Why didn't you fucking buy it Yea Forums? This game is incredible, the art direction, the setting, the level design...

Why didn't you fucking buy it Yea Forums? This game is incredible, the art direction, the setting, the level design, the atmosphere, it's infinitely more unique than anything that came out i the last 10 years

fuck you for having a shit taste and not appreciating this masterpiece

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I did but i wish i didn't. It was inferior to the first game and was unpolised turd on launch

>improved in every single way
>inferior to the first game

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>he didn't appreciate genuinely created game by based Raph Colantonio
>but he ate up soulless turd that was thrown to him unfinished from h*rvey fucking smith
Good job retard. Do you praise that piece of shit DotO too?

The writing and the characters ruined it. Also fucked up worldbuilding. They should have gone for at least 50 years into the future/past

>Why didn't you fucking buy it Yea Forums?
I have.
>This game is incredible, the art direction, the setting, the level design, the atmosphere, it's infinitely more unique than anything that came out i the last 10 years
The story is shit compared to the first game though.

It had terrible performance on launch.

I did. Enjoyed the story more in the first one, but the level design and most other things were better in the second one imo.

>Why didn't you fucking buy it Yea Forums?
Because it was worse in every single aspect that made Dishonored unique you stupid mongrel. Level design and gameplay were better but literally every single other thing was worse, and if you want to, I'll explain it in excruciating detail. Fuck Harvey Smith

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only if you had a potato PC

>its worse in every single aspect
>except two of the most important things in a game

i don't buy games for more than $10.

it needed a super pc to get 60 fps...fuck this game

It was enjoyable, but not something I'd praise the way I do the first one.

Different things matter in differents genres. You better make an interesting and compelling universe in an Immersive Sim or you fuck up the number one reason why the player should care about traversing said levels. If I wanna play an Immersive Sim with good gameplay and an actual cool universe that hasn't been fucked over and retconned I'll play Dishonored 1, or Deus Ex, or you know, the new PREY aka the Arkane game that was directed by Raphaƫl Colantonio?

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Because Dark Messiah is better

The story is kinda lame, but the abilities, world, factions, level designs, enemies, characters are all enjoyable to experience. I think the only thing this game fucks up in comparison to the first one is the story.

>The story is kinda lame
"kinda lame" doesn't even begin to cover it. It's not "kinda lame", it's a bad storyline, worse if you've played the first game and its DLCs. It doesn't deserve being a Dishonored sequel, and don't get me started on DotO.
>but the abilities
Emily's abilities are far wrose than Corvo's. Far Reach is useless compared to Blink, even if you can grab stuff from afar. Domino is cool I guess. The Shadow Walk is useless, etc.
Karnaca is worse than Dunwall. I'm not saying to make the game take place in Dunwall again, I'm saying to make Karnaca less dull. I couldn't give a single fuck about the "world" in Dishonored 2, as both the overall feeling and the city where you spent 80% of the game aren't Dishonored.
What factions, exactly? The fucks that help Delilah? The gangs? Compare that to the Abbey of the Everyman with Campbell, or the Bottle Street Gang with Slackjaw, or the Whalers with Daud.
> level designs.
Sure, but as I said if I don't care about the city or the reason I'm infiltrating said building, who cares?
Like what, guards and stuff? Sure, they made them hard in a straight fight this time around, I can't discuss that. If you're talking about their factions or whatever, they're still worse
> characters are all enjoyable to experience
Who, Meagan Foster? Sokolov? Fucking Hypatia? In Dishonored 1 you had Samuel, Havelock, Callista, Cecelia, Piero... you could learn all manner of details and secrets if you kept talking with them every time you returned to the Pub and used the Heart on them, and I bet 80% of players completely missed it as you need to go out of your way to try and learn about them, but it's there and it enriches the world. What does Dishonored 2 have?
> I think the only thing this game fucks up in comparison to the first one is the story.

And DotO is even worse. They fucked the IP to "The Last Jedi" levels as soon as the sequels.

Because the first Dishonored sucked dick and so did Prey. I have no faith in these people making a decent game.

I had fun using domino and experimenting with launching myself using far reach, and Doppelganger was fun. I don't think Karnaca is worse. I enjoyed the characters in both games. I liked Paolo, Meagan, Sokolov and Hypatia had her moments.

Dishonored 2 has people in the streets, and the guards talking as if they live and work there. Not sure what you thought you were saying with the post, just that you preferred the first? Great.

