This fucker is an absolute damage sponge
This fucker is an absolute damage sponge
*Ruins your run*
Getting like 30 of these for 5 coins each feels pretty amazing
*fixes it*
can someone unlock the lost for me so I can have fun
Yeah, and the Witness will be one too in Repentance.
just pop one of the poops so one spike block runs on the room's edge then pop it again if it reforms before you hit the button
His health scales with your damage.
Because it's more "fair"
Just fucking shoot the poop in front of you as you step in to the room.
>onions milk makes your damage or STR become dogshit
Is Steakmund /ourguy/?
just realised how much he looks like mock
if it's greed, you just gotta be good
if it's ultra greed, just stay far away enough to see him and run perpendicular whenever he jumps into the air
i beat him yesterday in Greedier mode for the first time without taking any damage whatsoever
i.e. less fun. Thanks Edmund for continually patching fun out of your game
>HP up items don't increase keeper's max coin hearts because ?????
it's really delightful that the HP up items that make up a third of the item pool are just useless for half the characters
Scrub filter
there's ways to make the game more challenging other than just making it tedious, steakmund.
How would you change typically useless or generic copy items?
I was about to get this on Switch to play at work - you both reminded me why mods are a necessity to fix the game, thank you
No - it's literally just adding in fake difficulty - despite that BoI is literally going against the grain of roguelikes with its item generation and sheer luck and letting you spiral from the first fucking treasure room at times, it's not okay to add in "lolz here's an item that's of no use" to "balance" the retarded items of insane power
Same way mods on PC do it - just remove those items from having a chance to spawn with certain characters.
It's literally a fucking text file you make, like 3kb
>muh fake difficulty
>muh mods make the game "better"
why are so many isaac fans such whiners jfc. I get that the game isn't perfect but fucking hell doesn't it get boring complaining about the same two non issues every time?
>game is based around getting items you can put to good use
>several characters get given items that literally have no affect on them
i wish they would just accept the broken nature of isaac and stop trying to "balance" bosses.
Delirium has a fuck ton of HP but at least he has no boss armor
>it's not okay to add in "lolz here's an item that's of no use" to "balance" the retarded items of insane power
Because you shouldn't put in broken items to "fix" the game.
Either learn to fucking balance your game or stop charging cash
in what way is it broken?
"get this item and win the run unless you're completely terrible"
is that a problem?
just break the game lol
You don't even need libra. You can just get any kind of piercing shots and it's great
Also, if you get any items that grant you invulnerability to explosions, you win.