Ugh, imagine what it could have been

ugh, imagine what it could have been

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Ebin großgermanium

>letting the br*tian menace still exist

>greater serbia doesnt exist

Attached: comment_XIWjYFAsprXi8uvc0JIKROn3UUAwQhc1.gif (240x221, 1017K)

Everything must be absorbed into the GroB


Serbia has been a complete and utter failure ever since Dusan got assassinated.

yep. I'm thinking he's based.

>the kikes took this from us

Attached: time.png (500x517, 166K)

>letting england live
what are you waiting for?

Imagine being so terminally braindead that you're unironically a Nazi in 2019

Christ even I got over my edgy /pol/ phase 2 years ago

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what game?

This is the 2nd Reich though.


>*reddit spaces*

Wilhelm II

Now post Africa

It's weird that this meme only targets white kids
The amount of turks that buy eu4 to live out their ottoman fantasies is insane

triggered already silly internet nazi?


Don't forget balkan kids

All of Europe would have been cucked just like Germany is? You do know Germany has always been very socially liberal. THEY were infact the ones who made America more liberal especially California, their immigrants always voted democrat.


Have sex.



>have sex
>back to /pol/
>back to resetra

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wracaj na wykop

have sneed


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Hvala dragome Allahu.

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Sauerkraut, Kartoffelbrei, Bomber Harris, Feuer frei

>You do know Germany has always been very socially liberal.

What are you on about? Compared to France and Great Britain they have usually been more conservative/reactionary pre-weimar. France started common use birth control methods way earlier than Germany, which is one of the reasons France could never compete with Germany population wise. Not to mention how the german governments were way more autocratic at the time compared to UK and France. You could also argue that people that leave europe for the americas(at the time) often are more "liberal" than their homestaying country men if their home country isn't very democratic. Along with living space/economic incentives, it is a good reason to leave

>The amount of turks that buy eu4 to live out their ottoman fantasies is insane
ottomans are the villain of the game though. incredibly OP, take down byzantium, require europe and russia to stop

>National focus
>Attract immigrants
>Attract immigrants
>Attract immigrants
>Attract immigrants
>Attract immigrants

Attached: hihi.png (1920x1080, 3.09M)

Greater Albania will soon.

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Which other game lets me eradicate syndycalistic tumor off europe?pa jak się zesral kaszkieciarz

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you forgot discord illuminati paranoia

Germany was the least socially liberal country in western Europe before WW2.

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Austria did nothing wrong

>Sw*den still exists

Attract immigrants is pretty much useless since it doesn't help you get more of them,it just redirects them more to the provinces that have that focus.

>German "video games"
>German "foods"

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this. Looking at the EU you can see it being ruled by the weak european cucks rather than the strong habsburgian austrians.

>Anglos and (Ashkenazi) Jews come from Germany and want nothing less than to destroy the world
It makes perfect sense

Is there actually anyone who thinks the world wouldnt be better if Germany had won

>being ruled by a facist cult of rich white men who are beyond the law and wage war against anybody

I rather prefer today...Oh wait....

Better question to people who play grand strategy games. What games in this genre do you play which weren't made or published by Paradox?

>empire and kaiser
>fascist cult

Attached: 1536750074017.jpg (427x640, 46K)

Have you met HRE in CK2?

is HOI4 worth it if i get it for cheap and mod it? fallout mod seems fun for a bit

>implying choice was involved

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>being ruled by niggers who cant sustain themselves let alone a country
can you imagine?

is it true that the /vg/ /gsg/ tranny who created those pictures died?

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The civilized world had beaten you twice already g*rm and we will do it again if we have to.

fuck reddit

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HOI4 is worth when you want to play mutliplayer, not so much for single player

>((civilized world))

ugh, imajeen whad id gould hab ben

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ughfug :DDD

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sad irl desu.

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now THIS is ebin

>HRE not included

shud id down xxx---DDDD

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Why would I need to imagine it?

Attached: Germanempire.jpg (620x413, 205K)


Much better

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Nice. Also removal of (((amerilard))) troops and NATO dismantle when?


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What the fuck.

the absolute state of (((conservative))) amerilard lmao

the absolute state of (you) lmao *snort* yikes oof

neocons aren't conservatives. they are liberal double agents poisoning the well.

A bit too many countries for the real EU, don't you think?

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The dream is alive.

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why the fuck is that girl so cute

I'm sure he was really thinking this towards the end..

>izreži Bosnu
Ne treba nam.

