Cont of Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically when people who actually play games want the opposite? What causes the divide?
Cont of >>455037783
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>eceleb general
jesus christ fucking kill yourself, please
at least there's only one thread
You could've at least updated the OP instead of pretending literally nothing has been said at all last thread.
funny how you don't say this in giant bomb threads
>Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically
they want games to specifically be political according to their own leftist and liberal belief. they want control over speech and thought of people by any means necessary, and video games are one potential instrument for just that.
It just did not matter as usual.
Is this the new meme?
Then why have another?
Why have any threads?
Yeah, or maybe you're an insane conspiracy theorist and people are just pointing out when games are overtly political and the devs deny that that's what they are and it's kinda bullshit.
The issue isn't even that The Division SHOULD be political, it's that it already is and pretending not to be.
since he even post's that in Giant Bomb threads, yes
No, really, why?
There is no such thing as thought control.
Because their studios are in California
l2death of the author bitch
wait, you're not seriously calling people who think the MSM is biased towards the left an "insane conspiracy theorist"?
i mean, you can do that. I don't have a Wikipedia article to link that proves my stance, but just know that quite a large number of people have woken up to this obvious fact.
video game "journalists" are not ecelebs
fuck off redit
controlling the information a person receives directly influences his thoughts
no thanks post modernist, a message is partly formed by its sender
Yeah left wing media like Fox News and the daily mail
>it's another "Yea Forums doesn't understand the basic tenets of literary criticism/analysis but will whine endlessly about people who do anyway" episode
read a book
You're right, they're worthless hacks that need to learn to code soon.
gaming journalists are so butthurt that they can't get real jobs writing about important issues that they're trying to pretend writing about games is just as important
>wait, you're not seriously calling people who think the MSM is biased towards the left an "insane conspiracy theorist"?
No, actually, I called someone who thinks there's a left-wing conspiracy to control your thoughts through the media an insane conspiracy theorist, but it's funny how you conflate those two perspectives.
in the context of video game media, the left bias covers 100% of publications
otherwise, yeah, there are the couple odd outlets that do stand out from the rest ideologically.
>Fox News and the daily mail
Is that really all? And what the fuck is the daily mail?
controlling what people believe is literally the only purpose of biased content, wtf. and you believe stating this makes one insane?
>read a book
Get laid Alt-Righter
what else would you call it when media manipulation alters our perception of reality?
Same reason they give 10/10 to every Serious Narrative Dadgame sony puts out. It's an inferiority complex, and a justified one t.b.h.
I mean imagine being a game journalist at a dinner with your in-laws
>Susie, have about Mike? Apparently he got promoted to a CEO! I can't believe you split up back in highschool
>o-of course I'm not saying that in a bad way, your husband job is also nothing bad. It's nice money for just playing this.... Forthnight? and writing about that
>and I imagine all those kids have to read about it somewhere!
Imagine how much that must sting. They cling on to every opportunity to make games a "serious medium" whatever the fuck that means. And forced politics are probably the easiest to have a claim that games are making a CHANGE in the real world.
How is felating publishers "left"?
Oh wait we are in America both, kek, major parties are actually right wing.
100% correct.
I want games to be politically though.
I want all games to be transexual black woman murder sims
>when people who actually play games want the opposite
>hurr durr I speak for everyone no true scottsman durr hurr hurr
I personally don't care either way. It shouldn't be mandatory but if you want to send a message with your game then be my guest. Either way don't be That Faggot, OP.
The most read news website in the world and one of the most popular newspapers in the anglosphere
That's not controlling thoughts however since you can't reliably control the reaction, interpretation, and influence of the person in question. This becomes more accurate as more media is introduced.
lmao literally a fucking brainwashed idiot
I will now shoot this man in the head as an act of friendship. You can't tell me I'm a violent murderer, because I said I'm doing something kind. Telling me my actions contradict my words is "post modernist propaganda."
exactly, all these shitty outlets can't die soon enough.
jim sterling has been losing subscribers too thanks to all his political bullshit
You know, when you deny the obvious and maintain that a game like The Division 2 is apolitical, everyone can see what you're doing. It's what you people always do, in fact. You call for genocide and the day of the rope and free helicopter rides and then turn around and say "it's just a meme!"
50 people died because of these memes last week. No one should believe you any more.
>Civil War breaks out
>People who owned guns faired the best
Why the fuck get mad over this when it would factually be the case?
Everything is literal
"Reading" the "text" is just buzzwords lefties created to pretend they are smart
>identity politics are bad!
>why can't we all just be individualists?
>you need to check out jordan peterson and ben shapiro, they say some clever stuff
So wait, then you think right-wing media are also trying to control your thoughts? The news isn't information, it's just a battle for your thoughts? No right and wrong, just sides? They're all doing it consciously and purposefully? And you just have to decide who you'd rather have manipulate you?
>left-wing conspiracy to control your thoughts
Yeah I think that's a bit of a stretch too. Like how people keep talking about some type of civil war that's gonna happen in the US. Or some fucking White Supremacist uprising that's happening around the world. People talking about this stuff are a bunch of fear mongers looking to make quick buck.
Is the actual content of these games political or is it just the discussion surrounding them?
Shit like the sun and daily mail is great, retards have an emotional rollercoaster while reading the paper, clever people will have literal comedy in their hands.
Because they don't want people to realize that.
Legally insane so no jail for you, proving that user right.
Never heard of it.
>You can't tell me I'm a violent murderer, because I said I'm doing something kind. Telling me my actions contradict my words
but that's completely different from the inclusion of politics solely with the purpose of storytelling and the inclusion of politics solely for the purpose of political activism
motivation is what matters, not what is incorporated into the work
>2 media companies
>versus the rest of them (CBS, NBC, PBS, ABC, CNN, etc.)
but black gangstas shoot each other with illegally obtained guns
Because they were not defended by Love&Tolerance forcefield.
>So wait, then you think right-wing media are also trying to control your thoughts?
I do. Not only do I believe the ideas they propagate are better by miles, they're also a tiny minority in the landscape of mainstream media.
Propaganda is necessary for the success of any political movement, and I sure as hell won't deny my side of the battle this vital tool.
you weren't supposed to point out that criminals don't care about gun laws
half of this is true
So then you are saying The Division is political?
....And gaining new ones in the process. That's how entropy works.
Just no
>but that's completely different from the inclusion of politics solely with the purpose of storytelling and the inclusion of politics solely for the purpose of political activism
You're making a distinction that doesn't exist. If you include politics, you tell a story with politics and you make a political statement. It's inevitably always both.
>Jim made games won't get political
I think it's more that he's mad that people make games with blatantly political messages and then go "Well they're not ACTUALLY political"
Why is the assumption that all criminals and gangbangers are democrats?
All we can say for sure is that Jim is triggered because he did not get to FUCK DRUMPF
You’re all idiots and you should feel bad
Yes, two explicitly very right wing (which happen to be among the biggest and most mainstream news outlets) vs. some which are less explicitly right-wing, or centrist, or very occasionally actually left-wing. But of course that kind of nuance doesn't exist in the right-wing siege mentality. You're either with them or against them.
How naive are you? The news has been telling people what to think literally forever. You use it to shape public opinion to whatever agenda you're currently pushing and hope the viewers are too ignorant to notice. That's why big media is so damn keen to shut down any and all alternative media. They don't want competition screwing up their narrative and making people realize what they're constantly being told isn't as certain as they'd like to believe.
I wonder in what way? Like is it pushing an "agenda" or some sort? Never played the game.
take a hike, fatty
Because they hate video games and see them as pointless compared to contemporary politics
Fuck them, I just want my games to be games
i disagree, the nature of the involvement of the politics is entirely up to the motivations of the creator, anything else is a projection of the uninformed
but yeah it seems like we just flat out disagree so lets just drop it, have a nice day
>some which are less explicitly right-wing, or centrist,
Though you believe in the left right binary spectrum so you are retarded whatever
So toys
Nintendo is just for you
The inclusion of politics will literally always say something whether you intend it or not. There is nothing you can do to stop that. The entire fantasy of the Division games is this sort of voyeuristic post-apocalyptic America fantasy that has been popular for decades, it's inherently and intentionally playing into the idea that Americans have a bit of a fetish for seeing their own shit destroyed for thrills, and it's not doing it subversively. If you don't think you can find a statement in that, you're not paying attention.
>Not only do I believe the ideas they propagate are better by miles
But how did you come to that conclusion? Your thoughts are being controlled.
>they're also a tiny minority in the landscape of mainstream media.
Atleast I am playing something instead of watching an interactive movie. Probably why DMC5 has been the best game released in almost a fucking decade because it's an actual fucking game.
Because their bad writing skills forced them to take up something like hobbyist journalism, without really being all that into the hobby. They purposefully try to inject meaning to inflate their own egos and brush over the fact that they are looked down upon by other journalists (who are already looked down upon by society)
What's it like being the same shit on the flip side of a coin and still think you're special.
that's literally all they are though, the idea that games are an artform in and of itself is a joke
yeah but he has less less patreon supporters and money than 6 months ago
>the nature of the involvement of the politics is entirely up to the motivations of the creator, anything else is a projection of the uninformed
This is simply not how media work.
The MSM leans right actually, the fact that they still dont attack Trump and try to give right wingers a platform to spout their bullshit says a lot about where the MSM really leans towards politically since they're all owned by rich white old men.
America really needs a real left news network that focuses on facts instead of the garbage and bullshit you see the MSM peddle where lie and defend the president and conservatives all the time.
>what is the subconscious
If I write a story with the president of a country as the main character, my idea of what a president is will ALWAYS be woven in whether I want it to or not. I could just be doing some Saints Row shit with it, but that's still an act of parody and is therefore informed by my impression of political leaders. You are a fool.
Nigga you were operating under a left-right binary up until this post, without even the nuance of a spectrum.
>you make a political statement.
[Citation needed]
>America really needs a real left news network that focuses on facts instead of the garbage
I thought that was CNN
Because games were always political.
That was my first post in this thread, nigga.
>some which are less explicitly right-wing, or centrist,
>(CBS, NBC, PBS, ABC, CNN, etc.)
Is straight up retarded.
>The issue isn't even that The Division SHOULD be political, it's that it already is and pretending not to be.
Fucking WHERE? The series from the start has been about people surviving in an apocalypse caused by some autist combining every STD known to man and spreading it on cash just before Black Friday. It has literally nothing to do with politics, and I'm sorry you can't separate video games from some fucking retarded interpretation in your head.
CNN is vapid garbage
Nigger, we're literally devolving into absurdist examples of pic related.
I always knew that there was political sub-text to pong kek.
Source: common sense.
Prove me wrong.
Is this 2005? Are you a time traveler? What kind of basic brainlett take is this?
How is it Garbage? Its a very left leaning outlet with fair views. Its better than Fox
literally fucking this, the curtains are just fucking blue
I'm glad you've come to terms with your lack of originality but that's just sad.
I knew retards would go straight for pong, I knew it. Because when we're talking about modern video games with story elements, we're obviously talking about pong, Mr Games & Watch and Tiger Handheld games.
