Am I supposed to believe that Doom on Switch is better than Doom on PC?

Am I supposed to believe that Doom on Switch is better than Doom on PC?

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that bonus tho

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I've heard the motion controls on the switch version are pretty good so probably

There's nothing to play on switch so any game is automatically better as long as it's available.

PS4 and XBONE should have a significantly worse rating than PC unless they played it with a mouse.

Critics are full of political and corporal shills anyway.

>God tier
Steam Reviews*
>OK tier
Metacritic User Score
>Shit tier
Everything else

*until they start censoring as planned

Doom deserves better than a 7.1 desu. It's not a classic but it's the most fun I've had with an FPS this gen.

nudoom plays just fine on a controller

That's the "can play while you poop" bonus.

It's because it has more content

nintendo bonus, nothing new

Remote play on your Vita instead. The frame rate and resolution will both be better than playing it on a Switch!

It's portable.

Sorry, but I don't play with corpses.

No motion controls.

who even uses motion controls

Who the fuck owns an Ngage 2.0?

How many FPS games are there on Switch?


They're the next best thing to a mouse.

>"Nintendo bonus points don't exist"
That's right. They don't.

Attached: myth busted.png (245x244, 4K)

So the switch is worse than a corpse?

Portability makes it the best version.

DOOM deserves an 8 at least..
Only shit thing about it is it's short




He isn't wrong. Motion controls are much more precise than sticks.

the whole game is shit and isn't a doom game

actually it has less content because the switch has exclusive content and i don't think xbox one has any

No it doesn't

You laught but he's right

Yeah, it does. Your enemies are large targets with predictable movement so it's easy to aim and a controller takes advantage of the mobility options. nudoom is also well optimized on consoles.

If nudoom was the definitive console shooter instead of halo or cod, it wouldn't be a term of derision.

Sticks are fucking horrid for aiming. What are you laughing about?

>Am I supposed to believe [reviewers]?

Doom 2016 doesn't have deep enough mechanics to justify a longer game. It's fun but quickly gets old and more levels wouldn't fix that.

>Motion controls at 30fps

It literally has entire campaigns and hours of exclusive content featuring Starfox™ from the Starfox™ series

This one's legit.

They're reviewed by different people you pleb, IGN isn't a single reviewer and scores are subjective

>Nintendo Bonus doesn't exis--

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It's the closest to a modern interpretation of doom you can get

Nice delusion

It's shit no matter what platform you play it on

Imagine being retarded as this user here.

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I have no trouble aiming with sticks. most fine-tuning is done with the left one, the right is for bigger twitchy movements.

Noobies try to only aim with right stick while rooted to the spot; but that's far from efficient. At the highest level moving and aiming flow together seamlessly

It was designed to be played with a controller first

Making sure everyone sees this post, thanks user.

Attached: Original_enchiridion.jpg (500x281, 114K)

>designed to play with controller
>aiming with controller is still awful
Shit game then

Wolfenstein II
Immortal Redneck
One More Dungeon


Homebrew/Hacked Switch:
Half Life
Duke Nukem 3D

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of course it's a shit game but for other reasons as well

Based retards

Not for the single player. The only new content it has is shit for the garbage multiplayer no one cared about. The extra multiplayer content is not worth the big score disparity.

This. Your movement speed is so high in Doom 2016 that it works well.

It's not better than PC version, but it is miles above uncontrollable trash that are Xbox and PS ones. Good controls make a world of difference.

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how many first person shooters are there on PS4/Xbone/PC? Everything in context. It's the best FPS on Switch and one of the only ones.

Reviews aren't comparing all versions - they are comparing one piece of software on one piece of hardware; and that, FOR the switch consumer.

It's safe to assume most people don't own all platforms anyway so comparisons between the same game on all platforms would not be relevant.

Besides, Doom on Switch is half the framerate as on Xbone, but the Switch is less than one fifth the size / weight of Xbone, so all things considered it's a more powerful version. If it was 10fps you'd have cause to complain.