>wehraboo doesn't even have all of the german minors annexed

>those puny empires torn into pieces
Oh my

Played right into his hands, well done chunp

Reminder that Hitler was a nationalist since childhood and he would have volunteered for the war even if he was a professional artist.

>my side is the good guys and the oether side is the bad guys so if theres someone i disagree with they are by definition on the other side
the logic and reason is overwhelming

Half of them were commies you buffoon.


I didn't say conservatives were good, stop projecting. neocons are liberals making the conservative party shit, but regular conservatives are shit too. fuck off /pol/.

>black people good

what could have been....

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>everyone is shit

>nazi penguins

>black people good

are you disagreeing with that? have you been outside lately? even easier, have you looked at the posters here? everyone is shit, yes, that is what I am saying.

why is wales part of the german empire

imagine a world... with no browns... no queers... no feminists... no cultural marxists...
just peace and quiet... in your quaint european village... with your white housewife... imagine...

I love EU4 but give me a 3 dev nation and 20 years and I'll turn it into and unstoppable superpower. It's just too easy now.

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Can you get the Nagaur conquers Germany achievement while also getting the Indian Empire achievement to own Hong Kong, Cape, London, and Ottawa?

>the world’s entire industry will never be dedicated exclusively to the production of top tier spurdo finn memes
worst timeline

Attached: file.png (1023x717, 726K)

Yes. But I don't want to because that's boring as shit. It's only fun before you can fight the entire rest of the world and effortlessly win.


Imagine a world where industrial revolution never happened, it would be just like that

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you’d also be dead by age 30-40

As opposed to age 16 in the WW1 and 2 eras.

the world would be a better place

It's always bizarre to me how Europhiles get mad when people point out the fact the EU is dominated by Germany. It observably is, I don't know why they care one way or the other.

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we're trying to correct it, so do your part too please
i mean i can't force you but you can do your part if you want to

Attached: Winner of the Second Finno-Korean Hyperwar celebrating the victory, circa 2018.png (288x302, 100K)

this is a misnomer, life expectancy was so low because of infant mortality rates, not because people died that young otherwise; 80+ was still entirely doable back then.

Who knows?
A lot of people are nationalists and a lot of them are soldiers, but there's only one Hitler.

>he still believes people died young

We going to be voting again probably around next year because we gave the wrong answer last time, like other EU votes.

Sure, if you’re one of the few people that doesn’t get any childhood diseases or is born with perfect health. Which statistically, you probably wouldn’t be

Go back to prison Ted.

that's the best part

>lived 2000 years ago
>died at 75
>he believes modern medicine increased life expectancy

Attached: Statue-Augustus.jpg (1500x2250, 458K)

if you made it past your first decade, your average lifespan was 60-80, not 30-40. don't be a retard.

If you survived to 10 you would probably live to 50. Even in Antiquity old people often lived to 70 years or more.

not really, with proper living condition

It's because you feel the primal connection lost during the hyperwar

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anglos are so good at destroying nations that they fucked up their own

But you would probably not make it to 10, sweaties.

Truly, our greatest overlord.

/pol/ is that way
and fuck off

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shifting goalpost. just admit you were wrong and move on.

*gets raided by d*nes*

>black people good



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Nuh uh, it's that way

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t. burger

>tfw too dumb to get into Victoria 2

Attached: tumblr_o2ejfmKOLK1s21xzoo1_501.jpg (461x523, 46K)

So what? Modern medicine and agriculture was able to support larger population living in densely populated settlements but it didn't increase life span for adults.

>only own CK2
>have for years
>never played it
>pirated all DLCs and always installed in case internet goes out
>never does
>6 years later
>still never played it
>no desire to learn a new game
30 year old boomers with no attention span unite

My original goalpost was lower life expectancy, and still is. And you’re still wrong about max age. Living up to 50 is an extremely low life expectancy by today’s standards.

Based black man

your original post was "you’d also be dead by age 30-40"
do you not even remember what you posted you 10 minutes ago you ADD-ridden retard? even if 50 were the average, which it was not, it was closer to 65-70, that would still prove your original statement incorrect.

Dude just build liquor factories lmao

some sandnigger must've been really seething to make this

>he missed the mark by one decade he’s WRONG
arguing here is such a hassle
>it was closer to 65-70
no, it wasn’t
what is it about this place that suddenly got filled with so many conspiracy posters


arguing is only a hassle when you are always wrong and refuse to admit it, lmao


You can not into statistics. You are one of those retards that gets tricked by every cleverly spun statistic in the news.
Either you died as an infant or your chances were very high you'd live 60-70 years.
People did not just drop dead at 30 for no reason

>wanting to cause a boomer uprising

>da noos lie!!
jesus christ
No, people didn’t drop dead, but many diseases that we consider harmless today thanks to modern medicine could kill you if you happened to catch them
>inb4 but if you had no diseases and were an extremely healthy human being you’d live up to 100!! could have been perfect...