Whilst that could itself be seen as a metaphorical condemnation of American consumerism, no, that is just the premise of the game. The actual focus is on a secret organisation of paramilitary sleeper cells with licence to kill indiscriminately sweeping the streets clean of thugs and undesirables with extreme prejudice, and this is portrayed as unquestionably good.
>he thinks something as universally recognizable as color choice isn't something authors care about
l o l
You're literally just an anti-intellectual. Admit it. You don't like reading into subtext and it angers you that there are people who do. That's it.
Nobody is saying The Division is TRYING to send a political message. They're saying it's doing it regardless of the creative intent and that it's therefore probably saying something clumsy and stupid.
If you seriously go out of your way, as an author, to specify that the curtains are blue for no reason whatsoever beyond a literal barebones description, you're a shit author and you should be grateful that anyone tried to find meaning in your nonsense.
>I knew people would use a valid counterexample
then why make a faulty point to begin with?
>they still don't attack Trump
96% of media coverage for Trump is negative.
>owned by rich white old men
Who sell to stupid millennial who buy their garbage.
>leftwing news network
The default is that they lean left/corporate left. The right leaning ones are the exception. There is no centrist news network in America.
a work being influenced by your political frame of reference does not make it political, only the intent for it to serve as an activist tool makes it political
politics are a small part of life, not the other way around
journos desperately want to seem like they're important and legitimate while they talk about baby toys
>only the intent for it to serve as an activist tool makes it political
So you just don't know what the word political means then, gotcha
Sometimes a Cigar Is Just a Cigar
>The player character is given a basic reason for existing and trying to restore order to a broken world
Except for the fact that Massive has stated countless times they just want to make a good looter shooter set in a modern period. This is once again a case of a bunch of pretentious pseudo intellectuals arguing their interpretation is fact while the creator tells them they're wrong.
>ITT: ResetEra Trannies vs the Alt-Right
I nice RPing man.
I don't think you know what interpretation actually means or entices.
not wrong
jim sterling isn't a journo you retarded faggot. he's a youtuber
What is Alt-Right?
Are there any respectable games journalist around? Ones that don't just blog about there feeling and do reviews, I know Schreier does actually get scoops so he's probably the only one of the top of my head.
But I've seen youtubers with 3 digit sub counts do more journalism in a video than people like Jim has ever done, he's been living off a prediction he made a decade ago.
Oh no
Yea Forums exposed itself as den of brainlets
Too political=Doesn’t agree with my politics.
you guys arnt that intelligent are you fighting a corrupt government is a wet dream of many alt righters something which will never happen and guns wouldnt do shit if they went with full military force
He's a youtuber with delusions of importance.
Nothing, just a buzzword
Every Sterling style youtuber is a wannabee journo.
>The player character is given a basic reason for existing and trying to restore order to a broken world
user, they could've done literally anything for a setting.
No, not at all, and that's very much the problem. This fascist wet dream goes entirely unquestioned by the game.
This is a very naieve way to look at things
Thelma and quabbalah are quite literally frameworks to manipulate semantics and semiotics on multiple levels to get people to come to a conclusion you want subconsciously and operates on a level of obfuscation quite similar to how you would describe literal spooky doopy magic
If mentalist mind reading is real how could thought control not be real
It's the hip new word for neo-Nazi that they somehow tricked everyone into saying instead
I don't think you understand what it means because you're a mentally ill keyboard warrior who has based his entire life around political infighting. What a sad existence you must have to believe EVERYTHING that's written, designed and created has political subtext, imagine living in such an imaginary hostile world.
What's the political subtext to Devil May Cry 5? Or Advance Wars? Or Breath of the Wild?
>So you just don't know what the word political means then, gotcha
it seems more like you don't understand the larger semantic framework our conversation is taking place within
and again not everything is political
>If you seriously go out of your way, as an author, to specify that the curtains are blue for no reason whatsoever beyond a literal barebones description, you're a shit author and you should be grateful that anyone tried to find meaning in your nonsense.
>seething pseud trying to cope with useless lit degree
Stay mad fag.
> t. zoomer that doesn't know how the US military lost to a bunch of farmers in Vietnam
There are a massive amount of people who "collect" video games, talk about their politics and complain all the time but never actually play them.
These people consume massive amounts of media about video game politics. People who actually play games aren't reading or watching these stupid articles they're reading mobafire and wowhead and actually getting useful information on how to get better at the game.
Games already wallow in shallow politics all the time, issues of war, race, elitism, class are already present in videogames and have been for a long time. It's when they present more complex issues and do fucking nothing with them because it upsets either liberals or conservatives is when it gets annoying. Even the most SJW games are guilty of this and more often are guilty of just pigeon holing any possible refutation of their stance as "racist, bigoted, elitist" etc. It's intellectually dishonest to attempt to engage an already aging consumer base on a level they'd be able to understand and then force any opinion contrary to the writers out of the discussion.
Then there's the issue of centrism and how we're learning it leads to fuck all happening. Ineffectual centrism isn't innovative or isn't looked at in a way for it to even be remotely interesting.
Not every videogame has to be political, tell the writers to stop trying to be political when they understand fuck all about the subjects they're writing on.
You're not listening. You're not understanding on a basic level here.
Je-fucking-sus dude
The game could've been set in a happy unicorn sunshine land instead, but that's not what they picked because it DOESN'T have the political intrigue inherent to a destroyed America
Video games are normalizing american political divide
Americans no longer even care they are shooting other americans
Vietnam yeah but they didn't have drones and other machines of war then when the military becomes completely automated you wont be able to do shit
When people like the fat mongoloid Jim talk about about how 'everything is political', they're not entirely wrong. It's typical for people to paint some degree of their understanding of the world in what they create. What I think people like Jim get wrong is the degree to which this happens, its significance, and the intent behind the ideas.
What makes propaganda propaganda is that a centrally held belief is used as its core, and a story (or content in general) is constructed around that belief in order to reinforce it. Content that isn't propaganda starts with a question and is built upon from there, it's a journey for answers whose destination is not set it stone.
Jim Sterling is a moral crusader who views anything he disagrees with as morally wrong and evil. He has no interest in the exploration of ideas and the proliferation of variety, so long as his own views are reflected back to him and reinforced by what he consumes.
I'd say this fat fuck should neck himself, but lord knows he can't actually find a rope strong enough to hold his weight.
Imagine being so fat you look at videogames and see politics.
same as the other, it's fag for big, mean doodoo head
>No, not at all, and that's very much the problem. This fascist wet dream goes entirely unquestioned by the game.
Because it doesn't need to be questioned, it's a fucking excuse to shoot at fictional people with fictional guns and find random fictional loot and make the tacticool waifu of your dreams. Why are you trying to create subtext and purpose where none exists beyond the gameplay? Why are you trying
Creative intent is the point, it's always the point. You can prove it's the point because these holier than thou critics are given a piece of art drawn by a monkey and apply human emotion to it, only to be told a human didn't draw it, they'll call you a scumbag and every other name in the English language because their facade has been destroyed. They're nothing but pretentious loons who think they're superior to you, that they can ready every piece of intent and emotion behind every stroke when it's all opinionated bullshit.
I think politics on an anonymous image board is the worst thing ever
not unless explicitly stated, what if the work is meant to be sickening and glorifies atrocious acts for shock value?
and Yea Forums begs for the days of Deus Ex, Morrowind, Syndicate, Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Jagged Alliance, Metal Gear, Vampire, Mount and Blade, Splinter Cell, Total War, Starcraft and Witcher before it went complete normalfag.
You know, games without any politics.
>The game could've been set in a happy unicorn sunshine land instead, but that's not what they picked because it DOESN'T have the political intrigue inherent to a destroyed America
Dude, it's just a basic awareness. It's literally just thinking about things. Imagine opposing that.
Dude. just google anything about white people, Israel, or Mizrahi jews and tell me there isn't an international conspiracy to control the media and people's perception perpetuated by zionist jews
You know, the radical ideology perpetuating the theocratic ethnostate in the middle east that has mediated the last seventy years of American foreign policy since Henry Kissenger?
I bet you thunk I'm saying racist things, or am right wing, don't you? That's quabbalah.
Mid tier bait.
Should catch a few you's.
It's called reality, butterball. The world is political. If you can't handle it then shut up.
>what you listed doesn't fucking APPEAL
That's literally what I'm saying. It doesn't appeal because, even with identical mechanics, such a game would not have the destruction porn that people like in seeing famous monuments all wrecked up. If you think people getting excited to see the white house blown to shit is just meaningless spectacle, you're just an idiot.
The interview where the journo tries to trick a dev into taking a stance shows well how sick in the head those people are.
Ubisoft wanted to make a cool looter shooter in modern setting, why the fuck would they have to take any political stance to achieve that?
>Why are you trying to create subtext and purpose where none exists beyond the gameplay?
It DOES exist and just denying it doesn't make it go away. Now, unless you are arguing that the setting was picked by a monkey, I believe you are also arguing they chose specifically this setting for a reason? You know, Borderlands is about shooting fictional people with fictional guns and finding random fictional loot. They didn't have to set it in the ruins of America to accomplish that.
Like Spec Ops: the Line for example.
It was coined by a White Supremacist. The main belief of someone that is Alt-Right is the belief of a White Ethnostate and the superiority of the white race. But retards here and across the world have decided to make up their own definitions now so anyone can be Alt-right.
No, see, when MGS said nukes are bad, war is bad, nationalism is bad, it's just like, a story, it doesn't mean anything!
Unlike shooting Nazis in Wolfenstein which is definitely a metaphor for Trump voters.
I am a really smart literary critic.
PS games aren't art anyway
But....that's wrong, dumb-dumb.
Just like the rightwinger, perhaps they do have more in common then they thought.
Because killing people cannot be meaningless
The left always has a straw man to run against.
Neocons,the 1%,the TEA party, and lately the Alt Right.
They have always thrived on fear and division and creating boggymen out of whole cloth keeps the rubes scared and inline.
>just google anything about white people, Israel, or Mizrahi jews and tell me there isn't an international conspiracy to control the media and people's perception perpetuated by zionist jews
Maybe you should check out some left-wing publications, they tend to be critical of Israel and support Palestine's right to exist.
The US 'lost' the Vietnam war because it became incredibly politically unpopular back in the states. The North Vietnamese economy was a fucking mess by the time the US forced a cease fire between the two sides. They needed time to recoup so they took the US offer, waited until the US left, waited a little longer until they were sure the US wasn't going to come back, and then attacked the significantly weaker south.
To make everything worse, years of US shipments of arms and general goods, as well as years of US intervention in their political and military systems, left the South with no leadership and zero sustainability.
The South was fucked as soon as the US electoral system came into play. So right from the start.
he was talking about MSM specifically
>It's literally just thinking about things.
No, there's "thinking about things" and then trying to push your shitty toxic opinion as fact because you get off to the idea of causing division between people. Just admit you love seeing conflict, you love watching the internet tear itself apart, you can't be happy that people just want games where they can play and focus on the gameplay - we have to constantly be thinking about new ways to piss each other off.
I don't think you're living in reality. Because beyond your government and high-end corporations involved in government, the author has no intent to explore political themes in a game where you spend 95% of the time grinding for fucking better golden guns.
