>muh 3.5 meme
meanwhile, it's 2019 and I'm still playing any major release on high settings
I see no reason to upgrade lads
Who /970/ here?
GTX 970
>doesn't take full advantage of his own videocard
Why did you buy that one and not a cheaper one then.
I bought it used from a person I trust not to have bitcoin mined with it
isnt 970 about as powerful as 780ti?
RTX 2080 Ti, poorfag.
t. plays indie 2d games and fortnite all day
I resent that, I play runescape
DMC5 and ace combat 7 working flawless mate
cant wait to pirate sekiro
>3.5gb of vram
> 970 and pirate
*raises paw*
Mine is still holding, although one fan died.
Sekiro has 970 as RECOMMENDED, not minimum. Plus I've got a barely used 1070 Ti for free from my enthusiast friend who keeps upgrading constantly.
High end GPU is probably the worst option to invest in when building a new PC.
it's starting to age, going with a 2060 next month, i dont really play games anymore anyway, but ive had this card for too long
I replaced mine with a 1070ti. 60 fps was becoming more and more difficult, even at 1080p.
Most common size of VRAM is almost twice below it among "gamers".
so this is the famous "master race"
mmm I see
ok, doesn't make it any less shit.
Nah, I dodged the bullet when the 3.5 meme broke out and opted for pic related instead. Maxes out pretty much anything that's optimized at 60fps/1080p.
Older games run 144fps easy.
1070 here. The best part about the 970 being such a fuck up is that NVidia went all out on the 1070 as an apology.
reporting in brother!
>AMD meme master shill force
>dodged a bullet
I've got the Sapphire Tri-X 290X and I've been running it overvolted and overclocked(with a very aggressive fan curve to cool it) for the past 4 years. 2 of the fans are starting to lose speed as the bearings are worn to shit but it's still totally fine for 1200p.
I'm just waiting for some decent sales before I grab something new, have enough saved up for a 1440p 144hz monitor and a 2070 or maybe a Navi equivalent if they're not shit(but with how shit AMD has been recently that's a big if).
had 970 and upgraded to 1070ti but mostly because I make video juegos and play vR a lot.
SSD was a bigger upgrade desu for games.
970 will be obsolete at one point.
i5 2500k, never.
>The best part about the 970 being such a fuck up
>and i can still easy play anything 1080p75fps
yes they fucked up to much memes in your head
today CPU > GPU
The aftermarket 290s are actually decent. The reference blower is loud as fuck while also being terrible at actually cooling the thing which gave the card a bad reputation. But if you look up some modern benchmarks you'll see how far ahead a 290X is compared to a 780ti(which was better on release). It's pretty much the last good GPU AMD has made, they've just been making garbage and re-releases of that garbage in the last 5 years.
>i5 2500k, never
It already chokes in recent games that utilize more than 4 cores.
The 290 is pretty much on par with the 970.
Don't reply to nvidia shills. Yea Forums is goyvidya central.
>i5 2500k, never.
you're a retard if you actually think this. it's a pos by modern cpu standards.
>being poor
I'll get another K when impact matters in games I like.
So far fags been telling me it's a massive bottleneck but no, 1070ti gave the expected double framerate in all the games and VR shit I benchmarked it in.
Not really, it oveglocks to 5ghz on cheap cooler easy and difference is like 10 frames which is absolutely not worth hundreds to upgrade it.
I have my eyes on that new 1660 ti, worthy upgrade to the 970 lads?
But both cards were roughly the same price?
I got the 290 instead of the 970 when the 3.5 fuckery got out and I don't regret it since it's been performing great since I bought it.
Why are you being retarded?
yes really, it's facts you retard. newer games will and do rape that shitty quad core. imagine calling people fags for trying to educate your dumbass.
stay mad poorfag
>Shit IPC makes "muh 5Ghz" much less relevant
>4 cores without hyper threading
Yeah, any semi-recent open world game is going to rape that weakass CPU.
Yeah, you can play games in a tiny little window in the corner of your monitor. So can my laptop. Nothing to be proud of.
How much is NVIDIA paying you to shill this hard?
My R9 280X has served me faithfully but is seriously starting to show its age. What are some of the best cards currently in the mid-high price range for my next build, or should I wait for the next batch of cards?
Furthermore, as much as I like AMD for it's Vulkan support I think I'm stuck getting a Nvidia gimpworks card so my desktop isn't useless for my work, as most good machine learning/parallelization libraries require a CUDA enabled card nowadays and OpenCL doesn't cut it.
Haven't had a single problem since lmao
keep COPEing.it doesn't change the fact I can run every single game fine with minimal or no bottleneck for actual cpu intensive games
save an extra 70 bucks and just get a 2060
who says he didn't build the PC 5 years ago and only just bought the card
Only upgrade if you're going for 4k setup or high end VR.
I never got this insult. Its like me saying "most people didn't beat Devil May Cry, which means that you as a console user also didn't beat it and are a casual".
Makes no sense. How does other people owning mediocre hardware mean I do too? No sense at all.
Never gets old.
>Defending Nvidia literally lying about specs
R9 390 was faster, better at mining and had higher resale value
>build a rig with a 4770k and gtx 780
>end up playing mountain blade and stronghold on it
havent upgraded since, no reason to
Oh I'm so sorry user.
who /gtx770/ here
>tfw got a bargain bin 980ti
Who else /blessed/ here?
1080ti, fuck you
People who say this just sound like retards to me. You bought a hugely overpriced GPU and you're gloating about it.
From Fitgirl, I presume?
That's the slowest gif I've ever seen.
A 2 year old could make one better
If you're on 1080p 60 hz, there is literally no need to go past a 970. Everything after is overkill. I play all recent games at 60 fps with my 970 and still have room to spare.
So long as consoles remain the bottleneck they are, you'll never need to upgrade more than once every 5th year. And since 4k monitors are still retard expensive on PC, I'm staying on 970 for a while longer.
Now this is what I call COPE
I hope you atleast bought AC7. Devs deserve it.
I think you missed the joke
4k isn't the upgrade path, 1440p is
4k will continue to be too hard to run for a decade
Same here. According to steam Sekiro demands 970 on highest which is sweet.
And almost 50% have more memory than that. Moron.
he's baiting right?
Consoles will be native 4K next gen. XboneX already has a ton of 4K games. However 1440p 120hz is a decent compromise although the latter also requires a top end CPU.
Any PS4 port will run well on a 970 so long as the port isn't intentionally botched. If it needed more than a 970, something would be very wrong with the game.
people underestimate the staying power of PC hardware, mostly coping consolewarfags
I was using a gtx760 until a few months ago and it was still able to play games consistently at a high framerate
I only upgraded because I happened upon a 144hz monitor
Then you upgraded CPU aswell right?
desu modern generation of consoles should fucking retire already.
> If it needed more than a 970, something would be very wrong with the game.
