Is this the pinnacle of MMO gaming?

Is this the pinnacle of MMO gaming?

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I await the ass shattered Everquest players with interest.

Yes. We're going home bros

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It didn't really do anything the best except maybe professions.

You will always be my bro, Troll Rogue player

Vanilla, Planetside 2, and WildStar is the holy trinity of dead MMO gods.

>feral druid
>non prot warrior
>dps paladin
>dps priest
>melee hunter

What the fuck zoomers?
Vanilla wasn't even the best MMO of its own time.
People still played RO and UO over this piece of shit.
Hello? Nostalgia much?

One shadow priest is actually good for warlocks.

The meme squad grows

For the casual crowd? Sure

>prot warrior

no TBC is

>Orc Warrior
>always dps


Enjoy being the slave for a macho lock

Kill yourself, belftard

yes we are

yes it is

threadly reminder, fuck gnomes, and fuck minmaxing!

No because warlocks are just inferior to mages and beyond pity slots they are there for curse of elements/portals

Soon, friends.

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>be UD or Troll tank
>want to get a slot as tank
>brainlet Tauren tank enters
>gets the job

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The menus put me off wildatar when I tried it, also the models not looking like the cute human girl in the trailer, a harsh betrayal of my trust

The only people who think tauren tanks are good haven't played the game in 15 years.

>be me
>play Warcraft 2 with my dad as a kid
>we both love it
>later explore WoW because I love the setting
>no time/grow out of the game by the time WOTLK comes around
>hear about classic returning
>all the old excitement is coming back
Can't wait. I don't expect it to last too long but I'm going to enjoy every minute of it with you bros.
It's gonna be one last toast to the best of times.

>Hello? Nostalgia much?
This. But in regards to RO and UO which were both only played by housewifes and nerds and were always shite.

>maining anything other than a male undead warrior

eternally a disciple of laintime

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>here's your quest bro, level 11 mobs, some elites, yeah yeah, you're only level 7 but it's okay.

The game was actually fucking hard.

>makes hunter
>lol you want to shoot at melee enemies? Nah son, just play "run around kiting" until level 10 when you get a pet, till then, you're fucked

based coming home poster

>The game was actually fucking hard.
No it wasn't

Compared to todays game it was ultra fucking hard.

If you were under the age of six or a downy, maybe.

anyone have any advice on what to spec into for warlock? i've been screwing around with the talent calculator and came up with this for pvp and farming.

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It's a pop MMO, not a real MMO. MMO means player agency and the possibility to lose progression/items. Runescape already poppified the MMO scene with the retarded wilderness.
Ultima Online, Tibia, Everquest and Meridian 59, now those games had some real weight tied to player actions. Quests? If you can solve it in 10 minutes, it's not a quest but a glorified FedEx Simulator, the older games had you actually talk to the NPC's and ask about the quests and little by little find out more and more until you completed it. No golden question marks, just pure conversation. Where did it all go so wrong?

You're not a 15 year old edgelord anymore

>TFW friends tell me WoW questing is soooo much fun and grinding is boring
>its literally killing mobs the entire game only now I have to run back to mommy to get more chores.
Nah, it did some great things with how mmo combat works but it was boring as hell when I first played it. Questing utterly kills the experience and takes away the fun open world dungeons, pvp, and mob control older mmos had.

Hold me back bros, don't let me play some Chinkserver so I get burnt out by leveling by the time classic hits.
The Hype is fucking killing me

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but questing is one of the reasons you meet the other faction for world pvp?

>minmaxing in a 10+ y/o mmo
imagine being this sad

>Not minmaxing in anything possible
Imagine being this much of a loser

>undead, not trolls, have cannibalize

fucking dropped

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Do people actually quest in Darkshore or Silverpine Forest?

>3/5 improved corruption
>5/5 gay ass resist talent

Why do you shill this game so much? You realize it's going to ultimately fail right and the glory days of WoW are over, correct?

The game will never be like what it was and it's a relic at this point. The most impressive thing is how it continues to just float these days.

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nu-wow is over, classic is rising from its ashes.

tick tock retailcuck

With this Bliz? In your dreams user
i'm good

How retarded am I? PvP spec.

t. Never played Hunter to 60 during vanilla

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>wow more like waiting on warhammer
Ah yes, I remember this post.

>Why do you shill this game so much? You realize it's going to ultimately fail right and the glory days of WoW are over, correct?
Are you retarded? Nobody thinks that WoW Classic will be the biggest thing ever, or even be played for more than a couple of years.

What people love about this is that it gives them the chance for one big send off; one last time to play and experience the best of times with bros like it used to be with people feeling the same about the game.

Who are you quoting?

>t. mage gnome or rogue/mage undead
yeah i play classes that i enjoy playing in a non competitive game. you know, so i have fun while playing

And then what with WoW user?

or this

I need opinions.

>be druid
>never tank or heal

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Im going to make a guild only for non-meta builds and we are going to have more fun than you.

no, it was pretty casual, but among the closest to the ideal MMORPG.


Sory I dont have fun having shit gear and wiping in MC instead of clearing it in 30m

>being worse is more fun
oh you zoomer twitch boy

As you level you go BM or bust. Or MM if you really know what you're doing.

This was a common spec when hunters were pushing 400+ agi in full tier 2. Not as useful until later in the game.
Go with it if you want to be different

but not Soonâ„¢


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>wiping in raids solved 20 years ago because one (1) player is a warlock instead of a mage

Retbro reporting home

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It's the opposite, the darkest point in MMO history.


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>in a game where you can complete all its content with suboptimal everything

Literally no one gives a fuck about your sunk cost fallacy grinding 1000 hours to be the "best" until the next xpac makes all your progress irrelevant.

You have no place in classic, go back to retail.

>>being worse is more fun
Objectively yes. No shit. Minmaxing is the antithesis of enjoyable.

Daily reminder if you are intending to play classic for raids, you are playing the wrong game and should stay in retail where you can shit up your own crappy raidbox. Classic is for leveling and open world PvP only.

Anyone remembers the time where all mmos were supposed to be the wow killers? What if after the bfa blunder classic becomes more popular than retail? Imagine the irony if wow ends up being the wow killer

Preach FFbro.
How do some people still play in 2019 such a monolithic in everything game like WoW is beyond me.

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What’s the furthest a non meta guild full of oddball builds like these could get, assuming the players are competent?
I think they’d be lucky to finish BWL when the good guilds are clearing naxx

I'd try FF but it seems like the classes are stupidly boring.

>people think shit like druid anything will be good

God I can't wait when you realize pservers have wrong data and druids where shit in classic and the bottom everywhere.

