A Kraut is streaming the game. Double mic and static inbound.

Attached: IMG_0509.jpg (480x265, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mediamarkt in Delmenhorst is selling the game early for you Germans.

yep, people will definitely be done with the game by release.

Attached: sk.jpg (899x1600, 151K)

Reminder that this retard doesn't have healing items equipped and literally goes into his inventory every time he wants to heal.

>watching others play games

For the love of God, another German with a functioning brain needs to stream it.


Seriously what the fuck, why did Activison put that ugly fucking picture as the cover instead of the kino as fuck Japanese cover art REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Attached: Sekiro-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (800x478, 121K)

Who gives a shit, you're gonna be playing the game and not staring at the cover anyway

Aaaaand he got banned.

As expected, stream got taken down.

and banned kek

Same fucking deal with the Japanese GOTY edition for BB. It's like that to appeal to burgers.

Attached: IMG_0973.jpg (430x545, 48K)

>functioning brain

I care, I wanted the steelbook case edition with the art of him doing this samurai pose.
Now I'll just get a digital copy because the western cover is trash.

come on dude no game is worth that price

Fuck. Anyone else streaming it??

Why did the stream get banned? I mean, he's got access to the game legally and he's not bound by an NDA or anything.

>you will never be a NEET sandnigger immigrant in Europe playing Sekiro early on a PS4 bought with welfare money working citizens paid for

Attached: sadfrog.jpg (396x385, 36K)


Because it's Twitch

Attached: BenShapiroFiveNine.jpg (313x313, 18K)

I don't know much about Twitch's policies. Do they not allow the streaming of games before they're released? I distinctly remember someone playing like 12 hours of Kingdom Come Deliverance a few days before the actual release and Twitch didn't care.

Welp, time to filter sekiro. See you on the other side, lads

Attached: 1552602346057.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

No. The stores selling it already are breaking contracts they signed. Though he might have stolen it and just claimed they sold it.

Did someone tell him to post screenshots and spoilers on reddit?

He's talking out of his ass. There is an embargo set by FromSoft, no one is allowed to stream or show videos of the game until release date, unless it is under their supervision, of certain early game areas of the game.
They are trying to prevent spoilers from leaking.

Companies want potential customers to only see their cherry picked gameplay trailers prior to release. Any bugs etc could prevent someone from buying a game. Their ideal scenario is you preordering or buying the game day one without having read any reviews prior.

>They are trying to prevent spoilers from leaking.
Who gives a shit? From games always have terrible stories and we already now the last boss is a dragon with a sword from the trophy list and icon, so what gives?

Are Youshit and Twishit the only streaming platforms out there? Christ.

Based retard.

that's where you wrong, stores sign contracts with the publishers giving them the righht to sell the game but also under certain conditions, like the publisher decidiong WHEN the stor can start selling the game. Breaking this rule means that if they're being reported / found out by the publisher they can pay the price as precised in the contract they broke

There's another guy on trannyera with the game and he's going to post stuff when he's home in 10 minutes.

Not everyone is you. Some care about the lore, and majority that care about spoilers care about boss reveals. Stop being retarded.

The guy who leaked MK11 roster and DMC5 was also from Resetra.
Why can't Yea Forums be this based?

Twitch has no dog in that fight. They don't benefit in any way from holding the streaming of this game back.

Unless they're getting paid by Fromsoft of course which is entirely possible.

>Some care about the lore

Attached: 1523550875596.jpg (900x729, 67K)

why twitch? this happens every time but people dont learn at baffling

Attached: 1549318917199.jpg (598x467, 55K)

Because the viewers are just as unlikely to find you on the streaming services that don't ban you as their moderation.

Sekiro has a real story this time, so lore doesnt matter

There's probably some legal pressure involved. Publishers would send lawyers after Twitch if they thought that an unauthorized stream had impacted day one sales, because it showed the game with all its flaws.

That's why I said some. The majority care about boss reveals, you big dumb thick skulled groid.

Western versions are always inferior for the souls games.

is this shit purely single player or is there any "invasion" shit or fighting peoples chars like in nioh?

100% single player. No online at all, no revenants, no ghosts, no messages.

Purely single player. No online functionality whatsoever.

he can here for viewers

Why are people even going to pay for this when there is literally no reason to

It's the same faggot.


Attached: IMG_0951.jpg (2668x2169, 1.25M)

it's the same guy

That German guy is back.

No more (You)s for you today, friend.

>get banned on twitch
>think that streaming it on jewtube is going to turn out any different
This guy truly is a humongous retard.

Maybe because pvp in Souls was a fucking joke anyway and people still enjoy singleplayer games.

Bloodborne was.

It's actually worse, because Google might take action against your main account or something.

Tbh he deserves it

He meant 59".

a stream ban just prevents you from streaming, happens to several private server streamers

dude got raped

I mean he's a huge faggot sandnigger/nazi, but honestly, he doesn't. It's not the consumer's fault some retailer broke the street date. (Unless he stole the game)
He didn't sign any NDAs or anything.