Denuvo. DMC5 without denuvo runs on ultra on 970 while steam version with it has annoying constant fps drops
My only upgrade path is a 1660 Ti. I'm on a 1060 6gb now. With a 460w power supply, I wouldn't feel safe buying even the 2060, which draws 40 watts more than the 1660ti and 1060.
>tfw was using an i5 760 until last year
>was literally 8 years old
>still ran games fine
Fellow gtx760 user here
I see no reason to upgrade. Hell I play DMC5 on mid settings
RX 4/580/90 gang
That would require a new motherboard and new RAM.
The only problem I have with 3.5GB is Let It Die rarely crashing with "Out of Video Memory" message when I have some heavy apps in background, but it's a shitty port.
How important is cpu for hz? I just got a 144 1440 monitor, have a vega and a ryzen 7
nah, cpu hasn't been a bottleneck yet, though I imagine that's gonna change soon
using a 4670k, unfortunately it's badly binned so I can't overclock it very far and I never thought that games would ever get support for more than 4 cores because 6 years ago it felt like nobody was competent enough to do that
How do you reach 120 fps on an old CPU?
Yeah I’m still using one. Thinking of upgrading to rtx 2080 soon
DMC5 literally uses all 4096 of my 970's VRAM and I never had any stutter at all. Maybe it depends on the game or something but still never had it happen. I thought maybe it happened when GTA5 came to PC, but it ended up being some bug related to custom music.
but you need to upgrade your pc every year to be able to play on it, STOP LYING
I had stutters before I switch to drx 11.
Still rocking my 970. Three screens, but unfortunately I cannot push my second screen to 4K. Need a new card for that.
"1440p" is only a minor upgrade. 4k is a vast improvement and not that hard to run.
People need to get it out of their heads that you need to absolutely max out every single graphics option. With slightly reduced settings even midrange cards can do 4k in most games.
>And since 4k monitors are still retard expensive
even consolefags now play in 4k if they have a pro/oneX
I had to upgrade from a 760 only because some games actually did become impossible to play at just 1080p 60 FPS. The Witcher 3 was the first one. Lowest settings at 1080p and I'd only get 60 FPS in an empty field with nothing going on.
certain games are definitely more optimised than others, and some games live entirely on the GPU or CPU
that's the one pitfall of PCgaming, you're never a hundred percent sure what component is gonna be the bottleneck
>all 4096
You mean all 3.5gb.
DMCV actually caused some issues for my 970. Lots of display driver crashing after the game quit.
>even consolefags now play in 4k if they have a pro/oneX
they only think they do
Unless Rivatuner overlay lies, all 4096 MB, actually.
Got a 2070 to replace my 970 and I don't need it at all since all I do is play on 1080p/60Hz
brehs im looking at getting a 144hz monitor soon but i also feel like i'll need to upgrade something else to maintain 144 in some stuff but i'm not sure what to change. I think just the CPU needs a kick up right, my 970 should be ok as i don't really play any modern games.
yeah they do, at 24fps tho
>nvidia enabling RTX for pascal cards
The new cards must really be selling like shit.
>Minor upgrade
Don't listen to this fool. 1440p is the sweet spot, especially for a 27 inch screen at 144hz.
4k 30fps sucks dick compared to 1440p 100fps.
I can preset 2Gb textures in RE2 and it says it using 3.7 Gb of my GPU so you're wrong
That's because the 970 can't into DX12.
lel what's the point of gong further than 60fps, retards?
90% of hardware runs shittier with DX12 over DX11
had the much better 290 which blew the 970 out of the water as time passed.
now i have a 1070ti and the 290 is sitting on the spare computer on my vacation house.
The 970 absolutely lies about its VRAM.
>Even consolefags now play in 4k
Yes, if they're playing tetris.
GTX 9xx are the last video cards on this planet with native analog signal support, i.e. you can plug VGA monitors to them without shitty chinese converters.
>inb4 some retard takes this stupid bait
I have a 980 but it's a blower piece of shit so it's really loud and hot and has high power consumption
Thinking about grabbing one of those new 1660tis since they're better in every way and I won't have to deal with loud noise
I was MHW that forced me to make the jump from 760 to 1070, I was stuck at 40-50fps even after nvidia fixed their drivers
It's not bad but I'd been waiting for world for half a decade so I'd rather play it at 100hz
Nice overheating components you have there.
970 or 1060?
buy now, wait a few weeks?
It's not the amount of VRAM, it's the last 500 MB's speed. It's still there, but allegedly is supposed to cause slowdowns (it doesn't actually)
Either way, I got my class action lawsuit check for $20 or whatever and I'm still enjoying my GPU's perfect performance today.
I don't care what anyone thinks anyway, Nvidia can suck my cock with their shitty exclusive features and overprice RTX cards. I'm not an Nvidia fanboy, I'm just setting the record straight that there's nothing wrong with the GTX 970.
Why are you posting a photoshopped image?
are being forced to buy cards with retarded memory?
My CPU is hot because im playing stuff at the moment
I haven't a fucking clue why my SSD has recently starting hitting 50 degree or so though. It's fairly new as well
Need some opinions on this build
I understand 32GB of ram is overkill, but I also do a lot of autocad/solidworks, so it'll be helpful there.
Plus loading games with a ton on unoptimized mods.
I was also between a Raedon VII and 2080.
The VII's ridiculous 16GB of vram is appealing to me, and I'm fucking tired of Nvida dominating the market, but logic says that the
2080 is going to be the more industry supported card in the long run.
Sure does. The last 10% is the gtx 10 series and rtx 20 series, though.
>my gpu is 60 idle 80 under load
*grabs popcorn*
It's funny watching the PC "Master Race" argue among themselves. :)
On NVIDIA cards up to the 10xx series, yes.
AMD cards and the 20xx series don't have this issue.
>i'm too dumb to understand
You didn't need to tell us.
>buying a geforce 970
Nigger are you stupid?
what's a card with non retarded memory then?
It's more so because DX12 kind of sucks.
Vulkan is vastly superior.
I have gtx770. i play games on medium in 1080p in rock smooth 40-60 fps. only graphics whores care about visual fidelity.
The 1060 has been completely replaced and straight upgraded by the 1660.
mine crapped out on me 6 months after I spilled some water on it
It's not even an "issue"
DX12 doesn't even do anything besides allow you to use DXR, which is just going rape your performance on any GPU the second you enable raytracing anyway.
>tfw gtx 1080ti
>1440p 144fps
damn it feels good
it's 50% more expensive atm, though
*munch crunch*
I'm sorry, did you say something?
fantastic input, bud
me, I don't know when to upgrade, another year?
I'm onto you, used 1080ti ebay salesman.
Now I know you're just pretending to be retarded, but I have noticed something about the fps race lately that you made me think about:
Higher framerates are INFINITELY more noticeable with M/KB, because input is so fast and responsive compared to a controller (especially camera movement, where framerate is most noticeable). Analog stick camera movement is very squishy and smoothed out, which can make even 30fps look okay with enough movie magic. Plug a high DPI mouse in and it suddenly looks like a slideshow because you're now in almost full control.
