*camps u*

>*camps u*
what do?

Attached: CAMPER.jpg (1009x750, 88K)

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play better games

don't peek mid doors like a retard?

this, playing pubg right now

Pop a smoke and rush him down with dualies. Or just wait at the objective.

this, playing apex right now

ask friend to throw a flash and kill him with a scout on a save round just to assert dominance

this, playing My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic right now

Or bait him for a shot with a short peek.

i hate myg0t

cross with a smoke/HE retard

Call Dr. Hazmat

this, playing Cory in the House right now

Attached: busta.jpg (256x384, 28K)

this, playing DoL right now

Man, DE_Dust2.
That really brings me back *sip*
They just don't make flashes like they used to, you know?

>don't ever go to one of the bombsites

this, playing After-School Summoners right now

Bombsite camping can be countered with a $300 smoke grenade if you learn the proper throws.

>Not posting the song.
Full thing is legitimately great, fite me.

They made a game? Does Lee know about this?

>spawn in ct
>go to A
>come out A doors, shoot sniper
>go A and run up short-A, shoot sniper
>run to B through ct
>have a set of testicles
easily done.

head to the edge of corner and reveal 2 pixels of my shoulder so shooter camps corners and gets killed because of tunnel vision

>throw a grenade at mid doors which kicks up smoke
>run past, sniper can't even count how many people crossed so he doesn't get intel
>throw the top mid smoke from CT, you can now either jump on xbox and peek above the smoke to shoot the sniper or push lower tunnels which lets you hear steps in upper tunnels for a B rush and watch short.