>Your movement speed is so high in Doom 2016

Attached: zoomer.png (259x195, 7K)

Gyro is best

MK7 is unironically the best one

Doom 2016 has the fastest base movement and acceleration I've seen in an FPS since the originals.

explain the dedicated grenade button, dedicated melee button, magnetic sync animations finishers that take control from the player, sync animations for interacting with everything, altering sensitivity while firing some weapons etc
protip: you can't because it's straight up console design decisions

Why are you even bothering to reply? Posting wojaks already marks it as a shitpost.

Not a big feat, all recent shooters are molasses slow to accomodate for stickfags.
>since originals
If you actually were around since originals, you'd know that this is wrong. And also wouldn't be a stickfag.

What's worse is that is was running like complete garbage when they reviewed it and they still have it a high score

this repeated forever and ever until console tards get it through their skull

console fps aren't fps

>dedicated buttons
You have a whole fucking keyboard of buttons
>magnetic sync animations finishers that take control from the player
They implemented those because otherwise people played it like a cover shooter and made it boring.
>altering sensitivity when firing some weapons
Gives sense of weight to them, arguably even bigger effect to mouse users

That was bullshit, SASRT was the GOAT kart racer at the time. Made Nintendo wake the fuck up and create MK8 which took the GOAT crown back.

I think that fast movement actually makes FPS play better on sticks, since you can move the character for precise aiming like describes. Otherwise your on

I wasn't playing video games when Doom dropped, I'll admit. But I still can't think of many FPS games where your velocity and acceleration are as fast as NuDoom. Certainly there are games where you can go faster by exploiting more advanced movement tricks but that's not the same as your base speed.

that is complete garbage and there is more to pacing than movement speed, you can increase speed in snapmap and it doesn't fix anything like brainlets here complain about.
the problems are baked into the game's design at a fundamental level

*otherwise you're only able to use one imprecise stick to aim.

same game but portable?

Imagine actually believing this.

you couldn't be more wrong

Attached: BOOM.jpg (898x742, 158K)

this literally just means all portable games are shit

What did it get on PC? ASRT is objectively better than MK

you couldn't be more vague

AC/DC is horrible shit though

(You) don’t sound like an insufferable faggot at all here’s some crab juice

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what if im neither of htese wojaks

Doom on PC supports motion controls through Steam as well. You don't even need a Steam Controller anymore, though you probably should since the only alternatives are Dualshocks.

Not an argument

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360 noscope me faggot

oh wait, you can't on a controller

No, you’re failing to properly read what you’re seeing. The PC / PS4 / Xbone reviews were made before the game journalist and early neoGAF (at the time) gamer zeitgeist decided that Doom was actually good, due to the fact Bethesda didn’t send review copies.

The Switch review was made after the zeitgeist already eatablished that Doom was good, so it was reviewed with a much higher “base score” (which is directly related to the general hype level) and modified by the quality of the port.

I mean, you can use sticks on PC too, but why would you when you have mouse?

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>version with more content or better graphics get higher scores
No shit

PC plugged into a TV in the lounge? Not all of us live in a basement user.

Funny, it says Doom right on the cover of my copy.

Controller in one hand, mouse on a thick book on your lap in another.

Mechanics with about the same amount of depth justified 2 classic sequels and a whole fuckton of WADs. The mechanics aren't the limiting factor, it's the level design that's supposed to keep things fresh, and that's what was lacking in nuDoom

Does it have gyro support on switch?

It plays about as well as an FPS can play on a controller, but that's just not very good. It's only okay when compared to other console shooters, but compared to the platform FPS games are supposed to be played on it's garbage

t. play Doom on PC and played it on my friend's PS4 for a few hours



Yeah, that's basically what I was trying to say. I wouldn't say it's as comfortable as any of the PC FPS classics, but it's the best you can do on a console and much better than the trash that has been popular on consoles since the 2000s.