That's the Ti version.
>not playing on a 3840*1600 resolution monitor
why even have a PC at this point
>It's more so because DX12 kind of sucks.
I don't know user, I'm getting some real nice performance boosts with DX12. It's just that older NVIDIA cards weren't optimized yet for DX12 which is why NVIDIA sponsored titles that were supposed to come out with DX12 never did because NVIDIA GPU's would get BTFO by AMD in DX12.
>Vulkan is superior
Yeah no shit, Vulkan is some black magic stuff no matter which hardware you're running.
Yeah they're native 4k but they run like dogshit, 30fps if they're lucky, next gen MIGHT net them 60fps, but I doubt it, have you seen overwatch on an xbone pro compared to a mid level pc? It's a blurry fucking mess.
I went from970 to 1080 ti. Worth it
i can't find non-Ti in my slavistan
thanks I just wanted to say it was a good card :)
>TFW 970 and 6600k
Hey guys, I have a 7850 from 2012
what should I get?
I can literally name the games where DX12 sees major performance increases over DX11 on one hand, and I use an AMD GPU.
Meanwhile Vulkan's performance is absolutely stunning across the board, from Doom to Wolfenstein 2 (shame the game itself sucked) to Mad Max to Strange Brigade and probably to Rage.
It also helps that Vulkan runs on everything instead of only working on W10.
>tfw i7 7700 CPU under load never hits over 60c
I just have a regular air cooler.
Nah, got my 960 and see no reason to upgrade, it does what I want and my demands are modest. Tbh I find the midranged ones to be better.
Does mining burn through them or something?
Geforce 1660 ti or non ti, whatever floats your boat.
Not my problem, lol.
my 2600k hits 60, but that's because i took the fan off the heatsink after it started whining
So a PC player?
Over half of users have 4GB or more.
actually bought mine brand new, fuck cryptos and fuck miners
What CPU should I get?
The newer GPUs that don't shit the bed on DX12 are performing better because obviously they're actually more powerful than older GPUs. DX12 is just for forcing you to use Windows 10 (which I don't care since I'm using it anyway) and Microsoft trying to get a hold on PC gaming with the Xbox One being the weaker console in sales. They bought a bunch of studios and are bringing everything to PC because there's more profit in selling games than trying to sell Xbox One hardware in a gen where Sony has a lock on it. But they still want some Windows 10 sales from new PC gamers. DX12 is an absolute meme regardless of whether it introduces problems for you or not, it's still barely doing anything over DX11, the CPU performance increase was an absolute lie.
Win 7 got DX12 support a few days ago.
Wait people actually buy their latest bullshit cards that took a massive price hike compared to previous gen?
After 4 years.
And when DX12 is already pretty much dead.
u wot?
too bad mine is pirated
An i5 if Intel and a ryzen if AMD.
these cards usually have suggested lifespan in hours listed in specifications. its something really high like 100k hours but if you mine for months with the gpus at 100% load all the time of course the solders n shit are gonna wear out fasters than on the usual consumer
wait for ryzen 3
Mac fags not allowed
>the CPU performance increase was an absolute lie.
It wasn't, but you had to be running an absolute dogshit CPU paired with a decent modern GPU in order to see any gains.
I'm sure it's amazing for all those people running an i5 2500k with a GTX 1070, but who the fuck does that?
Ryzen. I have 6600k, but will not be giving Intel any more money after its time is up.
please respond
>meanwhile, it's 2019 and I'm still playing any major release on high settings
>And when DX12 is already pretty much dead
BUt it's being implemented now everywhere since NVIDIA's 20xx series now fully supports it.
I've never used a mac in my whole life, what are you on about?
i7 4790k here.
Feels good to own legendary rare CPU that isnt even made anymore.
>Does mining burn through them or something?
imagine you bought a car that someone drove to and from work for 2 hours a day.
now imagine you bought a car that someone drove for 16hrs a day flat out
Getting a good CPU makes up for any downsides the 970 has
I'm able to run VR perfectly and when I'm not doing VR I can have chrome open with 100+ tabs and four monitors with wallpaper engine running
Ryzen 3000 should release soon. Official roadmap is "mid-year"
incorrect. mining keeps the card at a stable temperature, avoiding the heating and cooling cycles which degrade the solders etc.
Not really, in pretty much every game it's in it's an afterthought, outside of maybe Metro and The Division 2.
>Denuvo. DMC5 without denuvo runs on ultra on 970 while steam version with it has annoying constant fps drops
Imagine paying for games lmao
>had the much better 290 which blew the 970 out of the water as time passed.
Yeah, right..
970 was awesome. Bought it in the middle of 3.5 drama. Prices dropped massively back then. Overcklocks pretty easily to the performance levels of 980 and still works pretty good with high/medium settings.
I got an i5-7500 and it's not ideal
dont listen to Yea Forums when it comes to CPU's
everyone here recommends Ryzen for some reason and its pretty mediocre
you misspelled e6320
That analogy doesn't work, because a video card is a solid state device.
The idea that cards get used up by mining is outright wrong
Just imagine for one second being this cucked by a company
>The idea that cards get used up by mining is outright wrong
you mean to tell me electronic devices don't get worn off after years of constant use?
You own a piece of shit that my i5 8400 demolishes.
>I'm still playing any major release on high settings
in 720p @ 30fps?
My 970 died and I replaced it with a rx 580. Never again will I fall for the green jew.
What's the best caard one can buy for ~250 dollars right now? 1060? wait for 1660? something else?
Is it worth replacing an i5-2500K with an i7-2700K i7-3770K or ? I think they're the best CPUs for the slot
Or just the save the money for a totally new build?
That's because it's not an 8 or 9 gen i5. The 8th gen i5s are beasts and the 9th gen can only be better.
>solid state devices don't get used up
Are you retarded? Do you know SSDs have a set number of reads/writes before the drive starts failing? Anything that has electricity flowing through it and heat being released will inevitably wear out. You might think that solid state = no movement at all, but in order for anything to have literally any function, something HAS to move.
cheapest rx 570 you can find
I got mine for $120
Is a used 980 Ti worth it for $210 US? Thinking about picking one up for my secondary pc.
>tfw 1060 3gb
maybe after 10, 15 or 20 years.
There is no way to "wear out" a GPU before it is obsolete.
GPUs have thermal paste, fans with moving parts and wires that get thinner over time. They aren't ipods.
1660 probably, maybe navi. Thats if you want to spend the upper limit of that budget. Otherwise, RX 580
mining literally does that, miner push the thing beyond it's capacity to function, that's what makes crypto valuable.
>There is no way to "wear out" a GPU before it is obsolete.
a GPU is not only a chip, it's the whole card, don't tell me you don't think parts wear out.
>i7 4790k here.
>Feels good to own legendary rare CPU that isnt even made anymore.
5775C. THAT was a gaming CPU. They don't make them like this anymore.
