I need that mo- i NEED that MONEY!
I need that mo- i NEED that MONEY!
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nu dsp is boring as shit
He's got no real choice, poor financial decisions have left him a slave to new games to try and keep an active viewer base.
Does he really look like that now?
phil is a real dude and keeps it real, his fan seems like a faggot who thinks it's his soapbox times, phil is dare i say our guy for being real in this
I don't get it
Imagine being a loan shark and having to beat the shit out of Phil with a bat for being a dumb fuck
and taking out + not paying back his mob debts.
I watched him for a week, I don't understand why people give him money.
He is obviously making a lot of money, he is obnoxious and disgusting to watch with his snorting all the time, he spends half the streams begging for money.
I don't get some people, it's like he is pity porn or something.
he's funny
havent you watched tihydps on youtube?
God I wish that was me
*Jerks off on stream thinking the camera was off*
I genuinely enjoy watching him play games (at least the ones I really like and have beaten). He has an energy, sometimes funny on purpose, sometimes not. I hope he can continue to survive doing this for the foreseeable future. I like seeing that he has beaten the system
he's Yea Forums incarnate
Trolls trolling trolls. The easiest way to get a bunch of people (kiwi farms) insanely pissed off is to give DSP five bucks along with a nice note about how you really enjoy his content but slip in a snide little comment that sends him off on a 15 minute rant about detractors.
About 1% of his content is funny and he is an obnoxious human overall, watching him a lot is bad for your soul and depressing as fuck.
honestly can't wait for him to get destroyed in sekiro
Yeah, that's about what I'd expect.
That's because with Twitch, all he has to do is look at his chat for how to beat the game
I legit checked in on his Super Mario RPG stream for 10 seconds and he was looking up a fucking guide on his phone. This dude is unreal.
phil knows more than anyone if you don't want to be mocked don't stick your head out. hopefully the spastic either learns this as well or somehow turns that hate into fuel and money for himself.
I love this unboxing video
weird, exact same thing happened to me.Opened stream for 10 seconds, he was looking at a guide for some puzzle where you had to hit numbers on a wall in order to get a bowser weapon.
So, now that he has to get rid of the house, is he going to move back into his shitty condo?
and pay to move all his shit across the country?
what are you stupid? NO
DSP makes 6 figures a year streaming video games
what's your excuse?
>some retarded boomer is bad at videogames
>fucks up hilariously on stream
>somehow this is a bad thing
He has to pay taxes, you know? His patrons really need to get those second jobs asap!
>So, now that he has to get rid of the house, is he going to move back into his shitty condo?
it's a trick he' aint going anywhere
he's so sly making people think he's actually in financial trouble
I wish I was as good a con artist as he is
unfortunately he has to pay 7 figures in taxes
if that's what he says then it must be true
please donate
TIYHDP in a nutshell:
etc, etc...
classic dsp was kino
nu-phil is sad
hi phil
he’s going to lose his house bros
tfw ironically wasted my twitch prime sub on dsp
I am appealing to you the youtube viewer directly, I need that money I really do.
nah dude, unironically like some kino TIHYDP, but why are there so many hypocrites lmao
what are you even talking about? the hypocrisy largely comes from the sad "people" who need to upload 20+ minute long videos ever day who are desperate to stretch the videos out and end up making themselves look retarded in the process.
never seen a tihydp do what you have said, and i've seen many of them.
He got out of TWO permabans on both twitch and google adsense.
What makes any if you retards think taxes pose any sort of threat to him, given that he lies out of his ass as part of his business strategy
which one
This is just nitpicking, that chat was probably going nuts, the other teammate was cracking up and Phil tried to keep it together as long as he could.
>only watched 3 at most
oh look, another person on this board who instead of backing his shit up with a link will instead choose to drag it out further with condescending bullshit.
unironically kill yourself faggot, if it's so prevalent you wouldn't have any issues linking.
Real talk, what WOULD it take to actually kill off Phil?
is another good reposter of old DSP clips. On that note fuck twitter, what a piece of shit.
