There is something about the the general "Capcom is back" narrative that I don't get...

There is something about the the general "Capcom is back" narrative that I don't get. Many people said that Capcom used to "westernize" many of their IPs in the past gen, mostly because of Inafune, which led to a decrease in quality of these titles, in an attempt to grasp a bigger audience that didn't really care about these games.
However it comes to my attention that it's not really that different from the current big Capcom titles, the ones people are praising for bringing Capcom back to the right direction. Whenever I see the attempts at replicating western trends with RE7 (with the general Outlast/Amnesia pandering, despite still showing some original ideas), or the more westernized armors in MHW or the general change in art direction and music in DMC5, it just gives me the impression that the westernization attempts are still there, but for whatever reason they aren't being called out by the fanbase.

Which is why the whole "Capcom is back" meme never really felt genuine to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

MHW was obviously streamlined for western audiences. It worked, unfortunately.

At least they approached it with a sense of taste in World, I felt like. It was called Monster Hunter WORLD for that reason. It's like they actually designed around bringing the whole MH community together, going over the boundaries of countries and culture.

Compare that to DMC5 were the westernization attempts feel more like an afterthought. If that game looked different and had more DMC3-4 esque presentation it wouldn't have changed anything about the game's nature, because the westernization attempts are just built around baiting a bigger audience into trying their game out.

? They were called westernization since Capcom was outright leasing IPs to the West.

>Lost Planet 2
>Dragon's Dogma
>Not absolute kino
I'll fucking murder you.

They aren’t being called out because the games are good and maintain the spirit and identity of the franchises they’re continuing. But you’re going to disagree with minor nitpicks about how they aren’t EXACTLY THE SAME as previous entries, because you’re a shitposter. A shitposter with good prose, but a shitposter nonetheless.

There are different ways to westernize, Capcom has ALWAYS heavily pandered to the western market ever since their arcade days when they released games like Final Fight which was completely inspired by western media and even was aimed to appeal to how westerners played games ("having fun while losing" instead of trying to git gud according to the director) and that's not mentioning their wave of licensed games. Japs taking influences from western media and such is perfectly fine, the problem comes from following western game design trends.

This was another reason why I feel like this whole "Capcom is back" meme is so fake.

People are praising Capcom for doing RE and DMC "justice", but when you consider the output of new IPs even the very criticized past-gen Capcom was better in that regard.
Lost Planet, Dragon's Dogma, the first two Dead Rising games, Asura's Wrath (yes, I know it's made by CC2 but Capcom worked on its concepts and designs), actually good fighting games (excluding SFxTK I guess). It was literally just RE games and DMC being in a bad state. And Megaman I guess.

Westernization was not the problem.

The problem was the games being outsourced and shit.

Capcom has always had a strong western focus, in that they have always made games that try to appeal to the west moreso than Japan. For example Japan doesn’t give a fuck about Megaman, that has always been a franchise that has primarily appealed to westerners.
The backlash against westernization under Inafune wasn’t really against Capcom trying to make games that appealed more towards western audiences (which is what they had already been doing), but rather how they were doing it, mainly through outsourcing IP to incompetents.
Now that Capcom has pretty much ended that practice and is concentrating resources at home they have relearned how to make good though imperfect games and find new, better ways to give them more appeal, mainly through visuals.

tl;dr the problem of westernization wasn’t trying to make things more appealing to the west, but rather doing that by outsourcing to retards.

RE7 was a horror game and not an action game masquerading as survival horror.

And all of those IP either got killed (Lost Planet, Dead Rising) due to retarded western devs just a few years later or are currently MIA, though DD2 is seeming more likely.

>art direction
No wonder you can't figure it out, retard.

Crapcum isnt back until they make an actual good Street Fighter or Marvel vs Capcom again.

>with the general Outlast/Amnesia pandering
How to spot someone who didn’t play Amnesia, RE7, or both.

Wrong. Read up on the TGS 2018 panel where the MHW director talked about this.

You seem to not understand the situation at hand
The "westernization" that Capcom went through before wasn't a visual or narrative stand point but a gameplay and development one, they used to outsource their IPs to western studios for western audiences which ruined what made the games good in the first place because the west didn't understand what made those games their own thing
Capcom is now "back" in the since that their making games that in the way their IPs were

If you dont get it then there is no point trying to explain, literally EVERYONE else gets it OP.

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It's almost like the fanbase prefers when the gameplay and design ISN'T pandering to western "sensibilities" instead of art design and music.

And if you think that there's any AAA game that looks like DMC5, despite the realistic graphics, you're fucking delusional.

What's happening here in a level of pandering that doesn't bottleneck the fanbase. I'm not a fan of the realistic graphics or the music in DMC5, at all. I'm always pointing that out in most threads but if you think that DMC5 isn't a return to form in all the ways that matter, I don't know what to tell you.

Same applies for RE2 but on a lesser extent since RE engine fits it a lot better in that series. And I'm still not a fan of it anyway.

Plus, at the end of the day, like most people said, Capcom always pandered hard to western gaming since a bunch of their series are basically love letters to western media.

Stop being such as bitch. They're absolutely back since they're actually making good games again.

>I'm not a fan of the realistic graphics or the music in DMC5, at all. I'm always pointing that out in most threads but if you think that DMC5 isn't a return to form in all the ways that matter, I don't know what to tell you.
I didn't say anything about the gameplay though. I specifically mentioned the general presentation and music choice in DMC5 being definitely more western-pandering, but I didn't say that the gameplay was altered in a similar way.

It was more western pandering, just not in a way anyone cares about.

Lack of paintballs and a heavier focus on story doesn’t make it a bad game, user.

>I didn't say anything about the gameplay though.

So why the fuck are you putting in the question the idea that they're back since people are obviously loving playing the games again?

Jesus, you're a fucking idiot.

The nier guy is great
>lol i dunno why the dumb yanks liked this they crazy

Capcom always had the west in mind for their game styles. A nice mix of Japanese and western things to create harmony.

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I read that article before, which is why I made this post.

Lost Planet and Dead Rising are 13 years old. Both are completely dead. You're leaving out a bunch of revivals between then and now that were universally panned and pissed people off like Bionic Commando. The debacle over Mega man Legends 3 and Mega man universe. The RockmanXover mobile game and the borderline dystopian DLC options they made for all of their terrible mobile ports. SFV sucks. MVCI sucks. RE6 sucks, RE5 arguably sucks too. DmC. Darkstalkers. There is a decade long black hole in Capcom's lineup that has tarnished basically every one of their big IPs, the only one I can think of that hasn't been is Monster Hunter, which more or less single handedly kept them with enough cash to not go bankrupt. Street fighter, MvC, Mega man, Resident Evil, dead rising, and devil may cry have ALL been hit over the past 10 years and you can't tell why people think a renaissance has started? Resident Evil 7 and MHW have kicked off a new period of Capcom actually making people happy again, and so far MM11, RE2R and DMC5 have adequately kept it going, at least for now. What is that if not a renaissance?

Tldr, you can't figure it out because you're either too ignorant or too retarded.

Nico's CUHRRAZY van cutscenes were retarded as fuck though.

lack of monsters and heavier focus on "coop" definitely made it a worse game though.
Bring back Village/Online split, 4 player rooms, and about 15-20 more monsters and it would probably be the best Monster Hunter game though.

The reason why Inafune was a retard is that almost all capcom games were universal in nature and/or "westernized" him trying to "westernize" them further just alienated the core audience while not appealing to the COD shooter dude bro people, who were buying the game anyway before that.

It literally cut out the layered on bullshit that was built up over years and is functionally the same as old mh games.

That's just the silly Japanese side coming out but she is pretty down to earth.

>cut out the layered on bullshit
>actually added "layered armor" to the series
which is it user?

>Lost Planet and Dead Rising are 13 years old. Both are completely dead. You're leaving out a bunch of revivals between then and now that were universally panned and pissed people off like Bionic Commando. The debacle over Mega man Legends 3 and Mega man universe. The RockmanXover mobile game and the borderline dystopian DLC options they made for all of their terrible mobile ports. SFV sucks. MVCI sucks. RE6 sucks, RE5 arguably sucks too. DmC. Darkstalkers. There is a decade long black hole in Capcom's lineup that has tarnished basically every one of their big IPs, the only one I can think of that hasn't been is Monster Hunter, which more or less single handedly kept them with enough cash to not go bankrupt. Street fighter, MvC, Mega man, Resident Evil, dead rising, and devil may cry have ALL been hit over the past 10 years and you can't tell why people think a renaissance has started?
To me it sounds like RE and DMC are back, not Capcom as a whole. You mentioned it yourself.