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Imagine the FF11chad puking at you cucks for playing weeb wow for retards lmao

They could be absolutely 100% worthless healers and people would still take them to raids for Innervate, Battle Res and Mark of the Wild, dumb fuck.

This isn't going to shake out like you guys want it to. It will be a cold day in hell before blizzard launches a server with no cash shop access. It is going to, at the very least, have cosmetic shit for sale but will probably also have character services like name changes. It will ruin the classic experience and then when it fails blizzard will just say "See we told you you didn't really want it".

Blizzard needs to burn. As long as they exist MMOs will be dead.

I'm talking about pvp who the fucks would play classic for pve content lmao.

Wow always had name changes and stupid cosmetic pets didn’t it?


Not as well versed in PvP but they're clearly the best flag carriers at the very least.

you are baiting, right?

no way anyone who can write is that retarded

>good at not playing the game
lmao druid cucks.

It absolutely had paid cosmetics shut the fuck up. I remember a little devil pet I had and I remember a mount code that sold for a few hundred dollars. A spectral tiger I think it was
I can’t remeber if it had name changes though

I don't play druid. As far as I know no class is useless in PvP though.

hybrid cucks are.

Zergling/Mini Diablo were Collector's Edition shit, nothing to do with cash shops. Same with the spectral tiger, TCG shit. You can split hairs but it's not the same thing as having a cash shop in game.

where did the bad druid touch you?

But Planetside 2 is still alive. I quit it two years ago, but it is still there. Unlike Vanilla and Wildstar.
>retailbab converts the idea of one class buffing another as master-slave relationship
This is your brain on homogenization people.

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>dps fag is constantly balancing his rotation, threat and raid duties
>CHADRUID meanwhile hangs out in the back because knowing he brings incredible value to the raid just by being there
>throws a few healing dots if he feels like it
>gets a blowie IRL by his 10/10 gf
You dps cucks crack me up

Paladins are the best PvP healers, Druids are amazing with Tank hybrid spec. You have no idea what you're talking about faggot.

buffing druid in bc ruined pvp in wow forever.

Troll tanks are actually the best for threath as they can more easily snipe a low health Berserking for maximum effect. The 5% extra health actually means fuckall except for the 1 in 1000 times you manage to survive an attack with a sliver of health.

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this was me

You think that bis pre-raid geared shit guilds wont wipe in mc for weeks just because top players would clear it in 3h in quest greens? How cute.

>druid cuck day dreaming in his core classes cumsheat
wake up you cuck.

It's not that they're boring so much as that none of the classes get good until at least level 50. Many don't get FUN until level 60+ as well.

Game's plot also sucks until you have done almost all of ARR.

I like FF14 but I'll be the first to admit it's not for everyone. There's a hell of a breaking-in period if you're not accustomed to it's aesthetics and ARR is just OK.

I was refering more to name changes but although having in game pets for collectors edition bullshit was still a shitty business practice it wasn't as bad as just outright sell mounts and shit in a cash shop.

and do you think playing a slightly more optimized char will save you from wiping if your guild cant even be bothered to check a youtube guide?

There were no name changes or server transfers in classic. If you fucked up your reputation by ninja looting or being a dick you had to reroll. People would get a reputation on a server. Nowadays you are $10 away from a new life. Not that anyone gives a shit anyways with cross realm, sharding, and group finder. This game is pretty much just single player now.

Best class if I want to roll Nelf female?

Warrior tank for pve

>server transfers
Mid 2006. Name change was added a year later but you could change your name during transfer anyway.

>Female nelf druid

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>Classic has no shop
>But retail does
>Retail token price skyrockets
>Retail and classic share license
>For a modicum fee you can migrate your char to retail and keep your classic shit

>Caring about muh lore when Nelves are in the Alliance to begin with

With the current content schedule do you guys think it's optimal to respecc around level 55 and start doing dungeons to work towards the pre-raid BIS in your end-game talents? As a Shaman i'm going to be levelling as enhance but I don't exactly know when to go to resto, if I switch at 60 with full agi/str gear it's not like I could heal anything

People are actually hype to play a game released a thousand years ago.

No they are not. I am finally having fun playing an MMO after a long time. It has very beautiful and detailed environments, sexy girls and doesn't autistically care about some clusterfuck of a "plot" that will be undone or retconned anyway from the next Social Studies or feminist writer, just to make a point and push an agenda.
Games are about fun.

I agree that it's not for everyone and no MMO gamer should feel obliged to buy it or something. But it cannot possibly be compared graphically to such an archaic game like WoW. Even on max graphics, WoW looks like shit next to it.

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Yeah, about level 50 or so is when you want to switch to your endgame spec in that kind of situation. Don't want to miss out on BRD/lategame quest items and it's good healing practice.

>if I switch at 60 with full agi/str gear it's not like I could heal anything
You're supposed to gather int gear while you're leveling so you can heal the leveling dungeons too.

And the 60 dungeons are easy mode anyway so you don't need to be resto to heal those either.

Whoever typed that unironically was delusional. Reckoning was always going to be worse than WoW.

>It pretty and sexy girl

Miss me with that tranny shit

>the 60 dungeons are easy mode anyway so you don't need to be resto to heal those either.

Man, faggots like you are in for such a shock it's amazing. Good luck doing Scholo, Strat etc. without the proper healing gear and spec.

Whilst i'd carry int gear on me i've always heard that around Uldaman healing becomes too risky without dedicating some talents and i don't want to risk wasting quest rewards/my time. There's some Enhance/Resto hybrids going around so i'll likely just respecc around 50 if the hybrids are shit and ensure that i've got the gear to heal at that point. Thanks for your advice lads


I haven't kept up with this. Are they going to be using the old vanilla models or updated ones?

rent free

both, you can choose in the options

pretty and sexy girls = tranny shit is next-level shitposting

people say both.
i just want them to use a realtime day/night circle though. accomodating the fags with jobs killed the atmosphere


Since when? Wasn't in the demo, hasn't been talked about.

Considering I played since EU release, I don't think I'll be in for a shock.

It doesn't. The effect of talents isn't that large. You're looking at like 20% lower effectiveness (just go check the talents and see what you miss). Considering vanilla dungeons are designed so that even a group of actual retards can complete them, 20% is essentially nothing.

Yeah, because 15 years ago Taurens' HP racial scaled with great.

>I don't think I'll be in for a shock.

You will be if you're operating under the assumption that endgame dungeons are a cakewalk, especially using offspec shit. I think you're misremembering shit.