They're different has nothing to do with nintendo but IGN

>dedicated grenade button
Literally nothing wrong with this
>animation finishers
They last for about a second on average and you literally never have to use them in normal combat. In fact they become increasingly useless on higher difficulties
>animations for interacting with everything
You mean the 3 times per level that you have to push a button in an animation that lasts 0.2 seconds? The fucking horror.
>altering sensitivity while firing some weapons
What are you even talking about?

Playing a FPS using twin sticks > not playing at all

>you literally never have to use them
you really have to go out of your way to avoid doing it because the game is designed and balanced around the gimmick
>useless on nightmare
>animation that lasts 0.2 seconds
nope a lot activate cutscenes or scripted sequences
>What are you even talking about?
pay attention while firing the plasma rifle in particular

>eating shit is better than not eating at all

If those reviews were written by different people, I fucked your mother.

You don't like games user?

>remote play
Fuck this meme. It's not the same fucking experience.

Gee willikers, it's almost like it's a different person reviewing it with a different set of criteria for a portable platform.

Again, it is balanced around that because after playtesting they found that people played it like little bitches, running away and hiding. Take a look at the boxart and you'll instantly know it's very out of character, so by giving rewards for going commando they made it play like Doom even on difficulties where bitchass plays still works.

I have better games to play than stickfag shooters.

>Playing any FPS with a pad

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Yes. M+KB are not as good as based portability.

>designed and balanced around the gimmick
Maybe on lower difficulties. On Nightmare, using them would much often result in a bigger loss of health or death than an increase in health. While the animation plays, enemies are still free to move and fire projectiles, meaning you are very likely to get hit right as the animation ends during big, chaotic fights. I found myself avoiding them almost completely because they literally did more harm than good on UV and Nightmare mode. It's a crutch in low difficulties and a situationally useful mechanic on higher ones.
>nope a lot activate cutscenes or scripted sequences
There are about 5 points in the entire game where control is taken away from you for a cutscene to play, and the longest one of these is about 2 and a half minutes long. The gameplay to cutscene ratio is 99:1
>pay attention while firing the plasma rifle in particular
Can you describe what you mean? I honestly didn't notice anything strange.

this post will be deleted by mods

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Imagine believing that using a gamepad is WORSE than eating shit. Imagine it.

>I think that fast movement actually makes FPS play better on sticks
Are you a fucking retard? The more movement there is the more of an advantage a mouse gives you over sticks. Just look at both Titanfalls and games like Quake 3, in the PC versions of Titanfall the games were played at a much faster pace with people moving more while firing. Meanwhile on console it was a campfest by comparison. With Quake as soon as you start strafing and bhopping against a pad user he literally can't hit shit.

pad usually playing against other pads though so...

Snapmap uses the same shitty movement that multiplayer has anyway, where forward running is faster than strafing and backpedaling.


In a single player FPS, that is. In multiplayer it becomes a problem because you can move erratically, but all the enemies in nudoom behave very predictably.

>forward running is faster than strafing and backpedaling
It's a good thing though.

>Bloodborne got outsold 4x over Horizon: Zero White Males

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i disagree
they're free in the lower difficulties but barely risky in UV and sometimes can fuck you in Nightmare but you have to be unlucky or dumb
the game get's too easy when you get the gauss anyway
and the enemies are a bit slow imo they rarely catch you off guard dodging them is too easy specially the big ones
they should have just made enemies nightmare faster and more numerous with the same damage as UV and it would have been perfect

>I think that fast movement actually makes FPS play better on sticks, since you can move the character for precise aiming

Attached: wat.gif (396x465, 3.13M)

based retard

Doom 4 isn't good on either of them and the whole reason this thread is here is paid Bethesda marketers

not that user but if you sidestep 1 metre left, your reticle also always moves 1 meter left, regardless how far the target is. Meaning you can aim precisely using the right stick

