Did you really think EA wasn't gunna fuck this up

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It'll be dead before that shit comes into play anyways.

So the battle pass comes with exclusive weapons and legends? Am I reading that right!

PUBG and Fortnite already have something similar doubt the playerbase cares considering many of them prob came from those games. Also isin't this game F2P?

now this is fucking underwhelming

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nope it comes with useless stat trackers, intro quips, banners, XP boosts..altogether 3 new skins and 20 new weapon skins fuck you EA

So a bunch of cosmetic shit I don't have to worry about? Oh no an F2P game is selling skins NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT BEFORE.

This is all shit, but children and people way too into it will buy it in a heartbeat

u done being a faggot? I'd purchase it if there were decent skins for characters and weapons but its EA trying to fuck u hard

>100 levels
>20 of said levels are one reward: your pass level as a badge for your banner
>18 kill trackers that will one day freeze and never be relevant compared to the vanilla free kill tracker that is always blown up to absurd pointless numbers on most accounts
>A whole bunch of the rewards are XP boosts that are literally worthless because most people are up to level 100, and these XP boosts only grant you useless tokens
>By the way your account level isn't reset, so no you don't get to earn any packs
>No scrap rewards so you can at least craft skins you want

A simple way to salvage this and make it acceptable is to just make it like 20 levels and fix the progression loop dead end by letting you continue to earn levels/rewards like packs and scrap ad infinitum
Locking anything remotely interesting behind 100 fucking levels of grind is extremely disrespectful.

poor attempt at shilling

i just want an option to recycle shit for 1/2 the value of crafting materials or instead giving us trackers and useless shit, give us crafting materials.

So don't buy it lol

why would anyone expect anything for a dev that said they wont buff the mozambique cuz of le may-mays XD

Fortnitechads win again

Eh I am ok with not having that much content as long as it doesn’t take to long to get all the stuff in the season. I like the game and I will spend coins for the season but I don’t want to have to play it 8 hours a day everyday to get the rewards I paid for.

considering the fact that there are XP boosts as rewards and its EA, i can 100% believe that leveling up the BP will be a grind

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You get 5,200 Apex coins worth of stuff for 950 Apex coins. It's objectively a great deal


APEX COINS!? What are those?? Wow.

That only works because the prices of Apex coins are extremely infflated. Of course they can give you that much value for 10 bucks, it always was cheap to make.
It will sound like a deal compared to the 18 bucks a legendary skin costs in the shop, but that's only because the skin price is stupid to begin with.

why not actually be fair and compare fortnites first battle pass to apex's

from what i remember fortnites first one had like one skin in it the dark knight or w/e

Dang it. I want to get it but I don’t want to only end up getting half of it. They of course put the best things last.

We shouldn't be allowed to compare recent things to eachother since it's not fair to expect companies to look at what is currently available and produce similar standards. We have to start comparing Apex to the original doom.

I think his point is that the contents of the battlepass are fucking shit

20% of battle pass just level budges
10% more are just exp boosts
All skins, except one are just basic model reskins
They already fucked everything.

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your gamwe sucks and you're a robot. get over it

but youre comparing a third person game that gives out skins in the pass to a first person games that has OWesque champions .... literally who gives a fuck about skins in apex

im not even going to buy this shit but as long as the gameplay stays good i dont care what they do

>just slap some mud and shit on them
>that'll be 950 coins please

>why not actually be fair and compare fortnites first battle pass to apex's
Apex compete with current Fortnite season, not with first, are you retard?

>fortnite adds weapon skins
>you unlock the skin in one battlepass level and then can apply it to every weapon

Meanwhile Apex filled 1/3 of the battlepass with two weapon recolors that you have to unlock multiple times.