>Vanilla dungeons
Heh shitters... bet you think you won’t be using CC... shitter...

man you remind me so much back when i couldnt make talent builds at vanilla. so fucking bad :D

I can't wait to roll a night elf priest and not get invited to raids because I'm not a short fat man

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>giving a fuck about lore when nelves are in alliance

play that fem druid and fornicate with the darkshore animals, bro

So mages will be the meta class right?
>Best QoL
>Best CC
>top-tier damage
>great in PvE and PvP
>easy to play
>trivial leveling experience

It has nothing to do with youtube videos. Vanilla raids is all about preparations which takes more time than raiding. Farming enchants. Farming craft gear. Farming consumes. Farming world buff crap (juju and crystals). Even soulshards. Having all of this makes raid 10x easier but takes lots of effort and motivation.

Now if players who work hard to farm all of this crap see that others allowed to slack and play tank levels of dps meme builds they either /gquit or start slacking themselves. It would cause more slack, then drama, then guild would simply fall apart.

Who Tauren Shaman? We're going home, bros

ahh, home at last with the master race

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I remember an old blizzard video, where someone explained the importance of reflecting the real sunrise + wow sunrise, a subtle message that isn't just to say "you've played enough", as some people wake before sunrise, it's a simple witnessing time is moving forward and that's part of all life.

stfu aint nobody got time for that shit we here for loot and u know it

I also did that shit on nost and it was even easier. When you have access to all the buffs that came along the patches, dungeons surprisingly become easier. And when the playerbase isn't as retarded as it was 14 years ago, you have an even easier time.

The only time you should run into issues in dungeons is when someone fucks up by pulling more mobs than intended, so aggroing some patrol or something, and in these cases, your healing wave healing for 10% extra rarely helps.

Dude you only need like 2 dwarven priests the rest can be anything you want.

It's just a more animu version of the same game. What's your point? The game is just as stuck in the past with its atrocious character creation system straight from the 00s as Vanilla WoW is.

Let's do it.

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Im ready

Alright man I'm clearly talking to an absolute pussy slayer who never wipes on absolutely anything and every piece of content is trivial to him, have fun with server first man.


What's the closest thing you can play as a vampire/undead/life drainer in Classic anons?

I am essentially looking for discount San'layn

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>Mistaking tedium for difficulty

The state of nostalgic brainlets

up to around aq/naxx.

>classic is best!
>paladins are broken as fuck

They literally have a spell called Drain Life...

undead spriest/lock of course

Forsaken Warlock or maybe Shadow Priest, depending if you wanna suck in blue or green (or both).

without being a hordecuck

>>people think shit like druid anything will be good

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Xiv are either trannies on mind breaking drugs or retards that think a pretty Skinner box isn’t a Skinner box.

Undead warlock dude. You get to do the metal hair band scream as you kill allies, like this

Should I roll human warrior or is that just basic and boring as fuck?


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Thanks a lot anons. Here are some feet.

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what area is that? that looks empty and boring as fuck


I don't know why you have problems with this. Have you even played the game?

The difficulty in vanilla dungeons never came from the actual encounters. Where do people most commonly wipe in DM? On the boat, where you can accidentally aggro some shit and get half of the boat on you. Where do people most commonly wipe in BFD? The place with all the cultists because of aggroing shit you didn't mean to, again. Gnomeregan? Aggroing stuff from down below and 30 mobs coming after you. In these cases, it hardly matters what your spec is or even what gear you're wearing, because you're so overwhelmed that it's irrelevant.

The majority of wipes come from someone fucking up, very badly. When the encounters are done as intended, there is generally fairly little challenge. The difficulty comes from the fact that it's possible, and sometimes even common if you're not paying much attention, to fuck up badly.

Yes but it's not like the things in the vid are poorly coded, is it? Or is that really going to be your argument after seeing a Druid actually play well and beat other players 1v1 and even 2v1?
>Hurr it's a private server it's not going to be 101% exactly Blizzard in like a few things so hurrr the gameplay and shit is wrong!!!! DRUIDS ARE BAD!!!
Fucking memer.

please be tank

For levelling I don't see myself getting much use out of the enhancement tree if i'm going to be healing dungeons frequently, this is the build i've got in my mind.
The 20% effectiveness is mainly coming from mana issues and if I go more totem-centric I feel like the groups dps (my friends are warriors/rogues) would be much higher if I saved mana by putting talents into Resto. If some of the early enhancement talents become useless after level 40 i'll just respecc and adjust. But the healing talents in theory appear more useful

I was a Runescape kid and completely missed the WoW train way back when but I'm interested to try out what I missed out on. What's a good race/class/build or whatever to aim for as a first timer?

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pretty sure druid could not spam shapeshift and hots like that without going oom in seconds. This is not BC where you can shapeshift every nova or slow effect without using mana.


A level 17 Hunter can beat you


night elf hunter

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Dungeons aren't very good exp, so you shouldn't really expect to level with them. Most of your leveling will be done with killing mobs while doing quests, and in those cases, 10% extra damage means you kill mobs 10% faster while taking 10% less damage. On the other hand, healing 10% more doesn't mean you clear the dungeon 10% faster. You might shave off a minute by having to drink 2 times less. This is why there's very little point in healing specs while leveling.

FTauren Shaman or MOrc Shaman on the PvE server?

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Rolling because.

Post your food and drinks for this comfy summer anons. Spit it out.

For me, freddo espresso and cheese pie in the morning.
And for later, takeouts and/or homemade omelette and fresh salad.

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>he thinks mana costs aren't accurate on private servers
That's one of the things that is extremely easy to get right because the data is very easily available. You really should use your head a bit more.

>not warhammer online

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Whatever looks cool to you. Don't listen to any number crunching metafaggot, it literally doesn't matter.

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dude pservers don't get mob pathing right why should I think they get anything right?

don't mind me

let's go

>a complex set of code
>mana costs
>values that you can find in 2 seconds by checking thottbot on
There are things that are extremely easy to get right and things that are hard to get right. The hard things are stuff that wasn't visible, like proc rates, for example. You rely on the tests some people did that may not be accurate, if they even exist. However, all the visible stuff can be very easily found from a database, and that is why they're pretty much all accurate.

>TAB bar pvp focus mmo
J u s t

Pathing is an open problem in AI and it’s almost impossible for one implementation of it to be the same as another one. It’s the one thing that is impossible for an emulator to duplicate. Mana costs are very straightforward and are calculated from simple formulas

>wanting to play on a pve server
>as a fucking Orc
Literally fucking castrated


For a vampiric-themed character you should go for Shadow Priest because he gains Vampiric Embrace. But that's only it for Classic I'm afraid.
Vampiric Touch is WOTLK material and the San'layn talent that boosts these 2 abilities is from Legion.