That just means you are due for an upgrade.
just get a new mobo, ram and cpu. no point in sidegrading. t. upgraded 2500k to 9600k
AKA someone's mining card.
> thermal paste
can be replaced cheaply
>wires that get thinner over time
by what magic?
Miner trying to offload his overused GPUs detected. Mining GPUs are run 24/7 in Warehouse setups. Their life spans are much shorter. Nice try you fake news scum.
>all these people saying they max out everything 60 fps with a 970
>whereas my ass a year after the GPU's release would run into massive stuttering problems when games hit 3.5gb
>"g-games never use 3.5 gb goyim hehehehe"
>literally fucking stare at msi afterburner as games hit 3.5 gb
Stop trying to cope. Nvidia lost the class action lawsuit and wrote checks to anyone who bought a 970 for a real reason you fucking nvidia shills.
Will be ok till the end of the gen
This. It's a meme, it might reduce the lifespan by 7 weeks total in something that can run for 14 years
miners tend to undervolt and underclock their cards for maximum efficiency.
Also remember they sell the exact same GPUs to professionals for scientific compuation, rendering farms, etc. These things are meant to take constant use
Not anymore, that shit died a while back.
Mining hasn't been that intensive since bitcoin was profitable on a single GPU
These days it's all about mining efficiently, so generally the first point of failure are the fans on the cards
>ryzen /g/ meme lords
run user RUN
same, my 970 has lasted fucking forever
>can't buy second-hand GPU's anymore because of mining
Is there any way to check if a graphics card has been mined with?
>970 to something that can't even outperform a 1070
replacing my 1080p card with yet another 1080p card isn't worth it, sorry, 1660ti is a joke
the only sensible upgrade from 970 is 1070ti/RTX2060 or higher, thats it, unfortunately AMD isn't delivering something worthwhile atm
>everyone who was mining sold 100% of their cards already
Hey, it's your money.
Only thing he should be running from are the burning buildings that house 14nm++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>"g-games never use 3.5 gb goyim hehehehe"
>literally fucking stare at msi afterburner as games hit 3.5 gb
name these """""""good game""""""" so we can laugh at you
You're too dumb to reply to.
Google "spoiler security hole" and then decide.
I CAN'T PLAY metro exodus at the highest settings with my shitty 1080 ti i'm mad
it's slightly weaker than a 780ti
The pizza I bought with my check was a better user experience than I got in the entire lifetime of my 3.5.
I still have it , re2 and dmc5 worked fine.
MHW was a bit wonky, but managed to get it running on stable 60fps at least.
Still no reason to upgrade.
mining cards are fine. the worst case scenario that happens to them are that the mechanical part (fans) go bad, but those are a very easy fix/replacement.
Wrongo. Try overvolting on modern GPUs and let it run at 80c while you game all day. See how long it lasts. There's this little thing called electromigration that occurs when electricity flows through a chip with transistors. Think of transistors as little floodgates. They open and close to let the electricity flow through, that's how they calculate processes. This electricity almost acts like water and erodes the material making up the transistors over time. Well guess what? We've been shrinking transistors smaller and smaller over the decades, that's how our chips have been getting faster and more complex. As they get smaller, naturally they are made up of less and less material. Those 7nm GPUs and CPUs we expect to be happening in the next year or so? Yeah, the transistors are compromised of literally a handful of atoms. Less material = faster rate of electromigration. As these transistors die, the chip starts to produce more and more errors until eventually dead chip. Higher voltages dramatically accelerate this process, followed by high currents (load) lastly by high temperature. If you are using your system, this process is happening. But you can do things to make it a hell of a lot worse like this dumb faggots who push their i7 to 5Ghz at 1.4v or more. Retarded and will kill their chips in no time.
Why do you think you can pull any old old console out of your closet and it still works just fine today but modern components keep dying so much? It's because the old chips were built on much larger processes and thus they're far less prone to electromigration. More material making up a transistors = less damage and breakdown over time from use. You think the RTX series failures were bad? Wait until Nvidia releases a 7nm card. It's gonna be hilariously awful.
Doesn’t make sense for someone to only mine with one GPU mate, if they were selling multiple GPU’s/have sold lots of GPU’s in their sale history, then it would be pretty obvious that they’re miners.
970 lad here, will probably upgrade in a year or two but it served me well the last 3 or 4
>mfw I went from a 970 to a 1080ti
lmao kys OP with your 3.5 memecard
Right here mate
Brother, I too built a rig in 2013 with a 780. You got fucked by the 780 Ti and got double fucked by the 970. Right before my warranty was up, I RMA my 780 for artifacting and got back a 970. It doubled my fps in new games like Doom that take advantage of Maxwell+ architectures. You're getting shit on and you don't even know it. I mean good for you but don't pretend what you're experiencing today is good by any means. That card could be replaced for $250 and you'd get a better experience night and day.
If you know that it's coming from some who is a miner obviously that wouldn't apply. If you're buying from some fag on ebay/craigslist you're rolling the dice.
GTAV and rainbow 6 siege with high res textures were two games that jumped out at me.
most AAA games are garbage now so i don't really need to upgrade my 2500K/970
might get a new system for cyberpunk tho
>>GTAV and rainbow 6 siege
get some taste
>I see no reason to upgrade lads
I am waiting to see the system requirements for Cyberpunk 2077.
make sure to keep buying nvidia retards
>games rape your CPU today
haha i have great GPU fuck meme masters xD
I'm running a 2500k @ 4.6ghz + GTX 1060. Every game that's good I throw at it runs at 75FPS or above on high.
You are a literal brainlet
do you have autism?
Metro Exodus, Division 2.
yeah I know it's a shit card but the newest game I play regularily is fuckin gta 5, and thats the single player on a cracked copy so it aint like I really struggle with performance
I'm thinking of upgrading to 16 gb of ram and maybe a gtx 1060 or 1070, which do you think is better?
>tfw 1050ti
I spent all my monies upgrating from my old Sandy Bridge i5 to the Ryzen meme.
Being a poorfag living in a third world shithole is suffering.
>Metro Exodus, Division 2.
get some taste
> I'm still playing any major release on high settings
no you're not.
>Sandy Bridge i5 to the Ryzen meme
How's that working out for you?
>2500k @ 4.6ghz + GTX 1060
i have a 2600k and wanted to buy a 1060 or 1660. how's the performance? does the cpu bottleneck anything?
heh so basically the meme is if it was made recently it's bad because it uses more vram than you have available at full speed, what a pleb holy shit lmao, I bet you're poor too, what's it like having to turn down graphic settings and pretend like everything is okay, lmao@u, buy a console kid, you're already used to deluding yourself
>ecks DEEEEE the 3.5 gb limitation is fake because I don't like games that take more than 3GB of Vram
This is what happens when you're a corporate boot licker.
You should have bought a 290/390 instead for the same price.
I have an Nvidia card (1080ti) but the 970 is peak nvidiot. People who would buy an objectively worse card just out of brand recognition.