No, it doesn't appeal because normal human beings don't want pink ponies shooting flowers at one another. It's not seen as cool, simple as.
>You know, Borderlands is about shooting fictional people with fictional guns and finding random fictional loot. They didn't have to set it in the ruins of America to accomplish that.
Why couldn't the author set it in apocalyptic America? It's a cool setting. It allows many people to experience their home if it was fucked up. Nothing political here, you're once again just a loon.
>It has literally nothing to do with politics
Sure it does, the division is a death squad that answer only to the president of the USA. Do you think such a thing mixes well with the fifth and fourteenth amendment?
so not an actual journo then
>did you have a gun?
>did your neighbor?
This is pretty basic literary criticism 101 shit dude
The good guys fight for what's right. If you frame certain people as the good guys, it means that you're framing what they're fighting for as right. If you don't want to give that impression then you don't frame them as the good guys.
>we just wanted to make a good looter
> washington DC
>...with messaging very much implying a political message
They desperately want to be taken seriously.
Imagine a game journalist meeting other journalists, and one guy says he's just got back from Syria. Got shot at. Saw the tunnels.
The other guy says, I interview the stars. Met JK Rowling. Eminen called me his homie.
Then this fucker says "I work in video games. I wrote a review for The Division."
"Video games? That's kid shit, innit?" says the guy from Rolling Stone.
"Yeah, your audience is like, twelve years old."
the left can't meme
Do you think Tom Clancy was apolitical too?
It stands for alternating right testicle. It's a group of people who get surgery to replace their right nut with the right nut of someone else in the "alt-right". No ones sure why.
Definition of political
1a : of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government
b : of, relating to, or concerned with the making as distinguished from the administration of governmental policy
t. Merriam-Webster
>Did you have a gun in an apocalyptic scenario where people are going to fight for resources?
Well shit I guess this is super political and not at all stating the basic fact that you're dead without a firearm in a game ABOUT collecting obscene amounts of firearms.
>No, there's "thinking about things" and then trying to push your shitty toxic opinion as fact because you get off to the idea of causing division between people. Just admit you love seeing conflict, you love watching the internet tear itself apart, you can't be happy that people just want games where they can play and focus on the gameplay - we have to constantly be thinking about new ways to piss each other off.
For someone who doesn't like interpretation you sure love reading into things and assigning motives.
>Why couldn't the author set it in apocalyptic America?
They could. But they'd be making a statement.
>Nothing political here, you're once again just a loon.
You're just denying things here with nothing backing you up.
That's all about the MSM
>It's not seen as cool
Oh yeah okay I get it. National monuments being blown up is less uncomfortable to see than a unicorn, because pfffff, that's GAY. Things that are effeminate or childlike are more offensive than 9/11-tier imagery. Yes, this statement has no political subtext at all.
>explicit endorsement of right to bear arms
>not political
I think they'd sympathise with the games journalist for having an audience of manchildren who can't into basic criticism, yes.
>in the current year
look at this dude
>he tries to /thread his own post
>The main belief of someone that is Alt-Right is the belief of a White Ethnostate and the superiority of the white race. But retards here and across the world have decided to make up their own definitions now so anyone can be Alt-right.
Ironic, since your definition is made up fantasy.
But also of the government monopoly on violence, interestingly enough. But it gets around this contradiction by making all the enemy factions insane criminals with no redeeming qualities.
>They could. But they'd be making a statement.
What statement? Have you asked Massive specifically? Are you making shit up and thinking you're hyper intelligent for it?
>For someone who doesn't like interpretation you sure love reading into things and assigning motives.
It's the only explanation for actively endorsing the mindsets of toxic journalists, Resetera, and shitposting to this extent on Yea Forums. You clearly want to see people argue over shit that can and has torn friendships apart these days.
>this is what the creator meant because we said so
>People who have guns tend to have an advantage in violent situations
That is not a political statement.
>The Cleaners
>Insane criminals
>The True Sons
>Insane criminals
>Black Tusk
>Insane criminals
Good to see you talk shit about a game you haven't even played.
>you guys arnt that intelligent are you fighting a corrupt government is a wet dream of many alt righters
Pretty sure you mean Communists, considering Karl Marx stated in the Communist Manifesto that all civilians should be armed and prepared to fight a tyrannical government.
>Have you asked Massive specifically?
Yeah, people have. They deny it. Because they think we're blind. You don't have to ask, you just have to actually study the text.
>You clearly want to see people argue over shit that can and has torn friendships apart these days.
I'm just dropping truth bombs, I'm sorry if that means we can't be friends, user.
What do you think it means then?
who is that got sauce for that statement or whatever?
How is that different from tech reporters that report on silicon valley, or art reporters that visit museums for a living? Or sports reporters that just watch football games, or meteorologists that just read a radar printout every morning?
Big oooof.
he said, posting a rightist meme
>Yeah, people have. They deny it. Because they think we're blind.
>Literally creating subtext where none exists
Thanks for confirming you are insane.
You know that sounds a lot like the right.
The others are serious, 'adult' jobs. They're respectable. My job is to sit at a desk and type project reports, but I'm more respectable than an anime blogger.
It's not fair, but that's how it is.
>"These streets must be cleansed. To save our city, we must burn away this disease. Every trace of it. Only through the power of fire can we be free."
so sane
>A fascist group of paramilitary warlords bent on using their combat expertise and overwhelming firepower to dominate their enemies and expand their territory.
True heroes
>A secretive private military organization that operates on an unknown agenda.
Yes I can totally see how this is a nuanced reflection of armed resistance to the government
>OP is retarded and couldn't even bother to watch Jim's video all the way through Part 69, thus creating a strawman that wasn't even in the video
good on you, OP
It's amazing how completely devoid of self awareness right wingers are.
thanks user
Huh them and their audience have something in common. Their audience can't understand basic criticism and they can't take basic criticism.
I agree, but the post I was quoting was comparing deskjobs to people getting shot at in Syria and being friends with millionaire celebrities.
Wouldn't the sports reporter or meteorologist or fashion reporter feel exactly the same way in that place?
>Literally creating subtext where none exists
That's not how this works, user. Finish high school before trying to argue this shit.
>The above two factions are responding to a killer super virus with extreme methods because it's the only way they know how, because up until the end of Div2 there was no cure for this problem that killed most of the US
For someone who can read context from thin air, you're missing the basic motivations of these factions.
You may be right, but I assume the sports reporter and fashion reporter have some prestige attached to the job. Like the guy who wrote Friday Night Lights.
I don't know much about meteorology, however.
There's nothing wrong with having politics in video games. Lots of games handle political themes fairly well. My problem is with pandering leftist politics. I take issue when you add an ugly disgusting she-baboon nigger and pretend like it's not going to turn a few heads.
People like Jim Sterling don't ACTUALLY want nuanced politics in video games. They want anti-white rhetoric.
>A black person in video games is pandering to leftist politics.
This is why conservatives lost the video game culture war.
i didn't say anything about the left-right political divide. And the pro-palestine sources all woefully ignore the reality of the situation to paint a fake picture. have you been to israel?
you assumed i was right wing, because you have been primed with a specific meme, i guess you could call 'mind control,' to view people with the opinion i presented as a right winger who doesn't read liberal publications when i am a jew living in the midwest who understands that the religious justification for israel is bogus
"mind control doesn't exist"
Motivations be damned, this is about framing and presentation. There's a contrived supervirus going around that no one can do anything about, and how do people respond? By becoming insane cultists or fascist paramilitaries. And the only good guys are you, the government agents with the express permission to summarily execute the lot.
>Game clearly trying to evoke political themes has a pussy ass representative trying their absolute hardest to claim there's no politics in the game
If this was just presented to Yea Forums with just the base context they'd be all about how it sucks that games are getting so political and retarded that faggots like this guy are trying to force politics but deny that they're doing it
But because it was said by a fucking e-celeb that has an obvious left lean, Yea Forums has to be contrarian and side with Jewbisoft of all things.
>literally just having a character who isn't conventionally attractive is "offensive politics" and "anti white rhetoric"
you realize you're the reason people see this as necessary, right? you're so mortified that a character isn't in the limited range of qualities you find acceptable that you literally find it offensive. these people want people like you to scream and piss and moan so that everyone will see it and laugh at you for it.
>actively creating a fictional world where right to bear arms is an advantage
>then also clearly choosing to state this before the game starts
jesus christ how is that not political.
Pretty sure I was taught ten-years-ago in high school that I have to back up my statements with physical/sourcable evidence. Do you have proof that Massive are lying, or is that just a convenient "truth" you tell yourself because everything has to be politically motivated in your twisted mind?
I love robots, it's fairly obvious robots are going to be the future of mankind's economic power. They're going to completely take over every walk of life beyond human socialisation to the point where everybody is going to be on universal credit. Does that mean I have a socialist agenda where every man, woman and child is able to spend their free time engaging in their hobbies, having fun with friends and family etc.? No, it's just an obvious outcome of advancing technology. I have no political engagement in such a narrative because I'm not constantly aiming for a crazed debate with someone.
its well known that Yea Forums is intimated by masculinity, thus hates Jim
>actually watching this shit
>I don't have a Wikipedia article to link that proves my stance
>woken up
I feel like this was written by a false flagger but you ended up writing the truth anyway
Take a break from the internet, your mind is clearly rotting.
I didn't assume shit, I just pointed out your narrative is untenable in light of the plurality of perspectives on offer.
Fuck off back to Facebook
>Motivations be damned
And stopped reading right there.
arguably anything can be polytical but these hacks don't realise that "polytical" might mean the game can contain criticism to society without needing a characcter who's a blatant parody of Trump
Is this a meme
>you can't reliably control the reaction, interpretation, and influence of the person in question
We're already WAY past that. The YouTube content creator hive is built around exactly that. Controlling reactions, interpretations and influence specific targeted groups of people.
It's already happening every fucking where.
>Do you have proof that Massive are lying
Yes, the fucking game.
>I love robots, it's fairly obvious robots are going to be the future of mankind's economic power. They're going to completely take over every walk of life beyond human socialisation to the point where everybody is going to be on universal credit. Does that mean I have a socialist agenda where every man, woman and child is able to spend their free time engaging in their hobbies, having fun with friends and family etc.? No, it's just an obvious outcome of advancing technology.
It's always nice when you can rationalise your own views as natural and logical. Hey, you know who else viewed socialism as the obvious and natural next step for society? Fucking Karl Marx. Marxism is science. It's apolitical.
>weeeh muh anti white propaganda
>spills the a full on racist word salad all over the post
>asks for sauce
>rather than sending him straight to Jim's video and making him realize that Jim never even said what OP is claiming, you send him to the dude who hasn't even watched Jim's video all the way through
i agree, so we should ban all games that attempt to have political themes. good compromise, for the betterment of society, then
have you had your weekly oestrogen injections to reduce anxiety and aggression? society would function much more smoothly and annoy much less people without people like you rabblerousing. it's for the betterment of society.
"We want money. Hey, i know, lets do a
>generic shitty action movie plot
>an ancient aliens plot to make our ending actually exciting
>space opera where aliens and humans fight
That's it. The moment you actually look at any of those games, those takes fall apart.
>Yes, the fucking game.