Just a reminder that it is our responsibility to NOT bring the shit culture of today into wow classic. That is fundamentally whats wrong with gaming today and why the gaming days of old no matter what you played was so fun.

Be the change you wanna see. Ill see you back home Yea Forumsrothers!

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It wasn't perfect, but it did pvp far better than wow, that's for sure. Unit occlusion alone was huge.


and what stops someone not playing meta classes to prepare decently?
>play tank levels of dps meme builds
i dunno how thats possible since i had to not spam my cds with my warlock cause tanks couldnt hold aggro

/1 trump 2016 trump 2016 trump 2016 trump 2016 trump 2016 trump 2016 trump 2016 trump 2016

Being better pvp than wow is not a hard feat.
>Inb4 upset twinks/gankers

Yeah dude. Killing a mob or two then sitting down to get hp back sure was fucking intense!

When fighting a single mob of your level actually drained your resources and taking on two was a challenge, it absolutely was.

Whats the consensus on vanilla rp servers? Was always curious to try back then since I hate stuff that ruins immersion like non-lorefriendly names and such.

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39 pallies and a ferel druid

It was the right combination of hc and casual mmo. After that they just kept casualising it to try and get more players.

>start jonesin' for some wow
>dont want to play retail
>didn't pay out for the demo
it hurts bros

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I played on RP servers on retail since way back when. The players were generally worse at the game but the sense of community was a lot stronger, player-run events were common, and seeing everyone play with a sensible in-universe name was pretty cool. Even when I didn't RP just seeing other people speaking in-character while I was hitting the AH or something added that extra bit of charm for me.

no elf please

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You need locks for utility dude. No matter how high your dps is someone has to banish.

Its just the old ones.

do a google.


not knowing or understanding the full game was what made vanilla wow so good, pretty much everyone was trying different shit. the new vanilla server will not have that feeling which is why I think it'll fail

> desperate for vanilla
> no game is fun enough
> suddenly, YouTube starts reccomending buttload of gw2 videos
Help! I’m desperate to get my mmo fix

play TOR

>The players were generally worse at the game
How worse? was raiding undoable or something?

>player-run events
Like what?

Or if you don't mind playing single, go for DOS 2.

Let’s go

No thanks, though I did consider tibia
Not a br

You could probably clear all the way through AQ40 with meme dps and non-Warrior tanks.

Raiding wasn't impossible, RP servers just didn't attract the autistic min/maxers or diehard pvpers. Those guys all rolled on the most active pvp/pve servers. So if getting in some high level pvp is important to you an RP server wouldn't cut it, though if you're really good you'll shitstomp pretty much everyone.
By player-run events I mean roleplay community events similar to the big tournament of ages event that happens on moon guard every year. There were add-ons that allowed you to make your own items and run scripts when you interacted with them, and then trade them to anyone else who used the add-on, so people got pretty creative with how they ran their RP events. Personally I never cared for it very much since actual interaction with gameplay was slim to none, though there were some fun ones like an organized tournament in the dire maul arena and a mounted race around the shimmering flats.

You guys are literally the meleefags of MMOs.

You have no idea just how much you can get away with in Vanilla when you minmax a shitspec. You can make just about anything work through most of the endgame, though Ret Paladin is probably still the worst spec in PvE.

>i played the pirate server experience


I'm really hoping the guild atmosphere isnt like 'your mage needs to be a gnome with this specific specsheet or you're not going to raid' or stupid shit like that.
I don't think racials were that impactful (except for priests I guess)

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just make your own guild

>RP servers just didn't attract the autistic min/maxers or diehard pvpers.

Alright thanks for the input, kinda sounds close to what I want but I also pvp a lot, plenty of time to decide.

I'm in for the journey, not the destination.
>killing opposing players no longer drops items like Dwarf Spines, Orc Teeth, or Human Bone Chips. Gross.

This is accurate to patch 1.12.

you can probably get away with playing a meme spec like ret if you exert yourself, show up consistently for raids, help guildies and generally just being a friendly guy
I know I did on elysium. the worst part is the stigma it brings. the fact that there are people who are so autistic that the thought of someone playing a spec that isn't 100% to their liking can become tiresome, but you eventually learn to just ignore stuff like that. like people getting mad in bg's because you aren't holy so they can have their personal healboy. and this is not premade bg's mind you
when classic arrives I'll proably roll rogue though. being just mildly competative as a ret paladin is very time consuming

>there were too many NPCs and they were too hard to kill
>the shit version from av will be in classic
god 1.12 was a mistake it's horrible nu-blizzard already killing classic as we speak.

So soon has turned into very soon. Looks like they'll announce the release date/more info in the next Q&A.
I wonder if this means that AV will come out at launch then? It's very odd that they decided to put out information about AV when people weren't expecting it to come out during phase 1.

To be fair, early AV was utter garbage that no one liked. The only people who "like" it are people who never even experienced it.

I don't get it the red glasses.

We're going home bros... we're all finally going home.

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complete wrong but keep spouting that shit you mongo, early AV was an actual battleground unlike the rush shit in 1.12 and beyond.

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Must be one of them engineering goggles.

Yeah, but instead of fighting players you fought npcs.

Rolling yo

based and soulstoned

>be the change you wanna see
Couldn't agree more

is tipsout a fraud?

t. never played Runescape quests

pom pyro

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i am going to disregard this if i do not get the race/class i want

>but it did pvp far better than wow


All of the classes had zero utility spells. Everything was a damage variant. No spells like blink or disengage, just nukes and buffs.

Also, the bumper car slow ass combat fucking killed it in the first two months. There's a reason this thing was hyped as fuck and died like 2 months after release.

One of the advantages of the game is that it’s impossible to fuck up badly enough that to make a character that you need to reroll.
You can make literally anything you want, and the only penalty if you screw everything up will be slower levelling and, if you want to change, a cost at end game to sort your shit out.

>It's a pop MMO, not a real MMO. MMO means player agency and the possibility to lose progression/items. Runescape already poppified the MMO scene with the retarded wilderness.
>the older games had you actually talk to the NPC's and ask about the quests and little by little find out more and more until you completed it. No golden question marks, just pure conversation.

you have never played runescape in your life. jesus christ. all your items (except for the 3 most valuable ones) drop on death. in the wilderness you can attack other players, and you drop all your items if you are the one that attacked first. all quests you have to talk to npcs/no golden question marks.

this we had a prot pally with thunderfury as our main tank in naxx I was a fury warrior

Speak for yourself.
Having a day long brawl that ends with a coordinated material dump was the absolute shit.

jesus people are still shilling this trash wow attempt?