Man I thought Prey was great. Dishonored games are decent but Prey was fun as hell for me.

He means dark messiah, Dishonored is a plain downgrade gameplay wise

Imagine defending this sequel. Next thing you'll say is that you liked Death of the Outsider? Faggot.

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No, I won't, because they fucked up the Outsider's story (among other things). But then again, they fucked it up before 2 already.

>the art direction
>the setting
>the level design
>the atmosphere
All worse than the first game
Dishonored should have ended with the Brigmore Witches

And you preferred the second. The difference is I provide objective facts, like how a single Hound Pits Pub NPC had more characterization that all the ones that visit the Dreadful Wale in D2.

Besides the Clockwork Mansion and A Crack in the Slab, missions and targets are forgettable. This is for a lot of reasons, and it's even a little hard to peg down why. For one thing, the bad guys you encounter just aren't as good or as interesting. Even the ways you can take them out are a little less creative than in the first game. So much of what happens feels superfluous or impersonal, and so you push through the game without much of an anchor to the setting or story. There's nothing that stands out quite as much as the first game. So even though maps are bigger, the graphics are better, and the world is more populated, it still falls short of the original.
The story is threadbare. Right out the gates the original game's story is way more interesting. You've got an assassination, a kidnapping, an escape, a band of loyalists... Traitors to defeat and an empress to rescue. It doesn't hurt that the game world is new, with a fresh and fascinating setting.
D2 puts you against yet another usurper to the throne, but takes away almost all the really interesting plot devices. It's very flat, and much of it is told via voice-over during loading screens between missions. And what's worse is that for some bloody reason Harvey Smith thought it'd be a great idea to reuse Delilah as a villain.
The Dreadful Wale is less interesting than The Hound Pits Pub. It's such a boring hub, with only one or two NPCs, that it makes me wonder why have it at all? Why not simply ditch the hub and make this game's missions flow one to the next? It's a waste of time.

And I haven't even touched the story in detail. I can easily write 4 or 5 full posts detailing why it fucks over the world of the Empire of the Isles, or it retcons characters like The Outsider or Daud. It's a bad sequel.

I did after they made the demo and I could see that the game ran decently for me. I would've gotten it day 1 if there hadn't been so many complaints about performance.

Prey was a day 1 get

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>reuse D1's plot without the interesting bits
>retcon Delilah into being Jessamine's half sister and use her as villain even though she was "good enough" as a DLC antagonist for Daud
>retcon The Outsider from being a trickster god to "muh tragic backstory ;("
>Colantonio went on to do the better game while Harvey Smith thought it'd be a good idea to listen to Anita Sarkeesian of all people
It was shit when it came out, it was shit when DotO came out and was worse, and it's still shit today.

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Because it kind of destroyed the narative structure of the first game.
>1:Outsider is a force of nature, might not even be human, is amusing himself with the goings on of this pitiful world
>2: Outsider was a kid that got knifed, he is scared to die, a witch that he was backing to make more that a scullery maid now is killing him off, also "There must always be a lich king"

It's a game made by a person who ruined Deus Ex, what did you expect? And now that Raphael Colantonio is gone there's no hope for Arkane
>enjoy your rogue-like and hidden object DLC for Immersive sim game!!!
Fuck you nu-Arkane, fuck you Bethesda, FUCK. YOU. HARVEY FUCKING SMITH

Thank fucking God I haven't bought it. Even when I finally decided to download it I could still barely play it, I was rolling my eyes the entire time. This game was a desperate revolting attempt to suck as much money as possible. And don't even get me started on the catastrophic fuckfest that Death of the Outsider is.
To be honest it's quite admirable how they managed to make the first game so enjoyable I actually studied its lore and then to fail so miserably and disastrous.

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This game feels less than the sum of its parts to me. It's quantifiably above the first game in many areas if you were to compare the two, but it ultimately ends up falling short, for me at least.

For instance, instead of just a blank slate silent protag you now have 2 different voiced protagonists whose personalities shift depending on player choices, one of whom is voiced by motherfucking Stephen Russell. Should be a drastic improvement, right? Not in my experience. Both characters feel somewhat interchangable and most of their dialogue boils down to vapid observations that the player themselves could be making if they were to shut the fuck up. Playing as Corvo makes the story play out like an uninspired retread, while playing as Emily you're basically forced into a low chaos playstyle in order for the story to make sense since she's more of an established character than an usual immersive sim blank slate, and yadda yadda.

>Why didn't you fucking buy it Yea Forums?

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