>still in the tutorial area

Holy fucking shit.
I didn't know you could be this much of a shitter.

Attached: IMG_0945.png (413x570, 139K)

reeee XD

Why is Ben Shapiro playing Sekiro?

he fucking ragequit

So much for being the aryan masterrace, kek.

Wasn’t it some Turkish fuck?

I don't know man.

that's a white fuck

>doesn't lock on
>flails around like a retard who just picked up a controller
>dies to brain dead trash mobs
Yep. I'm happy I didn't watch more. Shit was unbearable.

Attached: IMG_0869.jpg (720x900, 128K)

>playing with lock-on
t. incel

>Who gives a shit?
lmao brainlet

>He meant 59"

Attached: 1518226692258.png (345x369, 34K)

racism is super cool

>sixty nine point ninety nine euroshekels

I wasn't aware NEETs are a race.

t. poorfag

>not stupidly spending your money = poor
I never understood this meme

>That rooster enemy

Attached: 1552636192970.jpg (556x561, 49K)

i only saw a little bit of gameplay, is there a stat system?

i hope not or there will be another str fag vs dex fag debate in every thread

As far as stats go, you can increase your health and attack power. Think heart containers in Zelda.
There are also skill trees and prosthetic upgrades. But eventually you will be able to fully upgrade them all.

>that pre-order DMC5 theme music

Na no more stats, now its a skill 3 tier skill tree system. There will still be threads saying which tree is the best to go down first ect although as the leaked achievements show it's possible to get every skill/upgrade there is.

Reddit guy who has the german version says the framerate is "not nice" on basic Ps4.
Bloodborne all over again.

that's why you play on PC this time

No, it's every recent game released o base consoles.

>I think the framerate is either unlocked or 30ish on PS4 Pro. Doesn't feel that good.
FUcking LOL

Is he on the lastest update?

No they don't, the Miyazaki games have consistently had some of the best lore in game history.

This. DaS3 has shit frame rates on base PS4.

Because no one ever cared about the PvP? It was the top tier single player why everyone loved and played FROMs games, and will get this one as well.

No shit? Console has bad framerates? Who would have thought retard.

>spend 60 bucks to play the subpar version
>pay nothing and get the superior one
Damn, that's a complicated choice


>So what if I paid for 30 fps? You're the retard!

it wont feel right

>All those Mutts and p*olacks chimping out

You really are retarded you dumb fucking mutt, why would I buy a console version. Holy shit you console peasants are unintelligent.
lots of new info on vaati's video
treasure carps that function like crystal lizards, you can take these to the kaapa guy in the urn and you can trade them for items like shinobi arts and items for dragonrot

dumbest post of the days

Oh it absolutely will feel right
60fps is the bare minimum, and if the peroformance on consoles are DS3 tier, then no way in hell I'm ever playing it anywhere else than PC

That isn't new info, the karp trader has been known about for a good while now

did people really expected any good framerate after Bloodborne and Dark souls series? lmao

Attached: 1535535287503.jpg (250x243, 9K)



What does that even mean? PC does everything consoles do, just better.

I don't get this meme. Why are you equating the low framerates with FromSoft, when it is 100% because of consoles? They had outdated hardware the day they got released. Don't blame devs for being unable to give you 60fps on a piece of shit machine.

There is no stupidly spending money if you're not poor, nigger.
I want to play this game now, so i spend that amount of money without any remorse.

Fuck off, Vaati.

i agree pc is good for porn.

>pirate sp buy mp :)
and people wonder why shit like apex legends and fortnite are the staple of video games

>There is no stupidly spending money if you're not poor, nigger.
I can't believe someone would seriously type that

I fucking hate the way Vaati talks.

>new info

I suck at at every game FromSoft releases but Christ, this guy makes me look like a professional speed runner. And not to mention the terrible streaming quality and that atrocious language he’s speaking, good lord...

>upgrade paths for every single prosthetic arm tool

yeah, no build variety my ass. Yea Forums btfo

lel from is just that bad

final boss videos on youtube yet? what's the big twist?

you'll have almost every upgrade in the game later on by the looks of it and a lot of upgrades are locked early.

t. poor nigga

"""Build variety""" to Yea Forums is being able to wear a dress while using the biggest weapon in the game.

>what's the big twist?
there is none


>being able to wear a dress while using the biggest weapon in the game
Where did masculinity take the wrong turn? Why did we fall so low?
What's wrong with this generation?
Stay tuned.

My expectations were subverted.