I got fooled once trying to play your two rotation shit, fuck off back to tranny general.

youtube com/watch?v=UbdYhcIgzTk


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Damn straight brother. I had AV games last for days, the same match, god everyone sucked / was good enough to drag it was fun tho.

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Our pve is better!

it was a real pity when they introduced marks of honour, and reduced the incentives to stand in the middle kicking the shit out of each other


>wow pvp
>wow CLASSIC pvp

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blacks are not humans, jk lol

So now that they've ruined AV, what's next?

My hype for Classic was already low with sharding/phasing bullshit in, now it's close to rock bottom.

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rolling lads

Why bother boosting warlocks when you can just have mages instead?

Because in real life unless you are a guild of turbo autists with people leveling multiple characters and running multiple MC/BWL groups so you can ditch inefficient classes later on in AQ/Naxx, you don't have an infinite supply of skilled players for every class. Not to mention the longer time it would take to gear people.

can't wait to go home to the WoW Classic(tm) Experience of 25 mages throwing hadokens at Baron Geddon.

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Because Warlocks can banish, summon, make health/soulstones and, in rare encounters, enslave.

>ruined AV


*av weekend rolls around*


*game is over in 20 minutes anyway*

I don't get why you nostalge about AV so much, it was shit, and it will always be a "rush to the end" scenario now

WoWtards are the pinnacle of stupidity. There's no end to their dementia.

Ummmm, no sweetie...

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You dont banish anything beyond Garr.
You literally need ONE warlock to keep CoE up and later on tank Vek'lor.


>why yes, I do believe that development of patch 1.13 is the best way to continue the lifecycle of WoW Classic and preserve it's unique charm while adding more content
>TBC? No thanks, I'm not into elves, horrible retcons and turning beloved wc3 characters into loot pinyatas

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You literally only need dps who aren't mentally retarded, especially prior to AQ.
Unless you're the top 0.5% and everyone knows it, people will laugh at minmaxxing, with the possible exception of rets, laser chickens and shadow priests.

Hillsbrad battles forever, zoomer cuck

Why bother when I already decided going hunter? Now, I'm not sure about professions

Making new content in the same vein as vanilla would unironically be the only way classic survives for over a year. It should be turned into an alternate "what if" type game like OSRS, which continues to get new content to this day, completely separate from retail.

Since you're using warlocks - might aswell have 1 shadow priest for AQ+ to buff their damage by 20%.

here we go boys

>game progresses to TBC except level stays at 60, classes get reworked to make all specs viable and add TBC abilities
The dream.

>1.12 AV

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>Now recruiting raiders, we're on tier 16 so if you haven't started at tier 1 back at launch then you can't join us

You want another warlock for CoR
Now that you have two warlocks you want CoS
Now that you have three warlocks you want a shadow priest

Fuck you
Lok'tar ogar

Most importantly - NO ELVES
Or at least give them to Alliance instead of pozzing Horde. It's bad enough that we have undead.

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vanilla but with 41pt talents


Even Vanilla had catch up gear, so there shouldnt be a problem with that really.
You're forgetting shit like TBC craftables and heroic gear wich will all be lvl60 but with boosted stats.

Or they go in a different direction and make a brand new expansion with the old game design. I don't want to just replay the same shit for years.

>Wanting NuBlizzard to make new content for Classic

Oh yes, I want BfA devs to work on making Vanilla content RIGHT NOW! They've clearly proved they're capable of making a good MMO.

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>I don't want to just replay the same shit for years

Then you're not the target audience. Fuck off.

As a tank I'll happily welcome both your heals and your lips wrapped around my dick.

Pleb npc opinion
WoW ruined mmos

hit me

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bfa devs and classic devs are two different teams

2.0 wasn't exactly balanced, but with some tweaks it'd be alright. There are some fun skills there, like dragon's breath, shadowfury and shadowstep. But then there's shit like tree form that shouldn't have been introduced. With some tweaks, it could be alright.

Thanks for proving you never played the game.

are you retarded professions suck in wow

Was still hardcore raiding in EQ2 during Vanilla. Tried Vanilla and it was just too simple at the time. Didn't switch over until BC.

Classic devs are 3 people.
An expansion will take more than that so the regular WoW devs will have to work on it.

Classic devs aren't "devs" at all. They're coders. They're not fucking developing anything you shit-for-brains.

No. Ultima was.

this is why i think they'll just go to TBC and give you the option to transfer over to it. no way retail devs would be working on classic

Blizz doesn't want to satisfy its only potential consumer base, this will be nothing like the game we're asking for

>Playing a Mid
Not bad

Vanilla but with 4 less deep talent trees

Yeah good, I welcome it. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together should be extremely skeptical that modern Blizzard can even pull off this remake to a good standard which is just porting code from one client to another. Trusting them to make actual new content is absolutely braindead and I can't imagine anyone but faggot BfA players are advocating for it.

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Different user here.

From the top of my head: Squig Herder's giant squig, Marauder's and WLion's pull, IB's and some other class that I forgot the name of knockback,
and WH's and WE's stealth.
That's it.
The rest were either nukes buffs or debuffs.

>3k server cap
dead on arrival

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You fucks can hate Blood Elves all you want but Eversong Woods is one of the comfiest zones in WoW.

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3-5k is the sweet spot, northdale is around there, on nost at 10k you couldn't do most quests becuase every fucking area had 20 people in them (and no you can't group for every quest). Vanilla mega-servers are part of nu-wow

The chance of new classic content being good is pretty small, but I'd still risk it over the 100% guarantee of TBC's shittiness.
1.13 or no changes at all. No TBC under any circumstances.

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This is a much better scenario than the current gameplay loop of running the same raid every 4-5 months until your progress gets reset the next patch. People from the higher tiers will obviously boost freshly capped characters especially if they stick to 40 man raids since there'll be so much more room available for fuck ups

go play current wowy if you want shit number players in a mmorpg

>"When asked about the old server population caps of around 2,500-3,000 people, Brian explained that there is no hard cap and that they are looking for the right mix of server stability and overall community. John added that today’s technology allows for more players per server and that they can dial it up as needed."
Based retard.

Are classicfags mentally ill?

no YOU go play current wow, 10k megaservers were NEVER a part of vanilla

You want nu-wow

TBC was peak WoW in my opinion so we're going to have to agree to disagree. Makes sense that someone who's braindead enough to not like BC wants nuBlizz to make new content and ruin the game for him all over again though.