Prove it, point to me a factual piece of evidence that shows Massive are trying to be political. Not interpretations of what is going on, not opinions - but facts.
>Marxism is science. It's apolitical.
So how do you feel about Karl Marx stating every single citizen should be armed with a gun to fight back against any oppressive government?
let's face it, right and left wingers both suck equally much.
>watching quarter pounder and heart disease
>rather than sending him to the fat cuck begging for advertising money, you send him to a channel that shortens the video to 10 minutes and gives you all the necessary background detail as well
yes, I did that. Problem?
The game does use political themes as a footstool to introduce the setting of the game, which is a realistic modern day looter shooter.
That's all there is to it, why do they have to take any kind of political stance based on that? why are journos obsessed with that?
I'm dislexci
God forbid you learn something. You say "durr they have motivations" but those are all assigned by the writers.
>it's for the betterment of society.
Pretty sure society is fucking tearing itself apart right now because of this absurdist focus on political beliefs in every facet of life. Racial/sexual tensions have never been higher, crime rates are soaring, terrorist attacks from both sides are increasingly more common.
It's a cancer, political cancer that infests the common people and encourages nothing but segregation and spite.
>horseshit theory
>when people who actually play games want the opposite
Do you think you speak for the entire market? kek
>they want control over speech and thought of people by any means necessary
so they're conservatives then
borderlands is already so political they had to rewrite the pre-sequel in the middle of production to make sure that jack was more of a bad guy than he already was in the original script revision
they literally made a prequel with the bad guy as the protagonist and decided they were being too morally ambiguous by making him not entirely evil. there's badly animated segments shoehorned into the game to make sense of the new plot
yes, gearbox is that stupid
Tom Clancy was a Republican who voted for Ronald Reagan.
Why would a sweedish game dev give a rats ass about american politics to the point where they'd want to make statements about it? I'm sure Julian Gerighty and Mathias Karlson are falling over themselves to make points about american society, I bet they fucking wish they were americans themselves
CNN doesn’t attack trump or white people anymore? You lying?
The problem is that none of these political stories people are writing are GOOD, or even interesting. They draw extremely obvious parallels to real world current events. A lot of the time it feels like at the last moment they just veered off writing an actual story to make a statement about some stupid shit that nobody wanted to hear their opinion on.
Like people love FF7 and it was a hippy-dippy environmentalist anti-nuclear, anti-corporate story but they at least built a world and told a story where all that shit made sense instead of a shitty strawman of current events.
>actual narrative exploration of political ideas
>biased game devs strawmanning the opposing side and shoving their political beliefs down my throat
not cool
three guesses as to what the walking heart attack in the OP wants
What world do you live in? Lefties are the ones that want to control everything people think and say.
Tom Clancy is just a separate brand now, he has no relation to all these games at this point.
>Prove it, point to me a factual piece of evidence that shows Massive are trying to be political. Not interpretations of what is going on, not opinions - but facts.
You don't understand. Massive is also just giving an opinion, and in fact, their statement on the matter is probably designed not to offend anyone rather than honestly communicating their intent for the game. It is a fact, however, that the game tells a story about paramilitary fascist sleeper cells wrenching America back from the clutches of the thugs who have overrun the streets. It is political, whether you or massive or anyone else admits it or not.
>So how do you feel about Karl Marx stating every single citizen should be armed with a gun to fight back against any oppressive government?
I think left-wingers should start arming themselves, but that is neither here nor there.
>shortens the video to 10 minutes
>aka about the same length of the original video
great job making asses of yourselves with the uneducated strawmans anyhow
First of all, the only reason conservatives lost the culture war is because you guys have hijacked every single major gaming company and kicked out every single right-leaning person.
Second of all, again, it's not a black character that's the problem. It's deliberately making ugly disgusting abominations and trying to pass it off as beautiful.
Shouldn't YOU be offended over the fact that most AAA companies think that the best way to pander to black people is to make them ugly as fucking possible? Why do you want to live in a world where a character like Lifeline exists? Don't you want black people to be represented in a positive light?
You're not very subtle, resetera.
I'll only say that I like Tom Clancy novels despite never having finished one (got halfway through Red October) and that this game scratches that itch for me.
Lefties are too busy demanding that only the police they hate and the government have access to weapons to even consider that just maybe itd be a good idea for them to arm up user.
>terrorist attacks from both sides
He's as liberal and leftwing as SJWs on almost everything, he's no alternative just like Sargon.
>muh liberalistists
Is this just a case of video game journalists being embarrassed about their jobs? Going to their family and friends and saying "I write about video games for a living" has got to be embarrassing, right?
America is kinda relevant on the world stage, believe it or not.
it's not politics, it's abject tribalism. nobody cares about the politics they care about being on the blue team or the red team. politics isn't the problem, it's people actively trying to drive a wedge between people. it could just as easily be football dude
the source isn't one specific entity but the most obvious one is definitely the zionists, for the last hundred years they've been increasing pressure to drive jews out of their home countries and move to israel.
Of course it matters. A creators word will always be above whatever hack literary analysis done to the work. "Does it REEEEAALLY matter though?" is the battle cry of retards who have been blown the fuck out, but cannot admit it. Their ego is so fragile that they try to get rid of the idea that they can be proven wrong in the first place. Go eat a bag of dicks.
>Like people love FF7 and it was a hippy-dippy environmentalist anti-nuclear, anti-corporate story but they at least built a world and told a story where all that shit made sense instead of a shitty strawman of current events.
Except when people do that nowadays Yea Forums picks up on the subtext and condemns it anyway.
Man I just want to play vidya and talk about it without people inserting politics on everything.
What the fuck happened to vidya and entertainment in general?
Conservatives don't want to brainwash you into thinking contrapoints is a man with a wig. Contrapoints IS a man with a wig, it's a fact.
>terrorist attacks from both sides are increasingly more common.
Actually, that's not true. Terrorist attacks from ONE SIDE are becoming more common. Take a guess on which side that is, buttercup.
Ah is this the crazy resetera thread?
You lived long enough to see the left become authoritarian.
It’s maddening to use political imagery and ideas without actually committing and commenting on something.
You don’t even have to give a liberal or conservative opinion, but at least give a real opinion or impression or analysis on something political if you’re going to use the context and imagery of politics
It’s like how Bioshock Infinite tried to be political without actually taking one side or the other. It just says “these two things have some bad stuff in them” without expanding or analyzing it at all. It’s an attempt to staple the level of seriousness people use with Politics without having to actually contribute any worthwhile insight or ideas to that joining
The political questions and policies of the day are nothing compared to the broader values and culture that inspire them. Games about the later are far more interesting than games about the former.
>Far Cry 5 poses as a leftist drumpf btfo simulator for constant journalist shilling before release
>Pulls the rug from underneath everyone and has the game be completely apolitical
>Journalists get pissed but now anti SJWs / normal gamers start buying it
>Division 2 now doing the exact same thing with positive results
Is this the hottest new marketing tactic
>Don't you want black people to be represented in a positive light?
being ugly doesn't make you a bad person lol
refusing to make heroic or cool characters who aren't conventionally attractive implicitly says that being ugly makes you not heroic or cool
I understand your parents are disappointed in you because all you do is sit around and play video games all day, but people who have made their careers from it probably have more supportive parents.
>a journalist
really stretching it there
I will never not be mad about the modern lumping together of Liberalism and leftism, the two are fairly antithetical. It was truly one of the most clever political ruses in history to get people to start thinking the two are connected.
She's got a lovely bunch of wigs but her own hair is pretty feminine too.
user, I want you to name one fictional character that people enjoy who is deliberately aesthetically unappealing. I'll wait.
You will never get 150k a year for talking to the camera once a week.
It really was. As conservative as I am, I always respected liberals because they were principled. I mean real liberals; people who were solely concerned with social liberty and tyranny from BOTH private and public.
It's not like journalism is a particularly noble career path with high standards.
>A creators word will always be above whatever hack literary analysis done to the work.
So, tell me: is Wolfenstein II about anything more than shooting literal Nazis? Is BFV misrepresenting history or just telling its own story?
That's a truly insane amount of vanity right there. So every depiction of america is the writers making political commentary as if they live there, and not just them making a cool scenario out of your fucked up trainwreck of a society?
t. seething journalist
>A creators word will always be above whatever hack literary analysis done to the work
I'm going to write in a book that the protagonist is 30 years old, in no uncertain terms. I will not write in even the slightest subtext which suggests otherwise. When people analyze my book on the basis that the protagonist is 30, I will leap in and tell them that, actually, my creative intent was that he's 18. Just because literally every piece of evidence in the actual text and all interpretations says otherwise doesn't supercede my ability to contradict it, according to you. I get to straight up make up bullshit about what my text says on a basic level, following the logic that a creator's word is supreme.
In other words, Ubisoft gets to create a game which literally takes place in a ruined American where you see a ruined white house, and then when this is interpreted to have some political meaning, they go "uh no actually, there's nothing political okay?" As if that means shit.
For the following reasons.
1. It makes their lives easier since it is infinitely easier to make clickbait articles about politics than game mechanics.
2. It makes them feel less like failed journalists who can only get work talking about baby toys.
3.Its an easier way to gain fandom and acclaim. They don't have to write well or be insightful, they just need to pander to a particular political side and suddenly a bunch of retards will side with them.
4. Journos tend to come from a particular social class and group, and being overtly political and decrying the way the world is going is fashionable in that group. Think about all those actors making speeches about diversity and climate change and shit during award shows. Same thing; some call it "Virtue signaling" but its really just the same as anyone doing anything to fit in.
5. Some of them are legitimately political hardliners who want to see their agenda pushed. They're the ones on twitter screaming about patriarchy or white privilege. These guys do exist, they're just not the majority or only reason this is happening.
>has the game be completely apolitical
Saying a bunch of political shit and then refusing to commit to anything isn't the same as being political, user.
>I mean real liberals; people who were solely concerned with social liberty and tyranny from BOTH private and public.
Economic authoritarianism is still authoritarianism. So called "liberals" who support high regulations and high taxes are just as freedom hating as SJWs who want to police speech and take your guns away.
Sad thing is that's not true. A journalist, if ever done correctly, is one of the most important jobs someone can do. We thrive off of information and the only way to get it effectively is if a person or team gets it.
Problem is there hasn't been a decent mainstream journalist in decades. It's not their fault though, it's ours.
yeah those muslims should really cool it down with terrorist stuff
If you shot someone with the intent of being friendly then it's an act of friendship. That doesn't mean it wasn't a bad attempt retard
Then what is the correct definition?
>What world do you live in?
where the conservative do exactly what you're describing
atta boy.
The post apocalypse fetish is just what it is: a fetish. Much like the horror genre continually focuses on killing sexualized teenagers for entertainment, the action genre continually focuses on end-of-the-world scenarios. The cause of the apocalypse may be political in nature, but it should never be a moral lesson to the audience. We play these games for entertainment, for escapism. Not for perpetual teachings of right and wrong.
I don't live in America, user. It's not vanity. It's my outside perspective.
And obviously you don't have to live in America to comment on American politics.
>making a cool scenario out of your fucked up trainwreck of a society?
Wow user what a nice apolitical statement.
