Games you really want to get into but just can't?

Games you really want to get into but just can't?

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pic not related

So true OP

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if i have experience burning while peeing for 3 days should i see a doctor?

it also started with an odor in my urine if anyone would like to know and the first day i experienced the burning it was very intense

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Dwarf Fortress. I'm thinking on using a tileset.

Tried SS2 three times, but I always ended up being frustrated with broken weapons. And I have stopped counting how often I installed E.Y.E and uninstalled it after being stuck on the 2nd mission.

Sly Cooper

I expected stealth and cutesy Thief but it's more like a bad ratchet n clank

I tried man, is so clunky.

Nah,I had it for a week or so and it disappeared

I lived 8 years with that burning, and then I got leukemia and the burning disappeared

Yep, SS2. Sure, I finished it and it was not bad. But I really wanted to like it, and it just never clicked.

you need to give it a chop or you will spontaneously combust

How? What are you having trouble with op? Its relatively straight forward. Make sure you have newdark patch, remap the keys and you're good to go.

I replay it almost every year. It's clunky but gold.


E.Y.E fag here, what second mission? cc_tuto2?
I was gonna give you system shock 2 advice too but you might be beyond helping

it is clunky as hell, and the models aged fucking badly

but it is still on my list

any gsg

I almost finished it but the Body of the Many was too fucking awful.

>agi 6
>end 6
>exotic 6
>standard 6
shard for up-close and assault rifle for far-away

run through and blast shit, game's over in 5 hours

Well its been some time, if I remember correctly there is something with New Eden, the mentor was pissed because I was spotted the mission before, there is something to hack, I killed everyone on the streets and sometimes i managed to get to a bar but I have no idea if a did the right thing or not


dude haha how is weapon degredation real haha just use repair kits and anti degradation field nigga

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>reading all these bros having high iq fun
>tfw too dumb to enjoy it

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Put points mostly into Standard Weapons, Agility, Hacking and Maintenance for your first playthrough. Don't worry about Repair.

>end 6
Endurance is only worth 2 or 3 points, and only on the highest difficulty.

Anyone playing SS2 for the first time MUST use SS2Tool and the SCP community patch. It un-breaks the game, balances everything fairly while still retaining the vanilla feel, and makes SS2 one of the best games ever.

E.Y.E has no choices or consequences except 1-2 flags for the ending on mars
you can kill mentor/dutch/rimanah every single time you see him and still beat the game
and the best part it makes SENSE if you actually bother to interpret the "plot"

just in case you're still here and care:
>talk to mentor, get one of 3 objectives (all easy except for hacking, if you're bad at hacking)
>get back to mentor, make waves
>get cyberbrain briefcase in any of several ways
>get back to mentor, make waves
>kill everyone in the bar, or don't, doesn't matter
>find final briefcase by looking in every room, talking to bubicon or hacking it
>mission ends ~2 minutes after you pick the briefcase up

Speedrun strats:
>get a bear killer
>blow past the door guy, WAVES
>get into the sewer
>wallbang the barman from below the bar
>jump out using your glorious cyberlegs lvl 10 or run through the sewers like a pleb
>just enough time to sprint to bubicon so briefcase is marked
>mission complete in 3 minutes flat, most of it is waiting for the end timer

As for system shock 2, play OSA aka based psionic man

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Dark Souls

I played over 100 hours in PTDE, still need to beat lost izalith and the DLC. Started multiple playthoughs, always lost interest.

well, I didn't and the game didn't seem broken at all

It actually gives you way too many goddamn cyber modules

Last time I was playing it I had Standard 6 and exotic 3 and still had several points in other things before I even got to Rec.

>stopped counting how often I installed E.Y.E and uninstalled it after being stuck on the 2nd mission.
what? I mean EYE has some convoluted mechanics, but the game itself is easy as fuck. You have a lot of options to customize the difficulty.