Are mats going to be super expensive or super cheap?

>no dynamic timers in classic (something all private servers do because they have to accomodate huge numbers of people on a few realms)
>meaning that black lotus will have a 2 hour respawn timer
>onixia buff can only be dropped every 6 hours and so on
It makes sense nigger, even with that pop limit the mats are gonna be fucking expensive and inter-faction cartels will probaby form around them.

go play retail zoomer

>autists stuck idolizing a 10 y/o game
id say yes. but im also going to play the shit out of classic sooo


>10k players
>none of the herbs/ore dynamically respawn like on all the fun-...I mean private servers
>Black Lotus takes 2h to respawn

nost > LH >>> vanilla

yes, yes, well done, Everquest player, well done.
HOWEVER if no company can challenge a leading competitor that's had waning interest for the past dungeon finder, has been on life support for the past three years and has a community that displays clear interest in something less casual, then the genre deserves whatever it gets.

Nost was a shitty chink funserver.



>t. retailbabby

>whaaaa why i don't get instant items every time i log in!

That's pretty rad if you're telling the truth, we've had a Shaman main tank ZG/MC and parts of BWL so I wouldn't doubt that a Paladin could be pushed further. Only question is how that would work out with 4H, as the only way for a tank without a taunt to participate would be to have them kite the shadow one while the other tanks rotate between the remaining three.

you can do it right now in retail

Not really. Quest items drop 100% of the time in all but a few cases. Vanilla was different. Remember getting those boar livers and so on for that faggot farmer in Westfall? Took hooooooooours.

He's not wrong. Doesn't mean it wasn't fun.

>Remember getting those boar livers and so on for that faggot farmer in Westfall?
literally the only frustating collect quest

may as well be the same
% chance to drop doesn't change anything

>Blood elves
>draenei retcon
>wc3 characters brought back just to become loot pinyatas
>Kael gets raped twice even, second time in a fucking 5 man
>arena introduction
>flying introduction
The class mechanics got better, but everything else fucking sucked leading directly into the sad disgrace of a game WoW is today. This path must never be retreaded if Classic is to remain good.

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lets do it

>t. funserverbabby
Reminder that Nost had the following funserver-tier features:
-double rested exp
-TBC quest exp
-nerfed armor and resistance values of all bosses
-modified loot tables for regular mobs and most importantly - raid bosses
-nerfed blizzlike god farming methods to force people to buy gold from the chinks so Nostdevs could get a cut

salty scorpid venom on nost, surely i can't be the only one

>shaman tanking raid bosses
>no def cap
>no real aggro generation
top fucking kek
>kite the shadow one while the other tanks rotate between the remaining three
It's really easy to tell that you've never attempted classic 4h if you're spouting this nonsense.

dont forget
>"top" guilds having pocket GMs who exist solely to service their tickets first or to port them to BRM
>SotC and consecration being bugged favorably while a GM is leveling his paladin, fixed after
>imp windfury talent never worked, when asked, "lol none of us play horde"
>generating and selling currency directly to okgo a chinese gold selling company, this company later worked with crogge on elysium and then whitekidney on northdale
reminder: no one does this shit for free. Someone is always getting paid. Regarding GMs, consider the type of person who volunteers to deal with memester american teens and ESL eastern europeans 12 times an hour for "free". They are either very into a powertrip (like a forum moderator for a fansite), or they are on there to assist their guild. No exceptions.

>we'll never get the quest to go to outland and have Darion forge a new Ashbringer

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Why the fuck did you have to remind me?

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>-nerfed armor and resistance values of all bosses
>-modified loot tables for regular mobs and most importantly - raid bosses
To be fair that's literally every private server, since no one knows what those values are supposed to be, pserver devs just guess them based on old ass forum posts that may or may not be accurate. You also forgot the biggest intentional change - the dynamic respawn timers on everything including late game reagents.

all the stuff they were gonna do before TBC was a thing is interesting as fuck, the old karazhan dungeon looked great(although the one we got was pretty fucking good too)

Well this is pure theorycraft, as there's obviously no practical way to make a Paladin work in a fight that requires tank swapping. Shaman probably have the most potent aggro generation of any tank until everyone gets BWL-geared, which is when Warrior threat catches up and the poor scaling of Shaman threat becomes evident.
Def cap isn't as important as you seem to think, either; Warriors are dominant for a shitton of very good reasons, but they probably wouldn't suffer for being unable to reach 440 def. Hell, good Warriors won't bother slotting in pieces to hit that amount until they have enough quality gear that they're not seriously crippling their stats in the process, and by that point they should be close to being able to reach 104% avoidance with shield block anyway.


>1.12 AV
no, 1.5 wow was

Following up on this, I just really want everyone to understand that 440 def is a huge meme and that Warriors should be focusing on collecting quality tank gear over stacking one stat.

>Shaman probably have the most potent aggro generation of any tank until everyone gets BWL-geared
>warriors wouldnt suffer by not being uncrittable
>crittable """tank""" with low damage reduction (mail), no way to become uncrushable and no aggro generation outside of autoattacking and casting ES off cooldown
You must be some special kind of retard.

11 for the love of god 11

aaaah fuck

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The fuck is the problem with 1.12 AV?
Are babbies just mad that Korak wont give them a free weapon?

All this classic WoW talk just makes me wanna re-sub to FF14.

were almost home lads

-A great avalanche has closed off both the eastern and western segments of Alterac Valley. This has displaced the Syndicate Wildpaw Gnolls, and many of the Winterax Trolls.
-Due to the avalanche, Korrak the Bloodrager and a small band of surviving Trolls have made the Snowfall Graveyard their new home. Players will find that Snowfall is now under Korrak’s control and they must defeat Korrak and his Troll guards if they wish to take Snowfall.
>-NPC difficulty has been scaled down. All NPCs have had their power reduced by 15-30%.

-Korrak the Bloodrager and his band of trolls have packed up their bags and left Alterac Valley for greener pastures.

>-Most of the NPC guard units have been removed.
>-Creatures that remain in Alterac Valley have had their hit points reduced.

-Cross Realm BGs

Zerg AV is shit AV

>Are babbies just mad that Korak wont give them a free weapon?
I doubt it's that, the 1.12 version is easier to get the weapon as it's just one AV win.
AV changed a fuckton after it came out so it's highly likely that zoomers have no idea what they want.
Personally i loved the stupid crap in AV but do not miss those land mines.
I'm not an expert on private servers but i believe they've had a hodgepodge of different versions of AV, mixing in some elements but i doubt any use the complete 1.5 version. I could be wrong.