Even the fucking UNABOMBER made a distinction between modern leftists and 19th/20th century style liberalism.
Sometimes I feel like Ted was right. Modern lefties are batshit insecure losers.
Frank Reynolds. Granted, he's an awful human being. But then there's Dennis, who's also awful, but also an attractive guy who can easily pull girls until they realize he's a sociopath. The show doesn't equate superficial qualities like looks with a character's virtue. You're retarded.
They aren't real liberals either bro. I wasn't referring to them. I mean the liberals from decades ago; the ones who fault against religious laws and the such. (even though I'm religious, I respect their principles). The modern day liberal is bad too, don't get me wrong.
>A journalist, if ever done correctly, is one of the most important jobs someone can do.
You don't need to call yourself a journalist to spread information. The moment you start taking money for it, you're selling sensationalism. Spreading information is incredibly important, but journalists don't and have never sought to do this.
The most important job someone can do is be a doctor. After that, a soldier.
I love freedom as much as the next guy, but unregulated freedom leads to absolute fucking chaos. Do you WANT to live in a world where monopolies control every aspect of your life?
Yes, it's called baiting you autists into wanting to play a game that virtue signals to you only for you to get angry once you realize that there was never anything there. Keep seething tranny
Anything to the right of Stalin is considered Alt-right
>Just because literally every piece of evidence in the actual text and all interpretations says otherwise doesn't supercede my ability to contradict it, according to you. I get to straight up make up bullshit about what my text says on a basic level, following the logic that a creator's word is supreme.
Yes. Congratulations, you effectively trolled your readers by 'pretending' to be a retarded hack writer.
When will hiro make a new containment board?
>Do you WANT to live in a world where monopolies control every aspect of your life?
No, that's why I support a laissez-faire economic system instead of the Govt corporatism we have now.
>Much like the horror genre continually focuses on killing sexualized teenagers for entertainment
You actually just unironically bumbled your way into one of the most studied, analyzed aspects of an entire genre and acted like it was an example of something with no depth lol.
You seriously just tried to imply that there's no meaning behind the fact that, in ALL the biggest slasher movie franchises, the pure, virginal character who doesn't indulge in sex or drugs is always the one to survive.
Fucking LMAO
Please. That's nothing but a go-to job for people with no idea what to do with their lives. If you don't seem to be good at anything, join the army!
Because it says nothing about real world policy in any way. Being pro-gun in an extreme, and one would hope farfetched scenario is hardly a strong stance on the right to bare arms in peace-time unless you actually think America is on the verge of being a failed state.
If you dedicate to collecting information and then relying it to people, you're basically a journalist, whether you call yourself one or not. Also, I said ONE OF the most important jobs. As in it's very important to the function of society. I agree, there are other positions that hold more immediate important but what would a doctor be without information about new medical advancement? What would a soldier do if he had no context about the enemy, surroundings, or the status of the war?
>Much like the horror genre continually focuses on killing sexualized teenagers for entertainment, the action genre continually focuses on end-of-the-world scenarios.
And what does that say about the Zeitgeist? It's not a coincidence that the post-apocalypse genre rose to prominence during the Cold War.
>We play these games for entertainment, for escapism. Not for perpetual teachings of right and wrong.
Doesn't matter why you play it, the game is teaching you something nonetheless.
I mean, people fuck up the meaning of conservatism as well. A 'conservative' in the US now, is by and large, what a liberal used to be. Conservatism is relative to the time and place being discussed.
Of course not but do you want the government doing the same? Controlling every or most aspects of society and life?
Either way we are so fucked
dude, I warned(not ban request, warned) for telling someone linking the fat cunt's video to neck themselves last thread
probably the mod himself who made this thread, no wonder it's still up
You don't have to be an American to know how important America is to world politics.
Keyword: UN Security Council veto power
Hate to be that guy but go study how most monopolies are formed bro. There's a reason Google, Walmart, and all the other top world companies support regulation.
Pro tip: It's because they can survive the regulation and their smaller competitors can't, thus making themselves artificial monopolies.
Frank Reynolds is ugly because his CHARACTER is supposed to be disgusting. People don't like Frank BECAUSE he's ugly, people like Frank IN SPITE of him being ugly. Lifeline is literally being propped up by EA as an Africa-American power fantasy. This is what EA wants us to think of when we think of a strong female black woman.
>My fat man is right because he makes fun of the cuck fat man and uses Yea Forums memes
I'lI give you he is less cringe, though that is not an achivement when the other fat man is doing it on purpose.
>but what would a doctor be without information about new medical advancement? What would a soldier do if he had no context about the enemy, surroundings, or the status of the war?
You mean those things done by biomedical researchers and intelligence scouts, not journalists? lmao.
this must be fake but still, what forum is that from?
>Being pro-gun in an extreme, and one would hope farfetched scenario is hardly a strong stance on the right to bare arms in peace-time
Son, what do you think the purpose of the second amendment is?
I can't get enough of those, these people are insane.
The only think I don't understand is how they manage to still have people despite all they ban.
>Keyword: UN Security Council veto power
Nigger what. UN Security Council veto is irrelevant because the UN is irrelevant.
The US is important to world politics because of the size of its army and the size of its economy.
Well yes. You're just trying to conserve the current culture or maybe just go back a few steps. They are gate keepers and very important for society, even if you don't agree with them. This is why conservatism is different here than in other countries. All forms are useful and have their place. I just particularly subscribe to the American form of Conservatism, or more accurately, Right wing libertarianism,
>Lifeline is literally being propped up by EA as an Africa-American power fantasy. This is what EA wants us to think of when we think of a strong female black woman.
What makes you say that?
>People don't like Frank BECAUSE he's ugly
Holy shit lol. You absolutely could not be more wrong. They cast Danny Devito for a fucking reason you clod. It adds to the comedy of his character that he's a gross-looking short fat man. Goddamn you're dumb lmao.
Sci-fi and fantasy have been political since the get go. Ayn Rand practically invented hamfisted political allegories, Starship Troopers had entire tangents where the teacher would rant about political theory, and old Warhammer Fantasy books were full of political satire from a strongly left wing perspective. Sci-fi, fantasy, gaming, and politics all have been together before digital gaming was even a thing. Y’all are just pissy because you want a safe space for your own worldview and can’t handle anything remotely challenging in your media.
I like the guys who say they don’t like something because it’s too right or left wing for their honesty, but you fuckers who make up conspiracy theories about a regressive left trying to control your minds or whatever are fucking pathetic and need to get a life
Never in my life have I ever hated a video game character this much.
>big tings and dat!
Holy shit she's so annoying.
Medical journals and yes, we don't call scouts journalists, but they do the same thing. The medical researchers report their findings to medical JOURNALS and then they spread the information.
Is there some kind of disconnect here?
>this thread
EA had nothing to do with this game, the cast is just a shoddy mess of "let's hit all the check markers and push this turd out before EA stomps our studio".
Well to bad for them it was actually successful.
Someone actually took time from their finite life to make this abomination.
I love it
where in that pic does it say where it is from?
no cheating, don't use other pics or former knowledge
You're either very out of touch or deliberately being stupid. Look at every major Western gaming company trying to force progressiveness over the past six years or so and come back to me.
That's...what I'm saying, user. Danny Devito was casted as Frank because his character is ugly and fat. Lifeline is a horrible abomination because EA wants to lower the standards of beauty.
>The cause of the apocalypse may be political in nature, but it should never be a moral lesson to the audience.
How does one get this far with so little ability to understand media beyond the surface level?
what you said is they like him despite him being ugly even though him being ugly is part of why they like him lmao
>to lower the standards of beauty
oh no... the horror... things i don't personally find attrractive... won't be villified and treated as a plague? real life people who aren't conventionally attractive will feel less like alienated outcasts? this can't be allowed...
My main point is that not every depiction of america is an attempt to make a serious political point and attempt to change people's minds. That is pure vanity, in my mind. People like shooting things in recognisable and interesting locations, there's nothing deeper than that
My thought is that i desire sauce
I'm just a stickler for words and their meanings since its hugely detrimental to discussions in general if everyone is off using their own definitions for things.
I'm sure everyone's familiar with the line 'but thats not REAL socialism'. But it extents beyond that as well. Every time someone on the right calls someone slightly left of center a socialist. Or every time someone on the left calls someone on the right a Nazi (this one really pisses me off since Nazism is a left-wing ideology). It muddies the waters and makes reaching any meaningful understanding that much harder.
>Only one side of the political spectrum is crazy and controlling
Are you insane? People like you are exactly why devs don't want to be bothered.
Hey fag, I got a degree in english lit before realizing it was fucking useless and getting one in applied biophysics. Lets fight.
>You're literally just an anti-intellectual. Admit it
Yes, I am. Because the "Intellectual" of the Literary world, particularly the academic literary world, is a fucking asshole. Every single professor and critic I've met have their own pet perspectives that they always want to filter EVERYTHING through. The female professor wants to filter everything through a feminist lens The old fuck wants to look at everything in a psychoanalytical way. There are 10 critics here, each looking at the same thing entirely differently and ascribing different meanings to it and they're using shit like "Death of the Author" to prevent anyone from dragging things like historical context or evidence into the conversation. It does nothing but prove how utterly subjective the entire thing is and how completely uninterested they are in the truth of the matter.
Those blue curtains could be anything from a metaphor for depression to the folds of the labia as far as "Intellectual" discourse is concerned.
>You don't like reading into subtext and it angers you that there are people who do
No, it angers me -and probably him- that people who read subtext into things get so fucking up their own ass with it. That they publish papers, that they create elaborate theories, that they fight and debate and argue about something so entirely fucking subjective. Imagine there was a giant academia behind the debate between whether certain foods make good pizza toppings or not. Imagine there were tenured professors writing 1000 page works that NO ONE reads about why pineapple is actually the topping of the bourgeoisie. That's what literary criticism is; a bunch of opinionated faggots adding nothing but their own foul smelling opinions.
Shitai wo Arau
I don't even get what Jim is trying to get at. He undermines his own point when he gets into the political message of Mario games. Yes, you can read any nonsense agenda into any story you want. That's why it's meaningless. Just because you're some freak with headcanon doesn't mean the creators need to legitimize it. Hell, remember that faggot who insisted Missile Command had the most compelling narrative of any game? AND THAT ONE HAD NO STORY!!!
>You're either very out of touch or deliberately being stupid. Look at every major Western gaming company trying to force progressiveness over the past six years or so and come back to me.
That's not an answer. That's circular reasoning.
>Breath of the Wild
The main villain of the game and series is portrayed as an authoritative tyrant.
>Devil May Cry
Once again, the main villain is portrayed as Kratocratic
Resetera, you're really not fucking subtle. You're on Yea Forums. You're on the website that will actively ruin your life if you look ugly.
That being said, the goal of a good character design is to make something that reflects the character. What can you tell me about Lifeline from her disgusting she-baboon face? What can you tell me about Lifeline from her stupid hair or her ugly uniform? Why did she NEED to be made like this?
it's also a somewhat classic stereotype if you include his ex wife who only went for him because of his money. Stereotype being non-attractive rich man gets hot woman. I'm obviously assuming she was a fox when they got married, she was pretty good looking for her age in the show too.