The RX 470 vs 1050ti was the same, but some are forgiven because the price and availability of the 470 shit the bed almost immediately because of Miner memes.
>twice below it
you can get an i7 6700k for pretty cheap these days, and that will last at least 4-5 years if you don't care about VR
Was the 570 not cheaper in your shithole? the 1050ti is a piece of shit
I just put a 1660 ti in mine mate, it's fine, but if you have a 1060 6gb there isn't a point
>mfw people with 1080, 2080 cards talking about stuttering and fps drops in Resident Evil 2
>mfw my 970 getting smooth 60 fps on high settings
Why didn't you buy the equally priced card that is much faster?
It's alright. Haven't seen that much of a difference. But that's probably the gpu bottlenecking my cpu. i5 2310 to R5 2600.
I bought it in 2016. It was really cheap, and the rx470 was way more expensive.
I'm getting a new card soon and a buddy of mine who has had a really good track record at pointing out quality parts over the years thinks this is the best bang for my buck, what do you guys think
Inspiron 5680.
unless game engines are completely rebuilt from ground up it'll last you a decade easily.
It was actually 2017, sorry.
Upgrading my computer today, decided to keep my GTX 1060 and spend most of my money on a i7 8700k this time since games keep relying more and more on skull-fucking your CPU, did I make a mistake?
>payfags getting performance raped by Denuvo
>blame nvidia vram
There will be cpu bottlenecking in very cpu intensive games because of the 4threads limitation (MHW and FFXV will average at 60FPS but will dip to 40s if things get crazy) but everything else I've thrown at it runs absolutely fine above 60FPS always (RE2, Apex, Dissidia, Doom, Stormblood, etc).
A 2600k will do better because of the 8 threads especially if it's overclocked as high as my 2500k. I think a 1060/1660 is the max I would pair with that CPU, 1070 and higher would cause too much of a bottleneck.
I have issues on my vega, but it's something to do with shadows and scaling things up, what settigns you got re2 at m8.
No you did fine.
1060 is still good for 1080p/80fps.
I scrolled down and immediately saw a cheaper 2060.
Don't listen to this faggot. Running your card hot 24/7 is not fine.
>Thinking denuvo has any effect on GPU
Fucking retard
Yes. Rumors put a 4.8GHz 8c/16t Ryzen 3000 at ~$260. Should have waited for that
You fucked up. I5 8600k is only a few percent worse than the i7 8700k in gaming performance. It's such a better value CPU. You could have saved a couple hundred.
Another 970 here, DMC5 works amazing with most settings maxed, expect the godrays that are a super performance hog in both DMC5 and RE2R.
Though there are 2-3 busy areas on missions 11-13 that seem to lag to 35FPS and the game goes into semi slow mo.
If you’re playing at 1080p the 970 still does fine. But most of us have moved on to higher res in recent years and that card doesn’t cut it.
I don't mind overspending a bit, animeposter. I know i5's can be just as good though.
I was running GTX970 till just yesterday. Getting 40fps in DOA6 @ 1440p was the tipping point for me. I don't even game that much on PC, but I've been on a downloading bend recently with all the early and launch day denuvo cracks. TBQH most of these new games run just great on a 970. AC7, Soul Calibur 6, even DOA6 for the most part run perfect fine and look great. But you can tell that it's taxing on the card and the frame dips to the mid 30's-40's in a couple stages in DOA6 was enough to spur me to pick up a 1070 used. Was a good run though, I didn't think I'd use my 970 for 4 years.
I still have a 970 and am mostly fine with it but I plan on getting VR somewhere down the line this year and that'll probably require me to upgrade just for the higher framerates required to even run it in a non nauseating way.
>only graphics whores care about visual fidelity.
Based. That's why I'm better than you non-graphicswhores.
needs more 970 memes
My i7 2600k started showing it's age in 2018 finally, so i upgraded to the 9700k.
Try running sea of thieves on that 2500k and watch your framerate dip to 40 in big islands.
I bought it on PS4 for the AC5 remaster, finished my normal mode playthrough and enough MP to get sick of it's repetitiveness. Then I returned it within the month to get $50 store credit and promptly downloaded the codex release to play the game the way it was meant to be played on PC (at 1440p+ and with a flight stick via x360ce). because fuck Namco for making the mobius one missions PSVR exclusive.
>DMC5 works amazing with most settings maxed
>Though there are 2-3 busy areas on missions 11-13 that seem to lag to 35FPS and the game goes into semi slow mo.
Retard BTFOs himself in his own post.
if you're spending that much get a 2060 otherwise save a few bucks and get a 1070ti used
How does what he said BTFO himself?
Great I laughed in the bathroom and now my coworkers are looking at me
you can buy a used 1070Ti for less than that
>works amazing
>barely works
Use the few brain cells you have and stop asking stupid questions.
>Glue eater telling someone else to use their brain cells
it's actually better for GPUs/CPUs to run at a constant temperature instead of fluctuating between idle and load too much. it stresses out the pcb less. also most sane miners undervolt their cards to reduce energy usage and temps.
I'm holding out. 2600k @ 4.5 and apparantly my 1070 firestrike scores and in game FPS are still within shooting range of mid-range setups. I think I will wait for next gen consoles to come out and whatever Intel has at that point
It's not even combat areas, just 2 goddess statues in those levels when you look into the distance at certain angles.
And it's probably CPU bound or something because I turned down the settings and it still lagged the same, also GPU wasn't at 100%.
>GTX 1080
I haven't had a game so much as stutter yet, feels rather good
I have a gtx 1060 or some shit with 8mb of ram and an i5 processor but I can’t run dark souls 3 or gta 5 without constant freezing and stuttering.
All my drivers are updated and I’ve tried messing with Nvidia setting to no availl.
Help bros I’m new to pc gaming and I was excited for Sekiro coming out but I don’t want to have to buy it on PS4 just so I can have a playable game!!
Me. But I got 970 before all these 3.5 bullshit, it used to be THE recommendation, THE star of benchmarks, THE giant killer for the price you pay. Everyone loved 970...
>99% of the game works perfectly maxed locked at 60
>"barely works"
Might want to have those brain tumors checked.
>It's far better for CPUs/GPUs to run at constant temperatures
Absolutely false. Heat breaks down components. Exposing components to extended periods of high heat diminishes their lifetime. Normal usage does not fluctuate between idle and load like you're claiming, those are very special situations that the average consumer does not do. This is why I know you're a scammer.
For long term investment, the order is:
Aye, but what monitor?
Fuck off Mash.
>long term
>intel mainboard
>I also do a lot of autocad/solidworks
define "a lot"
>My R9 280X has served me faithfully but is seriously starting to show its age.
I know your pain bro. I feel it with my 750ti
The 2600k was fine for everything else i played, it was sea of thieves in specific that made me upgrade, it was bad.
>psu that low
friend lemme tell you, spend good money on a good psu or you lose your whole rig. I learned that the hard way.