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I wonder how the exp boosts will work

>let's make our shit characters look like actual shit

I think it will boost your main level. So it's useless for those, who got 100 already.

the battle pass is a $10 with like $70 worth of stuff to get
id say thats pretty worth it

Useless, ugly shit that no one will use.

it's still 100 times better than pubg's cosmetics so at least it has that going for it

then dont buy it
like i dont know what your fixation is

Yeah, don't buy, don't play and boom - game is dead. How about retarded devs make something good?

fortnite has much better aesthetics desu. it also runs better

i can guarantee leveling up is gunna be a fuckin chore. there's a guaranteed legendary apex pack at like level 80 something but u would have to grind battlefront 2 style to get there. you know, to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment

I literally says new weapons & loot

>How about retarded devs make something good?
thats an opinion

get some wins and you'll feel that same sense of pride and accomplishment

The fact that most of you feel the need to make the developers feel like absolute shit for something you don't even have to pay for is probably the most defining quality of this board: Entitlement.

The battle pass isn't great. So what? Most things aren't wonderful at launch, but truth be told, you guys brought this on yourselves. You hyped yourselves beyond belief that nothing could have possibly surpassed your expectations. There could be a new skin with every battle pass tier and you would probably find some way to dislike even that.

I hope the devs stop coming here. They don't deserve this type of verbal abuse, honestly. Work on a game for years, release it for free and provide a measly $10 entry fee for extra content (and the ability to get the NEXT battle pass for free) and the response is "wow trash".

Jesus. What a joke.


I don't know what you fuckers were expecting out of a battle pass for a game 6 or so weeks out, especially when everyone is stomping their feet and screaming "I want it now".

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>You hyped yourselves beyond belief that nothing could have possibly surpassed your expectations

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Not for a second, which is why I kept telling people not to buy EA games. Anyone with a memory that can stretch back even ONE YEAR can list at least 2 failures by EA.

>A simple way to salvage this
It's not going to happen. Why do you retards still fucking not get this? EA fucks up time after time and they have been doing so since the early 1980s.
They will not ever give a shit until you stop playing en masse, and even then any sort of action is not guaranteed or will be only temporary before they go back to Jewing you in the ass

>It's objectively a great deal
Based retard
>Linking to Reddit
>Well at least this shit is better than radioactive shit
how about just not eating shit in the first place

i have over 75 wins with my main

fuck back to reddi

You forgot to mention your wifes son cucklord. Call a spade a spade, if people can't handle that then fuck'em.

sounds like youll be buying the battlepass anyways

>they didn't get 1k coins from asus promo making the pass free

i dont have more than a few hours to play a week and thats probably not enough to grind all the levels of the bp, but i'll buy it towards the end of the season if i have leveled up enough since the rewards can be earned retroactively

>The Battle Pass you pay for only 950 apex coins is actually worth 7000 apex coins

I've been playing Apex Legends for 2 to 3 hours a day for a month, and I'm only at level 47. Do you really expect the average player would unlock all the loot within a month? Maybe Twitch Streamer could unlock all of it, but most will reach sub 50.

If you don't believe me, think about it, why is there a badge for the battle pass level? It's because the xp would be the same, and getting levels in the battle pass would make it feel like it's a "pride and accomplishment" aka. torture and requires being jobless to "accomplish". Jeezus fucking hell.

>saved my coins from the EA exploit
>going to get it for free
Serves them right for delaying it

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just fix the god dam crashing

if you want, compare apex's first battlepass with fortnites first BP, there was no BP in season 1, just a shop that you could buy skins if you reached a level, season 2 was the first BP. I would still rather buy this today than pay for the Apex BP

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when is it out?

Bros I'm already having nostalgia for the game pre-battle pass.

That's false argument. That's like saying Apex Legends' battle pass will only get good once season 5 comes out.

It fucking needs to compete with other's battle passes NOW, not the other's battle passes FROM TWO YEARS AGO. Fucking hell.

I played Titanfall 2. I've been saying from the moment it was apparent that the launch was gonna be successful, that they'd be bleeding players like crazy in the coming months because the game is barebones now and their content updates are gonna be slow and shitty.