>unironically watching new TIHYDPs
woah, simmer down Tevin, lol
really cute, incapable of proving your point so you regress even further and call me an irrelevant monkey
i would tell you to castrate yourself but you're already a dickless faggot.
sounds just like the comments on most TIHYDP's lol... unoriginal, overly excessive in nature, etc... every time I click on one of your comments, it leads me to some animefag's feet review channel, or some MLP ponyfucker
Holy shit my sides. He can't actually be for real, right? He's just pretending isn't he?
yet you still haven't backed up your original claim. very atypical of people on anonymous forums to make claims and never back them up and deflect when challenged.
tell us more about how many tihydp you watch while simultaneously not being able to recount any of them
last time someone fucked with phil and entire corporation disappeared overnight. i would watch my back if i were you, detractors
I did nothing wrong I did everything correct.
A complete fucking sperg breaking into his house and offing him with a KSG.
Then praying those shells dont bounce back at the shooter.
look at this cringefest, this is your typical shit lol. why do you defend this like you're one of them? just look at this lmao
just wow man
Are you retarded?
I used to be excited for his from software playthroughs because he'll always get fucked by not knowing where the bonfires are and also because he's crap at the game but nowadays he plays the games so much that it's too easy for him and his stupid chat tells him every little detail.
Yikes, some one has got their feelings hurt!
dsp drama is the best
I miss this Phil.
you cannot kill him, he is Omega
i don't get it, what's hypocritical about this? the only thing i find bad about it is the painfully annoying laugh track that is getting played in an obnoxiously loud manner every time he makes a bad joke
do you know what hypocrisy is? hypocrisy would be more along the lines of people complaining that phil is a waste of space and time while doing things like trying to spin a false narrative and wasting their time trying to expose him to his fanbase by sending him private emails trying to "hide donations"
you're retarded
okay Tevin, well so much for hating on phil when you lot literally spend 5-8 hours a day watching him lmao
Kill yourself you fucking sped.
why is it every time you get called out on spewing dog shit you keep calling me some irrelevant nig streamer? very typical of people that often make any assertions on this board in particular, it's all baseless trash thats only posted in an attempt to get responses that agree
not an argument
It's uhh... Tevin's fault.
>try to watch a TIHYDP
>youtube comments fill most of the scream
>the same 3 memes are used over and over
Fucking stop
>tevin starts racking up the points on stream.me
>stream.me dies
How do you fuck up turning around so badly?
Cant wait for next years taxes
>GUYS Khet may be LEAVING me! Please send a tip I get those right away
reminder that if you are obsessed with anime or my little pony, or toy reviews, you have no right to criticize based DSP
>getting this upset over Yea Forums
yeah, typical of all of you who are crying all day and night about everything but still choose to stick around
thanks for admitting you lost
Do you need a safe space?
He is like Porky at the end of Mother 3, he will outlive the entire universe, completely alone and miserable and safe in his bubble, and that's the way he likes it.
Cool, I don't do anything like that. Phil is an awful human being.
Huh? Are you retarded, buddy...? You're the one sitting here telling that other guy about how this board is shit and all the sort. Yet, you are here. Why?
Starting to think that the other guy may be right, you sound like that Tevin nigger, the one who has 10 hour streams dedicated to talking shit about the fat bastard DSP, when he supposedly ''hates'' him.
phil kun ;_;
back to discord dumb tranny
Yea Forums is a dsp board
Oh a board where we all hate video games and treats everyone like shit? You are right, that does sound like Yea Forums and phil.
>Real talk, what WOULD it take to actually kill off Phil?
An act of God. Phil's pretty much proved he's immortal. So as long as he doesn't slip in the bathtub and break both his wrists, he's gonna be fine for a long long time.
Woah dude! It's almost like, you don't have to stay here! WOOOOOOOW!! lmao, then you complain about DSP
Also. Way to move the goalposts, hope it didn't hurt your allegedly bad back, Phil.
i'm talking about people who flock to anonymous image boards in general, in particular ones that are more opinionated. you ask them to clarify anything and the only responses you get have nothing to do with their or your point but rather attack you and call you an idiot for bothering to ask them to clarify. getting the latter more often than the former is clearly the norm
yes how dare anyone ask you to provide proof on your statement or clarify and ask you to provide some evidence. what a crazy assumption to think that i may be curious to the idea that i'm missing out on something that could be integral to getting an even deeper laugh on something i dive into every few months.
christ, you're fucking dense. what the fuck is a discussion board even for? just calling anyone who asks you to discuss your point whatever flavor of the month response you read a few days before?