Obviously. My expectation is that when you make a game with issues you fix them for the next entry.
I didn't play Dark Souls 3, but I played Bloodborne and its framerate issues is one of the biggest criticisms of the game.
To hear that Fromsoft still has not fixed this in Sekiro is a surprise and a huge disappointment to me.

who the fuck is blaming the devs you Fromsoft shill, but now that you mention it, maybe they are the reason too, seeing how the PC ports were disgusting

Attached: 1512924974722.gif (185x233, 1.74M)

final boss is big guy w/ washing pole

Attached: 2p.jpg (1024x1000, 105K)

BB's issue was the frame pacing.

other devs don't have that problem. god of war looks 100x better than bb or sekiro while running bat silky smooth 30

>multi million dollar funded game has better optimization than a From game

doesn't mean you can use every single tool + their different abilities at the same time you dumb retard

so it's because of funding and not consoles?

excuses like that dont work for fromsoftware anymore mate

Attached: 42df34df20a6782873844a030615f8b2317f8abe772cb2d31b6cce9e00a915e8.jpg (493x386, 33K)

For christ sake is steam always so unclear about what time a game will unlock? I can't even tell if there will be a preload.

The problem with BB is that it's a PS4 exclusive.

poor from if only their games sold more than a mere few millions each they could make them work on PS4

who the fuck gives a single fuck when the game itself is just plain stupid and bad.

first contrarian opinion on this site i fully agree with

you have the option to switch
there's no build diveristy

>17 fps
>the only issue was frame pacing
No retard, it's a terribly optimized game

>digital cuckry says game runs like das3
>it's actually true


Does the number go lower by the year for you faggots?

what's the functional difference between playstyles and builds other than having to restart the game? not being able to make a waifu with a different hairstyle?

when the game launched it was plagued by horrible loading times and fps drops.
no clue if they ever fixed it?

Only people with autism care about framerate because their brains are so slow that they need the advantage of extra frames. Console gamers are smarter and can think ahead and anticipate what the enemy is about to do instead of just mashing and trying to react to visual stimulants.

Attached: f93.png (898x790, 279K)

>horrible loading times
Fixed. It takes a couple dozen seconds to load.

Loading times are better and have item descriptions as filler. Frame rate drops are still there though

>Work at game place
>New arrivals come in
>Management lets us take it home a week early with the condition we have to recheck it out every day.
>It was recorded on the computer system and everything, it wasnt just a local thing

Everyone acts like some sort of smuggling happened. Its just everyday people that happen to have privileged access.

Apparently streamers are allowed to play and stream the game tomorrow but only the first 2 hours.
It's Dark Souls 3 bullshit all over again.
Day 1 pirate.

You could level everything to 99 in souls games if you wanted to

Implying pirates would ever need an excuse to pirate

This. That's the only problem the game has, otherwise it's a masterpiece.

sounds comfy desu

Game of the Year baby

Attached: WHIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR.jpg (480x360, 17K)

aaaaaaaand it's gone

is there any stream??

>implying it will be pirated day 1

Don’t get used to the DMC 5 happening, it was a stroke of luck

I expect the usual 1 week later pirate
CE unboxing

Sekiro has no Denuvo.

found the rapist sand nigger.

From is big now but not fuckhuge like Sony, dumbass.

it only has steam drm lol it gets cracked with one click

No it wasn't, you know damn well how short that game is

fuck off, i'm a sand nigger but i emigrated to germany legally, i have an education in marine engineering and i work fulltime. i have never raped anyone and nor will i ever do

no denuvo my dude, I'm gonna enjoy this FREE experience

You can only have 3 different prosthetic tools equipped at a time.

Game leaked in France as well.
Micromania(?) stores

Attached: sk2.jpg (1960x4032, 478K)

>having to filter at all.
Lmao'ing @ your lyf.

stop making excuses for them

only because it triggers faggots

Are you stupid?

yup all the micromania in the paris region have just said fuck it and are selling it now

Your existence in Europe is already a crime against its people.

Expect tons of streams tonight

>That brown as fuck hand

Fucking frogs

>doesn't lock on
Spotted the brain dead souls player

Facts aren't excuses, little cuck. This is 99% about consoles being absolute trash pieces of shit. It's absurd for you people to even say "nu GoW ran at silky smooth 30fps" when 30fps is unacceptable in this day and age.
Even 60fps is starting to be outdated.

any french nigga willing to be ourguy?

everyone and their mother will show stuff by tonight
whole game will be on youtube by friday

so youtubefriends are gonna be spoiling sekiro extra early then? lmao.

give fromsofware 2billion dollar and the game will still have those shitty faults they make.

pc (thanks the modder)or console

Are you implying From Software is a small company or something?

>Should we have everyone playing the game at the same time?
>Nah, lets give bunch of streamers freebies for no reason
With Dark Souls i thought it was because of Bamco, but now i realize it was Froms doing

Attached: 1545664640240.jpg (1920x1080, 112K)

This. Shitters on PC have good frame rate and access to mods which make the game easier

Publisher bullshit since Japanese never get to play earlier.
Also Streamers and journos can fuck off now when tons of frenchies and krauts has it

Do you want to watch a brain dead faggot play the game in the most inexperienced way possible? Be my guest.

Why would you think that? They are clearly very talented, just lack the kind of funding huge western AAA games have.

Looking at the length of the skill trees I kinda expect it to be a 15 hour game.