What? This guy said it was unfair to compare to the current fortnite BP, so I showed him that they even lose to their first.
They definately need to make it better than the current one, but considering its worse than the first they're fucked.

>runs better than fucking source
Not our fault you have a potato laptop, Pablo.

Who fucking cares about shitbox skins or paid skins.
Remember when having a skin actually meant something ? That you won, that you're good or that you grinded your way trough ? remember that ?
It is not worth a fucking dime. None of that, it's all bullshit.
>900 coins vs 7000 coins you pay for 28 skins vs 42.
Now Yea Forums is arguing wich of the two pile of shit they should eat.

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1080 / 7600k here and cant hold 144fps to save my life in apex but fortnite runs at infinite framerate

>Running anything above 60 fps

dude stop falling for the memes, you're unnecessarily the power of your processor, at least lock at 100 fps if you want extra frames damn it

>A couple of new characters, weapons and missions

So this is the power of shills...

what on earth are you even on about

They're supposed to give their best effort. It's their own fault for making a dogshit pass. If they want people to buy the pass then make it good.

I don't believe you need to purchase the pass to get access to new guy.
For 10 bucks, you get content to grind (you'd be surprised how many people complain about not having mindless grind), and it brings enough coins to buy the next one, along with 5 apex packs, an epic pack and a legendary pack. Also some trash skins or whatever.

What the fuck have they even been doing?
This shit looks like it was thrown together by one guy the day before they put it up.
How the fuck did they delay the release for this garbage?
Can't believe you don't even get the new character too

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money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money

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not to mention the main selling point here is that you can "make back the money" of the BP by playing and leveling, but we all know how grindy the progression is gunna be. this is EA after all

>Couldn't give a fuck about the battle pass
>More concerned about the hitbox tweaks

Fuck this shitty Cancer patient/Bangalor/Lifeline meta

>battle royales

To be fair, you have 3 months to grind it. Some people reached level 100 in like a week when the game came out.

Pic and its better than Fortnites first battlepass.

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I have played it for about 3 weeks and I am almost level 30. I don’t know if I can make it.

We ripped off fortnites battle pass but made it worse. At least it's better than nothing as long as you don't compare it to fortnites current state

Fornite battle pass is only better 8+ seasons in. Don't be dumb.

>buy battlepass
>earn 1000 coins
>never have to pay for another battlepass again
Am I getting this right?

No it got better 3 seasons in when they figured everything out. 8 seasons in they have reached the point where a single skin unlocked at level 1 is better than the entire Apex pass. Fortnite didn't have a battle pass to copy like Apex does.

making the characters ugly in apex was kind of a disservice.. they only got themselves to blame

>EA fucks up for nearly a whole year causing massive PR problems
>force respawn to cut down the only good game made by EA in years (TF2) and turn it into a generic BR with diversity politics ingrained
>sneakily circumvent PR by claiming respawn had to convince a supposedly sceptical EA of all studios that a literal cashcow would make money by using the last studio they haven't ruined yet
>spend millions on twitch marketing with one million spent on a single streamer for a game you claim to have no confidence in
>nu/v/ zoomers eat this shit up
>EA obviously exploits their cashcow
>whoooaa ea is a shit company :OOOOO wooooooooooow

go fuck yourselves all of you, you deserve the state of the industry

This was supposed it, Drumpf was supposed to be done.

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Meh, it's a free game.

do you think respawn somewhat saving EA's 1st quarter will convince them to stop being faggots and let them release TF3 without any fuckery or are they going to continue acting like absolute niggers? They have to learn from their mistakes at some point, right guys?

based copypasta-san

is the chinese problem dealth with yet

everytime i read that i read "hey it's 900 coins for a bunch of things no one would pay a single cent separately"

If you dedicate your life to the grind then sure

They won't because it's meant to be SHIT you Bdolute fucking moron

so, when is there new content?