*left stick, I mean

I only beat DOOM once in my PS4 in whatever difficulty was just below Nightmare mode, but I had a fun time. I was stumbling a lot in the beginning since it's the first FPS I played without KB+M but once ou get used it it's great and goes well with the mobility

I imagine KB+M is better for Ultra Nightmare speedruns though

You know IGN doesn't have just one guy who does all the reviews and each critic is going to have their own opinion, right

Hell knights and barons can easily catch you in most fights, they're pretty fucking agile and jump and climb around very quickly. Mancubi are supposed to be slow, heavy enemies that stay back and shoot very damaging projectiles at you. It's not the big enemies that are supposed to be following you around anyway. Imps do a fantastic job at it and also do a fantastic job at landing their fireballs right in your face, even following the arc of your jump and leading the shot so it hits you directly. I would have appreciated a bit more of a challenge, not through more agility of the enemies because I think they nailed that, but through a slightly higher number of enemies in certain fights.

I learned never to use the glory kills during my Ultra Nightmare run. I only ever did one UN run but during it, even if there was only a 5% chance I might get hit after the glory kill, it wasn't worth going for. It just became my playstyle and I realized the game is more enjoyable when they are very seldom used. I'm not bothered by the inclusion of a mechanic that can be completely ignored. The fact that the game is more enjoyable when they're not used shows that it definitely was not "designed around" the mechanic.

>Aim precisely

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This is pants on head retarded. Why would anyone willingly jump through all these hoops to have an inferior experience?

is this Yea Forums's hero? Shameful

You can do the same by pressing the A button on your keyboard, user. The thing is, aiming isn't complete shit on PC so people actually aim by, you know, pointing their weapon at enemies, not by walking around until their reticle aligns with the enemy.

Nobody's saying it's superior to M+KB, just that it's superior to moving at the speed of a snail and only being able to aim with the right stick.

>inferior experience
>chained to a desk to game

>Whatever ritual sacrifices had to be performed to fit Doom on Switch were worth it.
Clearly a big part of this score is the fact that they were able get an impressive level of performance out of the switch.

But you would have to be able to read to know that.


>chained to a desk

I love how this is the only argument consolebabbies can come up with. As if sitting in my extremely comfortable chair is some sort of burden and my TV isn't connected to my PC as well and I don't have a 360 controller so I can game from my couch if I so wished

That's a retarded reason to give it a higher score though.

>lol this console is underpowered so here's a higher score

I would argue that DS touch screen aiming is closer, but otherwise yes.

People who only aim with right stick are usually the ones who make noise about twin stick controls being bad for FPS. But it's their own retardation that's to blame and because they don't want to put in graft to learn to git gud. It's good being able to distinguish these types of crybaby complaints from real issues like bad batchmaking etc

No it's not, you brainlet. A game having impressive visuals/performance for the platform it's on is very obviously a boon. You're just a moron.

Just imagine your console being such complete fucking shit that games that look and run much worse on it than any other platform actually warrant a HIGHER score because they actually managed to make it run on the abysmal hardware in the first place

So this... is the power... of the Switch... woah

No, it's some retarded pseudo-sprint shit for codbabbies.

Is this you user?

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Based retard

Are you saying graphics are a very important factor for a video game score?

Right off the bat, I never trust a publication or a console fanboy who implies that performance degredation is a good thing. For example, if you say graphics don't matter, and a downgrade for the purpose of putting the game on a lower system is necessary, I'll understand. However, making it unplayable at a cinematic 10 FPS is unforgivable, and I would rather the port not exist period, so as to keep retards from propagating this meme that anything below 30 is acceptable. Devs SHOULD be striving for 60, but most are mentally handicapped and couldn't program their way out of a paper bag coded in C++.