Thanks user maybe I will give it another shot

>Games you really want to get into but just can't?
Anything by Graviteam Tactics
Anything by Gary Grigsby

Even though I know I would love all of these games once I get through the learning curves I just don't have the patience/attention span/IQ

next time you pee, save a little and taste it
see if there's any odd flavors there

Dwarf Fortress
But I don't beat myself up much over that.

I really want to enjoy Dragon's Dogma but it never quite clicks.

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Can someone blackpill me on the newdark module? I played system shock 2 a couple months ago but the game spooked me out too much so I stopped. I think I left off in the recreation area where I got a shotgun or something. Should I restart for the newdark?

I shat blood for 6 months everyone was going apeshit about it

turns out I was just sitting on my own hemorroids and they exploded lmao

Rec is at least halfway if not farther but you get a shotgun like barely 10 minutes into the game so I don't think that's what you mean

I beat this game for the first time a month or two ago. It was fine.

I got tricked into buying Dragon's Dogma by these faggots too

Every FGC game ever.

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Hmm, steam says I only have 36 minutes on it, is that feasible to get to Engineering? The last name I remember was Engineering but it's strange that I'd only have 36 minutes on it, maybe I was playing a modded version of it

This, though I feel like a tileset won't help much considering the controls...

Dragons dogma is garbage so it doesn't surprise me

Hollow Knight
It's a fun and interesting game, But my problem is I just can't get into it.

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paradox games, because they need work to understand the UI and options of play, and whenever I watch a friend play I see not really rewarding feedback from the game, that you naturally balance out with your imagination.
but I already roleplay, so I really see no payoff for investing that much time not only in learning, but also in, in and of themselves, not very satisfying games.
stellaris is a perfect example of this I experienced myself, only considerably worse than games lik EU or Victoria.

>run through and blast shit, game's over in 5 hours
sounds amazingly unfun, you must have a talent for ruining your own experience.

Playing System Shock 2 fast is really fun though.
Gets you moving, puts you in dicier situations, listening to audio tapes while still keeping up awareness, flying down corridors like you are trying to keep up with the escalating threat from the Mass, fits with most of the music too, and gels with the re-spawning enemies that encourage you to be efficient.

Fallout 2 and BioShock Infinite.

You'd have to really know what you were doing to get that far that fast. FWIW I think when I launch the game with the mod manager it doesn't track my steam time.

>Fallout 2
If it's because of the ebin references and other such things then just ignore them. They aren't that numerous and it's a fun game.

I tried SS2 back when I was a zoomer and I hated it. Tried it a couple of months back again and I loved it and beat it

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It's a good retard filter.

CRPGs like Baldur's Gate, Pillar of Eternity, etc.

I just fucking hate the combat in these DnD based CRPGs

How well do you understand the combat systems? Just curious.

I don't. I only played PoE for like 30 minutes. My only other experience of playing a similar game was probably Dungeon Siege from some demo disc back in the late 90s/00s.

Alot of the depth and interesting part of CRPGs (mechanically/combat speaking) are hidden under the surface. it's also a translation of Pen and Paper DnD, so even though alot of the rules are the same, you are inherently more limited in what you can do because Pen and Paper is so free-form and is built from the mind, not on a game engine.
However, you control the entire group, and all those characters operate on different rules/class features/stats/etc.You roleplay as one character, but you play the game as the single unified force for the combat/mechanics parts. And that's where it still is interesting since that opens up the door for tactics and character building to create a well-oiled machine that can handle a variety of different enemy types/encounters.
One thing I suggest is to turn off most of the party AI besides some basic functions. Alot of the character AI plays the party members in sub-optimal manners, and it also means you don't manage them, stripping even further depth from the combat.
If you really dig into the combat mechanics, read up on all the spells and pay close attention to how they interact with your party or the enemy, while remembering to actually use your consumables like potions, scrolls, wands, etc, I think you can find the heart of CRPG combat. Also keep in mind that many older CRPGs expected you to read the manual.
I don't know, this might be useless advice, but as someone who loves play CRPGs, I think it's always worth a shot.