2500k is shit these days. It shits the bed when hyperthreading is required and drops 1% fps to 30 or lower.
I debated putting it higher. I bought a 650W PSU 3 years ago and I'm still using it even after upgrading my rig. Will probably replace in a year or so
the average gamer overclocks their GPU and constantly fluctuates their load by gaming and alt-tabbing between a dozen things. that's more unhealthy for the GPU in the long term compared to undervolting it and running at a consistent load. an overclocked GPU running the latest AAA game while the CPU also dumps waste heat into the case will cause more heat than a undervolted card that's mining exclusively while the CPU just chills out.
I wonder how that went for them.
>using 970 with broken fan PLUS I have a free 1070ti sitting here
??? what are you waiting for
name 2 good games that use hyperthreading. they're all shit.
Just upgraded my rig:
>GTX 970--->RTX 2060
>i5-4690 -->Ryzen 2600x
How bad did I fuck up
Eh, tinker with it it for a few hours after work each day
It applies to most current games and all upcoming games.
Turns out 2600k was the superior CPU all along and 2500k was overhyped.
well to be honest 8 years not that bad lifespan for a cpu.
Well I got a 800watt rig now, and I think I need to replace it because my pc keeps shutting off under heavier loads and I have to manually switch it on and off ebfoer I can turn it back on.
But for reference I made a higher end rig back in 2013, but skimmped out on the psu because a buddy helping me build it told me "bro you don't need to spend a lot on a psu" So I got some cheap shit from a company called solid gear, that thing going haywire fried almsot every component in my fucking pc before I could figure out what the fuck was goin on. I thought it was faulty drives, fucked up chip, a virus the works. Nah, PPSU fried everything. Luckily everything was still under warranty at the time, but my mobo and intel chip was fucked. The made me upgrade this year, in fact everything burnt out but my old radeon hybrid gpu, so I went ahead and got all radeon shit where I could since it's the only piece i have that still worked after everything else shit the bed.
Moral of the story is, don't cheap out on a psu, get the best you can. Shit's the heart of the rig, and if that thing goes say goodbye to your everything.
Pcbg told me a 1660 ti can pull 1080p 100+fps same as the 1070. Considering the 1660ti is almost half the price here seems like too good of a deal
No the average gamer does not OC their GPU. Most people don't know how. Alt tabbing between applications is also not as common as you make it out, nor is that stressful on the GPU. Remember how I said I know you're a scammer? You're digging yourself deeper you trash cunt.
2060 is like a 1070ti
1660ti is like a slightly weaker 1070
ryzen chips are good, but why pay for the 2060, ain't that card an overpriced joke? I think I remember everybody universally shitting on it when it came out. The 1660 is better from what I was reading nearly everywhere.
>intel core gen2 was released 8 years ago
Only if Jewtel doesn't change sockets on you
idiots who bought a 2500k instead of a 2600k are probably the same idiots who bought a E8400 instead of a Q6600 (or least the idiots who didn't learn their lesson and were forced to upgrade 2-3 years in instead of ride out the upgrade for 5+ years like alot of 2600k users are donig)
I would recommend everyone who is still on a 4 core 4 threads to upgrade to a 6/6 or 8/8, or at least sidegrade to 8 threads. Its days are numbered.
you can find 1070 and 1070Ti for LESS than a new 1660Ti. now is the time to buy since alot of mid-upper tier users are upgrading to 2070 and 2080 (it's a buyer's market now)
what PSU do you have?
I was Intel before but just switched to AMD mobo and CPU when I upgraded last week. Have high hopes for Zen 2 or I'm gonna KMS
Tf is wrong with you
970s are getting at a good price point if you don't need to play in ultra/highest, since there isn't any perceptible difference
It's funny because a 6 core Xeon from 2010 is now way better than the 2500k. You could buy them for 50€ a while back.
8700k marked the mass market arrival of 6/8 core CPU's. surprising it took intel that long (biggest milestone since the 2600k)
the average gaming GPU already comes factory overclocked and you should know by now that every Nvidia GPU now has GPU Boost 3.0 which automatically overclocks the card if there's enough temperature headroom and voltage available.
I fell for the ray tracing meme.
But in all seriousness, I watched a shitload of vids on benchmarks and then considered cost as well. I basically had to build an entirely new PC since my mobo was old as shit and I switched to AMD. I'll probably replace my GPU sometime during holiday season
Not everyone need that many cores. Perhaps except for modern games at meme resolution... but this is Yea Forums. Sorry please carry on.
fucking retard, theres a reason why every single fps pro plays on 144hz monitors.
so what you're saying is most current games and all upcoming games are shit then. just like how all the games that happen to use more than 4gb of VRAM at 1080p happen to all be dogshit (ass creed, womb raider, mass effect andro)
I bought a corsair model, 800-850, blue markings, did it about 6 years ago now. But you know how corsair is, they just slap their brand on the best shit and pass it off as theirs half the time. Still a quality piece. Issue is when I go hard on my v64 the thing will sometimes shut my pc off and then I have to turn the switch on the psu on and off to get it to reboot again, so I think it's the psu. Could be the gpu, but I dunno, nothing's overheating in my case.
Problem with Xeons are that the motherboards are 3-4x as expensive and you must use ECC RAM.
My broken 780 got switched out for new 970. Have bern content with it so far.
Fair enough, just seemed like a scam to me, plus I hate nvidia's scummy tactics and their pisspoor drivers. Hopefully you can sell it and get a decent 1660 or something dude, at least you got a decent cpu.
Well, I had a based x58 since day 1. First gen i7 to Xeon was a pretty good upgrade.
Ok I’ve got a retard question but I have a EVGA 650W PSU right now. If I bought a EVGA 750W, would I be able to keep all the cables in my case and just reattach them to the new PSU? Or would the cords be different? I’m just being a lazy piece of shit here
60hz 1080p, unfortunately. I know I can invest in a 144hz one, but eh.
I've been playing SCVI at 60fps at 1440p on a 1070 just so it's a good option.
You should. Assuming, of course, you don't fuck up and buy a PSU without modular cords.
> 350 posts
> 3.50
You really need to supersample AC7 for it to look decent. I'm running it at 200% resolution and increased view distance to get rid of the horrid post-process AA
Never use cables that dont come with your PSU m8. There is a high chance you will damage your psu or parts or both. Just do a quick google and see how many people fucked their shit up by doing this, even with cables from the same brand but different psu.
agree. maximum AA setting makes it look like an entirely different game (especially after having spent a considerable time playing it on PS4 Pro).
The target is 4k at 60, but these games are heavily gimped to do it and tend to be very motion blur heavy to try to mask fps drops.
the game was built to run 4k with up to 8k super sampling. you really can't admire the hi-res texture work without running higher resolutions. 1080p and console tier settings makes the game barely an upgrade over AC6 on Xbox360.
I'm waiting for 970 to die first. It's not like I NEED to upgrade for any games coming out in the past or future decade.