>PC always had mouse, the first and best mode of direct controls
>DS has touchscreen that proved useful for aiming in the few shooters it had
>Wii and PS3 have pointer controls availible, Sony even attempted gyro with Sixaxis (but failed at time)
>DS4, Steam Controller, WiiU Gamepad, Switch, Vita and 3DS all have both touch and gyro, finally achieving parity between all platforms
>except for Xbox that still has neither and is the lowest common denominator that shunts progress for an entire gen
Reminder to hate on macrohard for being so stiff.

Performance absolutely is.

You mean like how all console games look like shit compared to how they could look on PC?
Dumb console warrior.

Can you read?

The Microsoft bonus.

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the imps are the enemies that killed me the most during my nightmare run so i agree they're pretty nice yet the challenge is not always there and it's a bit of a waste because a better synergy between enemies would have been great
baron take barely 2 charged gauss + 2 shot of double barrel shogun before dying
mancubbus are only dangerous if you run around and bump into one
the shielded soldier are surprising sometimes again they're down with one gauss or bit of plasma

The Switch has absolutely abysmal performance compared to the other platforms. So this warrants a higher score how exactly?


Just look at this already you fucking spaz:


>users score best for Switch
Clearly, those people were paid to shill Switch version, there is no other explanation.



Not an argument if the FPS drops below 30. It stops being a game at that point and becomes a cinematic experience.

>It's the best FPS on Switch
Turok came out like 4 days ago, and there are even more coming over the next few months that will likely usurp that.




You need to go back

It has by far the fewest ratings. I wouldn't put too much weight on that rating one way or the other in comparison.

>but it performs worse


Really? Am I meant to be surprised two different people gave the game a different score?

I'm not moving goal posts, I'm tired of talking to you.
Retards that can't comprehend context aren't worth my time. Retards that sperg out over things that have already been proven wrong solely for the sake of arguing aren't worth my time.

This is the very definition of moving the goal posts. You started talking about performance and how it matters despite it being worse on the Switch. When I pointed this out, you immediately shut up about the performance and now your argument is "b-but look at t-this other post c-comparing scores!". So the performance was never even relevant to begin with, is that right? Fuck off retard.

oldoom plays better on a controller than nudoom

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Who the fuck reviewed this shit? I've played it on both PC and Switch (my roommates) and the switch has fucking insane fps drops, not to mention console controls. I guess being able to play it on the go is nice but it drops below 30 way too often.

it has a FUNKY NEW MODE on switch okay guy?

This is actually correct, seeing as old Doom was made with only a keyboard in mind which meant even clunkier controls than analog sticks.

Apparently, according to this thread it's not fair that the other platforms are much more powerful than the Switch so the Switch deserves a higher score because it has weak piece of shit hardware.

Yeah, makes sense this thread would be made by Bethesda shills.

Another thread where people bash a tablet for pushing less FPS than a jet engine.

>can't aim with twin sticks
>unplayable performance

Attached: cant aim sticks__.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

>Metacritic User Score
>"I don't agree with this developer so enjoy the zero lol"
>"it's true this game has a lot of flaws but I still think it deserves a 10 because it's getting too much hate"

Of course, players moving at a snail's pace and guns having autoaim makes playing with a controller seem a lot more viable.

Are you posting that .webm as confirmation?

look at it and make your own mind up?

>meanwhile in gyro camp

Attached: 1552521460473.webm (960x540, 2.31M)

Doom on Switch is portable, and came with all the updates and extra content that wasn't there at launch for the other platforms. That's enough to warrant it better reviews.

That's hardly fair, doom for switch has gyro which allows the score to be bumped up but doom for PC with the even better control scheme is forced to be dragged down by consoles

Too much effort

>Metacritic User Score
Literally bottom-of-the-barrel. It's nothing but 0s and 10s outta 10, fanboys know no other scores. It's either literal perfection or absolute feces depending if it was made by [COMPANY I LIKE] or not.

Post more Nintendo Bonus proof

I tried it with a controller once and it was fucking unplayable.
Although maybe because I was on PC there was no auto aim.

