This game is basically "what if Dark Souls was made by Platinum Games" and I LOVE it!

This game is basically "what if Dark Souls was made by Platinum Games" and I LOVE it!

Attached: 1528780748337.png (1825x1015, 3.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

but it's not like dark souls at all you retard

It's just a generic Souls game, this time with revives because casuals whined.

Attached: 1552987270587.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

>diablo like
>what if dark souls

Attached: 1534334955654.png (614x614, 31K)

imagine being this fucking stupid

OP posted Nioh not Sekiro you fucking obsessed retard

>same 5 enemies
>bland level design
>bland enviroments
>shitty, bloating, annoying, confusing loot and stat system

> hit
> dodge
> hit
> dodge dodge
> hit hit
> dodge
who is this gameplay aimed towards? who enjoys this?

Literally no difference, both are shit weebshit games

sounds like Metal Gear Rising

>imagine being this bad at the game

Sorry OP you should have kept your joy to yourself. This is Yea Forums and we really don't tolerate anything that isn't in the form of a whinge or shitpost.

Platinum didn't touch this or capable of crafting something like nioh, fk off retard
Team ninja is OG

Was a bit meh desu.

Demon's souls running firestorm pvp was where the souls games shined the most. That sweet inbox spam.

>dude what if we made an enemy that's invincible and kills you in 3 hits?
>bro that'd be epic, haha le prepare to die xD

how is Nioh not a diablo like you nigger?

get cancer

>"what if Dark Souls was made by Platinum Games"
But OP, Nioh is good.

Attached: 1526873723818.png (385x367, 67K)

This game is the definition of quantity over quality. Would have been way better if they completely scrapped the loot system, focused on more unique enemies, larger maps, and longer missions. The combat is fucking top notch and it’s such a shame that it’s being held back by everything else.

>No randomized world
>No randomized enemies and affixes
>1 playable character
The only thing this game has that diablo has is randomized loot. So I guess you can call this a WoW like


>some user was trying to tell me it's nothing like Dark Souls

Yeah not falling for that again like I did with Bloodborne.

Attached: 1402368092036.png (711x687, 1.12M)

>scrapped the loot system
>scrap the entire reason people played this game for more than 500-1000 hours
>make it another boring Souls like
based retard

It has far more in common with Souls than Diablo, you fucking retard. The only reason you want to deny this is because Souls is popular as fuck here and you're an insecure little shitstain who wants to feel special.

Platinum made one good game and you brainlets keep acting like they're god's gift to gaming

Maybe the player wanted to have a fun, challenging fight instead of just oneshotting the enemy with a parry? Not everyone likes Assassin's Creed combat, you know.

very souls like

Attached: 1550292689612.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

What are you showing here?

And that's a good thing!

that the game is not Souls like you fucking moron.

Yes, faggot, scrap it. Like I said they went the route of quantity over quality. Make a game right and you can still get a ton of hours into it. Bigger number-faggots like you have ruined games and just turned them into a shitty mundane timesink.

I think level design and especially monster variety are an extremely important part of the soulsborne games, something which Nioh is really, really bad at.
But I still liked Nioh for what it was. In my opinion, it just was nowhere near Bloodborne's level of quality. Maybe the sequel will be different.

nigga literally using the moonlight greatsword lmao

All the casuals who never played Demon's Souls back in 2008 and thought 4 rehashes of that with no conceptual advancement were a good thing.

>souls invented 3d person action games

Attached: click.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

where is the loot lmao.

>literally replying to a WEBM of someone getting completely shat on by an enemy in the game because they are trying to play it like Dark Souls
No you dumb faggot, it is exactly because that guy is playing it like Souls, that he is getting bodied in that clip.

You get it when you beat the boss retard

holy shit this looks so bad

just big dumb inaccurate swings to compensate for poor ai

What are you talking about retard? He is literally playing the game wrong there. Do you not see him doing literally 0 damage to the enemy with this tactic?
That is not how Sekiro is meant to be played, and trying that will get you nowhere.

Holy fuck you shitposters get dumber each day.

stop posting this shit, especially with Sekiro around the corner

So how do you beat that guy, smartass?

Who are you quoting, dumbfuck?

You can stop samefagging now, we get it, you're butthurt about the game. But lying this much, it's blatant. You should have kept it at one reply to be less subtle.

its dark souls + diablo loot system and some ninja gaiden vibe in combat

why are you even mentioning souls here you quadriplefaggot?

is this game actually fun?

I've been close to getting it a few times, but never dropped money on it

Nioh is a better game because of its Onimusha roots

I’m a bit sad I missed out on it. Scraping spear, too.

you want to go, bitch? put your fucking fists up.

>Flying red skull fucker
>Swing at it
>Too close so I get burned
>Back away
>Swing at it
>Too far away so I miss

Between these and the fuckers that just crawl around so my sword misses them, I hate this game.

Everything else is pretty good though

By playing the game like Sekiro is meant to be played, dumb fuck? Are you now pretending you don't know the combat is completely different from Souls and revolves around deflecting attacks and doing actual combos? Dodge/R1 alternating is not going to do anything to any enemy in the game.

does Nioh on PC require a good CPU?

