I got into Gravity Rush at the worst time

I just started getting into the franchise. I bought Gravity Rush 2 after the servers went offline and I didn't think anything of it at the time but I genuinely enjoy the game series and now I see that I can't actually platinum the game or unlock all costumes without the online.

Still a good game series IMO though.

Is Gravity Rush 3 never gonna happen? Did the series die or something? I always hear people say it is never coming, but why is that?

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Because not enough people bought Kat's games.
But that's okay, she forgives you.

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After playing through the games, they really are very fun and enjoyable. I'm shocked this game was so unknown to a majority of people. It makes me feel sad I didn't get into the game sooner, but sadder to know that Kat may be dead now.

Who knows, if PSASBR2 comes along, Kat may be in it again :')

It's too late for her.

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You can still get all the unlocks without online iirc, it’s just a pain because the non-online treasure spawns are really rare and don’t come with any sort of hint or indication

She is still kicking a little bit. After all, she was on that women of PlayStation free theme they made for National Women's Day or whatever that was, so her existence wasn't just killed off

I'm surprised they didn't forget about her like last year.

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Wait so I can get the Dusty Tokens without needing online? How so?

Both games were my favorite games of their gens and GR2 might literally be my favorite game of all time.
You can just feel that its a passion project for Team Siren.

Also fucking GOAT OST, we need more trumpets in vidya osts!
3 might actually come on the PS5, since they hinted at that, but they also said that Kat's story is pretty much over and it might be a new protag, which would be sad but they're kinda right about the story thing because the first moments of the first game and the ending of the second are jus the total brackets of Kat's story.
This. And I cannot emphasize how much of a pain it really is. You just stumble across those things totally randomly.

He's wrong. You can still get the platinum but you can NOT get the costumes and other accessories locked behind online. Find treasure chest randomly gives you no dusty tokens.

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Oh that’s right, I forgot the tokens had their own unlocks, I was only thinking about the furniture from the chests


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go to gamstat.com and check for GR2. Keep in mind that over 50% of the players got the game for 15$. GR is a niche game and a sequel will only happen if japan studio can maintain their creative freedom.

do I need to play GR1 or can I go straight to GR2?

Release order. Always.

Then you are really gonna hate me for playing 2 and then 1. I basically watched a bunch of summary videos on 1 because my buddy told me I should just jump straight into 2

I mean I guess if you got the plot of 1 it’s ok. There’s a lot of neat side stuff you probably didn’t see that you’ll miss out on, but you got the gist of it

I will never understand this shit
Why would you skip anything in any type of media
Sure, the first one might not be as good as the sequel, but that is what sequels are supposed to do.
And now, you don't have your own experience nor opinions on the first game.
Fuck you.

People didn't buy it because it isn't a cinematic deep story experience.
Sony fans alongside most of their developers """evolved""" past that.
Japan Studio is literally irrelevant nowadays.
Gravity Rush bombed, Freedom Wars bombed, Soul Sacrifice bombed, Puppeter bombed, etc. Even The Last Guardian bombed.

I wanna fuck Kat

Imagine being this mad about how other people play games.

Ur waifu is shit



Pal, the chance is VERY slim and very few people want it. Just look at this board, not even a thread to discuss a possible sequel, it's highly impossible for it.

Although I am still praying.

I'm just talking in general, not just games.
Like books or movies

The director said he would consider Gravity Rush 3 when the PS5 drops. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won't.

Reminder you're a retard

i dont get it, if servers re paid online now how can they go down?

Don't mind me, just posting the best music of the series:


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don't bully please

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I played the first game for about a minute, but when I saw it was yet ANOTHER "protagonist with amnesia" story I gave up. Clearly there was nothing of value there.

post kat pusy

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You better pray SEGA or someone buys Gravity Daze from Sony. I am not trusting Sony to bother with it any more themselves.

If it were the film America needs right now in the age of Trump to oppose problematic social toxicity, Sony of America would have supported it
But it was a video game so they announced it on Twitter and released it in silence
It's a miracle it did as well as it did

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Kats tats arent that fat! She's relatively flat!

I know her size, but that doesn't stop me from liking some good art, ya dig?

I want a toyama and ito colab to make a new horror game.

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people here have short span attention and probably cannot even read two lines without stopping, how do you expect they follow release order in anything

>The only reason the world isn't how i want it is because everyone too dumb not like me 200iq

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literally everyone here buys games om release date and leave them unfinished because they just cannot focus on anything and after a few hours they move on to something else


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I'm trying to get my fujoshi cousin to play this because I know she would like it but if it doesn't have some pretty boy protags she won't give it the time of day.

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Remember that kat is straight and this couple is canon

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Or they don't like the game..?

Reminder that kat likes girls and fucks raven every night

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