>How does one get this far with so little ability to understand media beyond the surface level?
By choosing to limit yourself to video games. Hence why they're so pissed off now. Not even video games are their anti-intellectual safe space any more.
Have you even watched the show youre talking about, no one in the entire cast aside from maybe Charlie has any positive qualities. It wants you to actively root against most of the protagonists half of the time
You keep talking as if I care about the author's intent.
Yeah except even in Soviet Russia and 50s America, there were people who felt and thought things that weren’t ingrained in the information and media they consumed
Ask the media. They made up the term.
There is no one "alt right" movement
>Nazism is a left-wing ideology
Don't fucking pull this shit if you're going to bitch about words having meaning you post-modern little bitch boy
>What can you tell me about Lifeline from her disgusting she-baboon face?
What can you tell me about Lightning from her being a conventionally attractive white girl? Level of attractiveness doesn't indicate jack shit about character in most cases, dumbass. Don't try and go all art design bullshit on me when you're literally arguing that virtue and attractiveness should be correlated in character design.
Either they are leeching from something or have actually no life. Give it time, they're becoming less and less relevant (from Neogaf to Resetera), the funny part is that they do that themselves
Fifth post best post
>Why did Lifeline NEED to be ugly like Frank Reynolds?
>I got a degree in english lit
Good God, they'll let anyone have one these days it seems.
> It does nothing but prove how utterly subjective the entire thing is and how completely uninterested they are in the truth of the matter.
user, the point is they are all valid perspectives and all have a little bit of truth in them, but there is no "the" truth when it comes to interpretation, there is just argumentation.
>The female professor wants to filter everything through a feminist lens The old fuck wants to look at everything in a psychoanalytical way
Yes, people have their own perspectives in life and are therefore affected by art in different ways. Welcome to the basic concept of how humans approach art. Subjectivity is the entire fucking point, it's ART.
Well to be fair, the socialist thing is the left's fault. They took on the moniker, even if they didn't start it. Now it's "democratic socialism", and very few people push against that moniker in the states, despite the fact that the countries they point out as "democratic socialism" get mad at them doing so. So yeah, when a right winger calls someone a "socialist", it's pretty accurate within the context, they just don't mean a full blown socialist. I tend to just say "this policy is socialistic in nature" because of the confusion.
It's the one place I give Yang credit because he is honest and tells people he is for capitalism, he just wants big government regulation and "socialistic" type policies to help those at the bottom. I disagree with those positions whole heartedly but you will never hear the modern Democrat say they like capitalism. Just ask AOC.
Yes, you want to laugh at them, and that's where its humor derives from. All of them are awful people, and they're "liked" from a character perspective for it.
>You're on the website that will actively ruin your life if you look ugly.
Le internet hate machine
Don't take everything you read on r/Yea Forums so seriously boyo
I see what's happening here: you don't understand game design or business. Sometimes the design(super real weapons, modern setting) is driven by the business (nobody wants faggot elves with rapid fire crossbows) and thus shapes the narrative (a civil war? in America? Hey, cool, then we can have some notable landmark setpieces as opposed to putting it in some featureless Somali desert). The story isn't a message ... it's just an excuse.
This is factually false. The term "alt-right" or "alternative right" was coined by neo-Nazis years before it went mainstream.
Wait, Ian Miles Cheong? Wasn't he a hard core SJW? Did he switch sides?
She doesn't "need" to be anything other than a character on a screen. She doesn't "need" to be attractive any more than she "needs" to be ugly. The artist disregarded conventional logic for whatever reason and chose ugly, because the primary qualification for "playable character" is not "hot." Get over it you absolute baby.
Ah, one of those. Well so long as you get some perspective on the stupid shit you're saying I'll leave it at that
>Authoritative tyrant
Are you seriously so retarded that you;
a) make claims about games you never played
b)try desperately to force the narrative of the thread by actually inserting politics everywhere
c)are so unbelievably dense that you can't understand the plot of a fucking zelda game. For children.
Ganon is purely an embodiment of chaotic evil in that game. Pretty much antithesis of anything political.
Doubt it. He probably just stood still while they kept going left.
Right, just like Wolfenstein was just an excuse to shoot Nazis, definitely didn't have any message relevant to today's political landscape, and if you think there is you're just reading into it too much.
People absolutely like the characters of the show, moron. That doesn't mean anyone thinks they're good people. The question was to name an ugly character that people like, and I named one, and now you dumbasses are trying to shift the goalposts like you always do.
Hunting niggers and injuns. No, seriously. The "Militia" was a euphemism for Nigger Control. They needed an armed population to put down potential slave revolts, and incursions by indigenous people. Scenarios that were not farfetched in Colonial America.
Yea Forums video games
>Set game in Washington DC
>Claim it isn't political
Not even Metro could get away with that
He did a complete 180 during gamergate and now seems to spend his days tweeting tepid takes straight from Yea Forums
This is some good bait. We'll see how many (yous) you get
>Ganon is purely an embodiment of chaotic evil in that game
Implying that chaos is anthithetical to goodness and leads to a worse world, yes. Everything was going great in Hyrule under monarchy until the king was killed and the rule of law was broken down. The writer implicitly states that any order is better than chaos, even a system as outdated as monarchy. This isn't hard dude.
So not exactly peace time, is it? Even the reason stated within the second amendment itself presupposes a crisis situation. This is exactly what it's for.
Oh cool, so character designs are just allowed to be a discordant mish-mash abomination with no cohesiveness whatsoever. Mario is now a horrific abomination with twelve toes and three giant swinging dicks growing out of his forehead. Why does Mario NEED to look like an overweight plumber anyway? He should look like a race car driver with three giant swinging dicks coming out of his forehead!
Fuck I fucking hate you. I know it's essentially admitting defeat when you get angry on the internet, but you legitimately trigger me, dude. People like you are the reason why art is being sapped of its life essence. People like you are the reason why smearing period blood on a canvas is now considered legitimate art. Please, fuck off and die.
I do.
Fuck em.
When he sold himself back to GameStop he lost all credibility
An authoritative tyrant is literally as far from chaos as you get
Why don't these people just fuck off to actual politics like they clearly want to?
Why do they need video games?
>Centralized government controlling economic activity.
>Severally restricted rights and personal freedoms.
>Ideology that emphasizes the collective over the individual.
>Literally called National Socialism.
If it looks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. It's probably a duck.
Democratic socialism is the halfway point between a moderate and a socialist. It has a lot of the socialist elements, but its not quite there yet.
I by and large agree with you though, the US left, like the Canada left, adopted democratic socialism (and by extension socialism) as their moniker, but they usually mask it through use of the term liberal as straight up socialism is still a bit of a dirty word.
Capitalism is another thing I don't think people really understand, especially the modern left, as they seem to use it interchangeably with corporatism.
>character designs are just allowed to be a discordant mish-mash abomination with no cohesiveness whatsoever
Tell me what is "discordant" about a character just having kind of an ugly face. What exactly about being ugly makes Lifeline some horrible, awful affront to art? How does it contradict her character? Because as far as I can tell, it seems like in real life, a person's face has no inherent indication of who they are as a person.
You are the one telling people what they can and cannot do with art, which is archaic bullshit that has always been pushed by people afraid of anyone who would try to change the status quo. You're buying into Soviet-era suppression of art for the "greater good" of keeping the uggos out of muh video games because you personally don't like them.
>injecting your personal politics into everything on the fucking planet makes you an intellectual
lmao, you're not smarter than those people for wanting the medium to get bogged down in the same shitty politics that have made cinema turn to shit
They don't actually want to enter politics, just discuss it. But people hate discussing politics right out of nowhere, it's not something you do in polite society
So the solution is to crowbar it into everything! Then they'll have to talk to you!
So hang on, are you on the side of aesthetic choices made by devs communicating a message to the player or on the side of aesthetic choices made by the devs just being incidental to the dev wanting to let you go pew pew in a cool setting?
>If you seriously go out of your way, as an author, to specify that the curtains are blue for no reason whatsoever beyond a literal barebones description, you're a shit author
Do you know what the hell "set dressing" means? You have to give context and build up the area you are in. The curtains are fucking blue, they're not blue because they're some deep meaning to the character's thoughts, they're blue because they're what the author thought would look nice in his imagination of the house.
Holy shit. It's like going "The apple tree stood on the green hill with vibrant, red apples. Jeremy picked one and took a bite, noticing the yellowish flesh inside that glistened with delicious, sugary juice." and you going "Holy shit the red apple must mean that Jeremy thinks it's symbolizing the blood of the people who died on the land to make the tree grow, and the greenery is in contrast to the dark, desolate war that took place to fertilize the land."
thank polygon
>Tell me what is "discordant" about a character just having kind of an ugly face.
>Tell me what is ugly about a character being ugly?
Fuck I fucking hate you.
The former.
>Centralized government controlling economic activity.
The Nazis pursued a policy of privatisation. It certainly didn't have workers owning the means of production.
>Severally restricted rights and personal freedoms.
This is not a left-wing stance.
>Ideology that emphasizes the collective over the individual.
Ideology that emphasises nationalist conservatism over international class consciousness and solidarity.
>Literally called National Socialism.
Much like the Democratic Republic of North Korea.
There is a difference between Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism.
The world doesn't actually revolve around your fucking mood. Stupid people shouldn't try to do art.
>The former.
So you agree with Jim on The Division?
Anyone left of center doesn't understand capitalism. Do you support keeping your own capital? Do you support spending your capital as you see fit? Boom, you're a capitalist.
But for some reason, the modern left has changed the definition to "people who use their capital to control people". I wish I was joking, I have spoken to multiple "socialists/communists" and that is their actual definition. So they claimed I am NOT a capitalist because I don't own the means of production. I'm just a pawn in a capitalistic society. It's idiotic.
Games have been political for a long time. The original Bioshock was praised for its political aspects. Deus Ex was political in its own way. Even Doom was making a statement, coming out in the middle of satanic panic.
is correct. They want video games to represent their gay politics and nothing else, and that's the problem.
nazism was literally better than communism
It's not just journalists, it's pretty much any good liberal. I see now why the NPC meme caught on and I'm retarded for not realizing why sooner:
When will this fat fuck finally die from a heart attack?
I made it VERY clear on my first post that I'm not opposed to devs having a political message in their games. I take issue when your political message is very anti-white and glorifying nigger culture.
>Do you know what the hell "set dressing" means? You have to give context and build up the area you are in
Do you have literally any idea what the purpose of "set dressing" is holy shit lol
Describing a room has no fucking purpose on its own, the entire reason for doing so is to elicit the intended emotion
Blue has proven scientific connections to feelings of sadness or calmness, and so explicitly mentioning that a room is blue is implying the scene taking place has an air of sadness to it
You don't just describe things so that people know what is literally around the character unless necessary for the reader to understand the scene, you do it to tell the story THROUGH the setting
There's no reason to tell me that a character thinks an apple is delicious unless you, for whatever reason, want me to know that the character likes apples or is in a happy state in life or something
The point is not the apple, it's the person EATING it
Holy shit I knew Yea Forums was full of retards but this is fucking elementary school shit we're talking about here
I'm not really sure how a game from the early 90's has anything to do with ... oh ... you're one of those "Drumpf is literally Hitler" retards, aren't you? Nevermind.