>It's the Switch's fault I can't aim.

Attached: cantAimOnSticks2_Trim.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Splatoon's hitboxes are massive.

go fuck yourself retard, this babby's first Doom was made for consoles first and foremost.

anyone with a full single brain cell should know this - its not like they released PC first and delayed for months for the console version.

i can understand the confusion, cause that's what happened to Diablo 3

Jesus, it actually looks like that? You retards spent more money money for this than on any other platform.

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I think touch controls edge out ahead slightly although they do have the did of covering up the screen
Gyro still shits all over stick though.

I think it is a matter of it being handheld.

But with even more input lag.

More than 11.000.000 humans if I'm not wrong.

I wonder would I enjoy games more if I owned a switch?
Just kidding, Switch is shit and the people are delusional.

Literally effortless. I gave it to my 6yo nephew and he got hang of aiming quicker than he got hang of moving with the stick.


30fps Switch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Massive input lag playing remote play on Vita

The Switch has massive input lag baked into the console itself.

Man could you imaging getting brainwashed this fucking hard by NVIDIA and/or TotalBiscuit

Hence why I said "even more"
Seriously though what the fuck is up with switch input lag.

Not any more than its contemporaries. Pretty much only WiiU had less, and it has a super duper special controller with proprietary data transfer protocol.

I'm convinced it has to do with the dock. There is absolutely no reason a wired controller should introduce more lag than a wireless controller.

Remote play barely works, user.

People want high FPS for better responsiveness, but input lag kills responsiveness on the spot.

Is Immortal Redneck any good? Looks pretty fun

I play in hand held, there's no lag whatsoever

then there's your answer for why it has a better score

That was due to the journos backpedaling on the reception to the game in general though. When they give a game bad reviews and the public really likes it, they tend to backpedal.

That was some deep magic on the WiiU. I still don't really understand how there was almost no lag whatsoever between the gamepad and the TV. Shame the gamepad resolution is only QVGA.

Joycons in "wired" mode work fine for some reason, while a $70 accessory does not.

It might be a little hard to tell when playing 540p at 20fps.

probably either a different reviewer or even if it is the same reviewer they could have easily just changed their mind over the course of a whole year

Unless it's DmC. Then they just keep doubling down.

You’re supposed to play the game for yourself and make your own opinions

IIRC they worked with aerospace or some shit to achieve that. Same with Wii Remote. Same with entirety of N64.

It's fun
I beat the whole game but didn't have much drive to play the postgame content
If you like arena shooters and mobility I'd recommend it, even if you suck you can buy upgrades over time

I feel like people heaped a lot of undeserved hate on the Wii remote. It's comfortable to hold, versatile, modular, and in the hands of competent developers, the motion implementation really worked well.

Plus it got tons of cool applications in the homebrew space. I remember setting up the sensor bar with my PC, connecting the Wii remote via a USB Bluetooth stack, and using custom drivers someone wrote to configure Half-Life 2 for Wii remote and nunchuck play. Really fun to tinker with.

Portability to take it anywhere and gyroscope. So yes

Thanks user, I'll probably grab it next time it's on sale. Reminded me of Ziggurat but looked much better to play.

>>God tier
>Steam Reviews*
this is unironically true, except for the games that have "meme" tag

>single outlet, Switch is worst rated overall
>probably different critic reviewing each of them
>reviewed in the sense of how well the Switch port holds up
>added gyro making it the best console version
>removed the multiplayer that nobody liked
There's lots of logical reasons for this user, and none of them are "Nintendo bonus points".

It didn't have enough buttons.

Attached: okkid.jpg (431x450, 37K)

Between the Wii remote and nunchuck, you're not missing much.


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You kinda are, with 3 shoulders, a stick, one face button and a D-pad when combined, or 3 face buttons, a shoulder and a D-pad with Wii Remote only
And don't tell me you use 1 and 2 with Nunchuk

>4 buttons and 1 stick, plus d-pad
>vs industry-standard 8 buttons, 2 sticks and d-pad
1 and 2 don't count, they are too awkward to actually use.