MH has always been doing fine, but many of their other IPs failed hard and they have been struggling with many of their series to the point they considered outsourcing them. Now they did RE and DMC and that suddenly means Capcom is back. Can't you see how this whole thing feels so disingenuous and fake?

>jewish mutt
>down to earth
yea no

>Lost Planet in RE Engine never
Fucking Capcom, never outsource anything to shitty western studios again.

>Can't you see how this whole thing feels so disingenuous and fake?
He can't because he's not cripplingly retarded like you. MHW sold 15 million copies, RE2re sold something like 3 mil on launch and is creeping up to 8 mill, 7 sold 7 mil, DMCV is looking to do better than re2 but less than MHW, capcom hasn't had this big of a winning streak since the ps1 and arcade cabinet days.

In development right now is R3make, and DD2 with some more dlc planned for dmcv and re2re. You'd have to be retarded or a retard pretending to be retarded in order not to see how hard they're winning right now.

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Why is everything a narrative now lol?

They still won’t be forgiven until MM Legends 3 and X9 are out.

I just hope that capcom fixes their fighting games shit

No one cares about those

When are we getting DMC5's sales, anyway?

You're pushing it now on sales. Which is still quite flawed. Monster Hunter World has been a huge success, but both RE5 and 6, titles from the controversial past-gen Capcom, used to be the biggest selling titles the company ever made, ever beyond SF2, and sold more than RE7 for example.

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>It worked, unfortunately.
MHW is a great fucking game. Kys.

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DMC5 is unfortunately the peak of Itsuno being an insecure fuck. He has western producers that filter his content. It sucks. The western influences in DMC5 and how it's impossible to fail (MHW still pushes your shit hard) brings it down.

You're comparing it to two games with huge budgets, and a decade of sales + gold edition with re5. To MHW which hit this high mark in a year and will probably have more sold by the time the fiscal year ends. Monster hunter world always sold fairly well, but total lifetime sales were something like 40mill over several titles, one new title sold more than a quarter of it's lifetime and it's still got more to go + the iceborn content.

RE6 sold well but it was bad. If you're going to point at sales figures properly you have to understand that sales lag quality. DMC2 sold more than DMC3, specifically because dmc3 was a good game that followed a bad game and dmc2 was a bad game that followed a good game.

I hear you brother, the rumors are that mmx9 is on its way.

April 15th, the latest. All we know is it outsold everything on pc baring mhw which puts it at around the same sales as RE2RE or slightly more, for now. The sales of all three hits were enough to get teh ceo gloating about "capcom is back!"

Tendie still mad he lost Monster Hunter.

Dmc5 is no different from the other games respecting what you can do to not die. It's always your call whether or not to use yellow/gold orbs and items to keep going. Frankly, dmc5 has fewer options because vitality stars and holy water are gone all together.

Those things came at a cost in DMC3. DMC5 hands those out like candy. Basically you can breeze through default difficulty without failing once. Meanwhile in DMC3, you got your shit pushed in real hard if you got cocky.

But the game being easy isn't really my problem with it.

>dmcv is impossible to fail
you didn't even play the fucking game

Notice the only people complaining about Capcom are Switchlets.

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Capcom is a constant reminder that sticking with Nintendo as a third-party is fucking retarded and makes you miss out on millions of sales.

MHW effectively ended Nintendo's shot of securing big third-party exclusives.

Inafune Capcom didn't westernized the game, they outsourced the game to western developers, or funded games in western studios instead of making in-house. The "dark age of Capcom" is referencing to the time they were literally putting western devs to make their games.

Things work out when japs are westernizing stuff, because like you to admit or not, japanese devs are just better.

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>play mission 1 on hard/ very hard
>2 minutes for 10k red orbs
Wow that was hard. I've got 400k red orbs sitting in my dmc3 save file with nothing to spend them on because I've capped out on the number of every item you can buy, and I never use them or need to replace them. Terrible argument, you can still always choose not to use them.

This. Also they were always western-centric in philosophy. RE1 had live-action cutscenes with western actors, remember?

Well maybe westernization wasn't the problem, and simple lack of quality was the problem.
They fixed that, so they're being praised for it.

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>Nico's CUHRRAZY van cutscenes were retarded as fuck though.

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Capcom will most likely stick with the RE engine, since western audiences are drawn to good graphics. So, I wouldn't bet on then making Switch games in the future unless it is small stuff like Megaman tittles, since the Switch can't take the RE Engine.

People who only have a Switch are completely stupid anyway. The Switch is the best option for anyone that already have a main system and want another one, since it is diferent from the rest, but surely not the best to be the main.

It's tertiary at best. After PC, after PS4. Hell I'd even rather buy an Xbone than Switch.

Visually the games look cinematic but they're still gamey. They manage make both worlds work unlike a lot of other developers who learn too heavily in the cinematic direction and forget that gameplay comes first.

You mean that shill that spams the same thread every day. There isn't much to get. Instead of focusing on specific products, Yea Forums just attracts spergs that worship entire companies.

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If you already have a PC, having a PS4 or a Xbone is kinda nonsensical. Or if you have a PS4, buying an expensive PC or an Xbone doesn't make much sense either. They may be different platforms, but they divide too much games in common, If you have one, most of the games on the other are available to you. You only get those together if you are a rich idort who can't lose a single game.

The Switch, for the other side, don't share much games with those platforms, and is different enough to not be seen as a waste of money. That's why It is the best secondary system. I only have a PC and Switch, and sincerely, I don't feel like I'm losing anything. I could buy a PS4 or Xbone, but it sounds like a savage waste of money since there's only 1 game I am interested in each one. Bloodborne and Ninja Gaiden

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Switch is better than ps4, there's only one or two decent exclusives for it.

For Switch? I wouldn't even go that far. It depends entirely on how much you care about bing bing wahoo man.

PS4 has more non-PC games than Switch. Way more. And it's not being emulated as we speak.

>ITT weeaboos finally understand that their precious vidya will get its shit rocked by """progressive""" marketing strategies the same as everyone else's hobbies

>asura's wrath
>a food fighting game
Oh, I get it, you're literally retarded

None I really care about. And raw numbers don't really matter to me as I won't play everything available in a platform, I just get the things that catch my interest.

Anyway, you are only making a case that you should get a PS4 and Switch, instead of a PC and Switch.

I have a PS4 and PC. The former I needed for games like GoW, Bloodborne, Persona, TLG and so on. Also it's good when I have friends over and they want to play some local multiplayer.

last gen they westernized gameplay too and outsourced half of their games to the west.
now they are only making the games visually more realistic to appeal more to the west, but the games are back to their former selves

last gen:
RE was changed drastically to follow typical western AAA trends
Dead Rising was outsourced to western devs after the first game
DMC was outsourced to western devs after the first game
they gave no worldwide attention to MonHun, which is Capcom's most popular series in Japan

this gen:
Capcom shut down Vancoover studio
RE is back to it's former self
DMC is back to it's former self
we've got a new mainline Megaman game
we've got a fully fledged console MonHun game
another older IP being resurrected is already teased

Capcom didn't have as much money in the beginning of this gen as they had through last gen. The immense experimentation with new IPs last gen costed them a lot.
They reportedly didn't even have money to make SFV before Sony started funding the project, and even after that the game clearly had budget issues (that, or Capcom secretly pumped the money they got from Sony to MonHun World)
They only now got back to their feet recently, so we can probably expect more from them from now on

So, to summarize for further arguments although I know it won’t stop the retarded people.

>When people talk about westernization, they mean not about art style, gameplay or story.
>They mean about the outsourcing of the IPs to western developers.
>Examples like DmC, Lost Planet, and the Dead Rising IPs.
>”Capcom is back” refers to Capcom not giving away their IPs to western devs and taking control of developing them which has gave them 3 very successful releases in the less than a year that have completely restored faith in their fanbase as well as introduced new audiences to these classic IPs.

That’s what I’m getting from all this, and I’m not one to follow up with the industry on a daily basis.

for a while monster hunter only sold well on handhelds because it mostly bombed on consoles and only stuck around ebcause the dev is the ceo's son. As it turned out MH wasn't bad it just came too early, jsut like Outbreak, so when it finally updated and came online with the actual framework it needed, it took off.

Nintendo has really strong first party shit besides Mario, even if I hate BOTW (not rlm) it still drew a crowd, and of course there's smash ultimate, metroid prime, supossedly that new starfox, I think xenoblade 2? They've got a nice retinue of exclusives. Meanwhile for ps4 you've got mostly psuedo movie drek like uncharted 4, TLOU@, GOW4, etc, they have some good exclusives in the form of blood borne, and spiderman, but with only a handful of them on a more expensive console that has more expensive online it's hard to justify it versus a switch if you already own a pc.

