FFVI's plot makes absolutely NO SENSE.
FFVI's plot makes absolutely NO SENSE
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It's just a reworked Star Wars, what don't you understand about it?
Okay thanks that sorta makes sense.
What the hell are you talking about? The plot is extremely straightforward.
He probably means it's fucking stupid, not that it doesn't make sense.
You telling me moving some statues out of place destroys the whole world? Fuck off.
Explain why? Most of it is implication for the purpose of large cuts for cartridge space, sure, but it all makes sense.
Fucking with creator gods and their delicate machinations usually results in something awful.
The statues contained extreme amounts of power that could only be nullified by facing each other.
So pushing them out of place causes them to unleash said power all across the world.
terra’s green muff
I dug it a lot more than VII's plot
W.O.R. is kinda shit though
>W.O.R. is kinda shit though
Pleb opinion.
>Final Fantasy's most popular villain is a knock off joker who wants to destroy everything because he's evil
You're retarded.
Quite frankly, do ANY of the FF games hold up? I tried playing FF VI, got to the point at which Terra turns into an alien, or something, and at that point, I lost interest. I didn't give a shit about Kefka, the family and the train sequence, so the story would have to get much better for me to care.
he wants to destroy everything because he's a nihilist
he explains his motivations very clearly before the final battle, you're either retarded or deliberately ignorant
>he wants to destroy everything because he's a nihilist
that's not what nihilism is
Adding a fancy word for it doesn't make him any less basic.
>All Ganondorf did to take over Hyrule in OoT was touch three triangles.
>The entire plot of FF7 happened because Hojo fucked some bitch.
>A powerful alien prince in Mother 1 ran away from his conquest of Earth because some kids sang at him.
Every Macguffin doesn't make sense when you phrase it like a retard.
Reminder that V is the superior game.
Basically a magic engineered clown goes mad and wants to become a god and succeeds through espers that are magical beings who have been hiding since the last great war.
Most of the party you are playing as wants to get revenge because empire that the clown served fucked everything up. And oh yea, one of the party members is bastard of some random human and an esper so she has the greatest reason to off the clown.
Its not rocket science
fuck the resistance, fuck nature and especially fuck the gods
I found FFVII interesting because I noticed things I never noticed before and the characters are way more funny then shit like Advent Children would have you believe.
That's ok because we still have this chad
FF7 is good
FF4 is alright
FF3 is great
FFX is alright
FFXII is a masterpiece
The rest range from bad to mediocre.
>evil tree who wants to destroy everything because he's made of evil souls
oh no no no no
I'll never not be mad that he's no longer a block master in dissidia nt
it's basic but it makes sense and is comprehensible
>game's final boss is a literal tree
>FF3 is great
>FF9, 5 and 6 are all bad to mediocre
Epic b8 user
FF3 is a fucking good game.
kefka is fucking cool tho
9 isnt even that good. The journey is great but all goes to shit when Kuja appears. Eidolon cutscenes were the only redeeming factor after that
No it actually did. Three God's come down and are having a magic war. Each of them is all powerful and that pisses off the others. They realize they're fucking up the world by fighting after creating magic esper people, so they fuck off and nullify each other's powers. They each apparently represent an aspect of magic but I don't know about that gay shit. Kefka absorbs them by betraying Emporer ghestahl who got him to the raised island. Him absorbing their power is why kefka becomes a magic "god" and is why the final battle has three phases of a mutilated horrifying looking kefka fused with the statue aspects. I like it.
>he thinks 3 is better than 5
Yeah ok user
Rubicante best boss fight
don't @ me
>t. hasn't played V
>transforms into a splinter to hide away in the protagonist's finger so that he slip into Ghido's Cave undetected
How can the rest compete
wrong, you spoony bard.
Unironically the most forgettable one after 2 and 9.
get the fuck out of here
That's some shit taste you've got there user
What? You didn't like the destruction of yhe tree place? Or fighting monsters as beatrice and steiner? Or the you are not alone segment? I guess I could see where you are coming from, as I too think disc 1 is the best disc by a wide margin, but I wouldn't use the phrase "goes to shit". Not to mention the upgrade system is satistying as fuck. I mean yeah, amarant sucks and necro man came out of nowhere, but what about the dwarf and black mage villages? What about vivi's realization of his own kncoming death?
>Says V is forgettable
>While defending III
user, as someone that likes III, you're out of your mind.
I've been playing VII recently and i kinda find myself to a halt because there's basically no plot anymore. For the last few hours it's been nothing more than a goose chase for Sephiroth with Aeris' death being the only relevant happening. And the save file says I'm only like 20 hours in more or less, I've read the whole playthrough should be at least 30-40, is something actually going to happen in all these hours towards the ending?
>best job system
>non convoluted, solid story
>death scene that makes aerith look like a joke
>great final boss
>arguably the best soundtrack
That you are not alone segment is horrible. The music is hype as fuck but i dont like it in general.
Like i said, the journey is great once you visit every place once, but having a fucking twink being the bad guy just doesnt work for me. And yeah, necron is incredible ass pull even from square.
>destroy everything
Nonsense, he just wanted to hit the universe's reset button.
Did you already go to space with Cid and shit? I thought that was cool.
post a more hype boss fight
One Winged Angel does not count
Nope. I basically just started part 2 or whatever the game called it
Ah, i thought you were saying it goes to shit when you see Kuja in disk 1. I find everything up yo gaea to be 10/10, and gaea itself an 8/10.
Well yeah theres more plot. More things will happen and shit. Its cool you won't have spoilers.
I love the fact that they actually try to use items to save him too
So you're still chasing Sephiroth through the northern continent? Keep going. There's snowboarding ahead and after that things start really happening.
>Hojo used his position of power over Lucrecia to cuck Vincent
>Impregnated her
>experimented on the child in the womb to basically turn it into a monster
>Which drove the mother to the brink of suicide, drove the original boyfriend nearly to the brink of suicide, and turned the child into a mass murderer
Is FFVII one of the most hardcore NTR stories ever written?
You're just jealous you don't have the VOID
What the FUCK was his problem?!
From what I've played
IX is better if you've played the retro ones in the past. I like what VIII did to try to innovate the genre--not having to worry about armor or weapon upgrades. It made things a tad confusing though.
VI's greatest strength is a few things.
1. The villain gets a lot of what they want, though they don't exactly 'win' in the end, as hope can't be destroyed.
2. It has a bunch of characters, and each one has a little side mission for themselves. Despite having 12 (or 13?) possible party members, you never feel as though some are just thrown in as stat and move vessels.
3. Essentially two worlds worth of gameplay and exploration.
You're enjoyment of VII will be based on you realizing the ironic twists on the jRPG genre it pulls. Without that, you'll just think it's an interesting cyberpunk jaunt, and may or may not rank it below VI.
>Despite having 12 (or 13?) possible party members
3 isn't awful, but 5 does everything better.
>So evil that even the good half of you that goes to heaven is still evil