A stick that didn't click, either.

A true FPS player uses raw keyboard, no mouse

>giving DOOM 2016 anything below a 9

I bet the soibois that reviewed both games played on easy for 4 hours.

DOOM 2016 is the only new game released this gen that isn't either related to Souls, RDR2, or dog shit.

he probably meant corporate

>listening to cringy gamer rock and pressing F to execute demons makes me a man!

So, A, B, C, Z, plus 4 directions on d-pad, +, -.

Even discounting 1 and 2, which definitely aren't too awkward to use, you baby, that's still 10 buttons.

The analog stick on the nunchuck not being clickable was a missed opportunity.

>doom 2016 only got a 7.1/10

what the actual fuck ign

Attached: 1552668681916.webm (364x320, 684K)

>linear shoot the demons until the game says it's enough campaign
>no real narrative
>samey levels
>tacked on and actually awful mp
If anything it's generous. Doom is decent at what it does well if you accept it for what it is, but then again it was 2016 and people expect more from a full price title.

Doom 2016 looks really good considering the large majority of modern shooters are glorified movies. Give me some better shooters made in the last 10 years and I might agree with you.

What rude people

Meaty mechanics

Why does it have to be from the past decade? Doom 2016 doesn't get a free pass because it's the best of a bad situation.

>People actually prefer DOOM I and II to the objectively superior 2016 version.

Is this the power of nostalgia?

It's probably a lot more novel to nintendo players, I don't see the problem. It did deserve that bogstandard 7 though.

No but it's the power of good level design and enemy placement.

Doom > Doom 64 > Doom 2016 > Doom 2 > Doom 3

It's the Nincel score padding. Happens with all Nincel games.


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The Xbox One X version genuinely runs the best, it deserves a bonus.

You know you can download Steam Link on your phone or tablet and use an Xbox One controller through Bluetooth.

The PS4 lags while playing tho. It's not that the game is different, it's the hardware, and Xbox has better hardware and DX12 which gives like 10FPS over PS4 in some games (DOOM and Witcher 3 come to mind)

Remote play has always been garbage

What lags are you talking about? Doom on PS4 has been pretty stable in my experience.

no, you're supposed to believe that D44M is a shit game with constant cutscene interruptions

Some parts of the game, especially where there are a lot of particles, lag while playing from a disk. You probably own the game on disc so you've never noticed, that or you've just never noticed.

That's the best part of the game, it's just kill le demons.

killing demons is cool, but having to press F every 2 seconds for le epic cutscene movie isnt.

Just shoot them again then

But the game has very few cutscenes, and when they are, it's just short 1st person action shots or landscape panos.

except the game rewards you for the cinematic kills.

No it wasn't you fucking retards, it was designed with mouselook in mind, which is also how Romero played it (all pros back then did) but most computers lacked the ram to run mouse drivers alongside doom. Most people think Doom was made with keyboard in mind because that's how most people at the time played it. Boot up vanilla doom in dos box and notice those mouse settings in options.

Furthermore Doom 4 plays perfectly fine on a controller. I played it when I still had gamepass and when I pirated it, I also played it with a controller. Hell, the game is playable on a fucking vita. The reason so many people are saying it's "unplayable" on a controller is because they're used to M+KB. The real best input device is whatever suits your playstyle and feels most natural to you. Only fags think there's some objective device everyone "should" be using.

So tough it out, cupcake. Add some challenge if the game is so easy

>linear shoot the demons until the game says it's enough campaign
>no real narrative
>samey levels
>tacked on and actually awful MP
man, how the hell did anyone play Doom 1994?

i never said anything about it being easy
nice cope

Attached: muh nintendo bonus.png (1344x1078, 1.33M)

They're still optional