Basically yeah. And again people forget that Capcom's games were always Japan's take on western culture. Dragon's Dogma, Resident Evil, God Hand, the list goes on. They've always been about the worldwide audience rather than pleasing Japan specifically. Even Monster Hunter was never really an IP that was Japanese in presentation. It just took off in Japan due to how popular handhelds are there.

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GoW absolutely shits all over any Nintendo exclusive this gen. Same goes with Gran Turismo. Switch doesn't even have a real racing game, just party equivalent. Same with everything else. Just party games.

They arent outsourcing the development to westerners. They are making the games in house in japan.

Nah, Inafune was the guy who though capcom wasn't western enough because he's a jackass that didn't understand Capcom was as westernized as you could get without sacrificing quality. So he got one winner out in the form of DR2 who only succeeded because of how much they loved the original one and how close they kept to it to it, they flooded the market with FOTM AAA crap that nobody really wanted, but bought anyway and later regretted it.

>It's like they actually designed around bringing the whole MH community together
What? Anyone who was a part of any community didn't need any of the changes.
>the westernization attempts are just built around baiting a bigger audience
MHW is the same shit. Get people who've never heard of Monster Hunter, or who refuse to play it, to do so. If anything, I could think that the style in DMC5 is just an artistic choice not really intended to achieve a goal.

With how much MHW, RE2 and DMC5 are selling on PC, I do hope more devs that tradionally stick to consoles start looking in to PC for new markets. I feel that the market of consoles nowadays are 30+ year olds that never got in to PC gaming when they were young. Kids nowadays are constantly watching youtubers, streamers and they see their PC setups and are leaning more towards PC as they get older and can afford it. So I actually see a shift coming around in the next decade that will push the market towards the PC market and big developers to stop their affiliations with consoles as they see these traditionally console titles move to PC.

>shitting on anything but masculinity
come on bro, shit is a glorified cutscene fatherhood simulator, ninja gaiden is a much better exclusive if it even still is an exclusive at this point. I aint' a fan of racing game,s but I haven't been into them since that old street racing one on the gcn, nintendo's got mariokart which depending on who you are you like better and it's devoid of the souless micro shit I've seen in realistic racers, maybe they could fix it with f-zero but I dunno.

That being said, pokemon, mhgx, smash ultimate, mario, zelda, metroid, fire emblem, are all solid titles and you can take it anywhere. They're also much better stand alone games which a lot of exclusives I feel really need the psn shit to get off the ground.

To me it ain't worth it, I really only want bloodborne myself, but I ian't paying 250++ for it a console and internet that I already pay for. Exclusive titles were a lot more meaningful back in ps2 and even ps3 era, but now it's just a handful of stuff unless you're nintendo. Sure it's more or less kid friendly, but there's just a lot more shit to explore that you can't get anywhere else.

You haven't even touched GoW. It's far more masuline than any tranny-promoting Nintendo shit.

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Inafune wasn't trying to westernises games, he was literally outsourcing them because his reasoning was "if we develop in house, we'll sell the same so let's try something different"

As for the game themselves, it was said that one of the first prototypes for RE was in first person, not to mention the added VR.
MH's armor aren't any different than they used to be with the exception of females which went from a few to most of them being pandering.

I think so, thing is pc sales have always been strong they just lacked any first party support until much more recently. A lot of lazy companies like bamco like to just throw a port together with spit and glue, and then when it does poorly blame the market instead of themselves which was a common approach since a lot of console companies didn't want to be involved. But now it's easier to develop for pc and port to consoles with console framework becoming more and more like pcs.

It's only going to continue to improve for those on pc, and the companies smart enough to get in on the pc market.

I can see X9 but o feel like Legends 3 is a massive long shot.
Inafune announced it when it was so incomplete it was practically a marketing stunt.

Co op is the only good thing about monster hunter.

>Leon Kennedy
>Chris and Claire Redfield
>Jill Valentine
Those name are so American they're gonna be the Midwestern alliance's "John doe" when shit hits the fan

>Ugh none of these games have pastel-haired anime lolis with laser titties yikes how westernized
Do you faggots ever listen to yourselves? Ignoring the fact that "westernization" was far from Capcom's only problem when they were in their slump, one big thing they kept doing to earn that criticism was literally outsource big name IPs to talentless western studios that ran them into the ground. They clearly don't do that now, fucking retards.

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>nah goy, I'm an ideas kind of guy
That's nice, some of us are here to talk about videogames, no globohomos. You're being untermensch if you're unironically arguing against Nintendo having a niche in the market

The monsters number is the highest for a new game made from scratch. Compare it to MH1 on PS2 and Tri on Wii instead of expansions reusing the same assets for 10 years. As for coop, that's the whole point of the series, it's an online game not a single player grinfest.

Funny considering you're sperging hard about a game you haven't even played, little nincel.

I think MHW's last confirmed number was 13m, that data is a few months old (next update will be in early april) and the RE5/6 numbers are boosted but the current gen ports.

Darkstalkers, Megaman Legends, Breath of Fire. Unless they can revisit at least one of these, and NOT fuck it up, I'll never consider Capcom to be "back".

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>Inafune Capcom didn't westernized the game

Inafune was absolutely to blame. He became head of Capcom's project development when he was star struck at how much money shit like CawaDooty and open world games were making. He became the spearhead of Capcom's pipeline of westernizing most of their main franchises and outsource to American/British developers. He's the sole reason why DmC, Lost Planet 3, Dead Rising 4, Bionic Commando and Dark Void exist.

Capcom isn't a person, you fucking donut.

Gold orbs are everywhere because you cannot heal yourself anymore, basically they merged them with the S/M/L heals. In any case no one forces you to use items just like you weren't forced to in any of the previous games.

If you had read the rest of the sentence, you wouldn't need to write all that shit.

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Zelda's always had weird tranny shit, but it was never really pushed as a positive or negative, but gerudo women are suppossed to be bear women who are islamic of some sort, also they're all thieves. Anyway GOW4 looks like absolute trash and I've got no idea how they turned around all that bad pr the gameplay got from the leaker before it launched.

I did read the rest of the sentence, dipshit. It's disingenuous as shit to say Inafune wasn't responsible for the worst period of Capcom. That broad stroke bullshit isn't saying absolutely anything. And then you have this retard here >Inafune wasn't trying to westernises games

Inafune apologists need to shut the fuck up.

how much is crapcom paying you to shill like this?

The problem with the Switch is that unless you are interested in Nintendo exclusives, there's almost nothing else to play.

Personally I got one expecting MH to continue on Nintendo consoles and so far outside of Odyssey and GU it's been collecting dust, with Umihara Kawase being the next game I'll get.

Nobody is defending Inafune, you giant retard. They are just saying he was outsourcing the games to western devs instead of westernizing then by himself, wich is an even worse thing to do.


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I don't even care about megaman shit anymore, they killed it throughly dead in the psp era.

>tfw no maverick hunter 2-8
>tfw no more battle network
>tfw no mml remakes

>looks like
Whenever nincels try to talk about games they haven't touched.

I played BoTW and it was dog shit. GoW was superior in every way. And it didn't have a tranny agenda either.

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>story in MH

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I'm not an apologist man, I've been talking shit about Inafune for almost a decade.

>tranny agenda
that's not wolfenstein the last order
>defending GOW4
it's literally basedboy simulator 2k18
I don't even own a switch, I'm jsut pointing out that even the most mediocre offering from nintendo which is BoTW beats teh shit out of most sony exclusives now. If you had said that last gen, then I'd say something different, but most of the great ps3 exclusives all have hd ports to pc and all consoles now, while Naughty dog titles have devolved into agenda pushing bullshit like TLOULGBTQ2 and whatever the fuck uncharted 3-4 were supposed to be.

>instead of westernizing then by himself

This makes no fucking sense, you absolute fucking dipshit. Everyone knows his effect on Capcom was the outsourcing, not that he was "making them by himself" which is high school fucking blabbering. Follow your own advice, especially considering how the original post I quoted is horribly written.

You're just a furious nincel ranting about games you haven't touched. I've played both and GoW shits all over Bore of the Wild. Sorry.

You cannot pretend them to invest in IPs that never broke a million.

Imagine being so wrapped up in shitposting that you can't even be assed to read anything or talk about games. You can only shitpost for chemical drug hits, that's fuckin sad breh.

Difference between me and you is that I play the games I shit on. You're just an assmad console warrior obsessed with Nintendo. kys

Westernizing then by himself: Making games in-house but trying to heavily appeal to a western demographic.