Is it not a Jap, thing, I remember everyone and there mother getting a free copy of MGSV before release, some guy was allowed to play the whole game on and post it on Youtube a week before it come out right?

oh purée

It's probably Activision doing the streamer promotions dude

Keep falling for shitposts.

the only things they do well are those Miyazaki himself works on extensively
lol From might as well be called based Miyazaki + a bunch of interns

Ted is 5'11".

Come on now, he doesn't make the animations and shit, they have talented codemonkeys for sure. They have really good animations.

>game is out in multiple countries
Thank God for the embargo

how can we call the police on these eurokeks who are cheating and playing the game early?

>games on Steam with high price get 50% sale around 7 months
not worth it

I want Vaabi to tongue my asshole



Attached: file.png (1265x106, 25K)

Don't worry user I heard it goes up to 30fps

The absolute state of consoles in 2019

nah that on from lel

What a complete shitshow.
From has learned nothing, this is worse than Bloodborne-tier FPS issues and that shit was bad and is still bad on the PS4 pro.

Its funny how the game isnt even that demanding on PC


This desu-ne.
From's optimization is fucking horrible if they can't even get the game running at a stable 30fps on base ps4 considering how the game looks.
From has good game-design but seems like they have learned absolutely nothing about optimization.


>PC players
Imagine being this bad. It was the same with Souls. Modding infinite health and stamina. Extra bonfires.
Imagine pirating from the one good dev left in the entire industry just because of Activision. There's no Denuvo. There's no scummy microtransactions or pre-order bonuses.
Imagine just for a second, as horrible as it may be, being a PC gamer.

Attached: Screenshot_20190319-112956~2.png (1078x643, 101K)

New stream boys righ there
Get it before i post it to reddit to get banned xd

>he's streaming it on his main channel

Attached: 1329807961755.png (1024x1145, 1.07M)


Simply to piss him off since the pleb got their streams closed for it while that nigger streams it I will do that.

Why is DMC5 able to stay at 60fps on the base PS4 but not this? I don't get it.

>Imagine pirating from the one good dev left in the entire industry just because of Activision. There's no Denuvo. There's no scummy microtransactions or pre-order bonuses.
yeah but it's free



It sucks that this guy is gonna get banned for streaming a game he bought at a store.

>Poor PC Gamer
Only thirdworld shitters will pirate it, it's the difference between eating for a whole week or playing the newest game

>it sucks that this guy is gonna get banned for violating the rules

Stream where?

Does he actually play the fucking game or just talk to the camera like anyone actually cares about what he has to say?

and gone.

Italian guy banned, vafan culo

He fucking sucked at the game, good riddance.

The stream got banned as he was laughing hard, made me chuckle.

Why did you move to Germany? Your skills are needed in your country which doesn't have many educated people like yourself.

Third worlder here; I pre-ordered as soon as it was available on Steam.
I pirated everything until I got a job

another 2 people who didn't have their links passed around got banned
Why do they keep going on twitch when there are other services out there?
That sand frog that streamed monster hunter world, the whole game, did it on that chinese site and no one touched him

His skills would be wasted on his country; meanwhile they actually make Germany a richer country.
new stream

welfare barely pays rent and food
you couldn't even afford a PC good enough to run this game

>watching ESL shitters struggle through the starting area until they get banned
Just wait a few more days people and play the game yourself.

I'm on welfare and I got enough money to buy a new computer, consoles and whatever games I want.

>yee woo!

>playing on console

Attached: 1539777102505.png (847x754, 66K)

Few more days is one day to many.

Attached: 1532985638259.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

Holy fuck this guy is a retard.

>worse than Bloodborne
jesus christo


Attached: sekiro_fps.jpg (1264x245, 45K)

>they paid 60 bucks for this

Attached: 4fd5.jpg (471x525, 40K)

It looks like a stram of a stream, any idea where's the original stram from? Stream hud looks kinda familiar

>wait for the PC version
it's fromsoft, you wait for a deep deep sale

Attached: memes.png (700x515, 723K)

That's just the shitty in-console streaming encoding. It's PS4's streaming HUD.


From does not have any good coders.

Sound design is kinda shit for From standards desu. Then again, I don't like katanas.
another stream

What's the deal with resurrections and disease?

much better quality
thanks user

based non-potato quality

Based scatfags streaming at human bitrates.

Reported :^)

the fps drops was a multiplayer bug that was fixed with the day one patch, and the loading screens were fixed around a week after

each shit, nigger

Absolutely based. If we can't enjoy it, no one should.

uneducated text.
it's much more complex than that.

Why do people do this on their main twitch channels? Do these people not actually know it is breaking ToS?

Rip potato bro

Please teach us.

can we turn off UI fragments one by one?

Does anything ever happen to stores that break release date? It seems like it always happens and the only people who suffer are those that play by the rules. Now I've got to make it another three days while avoiding spoilers. Thanks third worlders.