Final note would be that once you dig into one DnD CRPG, and kinda in general for CRPGs, you will find you understand pretty much all CRPGs from the get go.
It may seem like an annoying time investment for really understanding the first game, but after that, most of the rules and interactions are true for any other titles you play.

Same desu senpai. I think my biggest mistake was starting this game right after finishing System Shock 1. Was really put off by some of the things they changed/removed and ended up dropping it before beating Cargo Bay.
Maybe I'll be able to beat it after a couple of years when I've forgotten how SS1 plays.

SS1 plays like shit so I can see why you would be put off.

So does SS2 so I don't think that's the problem.

Still better than the first game with hitscanners camping corridors in wolfenstein 3d tier mazes

Funny how it seems...

The only CRPG I played and liked was the Exile series which is why I wanted to expand and go into other ones. I mean, I'll probably give it another go someday.

pleb filter'd

I had that turns out I needed to get a meatotomy

What changed?

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It took me like 4 tries to get into this.

The trick is to extremely focus on every piece of plot, if you carefully understand all the things that are said in the audiologs you will perfectly understand what are you doing and what are your goals and that will pull you way harder into the game.

Narrative presentation wasn't a thing well polished back in the day and it's easy to get lost or just not care about the sequence of events because you don't fully get them in the first place.

Honestly you just have to follow a 1 hour tutorial and then just have the wiki open at all times.

I stopped giving a shit about graphics. I enjoy old PC game look now. Especially in high resolutions

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>back when i was a zoomer
you still are

>JRPGs or anything with random encounters or turn based combat
>Metroidvanias or anything with senseless backtracking
>strategy games that require micromanaging
>any game without fluid movement or gameplay

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zoomer is a state of mind user

DAMN! Me too, esp. Graviteam.
Any help is appriciated, anons

Mostly any game that takes place in a real life setting, with exceptions.
I can enjoy GTA for like 15 minutes but I can't give a shit about its sidequests or main quests, it's just a bunch of nothing to me. Same with stuff like Hitman, Max Payne, cowadooty. Anything that just looks and feels like real world I don't care about and I find it extremely boring. Also games that take place in current setting but slightly in the future, took me a long time to get around playing Deus Ex, and I did complete it and enjoy it but the setting was the most boring thing to me ever.

>Narrative presentation wasn't a thing well polished back in the day
>The trick is to pay enough attention to understand words

do you read what you post lmao


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Do you?
Nowadays games smear its plot in your face and it's easy and comprehensible to follow but in SS2 you have to reread several audiologs to piece it together in a chronological and comprehensible manner, there is a lot of stuff that's easy to miss if you don't wonder why each log exists and what information you have to get out of it.

RTS games. I never know which order to build stuff, and there's constantly a bunch of units not doing anything, and then the enemy shows up with 800 units vs my 5, and my ass gets annihilated.

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The universal rule it to never stop spending your resources. If you discipline yourself to always be churning out forces and expanding your base, you graduate to being competent at RTS (at least for singleplayer).
Also no need to force yourself to do multiplayer if it's too much. My favorite RTS have very strong campaigns/fun singeplayer. I'm not much of a PvP RTS player.

You peed for 3 days?

Baldurs Gate - I got stuck in the main quest (near the end) because of a bug and I rage quit. I'll replay it someday, for sure.

Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim - I've played through Arena and I've bought and started all of those but they're just too long for me right now. I only play around 1h per day, a long game like this would take me months, and they're not THAT good.

Divinity 2: OS - I've started it, it's great but, again, it's too long for me atm

Total War series - after playing Mount & Blade a lot, those strategic battles don't do it for me, but I'll play them someday

He told you not to make waves!

I love the idea of Roguelikes. I really do, but I can't get into them. I've tried DCSS, ToME, Brogue, TGGW, and Caves of Qud. They just don't hold my attention for very long and every time I play I'm just wondering how much of a wiki I'll have to read before even beginning to understand this. 'Fraid to say I'm a normalfag.

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