Why don't you just block me then if you can't stand the banter then?
>Complaining about a site that you can't stop visiting for some reason
What's the point?
Why don't you just click off the tab if you dislike the board so much? checkmate
So I don't have to go to reddit, unlike you.
>complains about Yea Forums being shit
>uses reddit insult as ''''''banter''''''
wagies so mad at him because he hasnt worked in xx years
Found the incel
Most wagies aren't tens of thousands of dollars in debt
Who's SlavSydePhil?
show her some love ppl
Most TIHYDPs that are actually unwatchable are made by people that are part of an obnoxious fanbase. Anime, persona, nintendo stuff.
he literally only makes $20 a day
the worst
What's going to be the deus ex machina this season that allows him to save the house?
I'm pretty sure Viscant beat him in SF and hadn't played SF in YEARS.
The usual. Him having more money than he lets on.
Fake news publicity stunt, anyone that believed that shit must seriously be Low IQ
Except his notoriety went up NOTICEABLY after the event
I gave up on siding with these faggots after they started pulling gay ops, and giving him money in troll cheers. They deserve to be laughed at by DSP himself.
>"person x did a 5 dollar cheer and posted something I'm not gonna read thx for the money stupid fuck"
I don't know why they do it.
Lmao the deliberate fucking chicken legs. Absolute gold user.
I prefer a penne
Every time i see this faggot a sound deep inside in my heads keeps telling me that Ricky Gervais's dad or mom really enjoyed spreading their shitty genes allover the globe
>my condo in connecticut
>my business
>my office
>the bottom line is
>cheer, tip and subscribe
>taxes this month
>input delay
he's a really good actor then
It's mostly Tevinfags trying to get the nigger's attention by posting le funny donations.
So, that's what we're gonna be doing today... alright?
>I'm going to be honest...
>I'm not going to lie...
>I hate to say it...
>people are saying...
>You guys know I'm an honest guy...
>*lip smack*
>*throat clear*
>That gigachad feeling when you don't watch Phil or TIHYDP
Damn, it hurts to be this BASED
Then what was he doing, smartass?
>that elder god tier chad feel when you only care about the drama
I'm ignorant about Dark Souls. What went wrong here? Why did he about face out of nowhere?
He offered his back to the enemy for a second and got backstabbed,obviously Phil pretends that it came out of nowhere.
It just isn't fun since he started streaming on Twitch.
The constant handholding and """interaction""" ruin it.
How's his weight loss going?
>nothing I could do
You might as well switch to GG TIHYDP videos, they have a lot more effort put into them than the modern DSP focused ones.
He got the surgery and is still about the same weight
Nah he lost a lot of weight
Is he really? I thought he actually lost some.
Easy to eat
hes looking slimmer these days im proud of him desu he seemed like he was in a really bad place.
have you watched him play dkc? no amount of hand holding can help in a platformer. He's using save states.
>i already did this dood! i'm not doing it all again just because i ran out of lives!
>average console aim
>Starts using save states
>I've been doing this for 10 years. I know how to make entertaining content.
The DKC stream is probably the best stream in him being pissed off in a while.
This. No one wants to say it, but this
>there are people ITT that pay millionaire or almost-millionaire streamers while letting good game devs starve and quit development
worst timeline
>Giving anyone money
The baffling thing is he's not even a good con artist and people still fall for it
He's the equivalent of some teen on facebook complaining about how ugly and lonely she is to fish for compliments
But at least there you can explain it as people thinking with their dicks, DSP is a fat disgusting asshole
He's shaped like Bob from Tails Gets Trolled
You're already paying streamers just by watching their videos since they get adbux for every view, but some get tricked into donating money they could've spent on actual vidya. The worst streamers pretend they spend it all on actual expenses when you literally don't need anything but a webcam and a microphone since OBS is free and they get all the games for free. Legit pisses me off.
citation needed
Philium is a fascinating study into how a combination of narcissism, delusion and a retarded fanbase can let a guy survive for years. But the walls are closing in, and his bad decisions are catching up to him. I think this "going to see his parents" trip is really him moving back to CT, and when he never goes back to Renton it will be like "the bank foreclosed on my house dood, there was nothing I could do" or something stupid like that
>he's rolling in money!