Outsorcing the games: Giving the IP to other studios, western ones, to make the games thenselves.

Inafune did the later, not the second like OP is saying. Nobody is defending him, they are just pointing out correctly what he did wrong. Once again: LEARN TO READ.

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Then you need to educate yourself why Inafune did what he did. Plenty of interviews and bullshit statements from him to know hwy.

He said nothing wrong. Westernization wasn't the problem. The problem was outsourcing to westernshit devs, which Inafune is responsible for.

You're really doubling down on this retardation? You do you man, I'm here to tlak games, you wanna waste your life shitposting that's your deal.

Didn't inafune said that he wanted to westernize the games in the first place and his method of doing that was to outsource? I destinctly remember him saying that capcom needed to westernize, and thinking it was fucking retarded back then.

This is rich coming from a nincel who hasn't even touched GoW past Youtube. Stay mad. I played BoTW at 60 fps. It was dog shit. GoW was great. Meanwhile stick to Youtube.

>Capcom is back
Where is Deep Down though???

>No longer have to carry around a pickaxe that will break in 5 swings.
Seems good to me.

> It's like they actually designed around bringing the whole MH community together, going over the boundaries of countries and culture.

Imagine thinking this when every MH thread after World has been a hellhole of console war shitposting. You can't even critique World without being labeled a Nincel or defend it and being called a Sony-gro.

It became the re engine. What even was deep down?

As I said, I've been talking shit about him for years, although according to this post I've quoted the previous post it may have been closer to 7 than 10

>You'd have to ask him but as I recall, the logic was something along the lines of "doing the same thing is going to get us the same results (if we're lucky). Let's try something from a different perspective." In some cases, a Western one.

>Imagine thinking this when every MH thread after World has been a hellhole of console war shitposting
That's just par for the course for Yea ForumstendoGAF. Outside of this board, the game is beloved.

Same happened when between PSP and gen3 players, it's not about the game but the platform.

>with the general Outlast/Amnesia pandering,
Im so tired of this argument.
Play the fucking game.

Mostly it's just retards shitting on mhw with little to no actual criticism. Just brainlet responses like
>"iz 2 e-z!!1!1"
and then citing the removal of superflous systems being removed part of the core gameplay, as if switching out loadouts you have to make before hand, resistance cloaks, or the improved armor systems is bad.

There's a few things it does worse than MHW but nobody ever actually discusses that, they jump to elitism at the drop of the hat.

The only problem I have with Outlast is not being able to even shoot the guy, as long as I can hurt someone (even if he is inmortal) I feel vindicated to runaway

Dark Souls clone I guess? With generated dungeons like Bloodborne later got?
No idea.

>I played BoTW at 60 fps
No you didnt lol

Reminder Capcom asked Nintendo to make the Switch stronger to run the RE Engine, and so far all Capcom has put on the Switch is old overpriced ports

They just increased ram, maybe it's still not enough due to portable mode. Also keep in mind that they did release RE7 in Japan, but as a cloud game.

>what is cemu?

According to Capcom they asked for the increase in RAM so it COULD run in portable mode. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't enough, Capcom would have said something.

But its very clear what Capcom sees the Switch as. A fucking cashgrab machine to put stuff as easily and cheaply as possible onto

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Your PC cant run CEMU lol

Capcom has been always westernized Japanese dev, especially Division 1 games.

>But its very clear what Capcom sees the Switch as. A fucking cashgrab machine to put stuff as easily and cheaply as possible onto
so they view it the same way nintendo themselves view it, then?

Nintendo actually makes new games for it

Capcom has put about 18 games out on the Switch. Only 1 is a new game.

>Nintendo actually makes new games for it
wii u ports are not new games just because they're priced like one.

Except that RE7 is still the best RE game to date

Nintendo still has made more new games for it than Capcom Wii U ports aside

Even Konami has made more fucking new games for the Switch than Capcom, and Konami doesn't even make games anymore

Capcom is about half the size of Nintendo and their focus is on making money, not sustaining someone else's business. It's up to Nintendo to demonstrate that specifically designed games for Switch is more profitable than developing for PC/PS4/One, not to mention that all the major titles they published so far were planner before Switch's specs were finalized.

>It's up to Nintendo to demonstrate that specifically designed games for Switch
Why is that Nintendo's problem? Capcom has made games for Nintendo consoles for almost 3 decades, Capcom should already know how this works by now
It also probably would be more profitable than working on X1 thats for sure

>Capcom should already know how this works by now

Exactly. Developing for Nintendo's home platforms brings comparatively lower profits as shown by 64/GC/Wii/WU and they act accordingly.

>It also probably would be more profitable than working on X1 thats for sure

PC/PS4/One share similar hardware and games can be ported without too much effort, Switch is weaker and would require games designed around it, kind of like Wii's dead rising or, as mentioned before, RE7's cloud version.

>capcom releases a good string of games
>oh shit I love those games
>maybe there is hope for capcom yet

that's pretty much it, I expect them to make some stupid fucking decisions because good things don't last forever

>Developing for Nintendo's home platforms brings comparatively lower profits as shown by 64/GC/Wii/WU and they act accordingly.
Switch is not a home console lol. Its a handheld which Capcom gave plenty of games
>PC/PS4/One share similar hardware and games can be ported without too much effort
You still need resources to make games for it, so its either more work for more profit or less work for less profit here.

>Switch is a home platform
This is one of those "Switch is this because it fits my argument" situational things again isn't it?

Why would a company sacrifice their own profits so they could make a game that's graphically worse, mechanically worse, and has less content for the same price while making less money overall?

>less money
Well they make games for the Xbox One so that's out the window


I mean they did it in the past

How many Mega Man games did the GBA and DS get again?

I know you're joking, but they don't make exclusive titles. The framework is so similar to everything else it's worth it to throw a skeleton crew on to develop for free money. Besides xb1 is still a decent chunk even if it's lower than pc and ps4, where as if they developed for switch in mind only you'd get mhgx tier graphics and models with minor improvements on all consoles and that'd probably hurt your bottom line more than just developing a good modern game for all modern consoles.

You can call it a hybrid or whatever, it certainly isn't something you can put in your pocket and play on the go.

Lots, but you're talking about a different era where nintendo was king of the multiplayer, and you could crank out a cheap game for handhleds with a smaller crew and cheap assets. Now phones are teh dominant handheld market and spriteworks mostly dead for big companies. Add to that they're developing everything on the RE engine mostly and there''s nothing more to say.

Times have changed, we're not young anymore.

Of course they're not making exclusive titles anymore. But if they've got some serious problems where they'll the XB1 tons of brand new games while the Switch just gets old scraps when one is about to surpass the other.

Also uh, you wanna talk about MHGX tier graphics? They're making Ace Attorney mutliplatform now. I rest my case.

You could develop something for GBA/DS with 20-30 people in a year or less, nowadays development teams average around the hundreds and game take 2-3 years to develop.

All of Capcom's phone games have flopped. They're not going back to phones.

Also i'm pretty sure the Switch is way cheaper to develop for than the PS4/X1 at this point. Especially when the PS5 and XB2 are supposedly coming next year.

I've seen more than a fair few people play the Switch on the go, so I doubt that.

Mega Man 11 was made with 40 people.
RE2 was made with 800.

XB1 gets what pc and ps4 gets with minimal effort because the framework is mostly the same. You have to change the framework massively for switch and the re engine won't work
>ace attorney is multiplat
Ace attorney is also a visual novel with stylized graphics. You can get away with that for small budget games, but not for their bigger releases. Capcom isn't going to shrink so Nintendo can get fat off their back.

AA is niche, would you expect them to develop it using the RE engine? It being multiplat only demonstrates that Capcom doesn't expect Switch sales to be high enough to make a profit.

>All of Capcom's phone games have flopped. They're not going back to phones.
Is anyone's good besides squares and nintendo?
>Also i'm pretty sure the Switch is way cheaper to develop for than the PS4/X1 at this point. Especially when the PS5 and XB2 are supposedly coming next year.
It's been repeatedly said that the framework is much easier to work with and incredibly similar to pc, I imagine the same is true of the new generation coming out. It's not ps3 era where nobody knew how the fuck it worked. It's much more lucrative to make it for pc, and then have two teams repackage it slightly for xb1 and ps4..

It's not the case for Switch, but developing for older hardware tends to be a worse investment over time because the tech becomes obsolete, and the time spent in development could have been used to train your employees on newer development tools.

Other than that, it's always a case of return on investment; developing for hypothetical 200ml+ users (PS4/One/PC) means that your game will have higher potential sales compared to 30ml on Switch.