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>mentioning the jews out of nowhere
be mad somewhere else already

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aging is itself a disease, and scientists have been working on a cure for it for a good while now. you are just digging your hole further and further, and it's hilarious.


Age is mostly genetics, still is. You can live healthy life and die of heart attack in your 50s or be a disgusting fat slob with decades of diabetes and die in your sleep in your 80s.
The thing modern medicine has really helped in is decreasing child mortality.

>aging is a disease
alright, i got baited
pretty good my dude, got me mildly angry

>aging is disease
I can't even comprehend what this post means

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Please deliver full lyrics

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EU was a Habsburgs invention, look at their involvement in its beginning.

not really that hard to understand, but ok. aging is an amalgamation of diseases slowly building up in your body over your entire lifespan, eventually reaching a point where your body can no longer function, with a secondary, less easily solved issue being the human brain's total memory capacity (still upwards of 300 years).

>aging is an amalgamation of diseases slowly building up in your body
user for the love of christ take a fucking biology class or shut the fuck up


Define 'disease'. Then look into dictionary. It really does fit.

no need for that, I'm 31 and a college graduate, already taken it! thanks for your concern, misplaced though it may be.

diseases are also natural biological processes. negative ones. you know, like aging.

So what? Auto-immune diseases are natural biological processes causing harmful effects on the body. Aging is akin to genetic disease.

college graduate on something that isn’t biology or medicine, sure
no one said college graduates can’t be morons, like you

so by that definition all living things are diseased? fucking retard

imagine being this fucking retarded.
i bet you also think that cancer is not a disease

technically? yes

If aging is a disease, are things like being able to walk, puberty, and menopause symptoms?

Attached: thunk.png (608x720, 584K)

cancer IS. Not every normal living being has cancer. Just stop.

>all living things are diseased?
You didn't know we are bags full of deadly hereditary diseases (most of them inactive)?

every single living being has cancer.
its just not activated.

Also talking, thinking, not shitting your pants. All symptoms of the GREAT KILLER that is age

I don’t know who’s baiting who anymore

Post a journal to back up your shit, smartass

>Not every normal living being has cancer.
Human body usually can destroy these abnormal cells in time

google it yourself you fucking lazy faggot

Guess whom?

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personally I'm just having fun watching how mad you guys are getting now, it all being the truth is just a bonus at this point.

Poor guy. He just wanted to paint.

neoconservative here. no we aren't.

The final redpill is realizing that Germany conquered Europe, but democracy instead of conquest with the EU

go masturbate on john mccain's grave you rat.

Yes. "She" joined a certain statistic.

It's a win-win situation to me. Either we leave the EU or the Tory party explodes, then tribal tory voters will have to stop being mongs and vote for an actual serious social conservative patriotic party that would replace it and there is a majority for, as the EU vote shows. (This is not and never was UKIP, a single issue dad's army party)

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mccain was a rat.

Not true. Germany will almost always be dominant because of their central position, large population and relatively high average IQ's.
They're nothing but an American colony right now though, so they are gonna die the same as the rest of Europe.

>neoconservative here

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victoria 2


What are you even on about? Where did you learn this shit?

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Turkish BLACK man will have his vengeance on wh*tes. First part is never releasing Bannerlord.

>be german
>enjoy leadership over the continent for 50 years or so after 2 failed take overs
>we finally made it bros
>anglos are now fucking things up for everyone again and the reich is on its deathbed

it keeps happening

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>Germany is a hivemind
All the states in Germany are like different countries

why are you obsessed with Germany? Are you even German?

Germany just needs to accept it's place in the Shade.

A good portion of elected officials were Social Democrats aka Communist in pre-Great War Germany.

>Social Democrats
>aka Communist

Fucking Americans

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Bitch please, they were two steps from Bolsheviks before the French murdered their head one.

I'm sure the French are glad you actually believe that.


>someone made this

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Well some animals are immortal, so not all

Not really because it plunged them into a war with the country divided alongside shitty leadership. Shame you know nothing about the Weltkrieg.

How does Portugal keep getting away with it

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Man you /pol/tards get triggered by everything, it's a silly meme making fun of those kekistani idiots. No wonder everyone makes fun of you.

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Classic, haven't seen this thread in awhile
Look at all the newfags crawling out of the woodwork in the thread