It should be fine if they're modular, but thinking logically they're probably not calibrated for the psu you're using especially if you're going cross brand. Don't be lazy and redo the cables. I'm doing that soon when I get my replacement.
pretty much, looking at a AAA title on ps4pro or xbox1 pro that's not optimized is fucking painful outside of maybe KH3. Most pcs that aren't top end struggle with 4k 60fps too don't they? I never fucked around with it, it looks good but I prefer higher fps and slightly higher resolution.
yeah but my point was that the game looks great in 4k and only decent in 1080p. 4k isnt bare minimum.
>NEED to upgrade
but you already own the 1070Ti, so you don't lose anything by putting it in your machine and using it NOW. and it's not like the card is a consumable like a bottle of vodka, so it won't get "used up" in the same sense. on the other hand the relative value of the card is something that will decline with time as more and more games come out that demand more than a 1070ti, so you are technically using up 'value' of the card by having it sit on your shelf unused. if you want to take advantage of the situation, put the 1070ti in your machine and sell the 970 while it's relative resale value is high.
I actually love how fake the photo is. The quality of the sticker is beyond high quality while the rest of the photo is extremely JPEG'd with all the visible fragments of bad quality.
you should have upgraded to at least 1440p like 5 years ago mate
>tfw I've used my gtx 680 longer than some people use the same car.
>you should be a good goy
1080p is still great if you sit closer than 2m
How do normies afford to buy a new 1k phone every year.
I want to buy a new top tier gpu every year but without having to have a job or work.
Lads, should i overclock my i5-4690k CPU @ 3.50GHz?
cpu cooler "Noctua NH-D15"
also using MSI GeForce GTX 970.
or should i just buy a new cpu, (what cpu would you recommend user?)
>settling for 1080p 60 fps
Imagine never seeing what 144 fps looks like
if you game at 1080p you may as well play on console rather than PC
why would you buy a K processor without the intention of over clocking it from day one? are you retarded?
>tfw my 650 can run DMC5 good enough
>How do normies afford to buy a new 1k phone every year.
they pay 30€ a month
they just start paying them for a different phone
ITT: 970 poorfag cucks on DAMAGE CONTROL
Neck yourselves
>but 1080 p is still good in the year 2019
neck yourselves
>but my 970
which isn't that bad a deal since it comes with cell service. if you didn't buy a new phone cell providers would find a way to make you pay that much anyway because they are all dirty kikes
Sure. It was made to be overclocked. You can easily get it to 4.5 or even more with NH-D15.
if you play at 4k/full hd youre a retard consolefag. real men play in REAL pc resolutions like 1920x1200
GTX 970 for $330 on release easily made me bite.
Haven't felt hype like that for a new GPU since. Although the GeForce 10 series was a good release, the 1070 price increase turned me off.
But, if I could've known how bad NVIDIA was going to fuck up the GeForce 20 series RTX cards I would've bit the bullet and bought a GTX 1080 on release day.
just looked it up, good looks brother. Time for me to put on my big boy pants and just rewire
GTX 980 ACX 2.0 Chad here
Who else.
they are eternally in debt and trade in their old phone for like 30% of the value. buying the newest iphoen every year is a waste of money, same with gpus. Who gives a shit if some girl gives you crap for having an old phone when the dumb bitch breaks her screen 3 times and has a 3k bill. Just get a real nice high end gpu and ride it out till you cna't anymore.
Lads, I have a GTX 980 (factory overclocked one) and a i5 6600k
How long can I reasonably be playing newer games at 1440p high settings?
144fps makes PC run too hot/loud and it creates a slippery slope effect where once your hardware isn't good enough for 144fps then everything becomes choppy and you're forced to upgrade sooner than later to keep up.
1440p looks drastically different than 1080p considering it's nearly double the pixel density.
im on a 980 with an i7 6700k and my pc still runs like a dream
I honestly cant tell the difference between ultra and high shadows in most games other than the usual massive performance hit.
>not that hard to run
you realize most gaming pcs have a hard time running 4k resolution at a consistent 60fps or above, especially if the screen is bigger, to the point that most monitors aren't made with 4k in mind if you game on pc?
Figures the one time I'd spend more on GPU and switch brands after getting burned it'd be right when AA/AAA westernshit becomes unplayable and a massive scam happens on the other side. Oh well. It hasn't failed me on 1080p60fps yet, but I can't help but wonder if the AMD equivalents wouldn't be much better off these days. At least there's HBAO, I guess.
You mean your pc right? I'm trying to hit 100 fps on 1440 for dmcv because I think it'll look fuckin crazy.
3570k here
>I'm still playing any major release on high settings
Not with a 970, unless you have the fan on full blast. I just upgraded from a 979 to an RX 580 and the difference is incredible.
I have a pci slot 2.0 ..... how do I upgrade if I need to rebuild everything just to play new games?
My 970 is great for 180p but holy shit does it have coil whine out the ass.
Meh, I literally had my shitty prebuilt PSU explode on me and it didn't take out any of the other components in my system.
And when I say explode, I mean there were literally sparks and smoke coming out of it.
>solder and shit is going to wear out
Not how it works....
>Has to wait 4 generations just to compete
>lateral expensive ass move
If you're going to pay that much, just go all out.
>upgraded from a 970 to a rx 580
>heat doesnt degrade things
nasa should hire you dude
shhhh don't expose the false narrative.
Buy a 970 today goys
What the fuck do you think geforce gpus are for? Phones?
maybe you had a better board or maybe it's more advantageous to have the thing explode. From what I gathered, my shitty psu was throttling my system with power and frying everything.
>I'ma strawman away from the topic
Solder and components don't "wear" out. There is no wear on any of those components except for the fan motor as it's the only mechanical device on the damn thing.
What happens is components oxidize, which isn't a wearing. It's a reaction.
>Prioritize mobo
>Intel or AMD change their sockets
nothin personnel
1060 6gb here, I'll be running everything on high/ultra for the next 10 years so I don't give a fuck.
What's the best card for a Ryzen 3 2200g? Mid to poorfag tier.
The good thing about top tier GPU is that you can always sell it for decent amount when a new one comes around. It's still pretty expensive but not as much when you consider that.
Who here V-sync on every game.
What's wrong with the RTX series?
Probably their CPU bottlenecking
GTX 1660 Ti. Or wait for Navi.
>which is with service
Shame, it's such shit service. I would pick up a contract if they had a decent one anywhere. instead the best I get is buying these prepaids because at least with them I can get 20GB on the data cap for streaming my music while I drive.
It's basically TI version of 1080 TI. Yeah, reharsh of the reharsh.
And it can't even hold 60 fps with RTX ON
2070 for 450€ or 1660Ti for 300€?
Is it worth to spend more to get more out of the card? I probably won't update for next 5 years.
Took 2.3 years to come out and only gave a small performance increase for the price.
20xx series are meme cards that everyone makes fun of, 1660 ti is solid from what I hear.
What kind of name is this
Sshhh, it just works, user.