>You have to change the framework massively for switch and the re engine won't work
There's no proof RE Engine will not work on Switch. The only proof we have is Capcom asked Nintendo for more RAM so it could run it and so far nothing has come out of it. There was the stream only version of RE7, but considering Capcom has cut corners on every single one of their Switch releases and those are just all old ports we probably won't know until Capcom stops with the cashgrabs and actually puts in effort for just one game.
>You can get away with that for small budget games
I should let you know, I would be perfectly OK with budget releases instead of more cashgrab ports at this point. Nobody but Nintenbros are asking for Capcom's AAA shit

Isn't the point of developing for Switch to grow sales? You can't grow if you don't put in effort

Reminder the Switch has newer hardware than the PS4 and X1
> developing for hypothetical 200ml+ users (PS4/One/PC) means that your game will have higher potential sales compared to 30ml on Switch.
What happens when Switch passes one of those systems (ala XB1) Then what?

So why can't you have a team to make low budget handheld shit like back in the PS2/Xbox and 360/PS3 days?

every post praising capcom has been posted by an esl nigger

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user, milking the RE Engine and making big budget tittles is on Capcom's line of interest, as that is the kind of stuff that gets the eyes of westerners, and if you can't see that, is only because your fanwhoring mindset is on the way. They are porting their games even to Xbox, want better proof that Capcom doesn't care about retarded gay shit like console exclusivity? The only reason to why they don't launch their newer games on Switch is this: The Switch can't take it, if it could, they would have ported RE7 to it instead of making it a streamable game. Capcom would gladly accept more money, but they can't do it when that requires heavily downgrading their games on the development process just so it can run on it.

Just stop being retarded and buy another platform as well. People who have ONLY the Switch are fucking retards.

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t. Salty nintendr0n3.

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>There's no proof RE Engine will not work on Switch. The only proof we have is Capcom asked Nintendo for more RAM so it could run it and so far nothing has come out of it.
How about the fact that nintendo puts out consoles with polished years old tech so they have a longer shelf life? There's no way you're getting re2re to run on a switch without some serious black magic work. I'd be legitimately surprised if re7 ran flawlessly on a switch.
>Isn't the point of developing for Switch to grow sales? You can't grow if you don't put in effort
They're growing plenty and putting in effort on the consoles with the most users to effort ratio. It's not really worth it to try and fit a ps3 game on a cellphone, the hardware can't handle it. Except in this case that cellphone has less people using it than the combined users of pc xb and ps. Sure they could do some budget titles and I imiagine you might see some if MM11 and Harvey Birdman do well, but if they do mediocre numbers it just won't be worth it.

However it's totally worth it to port old games that will definitely run on switch. Plenty of people wil pay good money to play re1re and re4 hd on the go.
>we probably won't know until Capcom stops with the cashgrabs and actually puts in effort for just one game.

you can, but it might not be lucrative enough. I'm guessing mm11 and Ace Attorney is going to test the waters for that.

As I said before, porting between PC/PS4/One is easier than porting to Switch because they share similiar hardware.

Porting to Switch would require a specific version of the game to be created, thus requiring more resources in comparison.

Because those same 20-40 employees are busy developing one of the bigger projects, and taking them off from it would mean higher costs for less profits.

>Switch can't run their newer games
>To compensate, Capcom has a whole fucking division dedicated to giving it lazy old ports overpriced to milk the userbase
I'm not buying it user. All of their Switch releases have half assed (Digital only, comes out almost a full year later, literally half assed as half the game is behind a download code) Its very clear Capcom makes their Switch games as cheap as possible so they couldn't possibly ever lose any money, and now they've recently even gotten even greedier by jacking up the prices of old Gamecube games.

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These aren't good arguments considering its just wild guesses

>Capcom has a whole fucking division

Ports aren't developed internally, they outsource them. Even PC ports, outside of MHW, are usually done by a western company,

They're arguments based on what we know from this and previous generations, and basic common sense.

>How about the fact that nintendo puts out consoles with polished years old tech so they have a longer shelf life?
Not good enough argument. Capcom worked with the 3DS for Christ's sake.
>They're growing plenty and putting in effort on the consoles with the most users to effort ratio
Again, Switch is about to surpass X1, argument is invalid.
>However it's totally worth it to port old games that will definitely run on switch.
So laziness instead of putting effort for a new game


>this giant company hates us, switchbros! They are clearly mocking us!
Motherfucker buys ONLY a portable with hardware weaker than my cellphone, and know is coping hard thinking that people are fucking with him. How deranged are you, motherfucker?

user, Capcom is not as big as you think, they mostly launch only big tittles, and considering they will milk the RE Engine even more, the Switch just can't run all of then.

>b-but why are they launching ports?
Because there's a market there to buy these ports? Ports aren't hard to make, mostly are outsourced to companies that have only 10 employees. Since they can't launch their big tittles on the Switch Because the Switch just can't take it. It is not because they hate you, the money they would get with the release of a big tittle on the Switch would compensate any port - If the Switch could take it they have to trow something there or else, they would be letting a good oportunity slide. Nobody is out to get you or you favorite company, faggot.

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>Why is that Nintendo's problem?
because if they ever want to stop being an also-ran and everyone's "secondary console," they need legit third-party support.

It's literally educated assessments based on what would make sense monetarily. You wouldn't dedicate a team to a handheld division unless you could prove that it was cost effective to do so first, hence the easy ports of things that for a fact will sell and will work on the system, and games like mm11 and AA who will also definitely work and give you a better idea of what that console's market is like.

You mean same the same generations where Capcom put 6 Battle Network games and 4 Mega Man Zero games on the same system?

kill yourself, nintendicksucker

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the switch in "portable" mode is gigantic, has terrible battery life, shit ergonomics, and makes many games look and perform far worse than they do in docked mode.
the switch is a home console with a handheld gimmick added on.

>It also probably would be more profitable than working on X1 thats for sure
Between PS4, Xbone, and and PC, Xbone is the easier to work on in the whole bunch. The Xbone is literally just a glorified mid-range PC, people like to say this about the PS4 but in Xbone case that's actually real, with the highlight that you don't need to be aware of hardware differences like a normal PC game. If you are making a game for PC or PS4, then you already walked 90% of the road to port it to Xbox already.

>Not good enough argument. Capcom worked with the 3DS for Christ's sake.
Are you delusional enough to think the 3ds could run the fucking RE engine or it's equivalent of the time? That's fucking insane.
>Again, Switch is about to surpass X1, argument is invalid.
How could teh switch increase performance over a machine that is made of better components? It's made to be a console and can afford bigger and better things that could only work on a stationary system. It's not like the switch was made a decade later than the xb1 and the tech has advanced enough to let those components have an approximate handheld variation. 3ds barely got out of ps2 era graphics and the scale was smaller than the switch.
>So laziness instead of putting effort for a new game
It doesn't make fiscal sense, why would you pour millions into a games division for a console you don't even know your ips will sell on. Are you aware of how small teh numbers were for things like BN, mmz, star force, and the like were?

>non, Capcom is not as big as you think, they mostly launch only big tittles
Mega Man 11 isn't a big title. Neither is Ace Attorney.
>Because there's a market there to buy these ports? Ports aren't hard to make, mostly are outsourced to companies that have only 10 employees.
So you're admitting they're being cheap and lazy instead of putting in effort for a new game?
Also if you're so adamant on defending Capcom's laziness, explain to me why All 3 Resident Evil games are 30 dollars on Switch and 20 dollars on everything else.

capcom almost went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by sony with sfv. they burned through all the goodwill they had with customers last generation. they need to keep putting out major titles like mhw, remake 2 and dmc5 to fix their reputation as a brand. niche handheld-style games are simply not on the agenda for capcom right now.

Buttblasted Barry thread

Yeah the only game Capcom made in the last few years I’ve acruslky enjoyed is Devil May Cry 5. Resident Evil has never appealed to me so a remake of 2 won’t. 7 looks interesting compared the the usual games but I have not played it yet. Never liked Monster Hunter so I have no opinion on it, but I’m considering trying World just to give the series another chance and I was admittedly tempted by the DMC and Witcher DLC even if it won’t change how I like or dislike the game.

>They're making Ace Attorney mutliplatform no
So? This only proves Capcom doesn't care about gay shit like exclusivity, that's a good thing.

There's absolutelly 0 reasons to be mad about this, unless you're a filthy console warrior.