This but unironically

>twitch streamer
They're all zoomers. They have no sense of rules or responsibility.

>twitch streamers
another stream

>playing a souls game once
casul spotted

another report

I'll wait for the PC version, I know now how painful it is to play a From Soft game in 30 fps.


The review copy meme was a British lie

No weapon or armor customization sucks

console version confirmed shit fps
Feelsgoodman to play on pc

>1080p 60fps
>700kbps bitrate
lmao, dumb fucking roaches.

>1080p 60fps stream
The actually game can't even run this well or can his internet.

They should be reported for being terrible at the game.

post proof so we can spread it around you fucking retard

Damn that sounds rad, I wish I didn't read this

back into spoiler-free seclusion I gooooo

Holy fucking shit these fucking pixels

Games already being streamed? Time to leave Yea Forums then, fucking steam unlock time REEEEEEEEE

litteraly confirmed by digital foundry for ps4pro


Attached: hunter statue.jpg (990x600, 118K)

How the fuck do people get a hold of information like that? I live around that area and I havent heard anything about it.

elajjaz has his copy now, he is streaming tommorow at 6pm, he can't even outright mention it because nda

They're only allowed to play the first 2 hours.

Nah, he's right, anyone who streams at 700kbps deserves to get reported.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 2.40.46 PM.png (716x272, 81K)

Shit I really want to play this game, but I won't have money until the end of the month.
Will it be pirateable day one?


>dips into the 30s on the Pro
Jesus, I can only imagine how bad it will get on a launch PS4. This might be the game that conquers my autism and makes me buy it on PC.

are all AAA games in Europe 70 euro now?

This game is putting me to sleep

Attached: The fuck am i looking at.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)


its probably just going to be like bloodborne and ds3. mostly 30s with dips below during certain scenes.

>70 fucking eurobucks

Attached: 1481400106965.png (395x487, 260K)

It seriously is boring, I wasn't expecting that

Must be pretty bad for the basedworms to complain about framerate.

western cover arts are worse in 99% of cases
PAL regions used to have way better cover arts than USA tho

Alright. I'll pirate it and buy it next month.

>dog enemies
Fucking hell.

it's one or the other, not both

The pause game pop up tutorials at every turn are pissing me off, reminds me of western shit.

so. no denuvo, how fast will release groups crack it?

fuck giving activision money.

I dunno why Yea Forums gets triggered by sekiro, is it because of Activision? Seems pretty good so far I haven't been too hyped on it but I'm looking forward to a more actiony souls

Fuck it then, I'm glad I didn't pre-order. I'll wait for reviews and everything to drop after release to see if the frame rate issues are fixed through a patch. I doubt they will be fixed, though, so I'll just end up buying/pirating it on PC. If all this is true it's pretty embarrassing.

Activision and just soulsfags getting upset over it not being dark souls 4.

Wait, do enemies respawn?

what a shock

name one thing Yea Forums isn't shitposting about


Fuck off I won't buy Skyrim.

Attached: WAwhBpi.jpg (1136x638, 155K)

>All these streamfags playing it like it's Dark Souls
>Dodges every single attack
>no deflects at all even though that is literally the only thing you should be doing for every attack that can be deflected

I hope the game runs well on my 960. I got 60 fps in Dark Souls 3 with mostly high settings. The only time it dipped below 60 was during the very beginning of Ringed City DLC where you're overlooking the whole area next to the lady that sells the Splitleaf Greatsword.

Activision ruined Blizzard, I will not give them a dime.

Alright here's a wip for this game, I will post the finished version soon

Attached: RobustaArt sekiro.jpg (1364x1008, 580K)

>posture bar depletes, can do fatal attack

>enemy stamina bar depletes, can do fatal attack




based, exposes shitters for what they truly are

Fucking based. Is this your OC?

Attached: Allant_yes.png (559x642, 186K)

buy sekiro then

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 206K)

You're putting me to sleep, bucko.

can you turn off UI?

Our masters a pretty cute shota ngl

all im saying is no one actually cares about denuvo being drm because you'll just find something else to point at and go AHM KEEPIN ME MONEY....BUT WILL STILL PLAY THE GAME IM "BOYCOTTING"

yeah just drew it

wtf I love malware now

If deflecting is as boring as parrying in Souls, they're right.

I am, deal with it

Attached: __kirisame_marisa_and_mima_touhou_pc_98_and_etc_drawn_by_hammer_sunset_beach__9f88d5fa32d72f561ab645 (781x1000, 677K)

>that fucking image

Attached: 37b.jpg (600x400, 56K)


ngl, this shit looks boring as fuck, might consider refunding it.
and another

the game looks pretty fun.
Shame about lmao no armor though.

also reported

literally breathing in his mic

I was born in Germany

report you mom for birthing you

fuck off, activision

Why some of you say it is boring? Keep in mind the streamers are playing the tutorial areas, etc

you cant turn off these fucking UI segments like "suspicious" indicator, that's the only thing that bothers me

This game better introduce enemies on these roofs soon.