Recently upgraded from 960 to 1070. GPU usage went down from 90% to 60% on most of my games
You're a million years too late to complain about naming conventions.
This is literally every 970 vs 1080 ti argument
>970 still works just fine xd
>"but what about with (game)?"
>that doesnt count lol
>"what about with (game), (game), (game), etc?"
>also dont count lol
Discussing literally anything on Yea Forums is tedious because any time you bring up a point, the other person just starts shitposting
1660 was better than everything til 1070 or so wasn't it?
1660 is the meme card. Literally not even part of the main series.
The Ti version is roughly the same as 1070.
Anyone else think the next gen Intel 10 nm processors and NVIDIA gpus will be really good stuff?
It's not just Yea Forums. Real people do this face to face too. It's infuriating.
>3.5 (three point five) VRAM
Intel will try 3D stacking them for higher memory, but that could cause thermal issues. We shall see.
What games cant a 970 run? In this thread some people posted GTAV, Rainbow Six, Metro Exodus, Divsion 2. But it can play all these games on medium settings and gets 60fps at 1080p
I have a similar setup as yours but overclocked the 4690k to 4.3Ghz with a 1070. Still debating if it is worth upgrading my cpu or if it would make enough of a difference in certain games.
Based and 4790kpilled
I had it but now i have 1080Ti
Doesn't invalidate you owning a gimped card and actually being okayed with getting jewed like that. Kill yourself. Bitch.
>I have a similar setup as yours but overclocked the 4690k to 4.3Ghz with a 1070. Still debating if it is worth upgrading my cpu or if it would make enough of a difference in certain games.
I was using 4690k at 4.3GHz too. Upgraded to i7 just because I got a nice deal (the swap was like ~$70).
Unless you got a high end GPU (1080 and up) and aiming for 120+ FPS, or just want to max out the platform (for the sake of maxing it out), it's really not worth it.
I don't know much about computers, sorry user.
Thanks user, I will give it a try.
>lol my 970 maxes out everything at 1080p 60 fps
>what about this game
>doesn't count lol
But Yea Forums, you told me that you were better for discussion than reddit?
>1080ti's are still going for above $1000
Fuck these people.
Alright folks.
I memed myself with a good 4k monitor. Mostly for movies (no separate tv and didn't want one) and I'm glad I did.
But I'm stuck with an awful framerate with my 970 at high settings. Should I go for the kill with a 2080 as recommended on /g/?
>But it can play all these games on medium settings and gets 60fps at 1080p
mate, I wholeheartedly believe you.
Just be fucking honest about dropping down some settings then. I had a 970 for years. The people who say "I max out every setting and never get jewed by the 3.5 gb and get a constant 60 fps in every game" are lying.
If it's not that, then
>ecks DEEE those games don't count I'm playing this 2007 game and get 60 fps all maxed out so it's as good as your 1080
You people know you are being disingenuous
i got a 1080 ti all the way back then and still havent upgraded. probably wont for 2 whole generations. hahah what a deal.
>60 fps in 2019
When maxing every setting gives you -20fps drops with barely to no improvements to the picture quality like in MHW, it makes no sense to appeal to aktually maxed out settings.
>that's not what we were talking about, it's actually not worth it to max out games!!!11
Why did I expect to see a post like this coming? Anyways..
I don't disagree with you, but stop moving the goalposts. The discussion here is whether the GTX 970 can ACTUALLY MAX OUT every modern game at 60 FPS like people are claiming mate.
It didn't in fucking 2016 when I had it. It doesn't now.
>The discussion here is whether the GTX 970 can ACTUALLY MAX OUT
Is it though? Aren't you're the one moving the goalposts here?
>Aren't you're the one moving the goalposts here?
>"no u!!"
I'm just gonna wait for an explanation
I've gotten a ton of value out of the card. The only thing is I'm limited to 1080p. It really struggles with 1440. At the same time, I'm not seeing any 60+ FPS 1440 cards that are anywhere near worth it.
>I'm just gonna wait for an explanation
Here you go, user, the original post (not mine btw):
>What games cant a 970 run?
>it can play all these games on medium settings and gets 60fps at 1080p
Not a single word about maxing out anything.
Here's my post.
>mate, I wholeheartedly believe you.
>mate, I wholeheartedly believe you.
>mate, I wholeheartedly believe you.
because it was the only honest post in the thread.
I'm talking about the ridiculousness of the people saying it can max out everything then say "lol that game doesn't count"
i.e not you.
So we're in agreement here. Just in case you missed it one more time though
>mate, I wholeheartedly believe you.
4k 60fps is easy on a GTx 1080 unless you go full retard and put everything on max , 1440p is blurry tier , Im waiting for Nvidia to drop the new series and do the jump to the GODLIKE 4K 144FPS
(RTX was a half assed series)
Not him but overclocking my 2600x gives me stupid high FPS on battlefield on my 1080ti, but before overclocking I'd get microstutters.
>4k 60fps is easy on a GTx 1080 unless you go full retard and put everything on max
Isn't that the point? If you can't run everything on max on high end equipment it's not worth it innit. Plus it beats the shit out of the card.
>1440p is blurry tier
Looks pretty decent to me, 4k is nice though, least on the consoles I saw it on.
>Im waiting for Nvidia to drop the new series and do the jump to the GODLIKE 4K 144FPS
I'm sure it'll look good, but it's gonna be an expensive as fuck tv mate. Especially if it's a big monitor. On top of that, nvidia always overprices everything, so you're still better off waiting a bit till competitors come out.
>Isn't that the point?
To an extent. Most modern games all have that 'one' setting (or two) that absolutely destroy your framerate above medium/high for how little it actually adds to the game's visual outlook over the reasonable setting.
Yeah, like shadows, but for texture meshes, dynamic shadows, texture quality, shadow cache, upscaling ( sometimes) it's all pretty necessary to look good. I can't picture lowering my maxed out, or nearly maxed out settings just to get 4k at higher fps going.
>tfw still on a 4790k and an 8GB RX 580
I-I-I'm still good, right Yea Forumsros?
>1440p is blurry tier
anything will look blurry if it's not your monitors native res
If you use 1080p it definitely is great. 4k meme faggots are just showing off.
To give you an idea, the GTX 1070 was on par with the 980 Ti on release.
The RTX 2070 is maybe slightly better than the GTX 1080.
Lol jelly
late to the thread but i'm thinking about upgrading
r8 my build
>tfw chose 1080p 120-144fps over 4K 29-45fps
whats a cheap option in canada?
Probably the 1660 if you're on a budget?
>Get a 970 and a 4690k from my brother because he 'needed' to upgrade
>OC both
>Everything high/maxed-out
Only upcoming game I give a fuck is Bannerlord so I think I'm set for 10 years.
Lower res=More cpu usage and less gpu usage
Higher res=More Gpu usage less cpu
Why? Because in reality all cpu cares about is framerate and at a lower res is normal to hit 144-200 fps,if you get a better cpu your frames would increase and so your gpu usage