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>Are you delusional enough to think the 3ds could run the fucking RE engine or it's equivalent of the time?
RE Engine's of the time was MT Frameworks and guess what? Capcom got it to run.
>le tech argument
What is the argument here? You keep flip flopping between talking about sales and then tech. If Capcom cared about tech more they would be an exclusive PC developer, especially considering how much DMCV and MHW have sold on it.
>why would you pour millions into a games division for a console you don't even know your ips will sell on.
You can't know until you actually try, will you? 18 Games user, 18 games. I'm pretty sure they see Switch userbase as profitable

World is great, as somebody who played on ps2 dabbled a bit on handhelds, and then went for pc the moment it was a reality, I can say it's one of the best games I've played ina while. I'm also enjoying the fuck out of RE2 (these were my shit back in the day) and DMCV which is the best DMC I've ever played besides 3.

I wouldn't pay more than 40-45 for mhw, and Geralt isn't out yet, but I've already got close to 600 hours in on pc alone even with some cheating involved to cut out some of the grind. Alastor is the best in MHW btw.

Ace Attorney being mutliplat basically means they don't give 2 shits about graphics on PS4 and X1

Can't seem to find the name of the company sorry, maybe someone else remembers it. IIRC last gen everything on PC was by them, outside of DMC4 which was developed internally (thus the delay and added features).

Zero was developed by an external company. Other than that, sales of those games were higher (with BN being the best selling spin off), games could be developed in less than a year and a lot of sprites were reused, further lowering costs. Also worth mentioning is that development costs hadn't yet spiked, so even on home consoles you could develop games with small teams and short times.

literally no one gives a fuck cause normie fags gonna buy these games... yall dont matter fuck a narrative get a life

>Between PS4, XB1 PC, Xbox is easier to work with
OK but its a proven fact Xbox fans don't Japanese games so its basically a moot point

>3DS running RE
Been there done that

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>Mega Man 11 isn't a big title. Neither is Ace Attorney.

Consider their output this generation, compared to the previous one.

0 new IPs, 2 AA games (3 if you count USF2), a LOT of ports and 6 AAA games.

And this is for a generation of consoles that started in 2013, almost six years ago.

>Also worth mentioning is that development costs hadn't yet spiked
Well Capcom is going to be in for a real fucking treat when the next consoles come out. They were not prepared for the PS4 and X1 and had to basically rely on some old RE Remasters and 3DS games.

Its not genuine to me because their fighting games are back. Regardless of what influences their games have now. They are on par or at least better then they were last gen in many instances
But their fighters and a few other key games need to come back/to the forefront. Capcom were arcade kings at first. Until street fighter and maybe another VS game come out (I think a new CVS is more likely than a new quality Marvel due to licensing at this point) I can't consider them back

It's a proven fact as much as Nintendo fans not buying third party games.

So they shouldn't develop for either?

It surprises me How many people here still didnt play RE7...for fuck sake people the ultimate edition is already pirateable,just give It a try,watching lets plays dont do justice.

>bailed out by sony with sfv

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Capcom is a long way apart from what it was 10 years ago, but at least they are trying

Unlike Konami, Sega, Square, Namco...

It just means they want to port a game, retard. It obviously isn't a big tittle to sell shitloads to the west. They do care about graphic fidelity
Holy shit, this is why people don't like you nintendr0n3s. Capcom is one of the few japanese devs to make games that rival graphically with western AAA, but you are here, advocating for then to castrate thenselves and the capabilities of their engine just so you can get the game to run on a portable console. Seriously, just go fuck yourself.

>OK but its a proven fact Xbox fans don't Japanese games so its basically a moot point
But they care enough to legitimize the game being ported and cover it's cost, so it is not a moot point. The real point however, is that a game made for PS4 or PC can run on Xbone easily, so the little effort you put to port it is easily compensated by the sales, even if it pales in comparison with the other two platforms. Porting a game to Xbox One when they have a Windows version is just plain easy, specially if the game have support for DirectX 12 like DMC5 have.

The Switch, for the other side, it's way weaker than any of those three platforms, so running their big releases on it would required A LOT of effort, if that would be even possible to achieve, effort that may not pay for itself. Open your fucking eyes.

Attached: 1525785716697.png (619x450, 138K)

Fun fact: That overpriced SFII port on Switch outsold Marvel VS Capcom Infinite

Nintendo fans have changed. They eat tons of shit up now

>RE Engine's of the time was MT Frameworks and guess what? Capcom got it to run.
They did, but it was at a much reduced form than on mainline titles. I doubt it was the same MT framework engine. For example, MHW is mt framework, but so is MHGX which is also mt framework. But you're not going to get DMC4se to run properly on a handheld without serious work and concessions that will outstrip the profitability.
>What is the argument here? You keep flip flopping between talking about sales and then tech. If Capcom cared about tech more they would be an exclusive PC developer, especially considering how much DMCV and MHW have sold on it.
What the fuck are you even talking about. It's about both sales and tech, unless you meant switch is surpassing X1 in sales in which case I misinterpreted your argument entirely.

In the case of overall units sold yes that is true, it's going to surpass x1, however it's not surpassing total sales of pc gaming rigs (whatever the masurable number of that is), ps4 sales, AND x1 sales. So from a demographic standpoint, you'd make more money making it for pc first and then porting it to similar hardware systems on the low end since the framework is very similar, which is not the case on switch, which is drastically different.
If you're talking about tech and only developing for pc, that's kind of strange. If game companies did this they'd only shoot themselves in the foot as you'd be marketing toa smaller overall demographic and you'd be forcing the consumer to constantly upgrade their rig to play the latest games. You're essentially making them choose between a much smaller pool of games because they'd have to also be paying to upgrade constantly, it's a bad idea, it's like planned obsolescence on overdrive. In the current format older systems can still play newer games but with better graphics and/or performance as you go up.

That's because they were coming out of the Inafune era (outsourced projects being cancelled / the need of internal reorganization) and the mess with Panta Rhei.
Hypotetically RE Engine has been developed taking into account the next generation being close, so they won't have to switch up again.

MHW, RE2, and DMC 5 are actually good.

I'll never understand MH fans
It seems every new game they end up bitching about how it's not the same as the last
I know that world was a dramatic departure but it was also the highest selling game in the series, which, for a game that's mostly mulitplayer/online, don't you want your game to have a massive player base?
If you miss old MH so much go play the PSP games, those at least work on adHoc, aside from that you all just sound like you're bitching about old things being better because new things are more popular as if your game having archaic mechanics somehow makes you galaxy brained for wasting the time to learn them

Sorry I'm too busy having fun playing all my fun capcom games to read all those words. They were probably shit anyway.

Let's not exaggerate now. MvCI sold 1,3ml while USF2 was around 400-500k.

just a reminder that capcom hasnt made anything original in the last ten years


>implying i give a shit when they still wont localize the Great Ace Attorney games
Better to play to the strengths they have than take chances right now imo

>You can't know until you actually try, will you?
Well, we know the switch hardware wise is inferior to teh xbone for better stability, longer life, and portability. So it stands to reason an engine made for a beefier system would be rather incompatible unless lots of sacrifices were to be made. To make those sacrifices and to get better performance out of it, you'd need to spend a lot of money to optimize it, and that means funding a team to do it. Would that be as profitable as just churning out ports people want to buy that are much easier to run?

So the short answer is, they don't know for sure, but looking at the specs Switch is running much lower than the recommended level. RE7 was able to run via "stream" but I don't know what that entails, there's services you can pay for on ps4 to run games streamed to you via ps4 or from better rigs, but it's not the same as running the game you're streaming emulated on your platform, you know what I mean?
>18 Games user, 18 games. I'm pretty sure they see Switch userbase as profitable
teh switch only has 18 good games, or capcom has 18 new games? I'm not sure what you mean.

as in new IPs? There's DD, that palm otome mobile game and another f2p 3DS game made in live2d.

It's a shame but the last generation burned them on that front, with a lot of mediocre new IPs underperfoming and the whole outsourcing mess damaging the brand.

>but you are here, advocating for then to castrate thenselves and the capabilities of their engine just so you can get the game to run on a portable console.
Why are you looking at me for this? CAPCOM THEMSELVES, asked Nintendo for an upgrade to get the RE Engine on the Switch. Those are Capcom's own requests, not mine. They're just too busy milking the Switch with old ports to do anything else with it.

>so running their big releases on it would required A LOT of effort, if that would be even possible to achieve, effort that may not pay for itself.
So a place where Japanese games are not known to sell will cover the cost but a place where Japanese games are known to sell, somehow won't.