>people trying to stream it on twitch
>the most moderated of all streaming sites
>it keeps fucking happening

I dont even think these people are smart enough to beat the first boss, the fucking kraut in the op tried playing it without lockon and rage quit just before ban and now hes shitting up reddit talking about how its the worst game ever and how him being banned is unjust.

fuck off with this shit give me some real spoilers

>Lots of clipping

When will they get past the tutorial we've seen a million times?

later tonight and tomorrow a lot of people will be past the areas we've already seen

He probably fantasizes that the samurai he kills are in favor of wealth redistribution and identity politics.

then you should quit playing games

Doesn’t make you German mohammed

Then don't watch the fucking stream. It's not rocket science

That sounds great, link to the kraut sperging?

How much did your superior pc cost compared to the PS4?

Unless someone screen recorded it its lost in the twitch void now

Specs for sekiro are low tier as fuck on pc. Id say the frame rate issues will be fixed with the day 1 patch on ps4 but still

>generic fantasy japan setting
>muh japanese castles, muh wooden buildings and pagodas
>muh onis muh stone statues muh samurai
>muh sky lanterns and muh cherry blossom trees

>hey bro here's a souls rehash with a more buttonmashy combat but we took away any and all multiplayer as well as replayability by removing equip that you'd normally find in a souls game, enjoy using the same weapon all game
>muh miyazaki twist two thirds into the game, suddenly le epic eldritch horrors and dark twisted magic make shit go crazy and wacky

What a trainwreck this is. At least Bloodborne was interesting. This is one of the most overdone and tired settings possible.

Attached: 1537003461443.jpg (355x351, 19K)

this is literally nioh

>Watch the skinhead play the game
>He is awful and just stands around
Every time

>watch game
This game is 99% Souls
Why did people pretend it's not a Souls game? Are you fucking blind?

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>french get to play before I do

torrenting the shit out of this
another one

yea good luck preventing this now, tons of streams popping up all the time

This new copypasta?

oh i dont care about preventing it. i just like getting zoomers banned.

They keep banning them though, and quickly.

At this rate you'll never see anything past the tutorial area because every new streamer has to start from the beginning.

It's my legitimate opinion of this game. I don't get the hype.
It's Dark Souls in almost every single fucking way except with less to it (sans more movement options in combat, who cares) in a less interesting setting.

Looks like DMC won

hey! it looks way slower

fuck this

activision isnt getting a dime, letting other people play 3 days in advance

My stream is still up though?

not activision fault

>letting other people play

So it is copypasta? I will save this to lie about the game later, thanks user.

can't wait to pirate this piece of shit

did you reach a boss yet?

Gonna pirate this game a few months after launch mb if I get bored of playing actually great games

Nothing about it is a lie though, fromshill. It's 100% truth.

they let people play in advance so I torrent it :)

Are you dumb? Its third party retailers in shit hole countries who are at fault

>tfw gonna torrent and seed the game day 1 for my Yea Forumsbros but not actually gonna bother playing it cause it looks kinda mediocre

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>like lifegems from dark souls 2

>dark souls 2


I really want to thank you again for giving me these lies to shitpost about. Hope to see you in later threads to lie together.

So is this good or not?

>>muh miyazaki twist two thirds into the game, suddenly le epic eldritch horrors and dark twisted magic make shit go crazy and wacky
Why do people insist that the ""twist"" in BB was forced? The eldritch horror and lovecraft inspired aspects integrated seamlessly into the game. Fuck off, I'm not big fan of "MUH CYCLES" either.

it's boring

ahahaha this game keeps getting worse the more I see of it
literally just a shittier souls game with a grappling hook

t. brainlet.

I'm only seeing cutscenes so far on the stream

>tfw gaming journalists gonna give this 9.5+/10 to get reddit cred because they know everyone loves souls games and they can do no wrong
most overrated game ever inc?

>tfw gonna torrent and not seed and play the hell out of it

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im not a fan of the "you must parry spam" mechanic

feels forced

That's Witcher 3

I'm not watching the stream, but what the fuck are you talking about? Doesn't it adopt the estus flask system?

Nah, DaS2 will still hold that title.

>they let people play
They didn't you fucking retard.

nooooo, my release dates and corporations!!!!!

there is no "parrying" in the way that it exists in Dark Souls.

streamer said the item is "like lifegems from dark souls 2"

Yes it does.
There's just a consumable item called "pellet" which is a slow over time heal. They aren't anywhere near as plentiful as Lifegems.

except witcher 3 was actually good

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Steam should distribute the games as soon as the street date is broken.

I see the newfags have arrived.

Except it isn't. It's an exploration sim, with bamham combat.

>fallout 4 over bloodborne


Sell me this game, anons
I love the soulsborne games, but I can't get hyped to this one, it seems

It's common sense, PAL versions run slower so you have to start playing earlier to keep up.