Deus Ex worked because it was a game about politics and conspiracy theories (like Metal Gear, too), not a game about cave people, fantasy elves, sci fi space exploration, or whatever, with politics shoved in your face instead of actual content and world building.
Ruh roh
>ugliness is inherently bad and contradictory to art
The entire history of art would beg to differ
Despite not knowing who the hell this cunt is I can't see the tweet you linked because I'm blocked. Screenshot?
No Deus Ex worked because it was disjointed from the real world just enough that it wasn't pandering or in your face about it. Also, it touched on conspiracies that could be enacted upon by ANY side, not just dogging one or the other.
To put it another way, these trash, overly politicised games are hitching their wagon to good games to try and gain credibility that way.
It's not enough to slap political themes on something as a substitute for good writing. Otherwise you're writing the vidya equivalent of a blaxploitation film
When the FUCK did I ever say that, dipshit? I'm saying passing off ugliness as beauty is fucking stupid and embarrassing, especially when you're doing it to push a political message.
>So not exactly peace time, is it?
Kinda my point though. 2A wasn't exactly drafted when the US had a strong standing army, and centuries of history behind it. They were just coming off a bloody revolution, and new conflicts were foreseeable rather than hypothetical. Discussing the advantages of guns in a distant scenario is not a very strong stance to take in favor of gun ownership.
>You have to give context and build up the area you are in. The curtains are fucking blue, they're not blue because they're some deep meaning to the character's thoughts, they're blue because they're what the author thought would look nice in his imagination of the house.
An author can't describe every single detail of an environment, and even if they tried, that would be an intentional stylistic choice. The amount of detail, the order of information, the manner in which information is conveyed are all relevant.
>The apple tree stood on the green hill with vibrant, red apples. Jeremy picked one and took a bite, noticing the yellowish flesh inside that glistened with delicious, sugary juice.
This description puts a great emphasis on colour and makes a lot of use of adjectives, giving us an impression of Jeremy's senses. The use of nature imagery combined with many positive connotations lend a carefree air to this passage, which is reinforced by the suggestion that the scene takes place on a sunny day in the late summer, as evidenced by Jeremy being outside and picking an apple.
>passing off ugliness as beauty is fucking stupid
Once again, the entire history of art would beg to differ
>Jim Sterling
That's what it has always meant. Read theory. You've been brainwashed into identifying with the oppressor class through the application of a shared label.
to be fair, lifeline's appearance is normal for members of her race
Oh boy, here we go. I don't care what you say faggot, I support the "oppressor" over your retarded ass
Such is the power of ideology.
Yeah, no, you're fucking stupid. Nowhere in the Hunchback of Notre Dame does it try to downplay Quasimodo's deformity and ugliness. It's not presented as a normal and beautiful thing that you must tolerate or you're a bigot.
Says the guy who literally changed the definition of something to make his idiotic ideology look better.
>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
>Good god they'll let anyone have one these days.
Almost like its a completely bullshit degree that requires no effort or thought.
>but there is no "the" truth when it comes to interpretation
What the author intended is the truth you absolute cretin. The fact that you can't understand that fact and want to push for a thousand different discordant and meaningless voices all smugly jerking themselves and their opinions off just proves that you are an idiot.
>Subjectivity is the entire fucking point
Then why do they act like its not? Why is it a fucking discipline in academia? If its all completely subjective than this image that started the entire thing is completely and totally valid. Because they subjectively think that some aspect of the text is just a description and has no deeper meaning.
Why is it that every single interpretation is apparently fine (Even the completely contradictory ones) except for the one that states something has no meaning?
Disney version. Beauty and the Beast.
>the entire history of art
The entire history of art is filled with marble statues and paintings of handsome muscular men and feminine women.
What the fuck does a depressing story about an in-universe recognized ugly hunchback that ends in death of the protagonists have to do with anything? Not only is it an outlier in art it's not even good for your point to begin with.
What the fuck are you faggots even complaining or arguing about now??? Get off your fucking high horse. Through decades of mental masturbation you may see a picture of a pipe as simply a symbol. But robbing symbols of meaning just to say lel gotcha trolled its not a pipe is fucking retarded. Kill yourselves. And not in the cute internet Yea Forums kind of way. Go to a euthanasia clinic and let them shoot you full of drugs. An idiot like you would probably fuck it up without help
I honestly am surprised some of you faggots watch this fat fuck, I'll assume most of us dont though. Very sad that he's successful
>Describing a room has no fucking purpose on its own
The entire purpose is to get you immersed into the setting. Calling attention to objects can mean something if that's your intention, but if it's simply to describe an area to set the location then how in the hell can you read deeper into the message? If I say the linens are red are you going to suddenly think out actor is a violent person because red causes people to be more aggressive? You can't always describe an area or objects without explaining them with adjectives. Occam's Razor is a very simple thing here and you're reading way into things. There's critical thinking and then there's reading into shit that's not intentional.
Right, capitalism is controlled by the capitalists. In feudalism not everyone is a landowner either. Most people are serfs.
>conservatives run silicon valley
Really opened my eyes.
The whole point of the fucking story is that the beast is beautiful on the fucking INSIDE! How do you possibly miss the point of such an obvious fucking moral!?
>Then why do they act like its not?
Because using your subjective viewpoint to understand the real world we live in is what everyone does, all the time, with everything.
>Why is it that every single interpretation is apparently fine (Even the completely contradictory ones) except for the one that states something has no meaning?
Because if you have nothing to add to a conversation, you can get the fuck out. No one cares. The subject in question has affected someone, and that's real and meaningful no matter what the hell you think.
Its so they can virtue signal and be a good person while they review childrens games. Basically to pretend that they matter.
There's politics and then there's "politics". I'm not interested in the latter which basically amounts to nothing more than hot takes that belong on Twitter. Kojima and his team never took themselves too seriously, which is why Metal Gear is the ideal way to handle politics in games.
Retarded, exactly the sort of person they want to trigger. Just a shit posting trigger arms race between incels and low grade writers who got stuck working video games. Unironically retarded
This is not a pipe.
Externally it looked this way, yes, but it was superficial at best. But through the central government's system of intervention and control the entrepreneurial owners were at the mercy of the state. Resource allocation and speculation, especially with larger bodies was looked over by the state. Wages, investments, buys and sellers, production quantities, you name it.
And how is the reduction of personal freedoms not a left-wing stance? Collectivist policies inherently need to restrict or eliminate individual rights for the sake of the collective.
What National Socialism aimed to do is replace the international worker with the people of a nation. It's a smaller scale, and frankly much more realistic, base for a system.
The name is the weakest argument, I just think its funny to mention.
Yes, the former being closer to the center than the latter.
Easier way to define it is just the voluntary transaction between two or more parties.
>Almost like its a completely bullshit degree that requires no effort or thought.
Admitting that you spend no effort or thought on understanding media and then trying to lecture people on it is a bit weird.
>What the author intended is the truth you absolute cretin.
No. I definitely understand why you think that but that is ultimately useless for interpretation. It means the truth is often entirely unavailable and nothing meaningful can be said about the meaning of a work. The only way you can find out what a book is about is by asking the author. Reading the book itself would be superfluous effort. And then of course there is the possibility that even if the author is available for commentary, they might not tell the truth for whatever reason, not to mention the possibility of subconscious influences.
money for clicks.
How is Anarchy not political?
In feudalism, people are restricted by class or social status. Anyone can become an entrepreneur in capitalism if they have capital. And capitalists don't "control" anything. They can't make you or anyone else do anything they don't want. You really can't be arguing that freedom is oppression, right? No one is this crazy.
>The entire purpose is to get you immersed into the setting
Why am I being immersed? For what purpose? What is the goal of the universe I'm investing myself in? Tolkien spends page after page describing every single detail of his universe, but he does it so that you can believe in and understand his premise that nobility comes from kindness rather than violence. In creating a world that feels real, he also allows you into the emotions of the characters and the themes of the narrative. He doesn't just do it for the hell of it.
You are, again, refusing to read into anything at all and then insisting everyone else is reading into things too much if they even attempt to interpret things non-literally.
Beside the fact that, if I need to tell you that a scene takes place in a bedroom, I can just fucking tell you it's a bedroom. You know what a bedroom is. Any more detail than that is actively inviting interpretation you dunce.
To your first point: donny is a fucking retard. Of course the press is negative about him.
The second point isn't even relevant. Take your meds.
Your third point basically boils down to 'nu-uh!! They so totally are biased!!'
I for one do not hail from your shithole. But either one of you do some fucking research instead of just flat out denying everything your opponent says.
I like serial killers in my movies user, that doesn't mean I think murder is a positive quality and that I want them to win in the end. Liking what a character goes for isn't the same as supporting them as people
>if it's simply to describe an area to set the location then how in the hell can you read deeper into the message?
An area is rarely "just" described, for starters. The author starts with significant things and skips over irrelevant details. You survey the room along with the character, and their state of mind influences their perception.
>If I say the linens are red are you going to suddenly think out actor is a violent person because red causes people to be more aggressive?
Drawing sweeping conclusions from a single line is probably a bit hasty. If the character is aggressive throughout the book and the colour red features prominently, especially in scenes where violence takes place, I'd say that's meaningful.
>Externally it looked this way, yes, but it was superficial at best.
No, you know what was superficial at best? The label "socialism". Anyone with remotely socialist leanings was purged on the Night of the Long Knives. Your understanding of left-wing politics is a flawed American bastardisation that equates "left-wing" with "big government" (what a silly term to begin with).
>Mario makes political statements!
This is on the same level as seeing a face form in your alphabet soup and actually thinking there is a person in your bowl and trying to convince other people that he needs help getting out.
>When you're crazy enough to believe that choosing not to start a business is equivalent to being an indentured servant.
>supporting them as people
Nobody even fucking said this, what the fuck were you reading into.
His entire point was literally just "both people are fucking awful despite appearances", there was literally nothing about supporting them.
Stop jumping into arguments like a retard.
>Anyone can become an entrepreneur in capitalism if they have capital.
And who has the capital? The capitalist class. Social mobility is largely a myth, user.
>And capitalists don't "control" anything. They can't make you or anyone else do anything they don't want.
You're right, you have the freedom to starve in the streets instead!
You're literally acknowledging it right here lol. Virtue transcends appearance. A character can be ugly outside but good inside. So Lifeline can be as ugly as the artist pleases so long as her character's writing fits the intended impression. You're just a bizarre classicist who hates intentional ugliness unless a moral is built around it, as if art should always strive to be pleasant wherever possible. Here's a moral you can have: the artist made Lifeline ugly because they want the audience to know that a person can be ugly, or brown, or female, and still be a protagonist.
Wow, it's almost as if you only take issue with that premise because you're biased against those particular qualities or something. When a rich straight white guy who abuses his loved ones gets turned ugly to prove a point about inner beauty, it's a simple moral. But when a brown female video game character is ugly to make a similar point, it's an insult to character design and art and literal actual liberal propaganda.
Almost every villain in Mario is a monarch of some kind.