Sony gave Capcom the funding to release SFV about 4 years earlier than it would have come out otherwise

it's literally "NOT MUH" fags complaining aobut the game being streamlined. There's some valid things to complain about, such as there being less monsters than previous games at the moment, the lack of different styles (although this game rolls most of the styles into one), lack of playable palico, useless hubs, unskippable cutscenes, annoying npc partner (she's msotly dead weight but doesn't get in the way it's a window dressing thing), and probably a few things I'm forgetting. But the game is a massive step up in a lot of ways.

the game sucks, but sony funding it still saved capcom from the brink of financial disaster.

user I'm pretty sure Ultra Street Fighter II is labeled under one of the many other versions of Street Fighter II above Infinite on there.

Yeah and on launch it felt like the game needed at least a year or two more in the cooker with how few characters and features it launched with

Yeah, i in no means think the game is perfect, i barely give a shit about MH but i did try the demo, and i enjoyed what was there, seems like its going in a direction that will keep it alive for awhile

Of course it isn't, it's a new release.

>So a place where Japanese games are not known to sell will cover the cost but a place where Japanese games are known to sell, somehow won't
Yes, retard. If the effort to port a game to Xbone is X, and the return is 10x, then it was worth it. If the effort to port it to Switch is 15x and the return is 20x, then it was not worth it, even if it sold more. Porting to Xbox is just too easy.

>CAPCOM THEMSELVES, asked Nintendo for an upgrade to get the RE Engine on the Switch
And obviously, that wasn't enough. Capcom port everything they launch to every platform that can run it, unless the only platform it can't: You know wich.

You could give your "muh big company hates us nintenbros" drivel to any company, but not to Capcom. They are mercenaries, they don't care about exclusivity or console warring. The reason to why they don't launch their big tittles on the RE Engine on Switch is simple: The Switch can't take it. And no amount of crying will change that. Just do like me, and buy a Switch just as a seconday platform, because since the launch it was pretty clear it couldn't run AAA.

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Or they could just attempt to make some low budget shit lime they did all the previous times instead of just overpriced old ports or attempting to port their AAA shit on it.

Not everything has to be black and white user.
>teh switch only has 18 good games, or capcom has 18 new games? I'm not sure what you mean.
Capcom has released 18 games on the Switch. It is very clear they see the userbase as dollar signs. They don't get anything with effort though, just old ports everyone has already played.

The western direction wasn't the primary issue, the issue was that Capcom was farming out all of its core IPs to western studios who didn't execute on them well.

They're doing better now because they're modernizing their games (for better or worse), but with internal development.

That doesn't change the fact that it started making money in 2016 when it otherwise wouldn't have

Its actually a port of an Xbox Live Arcade game with 2 new palette swap characters. Not a new release at all.

Every 3D Capcom property has always been westernized as hell. They would have made their games like this back then if they could.

>and the return is 10x
lmao the return is not 10x if it barely sells.
>And obviously, that wasn't enough. Capcom port everything they launch to every platform that can run it, unless the only platform it can't: You know wich.
Don't you think if it wasn't enough, Capcom would have said something instead of just dumping endless amounts of old ports on it instead?

>You could give your "muh big company hates us nintenbros" drivel to any company, but not to Capcom
If Capcom cares about Switch owners why are all the Resident Evil ports 30 dollars when they're 20 on literally everything else

Will they save this franchise? Playing REmake2 made me crave more zombie survival games. It’s not the franchise’s fault Capcom gave it to devs who didn’t understand anything about it!

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New release as in, something was added to make it a "new" game. For example there's 4 versions of SF2, and 5 of SF4.

yes you're right
people are retarded

>Or they could just attempt to make some low budget shit lime they did all the previous times instead of just overpriced old ports or attempting to port their AAA shit on it.
This is low budget, they don't have a separate engine for low budget shit outside of maybe megaman 11 and AA, right? What even is that engine they run on, still MT or a modified version? The other thing you have to keep in mind, there's really no other market anymore besides the pseudo console market now. handhelds are either phone games of nintendo and both need wildly different dev kits and skill sets, but outside of that, you have 3 markets that are incredibly similar. This is the initial profit wave for testing and free money.
>Capcom has released 18 games on the Switch. It is very clear they see the userbase as dollar signs. They don't get anything with effort though, just old ports everyone has already played.
Yeah, but you have to understand people want it on the switch BECAUSE it's portable. Like I said it's a smart way to spend minimal money make maximum profits, and see how feasible it is to devote a division to the console. We might see the x games launch anew on consoles but be developed with Switch in mind.

Didn't SFV sell pretty poorly?

>Capcom would have said something
Yes, as if they were really go out of their way to insult Nintendo and their 2016 cellphone hardware, and get the never ending hate of you autistic faggots. Why would they do this, if they can just milk a little money by selling ports? They aren't a western company, they don't get off on insulting potential buyers. If they can't sell their big budget tittles, they will sell anything else, little money is better than no money.

Famine of content on this specific environment, leading to bigger purchasing thresholds amongst the potential costumers.

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Unless there's a strong push internally, it'll most likely join the dormant IPs for a while. Outisde of 4 sales were decent so maybe they'll do something with it.

A great example of how a game developed FOR Westerners isn’t the same thing as a game developed BY Westerners. RIP in peace DR franchise.

I was going to start nitpicking but I need the space. Note that none of your examples are actually accurate ones. Let's talk about the problems with old Capcom from an objective point of view with sources.
>1. Inafunes western push.
Inafune said the Japanese gaming industry was losing it's dominance. He's not necessarily wrong in his opinions but he pursued the right course of action in the wrong way.

>2. Clover being killed off
Inafune says it's a good thing clover left. Clover said they had problems with management. It's heresay who "management" is. But given Kamiya's remarks on Inafune specifically, who knows?
>3. Capcom Vancouver
This branch was a literal negative decision and the longer they stayed open the more they fucked everything up.
>4. Outsourcing
Hey how do we fuck up two of our major IPs? Let's fuck up Lost Planet and fuck up DMC by outsourcing it.
>5. Capcom's financial woes
This is a double whammy
Is Capcom when they said the developer equivalent of "give us fucking money". SFxT was hated the world over.

So why is big bad Capcom said to be back?
>Bringing back IPs that were thought to be buried (looking at you Onimusha)
>Finally brought back MM
>Tsujimoto has gone on the record saying that developers should make the games they want to make
and most of all, they are not infallible.
They make mistakes. Street Fighter Jive and MvC. (The latter more to do with ike perlmutter but I ain't got the space)
But they own up

And these are things that matter.

>lmao the return is not 10x if it barely sells.
goign by their mhw sales, xbone is stil a considerable market even if it is lower than the rest, mhw sold about 12 million units and climbing, and the breakdown was 5 million for ps4, 4 for pc, and 3.5 for xbone. Or something like that, I didn't save the chart. Essentially it's the weakest seller but it still sells comparatively with minimal porting work needed, because again, xb1 and ps4 framework as well as xb1 mk II and ps5 framework are incredibly similar to pc framework and require much less work to port than things in the previous two generations did.

>handhelds are either phone games of nintendo and both need wildly different dev kits and skill sets, but outside of that, you have 3 markets that are incredibly similar.
Capcom is not gonna make anymore phone games. They've shut them all down. All they really have is Switch to consider now for low budget shit, and they clearly see them profitable.
>We might see the x games launch anew on consoles but be developed with Switch in mind.
That's what I fucking wanted. I wanted the Switch to be a haven for low budget handheld shit. I didn't buy it for AAA games or old ports, I wanted it for unique experiences. But all people seem to want to do is dump old ports on it now. Even Nintendo is doing it.

Capcom are the best devs on the market.

capcom, like from, have managed to meet the west in terms of quality.
It's no secret that most jap devs are far behind the west, but they're starting to catch up.

>Hurr durr I need to see a realistic court room in 4K 144 fps
Drink bleach nigger

> Why would they do this, if they can just milk a little money by selling ports?
So you are admitting its laziness?
>Famine of content on this specific environment, leading to bigger purchasing thresholds amongst the potential costumers.
There's already 2 Resident Evil games on it and you're admitting they're being greedy too

I think I've found a shill

You haev to keep in mind, DR2 and LP2 were both outsourced and both rousing successes critically and monetarily. I don't know what happened after that or why they opened a studio who weren't the same people unless they rotated out.

>2. Clover being killed off
as much as i loved viewtiful joe, clover was "killed off" because their games didn't sell.

>Giving this much of a fuck about graphics for a game that’s 70% reading

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I feel MHW is an outlier because that game blew up in popularity, and it actually managed to chart on Xbox

If you look up any chart for Xbox One sales monthly it is ALWAYS dominated by Western games, very rarely is a Japanese game in there.

Play GoW.