Daily fucking reminder that Yea Forums lives in a bubble and this is the skill of the average player. Every time you wonder why a certain design decision is made in the industry, remember this.

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aaand 2 more

>exploration sim
>when map is littered with markers, PoI's, waypoints and "follow this line to the destination"

>press button awesome happens is okay when it's pretty
WRPGfags are all mental.

>fallout 4
>recieving any praise
Gaming """""""journalism"""""""" died a long time ago, user.

Too many streams, I don't even know who to watch anymore

>fallout 4 is bad :DDDD
fuck off to Yea Forums

Let us know when one of these idiots play in english.

Yeah seriously. What is the point when all the third worlders have broken street date? The only people who lose are the ones following the rules.

I was watching the quiet German guy and i just can't take anymore of this drudgery, it was so painfully boring. The "dramatic" monotone dialog, the slow burn music, the sparsely populated level, even the tempo of combat is slow and monotone. The only thing that's fast about the game is the movement and you do all of it by spamming a single button that just let's fly across the level effortlessly skipping the terrain entirely and with basically no input so even that is painfully boring.

The game's environment is pretty and grandiose but nothing else is impressive from these streams. I don't know if it gets better but this is a complete dud of a start.

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Does anyone unironically think Sekiro looks great?
It's like Dark Souls just took a step back to DS2 levels and they also removed all items and equip and anything online.

What the fuck?

i'm watching the italian stream or if they're mexican, idk. they're more competent than the kraut

it's far worse than bloodborne

First souls game?

Anyone else think the sword clashing sounds are way too loud and get kinda annoying?

>french guy using jp audio at least

eng text/jp audio is the way to go

So even the combat is boring?

A lot the dialogue seems dryly comic to me, especially wolf's stoicism. His relationship with the child is interesting

It is. It is the WORST fallout game. You cannot deny this. Streamlined piece of shit excuse of an RPG with a predictable plot you can see coming from light-years away.

>tutorial level
say it aint so

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FO4 is terrible, fuck off Todd.

>It's like Dark Souls just took a step back to DS2 levels
You never played DaS2.

>The game's environment is pretty
If you like generic Japan I guess. I'm bored of it without even playing it myself.

Yeah, all of this. I stopped watching the stream, it seriously put me to sleep.

I heard some nips used to make young boys suck their cocks haha

miyakazi didn't write it, it's going to be shit.


I have not only played but also platinum'd every souls game and Bloodborne as well. I've put over 1000 hours into just Dark Souls 1, over 600 in DaS II. I've done multiple SL1 runs.

I'm literally superior to you in every aspect of life.
And Sekiro looks mediocre.

Fallout 4 is better than Tactics, both Brotherhood of Steel "games", 3 and 76.

Shoulda made BB2 Miyazaki

I honestly think it the Japanese( sangoku era) setting that make it look boring, nioh suffered from the same thing.

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Found the white trash terrorist

Regardless, it seems to have retained the slightly off-kilter humour of the Miyazaki titles

wow pvp fags really have no life

>streamer dies 3 times to tutorial mini-boss
I don't even have a pepe for this.

Reported to interpol

Soulsfags still mad huh?

There is no estus flask that restocks when you die. You get lifegems like in ds2 ONLY. If you used them all you have nothing.

Nioh got boring because it reused levels and had about ten different types of enemies. If this is boring, maybe it's because you've seen it a lot and are wanting to see some of the other areas. Everyone is still basically in the tutorial.

I fucking hate lifegems

Sekiro has a "healing gourd". It functions identically as a estus flask. I'm not sure where this lifegem shit is coming from.

>tfw being born in the US makes you american but being born anywhere else doesn't make you a citizen in any other country

I didn't now From had it in them to make a cute shota.

not gonna lie

nioh combat seems more fun

Nioh 2 wins baby.
Sekiro isn´t even trying

u get lifegems in addition to gourds

>tutorial area
I've seen this one area so many times. I know it like the back of my hand now.

Even those are faster than this

It's not just that it's slow, which so far it is, it's like it only has one tempo. You can almost set a heart beat by the cadence at which you and enemies attack.

They are going again for that "everyone is miserable and it looks like the world is dying" bleak feeling but it's bleak like the insides of my eyelids when i fucking fall asleep from it.

This argument is a fallacy and you don't even need to look outside the same developer to know it.

I actually really do, and the levels look very large and pretty.

I wasn't expecting it to be so dull

>Everyone is still basically in the tutorial
in my stream the guy already has his lasso, is that still tutorial?

>have a reasonably high end pc(1070) and a ps4pro
>tfw still unsure if I’m gonna buy it on ps4 or PC

I'm watching a lifestream now.
The gourd didn't refill upon death.
It refilled when he beat an enemy that dropped something.

Both Nioh and Sekiro are ass.
Souls games are over. From is creatively bankrupt and can't even make something as good as BB or DS3 anymore.

This, I don't want to see any more of snowy samurai fortress at this point.

Is he in Ashina outskirts, Hirata estate or Senpou temple?