I upgraded my old graphics card recently, and there's been a couple instances of games that I thought should run great, but are so CPU dependent that my old CPU holds my graphics card back.

>It is dark souls
>But in a way worse setting
>With fewer enemies
>Without an open world
>But it has random loot
Gear and magic in this game trivialize it way faster than being over leveled in souls ever did

Because that's the game Nioh has by far the most in common with, you mongoloid. So who were you quoting?

The only From game that Nioh is better than is DS2.

>is this game actually fun?
much more fun than dork souls
combat and stamina system is fucking great

Nioh is a soulless chink bootleg.
Sekiro is crystallized kino.

Yes, the combat is actually good unlike Souls games

>i didn't play any other games therefore they don't exist!
go play onimusha, nigger

Wow, so all you have to do is position yourself so you aren't too close or too far. What a crazy concept

Thats because the horrid gear scaling makes leveling up in Nioh pretty fucking useless, meanwhile in Dark Souls you can literally wear nothing and still be tough as fuck as long as you max the proper stats. Not so much in Nioh where if you don't gear appropriately, random mobs will kill you in 3 hits.

>Platinum Games
But it was made by Ninja Theory.

Raine Sundyra on Faerie server is a lying fuck face of a cunt.

Don't lie. Niohs combat and stamina system were awful compared to Souls games, the game has like 10 enemy types and every area looks the same.
It's below average, just like Dark Souls 2.

Wrong, because you also have to take into consideration their attack animations which is hard to guage considering theyre fucking floating heads.

Thats kinda because Nioh is trash at handling enemy difficulty and scaling. It is the same shit as Demons Souls where there are enemies which will output just retarded amounts of damage for no reason. Souls has gotten better over the years and enemies and bosses don't feel as needing to be cheesed. Nioh is still a ways behind.

>not even 1 boss form souls is hard as nioh bosses
>stamina system is not just stupid bar to make less attacks
>you can block not only parry and mash R1
you are just casual
>but muh retarded linear """open world"""
>muh le edgy setting
>muh shitty wooden combat
go back to your souls

So you're telling me that the game is some kind of scripted garbage where you have only one way of beating your opponents? Dude in the webm did literally nothing wrong - he dodged attacks and hit the opponent multiple times. And it didn't do shit.

Nioh is spectacular. I'm glad you're enjoying it, user.

This is a little disappointing. I was hoping for something a little different like Nioh, but this looks a bit too much like souls gameplay.

I know what you're going through, had the same experience for two years with my 1080 until I upgraded to a 8600k

I can tell you that Nioh isn't that heavy on the CPU, it ran good enough (steady 60) for me.

Nah, I like Nioh's fast paced combat better. I like how it's more like a hack and slash game (a slower Ninja Gaiden) than a tactical action game like Dark Souls 1 where its more about turtling up and poking enemies once in a while.

>t. assravaged Souls-babby that couldn't even beat the second boss

>Niohs combat and stamina system were awful compared to Souls games

im probably classified as hardcore (playing mostly arena fps and bullet hell) but I never could get behind the tedious grind of doing 5 minute sequences of walking back and killing repetitive standard enemies upon death every time. I know you basically do this in shmups but the pattern is more autistic there: it needs to be perfect and is rated with score. in souls killing the enemies is a lot more forgiving and dynamic.

so i don't consider this kind of punishment hardcore, i consider it a grind that doesn't improve skill at a good pace and instead wastes a lot of time

What are you even talking about. Most of Nioh's bosses have like 6 attacks and can be beaten easy without even using any stance changing. You literally can ignore half of the mechanics and win just fine.

Also, there is never just one of them.
So while you are positioning on one, 10 others are spitting shit at you, stun locking you.

>Niohs combat and stamina system were awful compared to Souls games
dont even replay to me you fucking retard

Nioh is maybe as good as Dark Souls 2, but that's about it.


>>No randomized world
>>No randomized enemies and affixes
playable character
>The only thing this game has that diablo has is randomized loot. So I guess you can call this a WoW like
And the upgrade system rerolling weapons crafting weapons the abyss how the difficulty works dont talk if you did not beat this game at way of the nioh

>souls retard argument
based brainlet

The even more retarded aspect is that you can usually simply run past every non-boss in a Souls game. So it's like the dev themselves has no respect for the player outside of the boss fights, they themselves design it as pure filler.


play way of the nioh first or go back to souls

No, you go play that Resident Evil ripoff, you stupid fuckstain. And if you genuinely believe it has more in common despite not having any significant RPG mechanics, or item customization, or actual third person camera, or the punishing difficulty with frequent ranged ambushes, or currency retrieval from the place of death, i-frame based dodging or shrines that serve the same function as bonfires, or PVP and co-op, other players' bloodstains and phantoms appearing in your game, etc etc. then actually go ahead and kill yourself. You'll do a huge favor to the people who brought a miserable low IQ animal like you into this world and regret it to this day.

Team Ninja from Koei, Ninja Theory are the ones who made DmC and Hellblade


Loot doesn't actually have modifiers that matter

Loot system ruined nioh

You playing a game for 500+ hours doesn't mean there was 500+ hours of gameplay in it

Congratulations you're on Adderall and will do literally anything indefinitely.

It's basically "Dark Souls without cheap AI" and it's glorious.
