Think of an emotionally powerful moment or especially boss fight in a video game

Think of an emotionally powerful moment or especially boss fight in a video game.

Got one?

it's a Japanese game, isn't it

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GTA5, The part where his family turns on him and moves out, fucking hurt.


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West can't into boss fights.

Why? His family are absolutely insufferable.

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Should have just said "boss fight".

You have one family, you tried to fix things by taking a deal, which gets a buddy killed, your other buddy hates you, your family who you gave up everything for to have a good life turn out to be shitty but you dare not say anything and ride the skid because you love them, then that same buddy shows up, forces you to make up for lost ttime, essentially, scares the shit out of your family into hiding, while your wife is screwing some hippie and your son is an annoying shit that is very confused and doesn't do shit bur hates you foe your past mistakes and gets defensive wwhen you show emotion, your daughter is gone mentally and needs you to be a guide, you gave them everything to be happy...

How did you do that, OP?

Think again

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So is micheal. This is the guy who was supposed to let his best friend die to the feds in a setup and then use his corpse to fake his own death. And he still did it, just with trevors best friend instead since trevor fucked it up


Half Life 2 episode 2 ending.

I haven't played a single japanese game in my life except super mario.
Kys weeb.

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honestly the worst ending to Assassin's Creed Odyssey has the most emotion of that entire game and is the best one. Literally spend all this time trying to reunite a family, killing most of them yourself, barring the mother who your sibling kills. The other heartbreaking moment is when you do everything right or mostly right and yet kill your sibling. Your mother disowns you on the spot and calls you a bloodthirsty monster even though you chose to kill your sibling to defend her.

I actually just wanted good moments from non-Japanese games but you can only make Yea Forums do something if it's contrarian

>tfw still no update to TTG
when bros? i want the epic saga to continue and yes i am aware that the script is out there since ages but it's not the same without the art


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>western game fans coping

except that Michael was kind of a shitty father and husband, which is why his funeral scene says he was a good friend, husband and father. Maybe he was at that point, after that he became depressed and thought money was everything he needed to be happy, so he left his family to their own and shit happened. In the end it's because he likes being a bank robber but after the events of V he's finally ready to move on and be a family man for once.

but it's true. michael wanted trevor dead, brad on the run and himself free, it's not like he felt good about it, but he knew trevor was dangerous despite being his friend.

TGT thread?
I'm gonna post it.

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no pls dont

name a more powerful moment than the instant you beat these mother fuckers and their entire tribe bows to you in respect

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>Tails Tets Grolled

Grom and Thrall vs. Mannoroth in WC3.

I'm cropping it as we speak

still the greatest

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>ywn see Cheeto Man pay for his crimes

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I'm sorry but I'll like a family man wanting to get out and do what's right for his kids over a psychopath that kills innocent people like Floyd and Debra. The flashback voices Michael hears when he returns to North Yankton solidify this even more. Fuck Trevor, if Deathwish ended up with Franklin's death I'd enjoy watching the fucker burn to death.

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Hello Kitty is a fucking WHORE and deserves to be brutally murdered

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Rack it up

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Debra was a bitch anyway

This was so stupid. Of course he knew you fucking idiot, he literally walked in on you fucking around with the suit. Too stupid to lock the fucking door?

Nope. G-Police.

RIP Tachikawa.

What? There was nothing emotional about this. Just a big mutant in power armor saying he's gonna kill you

It was also a really bad boss fight where the actual solution was insanely obtuse.

Not jap.

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Her ending

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If nobody will do it then i'll do it myself


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It's so obvious that people changed their answers after seeing the spoiler, they're so transparent.

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t. brainlet

No, Jap games I have played usually aren't that emotional and I can't think of any of the top of my head

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MGR jack fight.

Wow, great argument.

How so? It's a legitimate point.

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it wasn't THAT hidden, come on. I'm no MENSA member but even I knew you had to hack the turrets

Surprisingly wasnt, it was murican

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>ending of Gravity Rush 2 where everybody cheers you on while singing A Red Apple Fell From the Sky

yeah that got to me pretty bad

If you posted the Aunt May scene I'd get you but that was about as much of a twist as Octavius turning into Doc Ock was.

Fuck Zeke, nigga. Asshole deserved to fucking die.

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funny i just watched this movie a while ago and i knew this fucker was ringing a bell in my head

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Yep. Dragon's Dogma. Finish the cycle of eternal return

If this is G-Taste, it was my first foray into hentai.

Define "emotional". I thought that tiny bit of dialogue was far more powerful than most allegedly "emotional" JRPG boss fights.


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Persona 4 true boss and ending got me good. One of the few times I've left a game feeling completely satisfied.

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>Lets a psychic maniac break out of prison
>Was willing to kill thousands of people so he could get super powers
>Literally joins the villain
Somehow we're supposed to feel sorry for this fatass

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Kuze from persona 0, especially the final fight with him

Its just /pol/ sympathizing with the Enclave.

Thought of the same thing

The final boss in Sonic Battle

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