It's okay if you get crit like 2-3% of the time because you should be running with a lot of stamina and buffs. Shaman TPS is also extremely high and not limited by rage. No one other than Warriors can even become uncrushable and that's not possible until well into BWL. I hope I never have to run a dungeon with you as the tank because you'll probably be rocking "of Defense" greens while using nothing but Sunder Armor.

are vanilla raids actually hard or is it really just getting 40 people consistently

Getting 40 people and hoping half of them have some idea how to play their class.

The only bad thing here is cross realm BGs. That shit will kill the pvp community just like it did the first time.

Friendly reminder that you can't go back and re-live old memories.

Those days are gone. You aren't a young lad with no cares or responsibilities anymore. If you try to commit as much time to this as you used to, your personal life will suffer again just like it did before. The older you are, the worse the effects will be.

Don't get sucked back in.

we goin home

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> Shaman TPS is also extremely high and not limited by rage.
Explain how a shaman generates this "extremely high" tps.
Explain how you're gonna survive a bosscrit without armor mitigation that plate provides and the added -10% of a def stance?

The only difficulty is in co-ordination and hoping healers don't oom themselves/have the right consumables. If the guild is well organised you're in for a smooth time, if you pug it'll be a trainwreck and could likely end in a huge waste of time.

>People are excited about paying for a retail sub to play an outdated version of the game
Retailfags in denial.

getting 40 people isnt hard either

keep seething retailcuck

There will be no Xrealm anything, retard.

AV has become a zerg boss rush long before 1.12.

>it really just getting 40 people consistently
This by far.
You would not believe how intolerably obnoxious it can be to tard wrangle 40 dudes. In function it's more like 20 people that know what they're doing and 20 people simply existing, but still that means 20 dickfaces bouncing around, ass pulling, not clearing mic when necessary, whining about loot, being perpetually late, forgetting ankhs or other shit, forgetting to drop WF totems, going afk to take a shit where a patrol is passing through, meter whoring and pulling threat, not clicking summons, running away from the heals after a boss with a debuff killing them still, jumping in lava, vaping/coughing/chewing/sighing into mic, arguing about hillary clinton directly before the boss is pulled, etc etc.
It literally never ends. Finding good members (not just good as in can play - the game isn't that hard - but good as in can stfu and pretend they are a normal human being long enough for loot to drop)

>There will be no Xrealm anything

private server min maxers are going to ruin classic

just ignore them lmao

We're going home bros

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yo female dwarf rogue


Rockbiter adds fixed threat after every swing (which exceeds the amount of white damage done until you get something like Spineshatter) and frequent crits keep Flurry up. Throw in an Earth Shock here and there and you wind up doing pretty absurd amounts of threat.
As for how they survive a crit, they just kinda do. With full raid consumables they'll have around 500 less health than a similarly geared Warrior, and the armor difference isn't all that huge after raid buffs + inspiration + etc. However, the lack of damage reduction from def stance is the biggest factor that makes Shaman squishier, and I would estimate that they take around 15% more physical damage on average, so the obvious problem then is that healers expend more mana healing them. They can make up for this somewhat with higher threat enabling fights to go a bit faster, but their survivability is definitely a liability against the heavier hitters like Broodlord and Chromaggus. It's around this point that they lose their biggest advantage, and lacking a taunt becomes a serious problem as well.

no changes


Forgot to note that their threat scales poorly because Rockbiter's threat is fixed, and Earth Shock has a very low spell damage coefficient.

BE are gone, so I'm looking forward to playing almost-pure Horde again. We still have those undead fucks though.

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based vanillabro

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Oh yeah, and the gear, there's fuck all lol.

Who Troll Warrior here?

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>mfw going to play retail AND vanilla

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>blizz declares that you need to delete your retail character (with all progress, achievements and mounts) to play vanilla
what will you do?

>he's eager to suck not one, but TWO Activision's cocks at once

>the skill of an average player during old AV

Is it a wonder it took ages?

>giving a shit about retail

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just do it

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>Pay $15 a month to be a slut
>Not sucking two cocks

>female tauren
video closed

Warhammer Online, Secret World and Rift were kinda cool too, for different reasons.

>having any expansion after cataclism purchased on your account

Dorf hunter or NE hunter?

Attached: World Of Warcraft Screenshot 2018.06.24 - (2264x1281, 1.19M)

I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>Having on your computer

I mean, you own everything up to second-last at all times now.

Well, i already wanted to play Orc rogue (more for the look than the minmaxing bullshit) or Undead (shadow) Priest, but eh, let's see.

Dorf. Do you even need to ask?

Dwarf hunters are based but they look strange with bows and there are very little guns worth using in vanilla so I'd go with NE.

Troll hunter.

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Can I have him reduced to level 1, unlearn all skills, lose all reputation, and go to Classic with me? If I'm going home, I want him to come home, too.

Dwarf, Troll or Orc.

>No more responsibilities
>No more wagecucking
>No more president who gives wagie taxdollars to Israel instead of his homeland
>Just classic WoW and a check for $1000 in the mail

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And gold and items and bags and bank bag slots and whatever else I might have forgotten, obviously.

It definitely was a magical place.

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Silverpine is surprisingly good despite its bad rep.

most underrated vanilla zone?


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Maximum comfyness.



>playing undead male after the model update
disgusting. the old models are great however

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>soul link
crutch for bad players

>Blood elves added to the Horde for no reason other than to give them a pretty race, thus completely changing the aesthetic of the horde as almost half of the faction is now played by exactly one race.

>Draenei retcon.

>Kael'thas is now inexplicably evil, having gone from joining Illidan to seek a cure for his race's magic addiction to joining the people ultimately responsible for causing the addiction in the first place.

>An expansion themed around the burning legion is so lacking in the burning legion that people thought it was Illidan themed and asked why he was the boss of the first major raid patch.

>Raid size went from 40 / 20 man to 25 / 10 man, but your first actual raid was Karazhan, a 10 man raid. Tons of guilds were eviscerated because scheduling and gearing was a bitch.

>Arenas were little more than esports bullshit that rewarded aggressively abusing the flavor of the money, which was 'warriors and X' for all of BC.

>Many specs were still fundamentally broken.

>A lack of a retroactive 'get out of jail free' card meant that once guilds progressed past SSC and TK, they had serious recruiting problems because running old content was significantly more involved than the old days of classic WoW where maybe one or two fights were actually involved.

Wrath was truly the beginning of the end but that's not to say BC didn't have a ton of problems.

