How do you cope with the fact that video games were an entire waste of time and you're behind compared to your peers who grew out of vidya?
How do you cope with the fact that video games were an entire waste of time and you're behind compared to your peers...
By fapping hamster doujins
I had fun, so it wasn't an ENTIRE waste of time. Entertainment is meant to entertain. I was entertained.
honestly if you enjoyed playing games how is it a waste of time? isn't the point of anything you do in life the feeling of satisfaction and reward in the end?
I'm ahead of my peers tho.
tbdesu I'd never make it without video games. I'd probably kill myself over some petty thing if I couldn't games to escape.
I don't have to cope.
If i play few hours after work, how is that different from a peer of mine watching some shitty Netflix series out of boredom, or watching morning talk shows, or reading a generic novel?
If you believe that all normafags do is party, fuck and be productive members of society, you seriously need to get out
probably going to kill myself
>tfw you are ahead of your peers in everything except romantic intimacy
by compensating with things that aren't a waste of time.
after all, games are just a hobby, and I only play them before or after I have to get my shit together.
this thread is not about you then user. but for people who play unreasonable amounts of games.
also, literally any show or any novel has a bigger social merit than BING BING WAHOO, since videogames have barely reached young adult novel tier writing. but thats not what this is about either
I was so entertained by vidya that I decided not to kill myself for the games.
all my peers play video games. Hell one of them regularly has his parents buy him shit or he uses their credit card and yet he has a house that he bought himself. You look at the whole picture, not just the ups or the downs. He also plays vidya as regularly as I do. We are just fine with where we are in life. There is no "ahead or behind" when you're content.
Real life is a waste of time.
what's the point of being ahead of your peers in arbitrary society-points if you're not enjoying yourself
is our sole purpose to exist as unthinking cogs in a machine? who decides what's behind? I'll bet anyone who thinks that way didn't come to that conclusion on their own
>literally any show or any novel
That's bullshit and you know it. I'm not even defending vidya here, even if somebody else might write a good point, i just need to post examples like Jersey Shore
What is the point of anything when we all just get old and die? why not off yourself now and beat it to the punch?
>Jersey Shore
which still has more human interaction than any game and even if you watch it just to realize that these people actually exist and that its a real place, has more merit than "go there and bring back my shibbledibble"
>what's the point of being ahead of your peers in arbitrary society-points if you're not enjoying yourself
are you literally underage?
not even baiting you but I legitimately believe that no functioning adult can think that way
Video games aren't real.
Things that aren't real are a waste of time.
Nerds and manbabies should be bullied again, and the slow shift towards a "fun society" is troubling to say the least.
says the guy posting an anime girl in her panties.
there are plenty of people living simple lives that include playing video games and working a lower end job and they are completely content because they don't need anything more than what they have.
I have a video game and a girlfriend?
Exactly. Even weebs shit on you guys
>people living simple lives that include playing video games and working a lower end job
bottom feeders be bottom feeders
I want to fucking die so badly. I'm so horny and lonely. I just want a girl to look at my fucking direction.
he completely contradicts himself by saying shit that isn't real is a waste of time, and yet he spends time watching anime and choosing a waifu, none of which is real.
What the fuck isn't a waste of time in this life?
>How do you cope with the fact that video games were an entire waste of time
Because most hobbys are
>How do you cope with the fact that video games were an entire waste of time
The fact that everyone will inevitably dies