>Inafune says it's a good thing clover left. Clover said they had problems with management. It's heresay who "management" is. But given Kamiya's remarks on Inafune specifically, who knows?

Judging by how Platinum is run, I'd say that Inafune wasn't wrong on shitting Clover.

As Clover they made great games while bleeding money, and with Platinum it only got worse.

I blame Inaba for being too lenient as a producer.

>But given Kamiya's remarks on Inafune specifically, who knows?

Kamiya's "he's a producer not a creator" wasn't meant as an insult, it was just a correction on a wrong assumption : Inafune's role was managing the business side of development and not that of an idea man.
I believe there's also photos of them hanging out post Capcom.

>That's what I fucking wanted. I wanted the Switch to be a haven for low budget handheld shit. I didn't buy it for AAA games or old ports, I wanted it for unique experiences. But all people seem to want to do is dump old ports on it now. Even Nintendo is doing it.
You have to understand tons of people want those old ports to play them on the go. This is a staple of any handheld market, and is always true of nintendo. The best thing you could do is buy mm11, AA, and maybe the ports if you want RE on the go to show capcom you will buy shit on the handheld. The market ain't what it used to be for handhelds, and even though switch is finally overtaking xb1, you have to understand that the market is WAAAAAAAAAY less than it used ot be, compare the gb, gba, sp, ds, or 3ds to switch sales, and comparative sales in the console markets in the era. Phones took a huge bite out of nintendo and mobile gaming as a whole. To the point where nintendo is developing for mobile markets now.

Indie devs want to develop for nintendo if they can, but not a lot of them are family friendly enough and aren't friends with everybody like Suda 51 is, while most of the old low budget studios died off or got absorbed. I'd expect more shit like mm11 if it does well, especially if it's switch numbers are significant enough percentage wise compared to other consoles.

They are a big company, faggot. If they won't launch the recent big tittles on a place with purchases due to outside problems lack of harware capacity they will still try to make money in other ways, like selling ports. Companies are not human, they are juridical entities that live for the purpose of making money, if they are greedy for not deservefully telling you faggots to fuck off and stop asking for impossible shit just so they can keep selling ports, then hell yeah they are greedy. Not everyone is as retarded as western developers, who tell you to go fuck yourself one day, and to buy their games in the other.

Like you are a Nintendo shill? Between the two, wich one is richer, and have actual money to pay for shills?

Stop playing retard, Ace Attorney port don't say anything about their graphical standards, it is just a fucking port. Their big budget tittles are the ones who say stuff about this, and they are indeed trying to get more realistic graphic wise, since ultimatelly that is what actually atracts western buyers.

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You're both right that Clover being canned wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was still a think tank of original ideas and it's death wasn't a good thing as it essentially marked an end of an era.

LP2 was internal and underperformed (1.4ml out of 2ml, less than LP1 at launch). Unfortunately Capcom at the time was mismanaged and they instead of trying to keep it alive they cancelled the planned DLC and outsourced the sequel.

You sure? I think DMCV and RE2/RE7 topped as well. Most Jap games do shit numbers on americano consoles, but Capcom always seems to do well.
Kamiya left capcom because of Inafune, he literally wouldn't have left if Inafune didn't get promoted. Kamiya is notoriously hard ot work with but he loves and respects everybody he worked with in capcom, EXCEPT INAFUNE. The culture prevents most Japs from shitting on anybody even if they suck cock, but Kamiya is an outlier in that regard and he doesn't like the man.

>muh poor billion dollar company can't afford to make new Switch games so they need to scrounge up money from old overpriced ports
You're a fucking shill alright

NPD sales aren't out yet

I know its not worldwide sales but America is Xbox's biggest market, its dead everywhere else. Another reason why Switch is about to overtake it.

Look either you can drop the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matters into my own hands. DON'T TICK ME OFF

They make Switch games, user. What do you think Megaman 11 was? It was obviously not aimed at big consoles as a main target.

>b-but it is not exclusive to Switch!
Why would it be if it can run in other places as well? user, I know you are a deranged console warrior, but at least try to hide it, because it is plain shameful.

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I don't give a shit if a game is exclusive or multiplat. What I give a shit about is all of Capcom's Switch games are old ports where they half ass everything and cut corners (Unless you live in Japan of course muh based nippons) for maximum profit.

>it essentially marked an end of an era
not really. all the talent either went to either platinum or utv ignition and made games like wonderful 101, infinite space, and el shaddai.

ports aren't really terribly half assed, they all run great on switch I hear, and people, especially nips, want to run it on the go.
MM11 was a low budget title, but what engine was it even on? It was also great because it was sold on everything.

>ports aren't really terribly half assed
>Don't even bother with a physical release most of the time (Except Japan of course)
>Some ports comes out almost a full year later compared to other current systems even when some are fucking PS2 games (Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, Okami HD, and Dragon's Dogma)
>Charge extra for no fucking reason (RE0, Remake, and 4)

Let's take a look at the recently released Capcom games that aren't ports:

>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
I'm sure you wouldn't want that shit.
>Megaman 11
Released on anything that can run it, including the Switch.
>Resident Evil Remake 2
>Devil May Cry 5
>Monster Hunter World
Released on anything that can run it, excluding the platform that can't run it.

You are paranoid, user. Nobody is out to get your favorite platform, it just don't have enough power to run big budget tittles. Most of the ports they are releasing on Switch are there because people asked for those games. And it is not like if ports were hard to make.

>MM11 was a low budget title, but what engine was it even on? It was also great because it was sold on everything
I think it was MT Framework. Also, that's exactly my point, I apreciate how Capcom is not making exclusive shit, and actually releasing their games in any platform unless it have someone else's money involved, or it straight up can't run on it. Exclusivity is just the gayest shit.

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Darkstalkers was consistently a top 5 earner in arcades. It might not hit the arbitrary "million" number, but that's because it was an entirely different sales model.

I think that's why capcom asked them to upgrade the console a bit more. If it was better maybe they could get the same games with worse graphics at the same time. It might actually be close enough where capcom wouldn't have to optimize the game to hell and back for a port and re7 was them testing to see how well it performed on the system.

>Most of the ports they are releasing on Switch are there because people asked for those games.
Not a single fucking soul asked for a port of SFII or a ROM dump of all their arcade beat em ups.

Not a single soul asked for the Resident Evil games to be 10 dollars extra as well

By the way, is SFV netcode still shit? I dropped the game because the online was unplayable.

>Released on anything that can run it, excluding the platform that can't run it.
>Devil May Cry Collection, 3 PS2 games, skipped Swich
>Disney Afternoon Collecton, NINTENDO games, skipped Switch
>Okami HD, a PS2 game, skipped Switch, did not come out until 9 months fucking later

Outsourcing was the problem. It's disrespecting In house devs and although the newesest games are taking steps to appeal to the west, it's on the Japenese devs terms now, and also you still get that dash of Japanese distinction in the games that can't be complete washed out of the game, adding to the overall charm.

>can play SF2 online, but this time not with the niggers and spics on fightcade
How can you seriously say that wasn't a good thing? Also, when it was released, it was like the only fighting game on Switch.

>ROM dump of all their arcade beat em ups
It's good to have original versions of classic games you like. I have the Sega classic collection, for example. Unfortunally, it is not better than the fightcade emulation, because there's no online co-op.

Yes. Still the same shit, working the same way. I'm not a fan of Injustice, but their netcode is just too good. Capcom should copy their method of netcode if they make another fightan.

Since you complained so much about ports, I skipped the ports.

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Could a switch even run DMC3? It can't run 4 I don't think.

Here’s a better idea
Instead of drinking that bleach mix it with ammonia it makes crystal you can see your pretty eyes in.

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You could play SFII online with fucking virtual console on the Wii
If Capcom is refusing to give it even some ports of games Nintenbros never got to play its shitty support

DMC4 runs on toasters. If you're gonna pretend to be retarded at least do it with a better game

Yes. Although, crossplay seemed worse last year, possibly a result of the inconsistent input delay on PS4. I imagine that might have been resolved, I haven't bothered playing online since they nerfed the Missions again, though.

SFV alone is why I think the "Capcom is back" meme is nonsense. Regardless of what you think about the game, removing available FM, adding lootboxes, slapping in adverts; how is any of this remotely acceptable?

MK/Injustice's networking solution is the same, it's just Capcom's fails to account for changes in network conditions. I don't know why they never fixed it in SFV, when apparently they did for MvC:I.

>DMC4 runs on toasters. If you're gonna pretend to be retarded at least do it with a better game
Yeah, but switch runs at what, 740 p? more on the default screen? can it even get 60 fps and turbo mode?
