Would you consider dating a kemono girl?

Would you consider dating a kemono girl?

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only if she was underage

Finally a kemono thread
BTW furries should be gassed

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>It's not furshit if Japan does it

Japanese furries > Western furries

It's not
also westerners are subhumans

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> consider

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>posting kikurage's furshit and not his good stuff

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They have really high sex drives, you would not have to cum inside them multiple times in one session just to satisfy them

What must I do to make these girls real?

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Japan doesn't draw them like Don Bluth.

>furfag calling anybody a subhuman

Kill your entire family

A Brenton Tarrant.

Whatever happened to that Kemono strategy RPG series that was supposed to be released this year?

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>it's ok when Japan does it

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If she asked me out then yes. I only date people that make the first move.

>Dude it's just Anime it's totally not furry
You keep telling yourself that

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Look at all these furfags in denial

best girl

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accept the fact you're a furry
that goes for monster girl fags too, you're a furry
the first step to recovery is accepting it

get that disgusting thing outta of my sight

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Nah, I'm good.

what if we don't wanna recover >w