Wait get no new moves as you progress? It's always dodge hit dodge? No weapon arts? No cosmetics? What the fuck? Is this B-teams game and A team are working on something else or wha

so it seems like nioh but with a jump/grapple and slower combat


Is your name Barry by chance? You have very bad taste.

How about cherry blossom japanese castle but then all the wood catches on fire and you have to duel an evil japanese lady with some small daggers inside of it? Ooooo

How did you know?

are... are you actually retarded? why does your tard wrangler let you go on Yea Forums?

always pc for multiplat

There are at least three skill trees where you can learn new moves.

how have you not gotten the prosthetic arm memo yet you ignorant retard

You unlock the arts as you progress, dumbass.

Ok just wanted to know you were lying

Ashina Outskirts

>Music is Souls chanting combined with YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I don't like it

Tutorial area.

>people leak unedited gameplay early today
>it's literally LITERALLY Souls but in Japan

what else would you expect from the eternally ass-blasted cumskins that post on this board?

Any word on how easy/difficult it is to connect with controller?

Still scarred from buying Neir on steam

Fuck off back to your containment threads with your boogieman shit, worst cancer to happen to this board recently. Just another tool to shut down discourse and keep everything in a bubble.

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>I have not only played but also platinum'd every souls game and Bloodborne as well.
Watch out everyone, this guy collected all weapons.
>over 600 in DaS II.
Oh, I see. You actually think DaS2 is good, which is why you dare to compare a game with good bosses, art direction, sound direction, and a combat and level design that doesn't make me want to puke. Bet you're the same retard who defended Amana a few days ago.

>enemy indicators like god of war

>nioh theme/weapons

>nioh stamina bars on enemies

miyazaki what are you doing

>always pc
Enjoy your hacke- oh right Sekiro doesn't even have any online component to it lol

It's souls but with a functioning poise stat, and that makes it worse somehow.

it looks decent but not mind blowing

75 or 80/100

>not paying for piss4 and pirating peesee
Cmon nigger it's like yu're not even trying

>but youwont suport pc that way
I don't want to associate my spending with a community that cares for retarded sales or buys chink keys

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After watching four or five streams, I feel like this game is going to be boring as fuck...

Maybe it's because at the moment i am a viewer rather than a player but I don't even care enough to watch anymore illicit footage.

Wait, so you are saying combat isnt fun?
I expected it to be the best part, what the fuck?
Is it worse than what we already saw in gameplay videos and such? I dont get it

this game was in development for 4 years?

Fuck off avatarfagging groid. I've been seeing you in these threads a bunch of times now.

The combat is great, it's just people baiting for (you)s, just ignore them.


>Maybe it's because at the moment i am a viewer rather than a player
No, I've always enjoyed any Souls stream. This one is just too dull.

>why does a game with max 4 enemies on screen, 15 second load times in-between levels and levels that are literal tunnels with invisible walls everywhere run better than an open map that uses prefetching and cache streaming with dozens of enemies being loaded as you progress through it

mmmm graions :DDD

it seems slow in all honesty

it's pretty stale. Or maybe, it's the French and German retards who don't know how to play the game, that are making it seem as such.

I told you fags this game would be OKAY but nowhere near as good as the souls games.

Stealth fucking sucks. No one likes it. Parrying sucks no one likes it. It's slow as shit. No builds.

I used to think like this after I saw how much customization the game actually has. There are five prostethics weapons, three skill branches and many items scattered around the world that can change your playstyle.

We might actually get a very good game here.

It's faster than Bloodborne but not as fast as Nioh is a good way to put it.

Yeah, that's pretty accurate. But Bloodborne was fun... i don't know, I think i need to play it to find out if i like or not.

>Faster than BB
Then why the fuck people complain about it? I cant open the streams atm, so I want to know how come people say it is slow when we´ve had gameplay footage before and it seemed good

True it does look like a 7.5-8/10 but you just know normie journos will give it a 9/10 because it's fromsoft

They'd get massive backlash from incels for not giving it at least that because it's From and Miyazaki.

You shitposters already bracing for impact, huh?

Yeah, trying it is the only way to tell, I am a sucker for parry combat so I am biased.

They haven't watched the previews user.

>I told you fags this game would be OKAY but nowhere near as good as the souls games.
thanks for letting us know. we'll find out on friday

I'm optimistic it gets way more interesting as it goes because it seems really REALLY simple.

Kill yourself DMC sperg

Believe it or not but in terms of combat the souls games are even more simple

It is interesting, the difference in quality between watching and playing a game. I thought Breath of the Wild looked not very good when I watched someone else play it, but playing it myself I was very impressed.

I'm getting flashbacks to BOTW shitposter cope

Reminder that the B team worked on this. The A team is working on an unnamed project

>all of these leakers from my country
makes me think i might be able to get an early copy if i look for it

it not a exclusive so they will be no backlash.

>Just another tool to shut down discourse and keep everything in a bubble.
that's pretty ironic, you fucking retard