ITT: We post flawed games that are still peak kino
ITT: We post flawed games that are still peak kino
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Bioshock Infinite had an unrivaled art direction and atmosphere, come to my house and fight me
It's boring as sheit.
>kill brainless AI
>more cheesy cutscenes
Gameplay wise it suffers a lot of issues, especially with the Rockstar Mission Structure, but the story and multiple scenes within were fucking kino.
Infinite was top hours of entertainment from start to finish. Contrarians on Yea Forums get fucked!
Also, Burial at Sea Ep2 is the best Bioshock game to date.
I agree, but it turns into a giant arena shooter 1/4 way through the game. Still love it though.
It really doesn't.
If you talk about the things I think you talk about, then those are what elevates it.
Its a shame the art direction goes to shit once the revolution starts and everything's soaked in smoke and brown.
It is the worst of the 3, but it's also the one I replayed the most, I don't know why..
I'm here for Elizabeth, Bioshock Infinite is shit, the gameplay sucks, and if there are infinite Elizabeths, at least one Elizabeth constantly have sex with underage boys across time and space.
Now post Elizabeth.
this game was boring and empty as fuck
story is kino but rest is pure uber trash
Who gave Yea Forums permission to post here?
The story of RDR2 couldn’t be more retarded if they tried. And my standards for westerns are really fucking low.
It was a slow decline until they reached the sugar plantation, then it went off the fucking cliff.
>empty as fuck
Ah yes, Burial at Sea Pt. 2. Im so glad they fucked Bioshock 1 by forever tying it to Infinite. I’m happy the franchise’s dead now.
>The story of RDR2 couldn’t be more retarded if they tried.
congratulations on the worst post on Yea Forums right now
Its not my fault the porn is more interesting than the game.
Explain to me how it’s a good story, then. I’m waiting.
>Im so glad they fucked Bioshock 1 by forever tying it to Infinite
>this thing that isnt real got fictionally tied to another thing that isnt real and now its ruined
you sound like a giant faggot
Fuck You! OP is a faggot
Strong words from someone who unironically thinks Bioshock Infinite is a good game.
I'm mostly talking about the horseback riding which could be a lot better imo. And the Rockstar Mission Structure of incorporating shootouts, it gets repetitive. However there were a decent amount of unique shootouts I'll give them that. My absolute favorite one is the ending on top of the mountain with Micah's men.
Why the fuck didn’t the mics and niggers just leave? Hijack an airship and go to the Bahamas or Tahiti There’s literally no reason to risk your lives taking over the city when you just came there for work in the first place.
It's the flaws that make it beautiful
Because Ken Levine had literally no idea what to do with the plot and was just trying to string setpieces along for long enough that the game felt satisfying for an initial playthrough
Other than the inconsistent collision mechanic whats wrong with the horses? They've improved on the first game in every way.
>unrivaled art direction and atmosphere
It sucked compared to the art direction and the atmosphere of the early trailers
Porn? Where?
i literally knew you would make this post lmao
go fuck yourself
/Thread. The art and technology in the game is balls.
>I knew he would ask me to me a good post on Yea Forums! Fuck you!
To be fair that definitely is too much to ask
Its fucking Yea Forums m8
I agree but it's wasted on a shitty game
Unironically this.
60fps and mouse aiming when? All this game needs
>Game market is saturated with unsaturated brown games
>Infinite comes out
>Looks unappealing, average at best
>Lazy graphics that don't come close to what a Bioshock game used to bring to the table
>2D leaves
>Copy-pasted NPC every 5 meters
>Animations so bad they are on par with Black&White (2001) at some areas
>Gets praised for its visuals because it's splashed with vibrant colors
I knew you would not explain it, since it's impossible. It's a shit story.
If you are not willing to defend your shitty opinions, keep them to yourself, mate.
Exactly. Anyone who praises infinite for any single quality, in any capacity, is retarded. There is nothing about the game that isn't objectively lacking. The gameplay, level design, story, presentation, ai, progression, bosses, physics, controls...
Fuck I fucking hate this game.
>if there are infinite Elizabeths, at least one Elizabeth constantly have sex with underage boys across time and space.
>zoomers think this trash is kino
Neo-Yea Forums, Infinite looked like utter garbage in every way.
Sonic Adventure 2
How are the Xenoblade games?
They're all a bit different from each other, but the first game is probably the easiest one to get into.
X is good if you like mecha, 2 is good if you like waifus and anime tropes on the heavy side.
I'd try the original first, since it's the easiest to emulate then move on to whichever one strikes your fancy - if any.
1 is a masterpiece and 2 is great despite some cringy shit.
What are some other big think games?
Infinite is a fucking trainwreck and the only reason people like it is because they think Elizabeth is cute.
>hamfisted surface level political "commentary"
>peak kino
original bioshocks had a better aesthetic
i agree, but the "open worldness" isn't there even with the really cool transportation system, backtracking is there, but it serves no purpose
Explain how it’s a bad story. You made the claim, you need to post objective proof.
You sound somewhat miserable. I'm sorry that you can't enjoy anything anymore.
Bioshock infinite was an ad for a wedding cake with a chocolate fountain, but when we came and picked it up it was a mushed schwarzwald cake that Ken had dropped and accidentally stepped on the way there.
It's pretty fucking simple, really. It's the same problem that all of the David Cage games have, just in a less spectecular way. The story is clicheed and boring and nonsensical in a way that it would never pass as a compelling story in any other medium, but because it's a video game aping a movie story, people somehow delude themselves into believing it has merit.
And you are wrong, I responded to the claim that the story was somehow amazing. I challanged that claim. But seeing how you seem to agree with that person, you might as well explain why the story is somehow objectively good. Or as the user above put it 'fuching kino'.
Nothing kino about a corridor shooter
>The story is clicheed and boring and nonsensical
Subjective opinions. Give me facts. How is it boring? How is it ""nonsensical""? Why couldn't a trimmed down version of the story be a good movie?