, while reducing player desire to buy useless low effort or cosmetic dlc or game advantage microtransactions unless it's crucial for mods to work
so it's great for shareholders and board directors who want money but should be all killed
More of a cheeky alchemist since it's potions that allow you to break the enchanting.
Spell making in my requirements is included in "more complex skills." Seriously, all they need to do is implement a character building system that blows people's minds off and lets you role-play in the game world in countless of ways, and then add challenge to the game so you can apply those skills in practice. It's as simple as that.
Dark Souls is considered a good game simply because of similar mechanics.
The vast majority don't mod the game.
Granted the ones that care about it REALLY care.
They are still just a tiny part of the community.
Engaging melee combat. It's been shit for decades.
>forced to play as a chick
Okay fag
Flashy and punchy combat isn't enough. If it's easy it's still shit. Bethesda seriously need to make their games harder and stop pandering to skillless losers.
Let's give whiny casuals Pete Hines what he wanted. He wants combat so let's give him extreme combat.
>No PC release so it won't be ruined by mods