Why the fuck is everyone saying AV is going to last 15 minutes now, the 1.12 version still lasted 30+ minutes at a minimum. Did some e-celeb pull a bullshit stat out and frame AV as the zerg-rush it currently is in BfA? It's obviously not as long as the earlier versions but I don't understand why people are pretending it's a mindless base race

I want to go back.

go ask him yourself back on reddit kid

>playing wow after the first month of cata

only premades for 15 mins

based vanillabro.. tbc was shit and the game went downhill from there..

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go watch some old pvp videos and then look at bfa pvp

Mage or Hunter please

You forgot one huge point that put TBC in the ground
Gated raiding that started in Sunwell.

Really hoping BGs don't give XP

The best US server, home.
I remember applying to Nurfed and them rejecting me on the grounds my priest was a troll and not undead.

yeah and you laugh at the majority who have to respec. also, 15% not 20

It still retained some of the old MMO values, but removing the possibility of dying outside the wilderness by players is what made it pop. That's what I was criticizing, the aforementioned qualities weren't directed towards Runescape, only the lack of true PvP.

big bang bong

got male rogue of my choice last roll, which was already my main for like 3 expansions, so let's see if we can spice it up this time.

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Let me help determine your destiny.

Will Classic have a Goldshire equivalent?

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It'll probably have... Goldshire..

yes? goldshire is still a thing in classic wow


isn't that 2w fury tho

make a different account

we're all going home

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please night elf priest

There is no spec or class that focuses on throwing weapons, unfortunately. I guess if one existed it would probably work better as a ranged warrior spec than a hunter one.

It might have been a cool concept but people didn't like it.

we're going ho-
>gets sharded to an empty shard

He never played vanilla and has just jumped on the bandwagon thanks to Classic being a good way to farm clicks. He gets shit wrong all the time as a result.

>1.12 AV

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sharding for beginner zones makes sense t b h
you only hate it because blizzard can't actually shard correctly

We're going home bros

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if there's sharding at any time in classic then I'm just not going to bother and will stick to private servers to be desu

>night elf male sub rogue
forever a rogue. the digits have spoken.

>fem tauren ele shaman
ew. good luck with that friend.

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I'm going to pretend to roll and then play a human warlock anyway.

Why aren't you screaming at Blizzard right now?

We want fucking old Alterac and not this fucking retail shit.

desu I'm only going off Pservers so no idea how accurate it was but 1.12 AV was a fucking zerg that was noticeably worse than 1.5 or whatever older version I was playing on nost

>shitty retail AV


I'm game

>zoomers whining about new AV instead of having battlegrounds at all

One half holy half shadow priest is good enough to apply shadow weaving

Rolling so that I can discard whatever shit roll this gives me and play master race shaman anyway.

>old Alterac
>with that orb that buffed you and let you track enemies on the minimap
Fuck that.
All we need is reinforcements to prevent the game from draggin on for hours.

MMO gaming reached its pinnacle before WoW was ever released. It peaked between 1998 and 2000 then normies invaded and destroyed the communities and forced developers to dumb down everything. WoW has always been trash. Kids are just too young to know what a truly good online gaming community looks like.

Fucking why? The whole point of AV was that it was great to have battles that would actually last for hours and hours. If you don't enjoy having that one legendary game that lasts more than a day you're in the wrong BG.

I'm fine with BGs but city battlemasters need to go.

I don't.

dumb weeb rp shit


but muh rep for the unstoppable force m8

Fuck AV. I just want to farm exalted and be done with it.
If I want mass pvp - I'll start shit in BRM.

Having to queue up from Arathi/God knows where WSG is located is going to kill PvP faster than queue dodging premades.

>God knows where WSG is located
Get out.

Run premades if you just want to farm the rep. AV can actually be won consistently under 30 minutes if you organize your shit. It lasts hours because it's 40 headless chickens doing whatever they feel like, which is a good thing. If you're not ready to do that shut the fuck up and queue for WSG to fill your instant gratification needs.

I think throwing weapons were just remnant from Vanilla Beta just like Bucklers for Hunter and Rogues.

Its at the top of barrens at the border of ashenvale fucking newfag

i havent gone there in more than 10 years but still know where it is

Sorry, I only visited that place two times in my life, both in Vanilla. I recall it was pretty nice looking but getting there regularly is going to be too much hassle.

They would have to increase the appeal of BGs to make that change stick with the casuals (and also me, I guess).

>make the game more accesible for the casual and have people sit around in cities instead of venturing into the world
Why are you still here?


will AB have 2k tickets or 1600
i hope they change their mind and reimplement the bulk of defending NPCS -- it makes sense to do so from a gameplay perspective
Kormak i dont really care about one way or the other
Rep grinding be damned

Private server is so different from vanilla, that it's basically another game.

Dont worry, I bet we'll be able to queue from anywhere.

wanna bet?

People aren't geared enough in BfA to rush AV as hard as they did in late MoP and WoD though.


Because this is counterintuitive and hurts player interaction. Making queuing too difficult will stop people from going to BGs altogether.

And before you make that comparison, this is unlike dungeons because you're there for different reasons. I don't support summoning stones etc. but BGs are fair game.

this is completely false

everything is exactly the same, except the private servers are more populated. It's a better experience technically speaking

Wrong, read the interview with the Nost dev

Kill yourself, you retailtard

You are the reason why WoW became FUCKING SHIT


>wah my druid's regrowth heals for 10% more(probably, not even sure of the exact amount) this is nothing like the official servers!

fuck it lets see what i get

It worked in Vanilla.

I'd bet diamonds against walnuts you're the falseflagging retail scrub. Get bent.

>the private servers are more populated.
>more populated
l fucking mao

oh, moving the goalposts now, I see

absolutely based
Educate yourself, retard.

>get proven factually wrong
>sperg out
wrong move there buddy


BGs would still be the best way to get honor. You won't have a shortage of people who want to farm it. And if the queues are long you will end up with people dueling in the area you queue and you'd also have people making parties to wpvp so they fight the other faction who is doing the same thing in the same area. This is NOT hurting player interaction. Sticking people in a dark room waiting for a q to pop is hurting interaction.

Kargoz doesn't matter, what matters is what he said about the interview with the Nostalrius dev.

Because it was completely new and fresh experience. After so many years playing AB/WSG/AV over and over again, there is a certain fatigue to it.

Making it harder to run BGs, especially if premades abuse queue dodging, will kill it completely. That in itself might not be so bad because fuck the queue dodgers.

>You won't have a shortage of people who want to farm it

Guess we'll find out once Classic rolls out. I stand by my statement, everyone gets sick of BGs quickly and only shows up on the weekend and then it's 1-2 games of being stomped.