>no he has to move back to connecticut!
why is this so compelling
>Implying I watch streamers
We aren't asking to stay. We're asking for you to leave.
Why is Phil so entertaining? Not his gameplay, I would rather eat a bullet than sit through one of his streams. But his ability to come up with bullshit on the spot is impressive
>Why is Phil so entertaining?
Because every decision that you would think to be a rational move, he does the exact opposite. Like moving across the country to a house he can't afford because the taxes in his home state are too high.
I liked the Xcom 1 TIHYDP because it perfect encapsulates the shitters who constantly complaint about RNG after they make a ton of dumb mistakes.
On top of fucking KEEPING the condo across the country that he has no way of upkeeping, and it literally just a money pit because he's too lazy/paranoid to rent it out and actually make some money off it
hey that's the guy who jerks off on stream
I'll never understand the length of people will got to troll and own their enemies.
I like to shitpost as much as anyone but fuck giving actually have to pay for it with real money, its basically a waste.
nice drive by post idiot
The "trolls" make a living off him now, they make videos and monetize them.
They are the ones making these shill threads.
>Hey Phil, I like your content, i've been watching for years, and I'm wondering if you ever buried the hatched with Rambo?
>We have an idiot in the chat who doesn't know what he's talking about
>Lean in, manual ban
>20 minute rant about how Rambo fucked him and how if Rambo wants to talk to him he can call first
It never fails. It's so easy to get a reaction out of this guy
9 months into the surgery and he boasts on stream about going to Wendy's and Taco Bell and how he stopped drinking soft drinks for a year (instead he replaced them with Gatorade, Starbucks and Wendy's lemonade and whatever the fuck else) while not working out
I'd say it was worth it
herniated disc in his spine. it was probably a mistake to include something that highlights your gimpedness but he can't really help it.
how new are you?
I'm watching his stream right now
It's the guy!
Uh, the detractors are just archiving it, since YT is just an archive run by nudniks.
Fucking idiot.
post your face when you are not DSP's paypig
I prefer a penne.
There's a split second where he has his back turned and the enemy took advantage of it.
sell the house
Love that story.
>Wtf, where did that bat came from?
>nothing i can do
>I'm blocking!!
>instant death, wow.
yes you can lazy shit
I really don't believe Phil is in any danger of losing anything at all.
In fact, I hope he does lose his home, just because I'm pretty sure it WONT happen. Dude always seems to get a "magic donation" or huge sub boost just in the nick of time. I'm pretty sure he does them himself.
Also, I fucking hate him as a person and his fake "BE PAHSETIVE" personality.
fucking based
I really want old Phil to beat the shit out of nu Phill.
The little side bob thing he does when he realizes it's on cracks me the fuck up.
he did good on Donkey Kong Country, it's so stupid people were getting butthurt that he save scummed. it's a 20 year old game NO ONE cares
T. Phil
I bet his “parents“ will donate the amount of money owed
How's that Seattle air Phil?
Have you ever met a streamer so pathetic?
I like the TIHYDPs, RE3 Nemesis being my favourite. I never really got those channels that upload his boring ass dialogue with the atrocious "artwork". They're not even funny. I can't watch him live due to timezones and not liking twitch, but they're probably monotonous anyway. I wish there was more rage content.
Rage content vanished once Twitch started playing the games for him.
Wow he has aged
His ragequitting webms are the best. Just like the Persona 3 one.
I've already downloaded the SA2 videos they've uploaded so far
He's never raged quit a game on his entire history as a khantent creator. He bored quit games because they were shit.
>I'm making more money than ever before
>B-but I need to pay taxes now
>You NEED to give me more money
Phil will feed off his sheeple for years to come.
>Plays on easy
>Still gets his shit pushed in
I can never get enough of this.
Unlike Chris Chan who really has only had his nudes shared and been turned into a tranny by trolls, DSP actually gets hurt by them. Imagine you get trolled by subterfuge and sabotage so hard you have to delete a huge portion of your passive income... faggots on the internet stealing bread off your table just so they can get props from other no life losers.
Put yourself in his shoes.... now imagine if that hate fuels you and makes you stronger.
Of course he is unstoppable.
He truly is the king of hate!