That’s a pretty clear bias against that kind of government body
>Why am I being immersed? For what purpose? What is the goal of the universe I'm investing myself in?
To be immersed. To learn about the world. To learn about the surroundings. You don't need more of a reason than that. Getting the person immersed in your universe to believe the universe is all you need. Is it something that isn't really needed in the story? Sure, it could probably function without it just fine, but the author choosing to add it doesn't mean it has to be a significant thing.
>You know what a bedroom is. Any more detail than that is actively inviting interpretation you dunce.
A bedroom can mean different things to different people. Some people might think it requires an attached bathroom, some people might think it's just the bed, some people might think it requires a TV, some people might think it's a mattress on the floor, etc. Describing the bedroom by explaining the items within gives you an idea of the bedroom, it doesn't have to have an underlying meaning. The bed being blue doesn't suddenly mean the guy's depressed, my blanket is blue, does that mean I'm depressed?
>If the character is aggressive throughout the book and the colour red features prominently, especially in scenes where violence takes place, I'd say that's meaningful.
Right, but in the case of it just being a red napkin placed on the table to give you an image of what's on the table then it's just a red napkin. The author can simply be detailing the room just because, it doesn't have to have a reason. It CAN have a reason if the author wants to like you explained by having red shown whenever the person is drawn to anger, but if it's just there to be there then it's just there.
>the absolute state of e-conservatives
WhY ArE VidEo Gaymes PolitiCal DX itS nOT f air i wanT to be A GNAZI -_-
>choosing not to start a business
Oh man, why don't poor people just choose to start a business? Lazy bums.
Anyway, that's not the comparison I was making. I'm pointing out that under Feudalism, not everyone is a "Feudalist". They operate within the system, they may even be ideologically convinced of its justness, but they have little to no direct influence on the system itself.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the whole moral of Apex Legends was a "beauty on the inside" story. Please elaborate, user. How did you come to this conclusion?
>Sunny has characters that everyone loves even though they have bad qualities
>You're supposed to shit on the characters though
>Everyone loves these characters
>You're supposed to shit on them though lol
That's only the point if you're a retard and can't separate politics from your hobby. Which you seem to be.
>Right, but in the case of it just being a red napkin placed on the table to give you an image of what's on the table then it's just a red napkin. The author can simply be detailing the room just because, it doesn't have to have a reason.
Right, well, it's almost as if the original "blue curtain" example is a reductionist strawman.
You are not intelligent
The reason gaming media is liberal is mostly due to their writers desperately trying to appear “intellectual” but only on the surface. The whole community is full of sycophants for decades and this is the next mutation of that. Where they used to bend over for game companies they now do it for the vocal minority.
It's still not a pipe.
>okay yeah, that's literally what it's doing, what's the issue
This guy (a furry tranny or transfur as I like to call them) sarcastically asks what everyone's favorite apolitical games are and everyone gives a sarcastic answer. It's sad seeing the extreme lengths liberals are willing to go just to show others that their beliefs are already "present" in games (and anime).
>Why is it that every single interpretation is apparently fine (Even the completely contradictory ones) except for the one that states something has no meaning?
Ever since I saw this get posted, I've gotten such mileage out of it. It's so succinct.
If the character by itself can't mean anything without the entirety of the game supporting that message at every turn, then it also can't by itself be a post-modern subversion of artistic values or whatever you're blubbering about.
because political shit in video game is an easy clickbait you cockmongler
Obviously it requires more context to determine who is correct in that situation, but the argument still stands. You can grasp at straws and find a reasoning for anything to be mentioned, but that doesn't mean that was the author's intention.
everyone that shat on this post should kys. You're part of the problem.
>author's intention
lol who gives a fuuuuuck, holla to my boi Barthes
Why are you even trying to deny this guy his retardation?
>what's the issue?
And therein lies the fucking problem. If I need to explain what the problem is then you're either extremely out of touch with what's going on over the past six years or you're one of them.
Okay, so now we're arguing semantics. Is the whole point of Lifeline's character supposed to be an ugly duckling story, user?
politics are for gay niggas
Yes, the problem is literally liberal thought control, and not the right-wing paranoid persecution complex
It's true, it's hard out there for a gay nigga in a white heteronormative society, and only by organising can they make a meaningful impact
you just a gay nigga
>A mass Muslim rape spree occurred on New Years 2016 in Germany
>The media was literally told by the higher ups to not report on it or they'll lose their jobs
>One single white guy goes on a shooting
>Now our politicians are discussing how to crack down on the internet and regulate hate speech
It's literally liberal though control
>Is the whole point of Lifeline's character supposed to be an ugly duckling story, user?
No, nor does it have to be
But that's literally what you're saying it is.
this but without irony
People in charge of germany are centrists user.
>why don't poor people just choose to start a business?
People are inherently limited creatures, operating with a finite processing budget. If people focus on one thing, they lose out on their ability to focus on another.
There are three things result in people living in poverty.
1: People make shitty life choices, resulting in them being ill equipped to compete for higher wages.
2: Really shit luck. Not the most likely thing, but it can happen, and they can recover.
3: Certain individuals simply aren't intelligent enough to compete in an advancing society.
The third is probably the most difficult to deal with, though all of them can me minimized without the need for centralized legislation simply through individual responsibility.
>The media was literally told by the higher ups to not report on it or they'll lose their jobs
This is fucking retarded, and you know how I know? Because it was all over the media. It was massively exaggerated by the media, in fact. Which is how you got to your warped perception of the incident in the first place. You think you're some freethinker who learned a hidden truth that "they" (or should I say "(((they)))" amirite) don't want you to know? You're just repeating the mainline story as reported by the mainstream media, with a right-wing slant.
Or 4. no fucking money. Which I guess you could file under "really shit luck" but then it's the most common thing in the world actually and really hard to recover from.
>Leaked document
No, it just incidentally makes a casual point about whether video game characters should all be pretty.
That's literally his fucking point, they're loved because they're supposed to be shit on by the show because they're assholes.
No sane person sees them as sympathetic people, they see that as jerkass idiots who get what they deserve and it's funny to see their antics.
You won't love them if they get away with everything every fucking time.
I ask again how you got "people support them" from that post.
>It means the truth is often entirely unavailable and nothing meaningful can be said about the meaning of a work. The only way you can find out what a book is about is by asking the author.
This is bogus reasoning. Imagine if historians just said "oh well, there is an objective truth to what happened in Bronze Age villages that is no longer available to us, so it's not meaningful to try to piece together the clues we do have into the most reasonable explanations".
Games are political. Media is political. Fiction is political. Morality is political. Politics and political discussions and political themes and influences drive creativity, and every well written story ever in the history of man since the dawn of civilization and society and politics has had deeper themes and influences and a message at it's core that the author wanted to convey about the world we live in.
The problem is not that politics is present in games, their problem is that developers think that inserting low effort token niggers and trannies into their games counts as politics and is therefore a sufficient replacement for storytelling, and your problem is that you hate niggers and trannies in your games and think that means political ideas in games is bad even though all of your favourite media is heavily politicized (just minus the niggers and trannies) and anything you don't like must be political and bad and waah I want my hugbox back make the gay niggers go away
Stop pretending this is anything more than developer laziness and faux progressive pandering for marketing points vs your glassy-eyed doublethink and tribalism or, dare I call it, racism.
You're deliberately being naive. The made Lifeline ugly because they want to normalize nigger culture. That's it. This isn't some meta commentary about if video game characters should be pretty. This is EA trying to pretend that the rise of dangerous black culture is fine. This is EA trying to normalize gangster thug culture. This is EA trying to normalize white genocide.
>Games are political.
How is tekken politics?
not him but from wikipedia
>The Cologne assaults were not reported by the national media for days, and The Local says many news outlets started reporting it only after a wave of anger on social media made covering the story unavoidable.
i assume you'll just say it's wikipedia and anyone can edit it but it was not reported at the time and only started being reported after people stated calling the media out on not reporting it
Gee, it's almost as if you're reading that from a news source
I thought they'd been told to cover it up
So someone from the media leaked it to the media and the media reported on it?
>fiction is political
im so sick of this schizophrenic world
The wonderful thing about how far we've come is that alot of technology is readily available for cheap, if not outright free. The internet is a wealth of information. People can easily take information from there and run with it.
If you really wanted to help people out you'd be advocating for the family unit and its strong support structure. Easiest way to stay out of poverty in the states is to not be a single parent, finish a high school diploma, and learn little financial know-how.
If nowhere reported it, how did people know to be angry?
Some media outlets didn't report it immediately, others did.
see The media was told not to report on it, and the only reason they did is because the story became viral on social media.
What's this fat fuck on about now
>Imagine if historians just said "oh well, there is an objective truth to what happened in Bronze Age villages that is no longer available to us, so it's not meaningful to try to piece together the clues we do have into the most reasonable explanations".
But then you're interpreting. The thing you hate to do. And there are often points where archaeologists have to admit they just don't know, or there are competing theories, but they can make some pretty good guesses. And that's with situations where there is actual physical evidence left behind.
>The made Lifeline ugly because they want to normalize nigger culture.
Why? Is her entirely storyline about her being an ugly nigger?
>This is EA trying to normalize gangster thug culture.
Kinda weird that they didn't make her a gangster thug then.
yes bit in division you kill niggers
You can't exactly cover up a fucking rape spree, user.
>If nowhere reported it, how did people know to be angry?
from first hand accounts and people talking about it, do you think nothing goes viral on the internet without the medias blessing or that people only hear about things from the media?
>And that's with situations where there is actual physical evidence left behind.
Including written account.
>game dev has story
>someone recounts the summery of the story they themselves put out
>is this the story to your game
I don't give a fuck what your retarded news outlet tries to tell me about things happening in my own country.
This shit was huge and put alot of pressure on Merkel, who by the way still isn't left wing.
>Why? Is her entirely storyline about her being an ugly nigger?
Yes, it literally is. Her entire character is that she's a gangster thug using slang.
There's more to a character than looks, user
She's got an accent. It's not even African American Vernacular English. It's Jamaican or something?
>Literally, unironically crying about fake news
And you guys call Trump the crazy one? Fuck me, the astroturfing is real on Yea Forums.
But user, some big news sources didn't talk about it right away. All the smaller ones that did don't exist because I can't find them easily from a google search from a different country, in a different language, 2 years after the fact.
You are burying your head in the sand and pretending that we aren't on the verge of a civil war. You're pretending that black-on-white violence isn't being normalized in our country.
So what more can you tell me about Lifeline other than that she's a nigger from Jamaica or the projects or whatever?
The story mode and characters' history undeniably cover political topics, some of which might be disagreeable depending on your personal beliefs. Politics is everywhere, political messages are not the only messages in fiction, but every work of fiction and every message conveyed is inherently a product of the political views of the author and the society they lived in at the time. Politics is more than just the niggers and trannies in your videogames.
I don't think you understand what schizophrenia is.
Regardless, politics is everywhere. Everything is political. Even things which seem removed from politics like morality are most definitely political themes.
Stop saying you hate politics when you really just hate niggers and trannies in video games. "Politics have no place in videogames" is a real non-committal weak-willed bullshit euphemism for "I don't want token niggers and trannies in vidya".