Street Fighter 5 Sucks so fucking much, how did Capcom let their one their main franchises get like this

Street Fighter 5 Sucks so fucking much, how did Capcom let their one their main franchises get like this.

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Agreed. It wasnt just street fighter. Resident Evil was pure shit, DMC reboot was a steamy turd, Marvel vs Capcom was dead on arrival and Monster Hunter was nowhere to be found. After the Resident Evil fps release, Capcom started to get their shit back together. Lets hope the next Street Fighter will be a proper Street Fighter game.

>monster hunter was nowhere to be found
So we're just making shit up are we?

its just the best sf.

Because it's just an "e-sport" game?

Like that's the main fucking goal of it - hence barely any single player content and letting "e-sports" players have copies months before it was available to buy so they could "balance" it for release

Because they went the "rock paper scissors" route where it's all pure guessing and no mindgames. It's too shallow for its own good.

explain the difference between guessing and mindgames you poser

Pauly d.?

You're not a real fighting game player if you care about single player, you dumb zoomer

what do you mean? The last big MH release before the Monster Hunter worlds, was the wii u one. Monster Hunter 4 was on 3ds only and it was terrible in there.

same reason as all the other capcom blunders around the same time, they tried to appeal to Western game playing troglodytes. SFV was an attempt to cash in on the western E-sports scene

>fighting games were esports for 20 years before esports got invented

Guessing: situation where you are forced to guess between two/three different outcomes.
Mindgame: open ended strategy that can be applied to you without expecting it.

Right now SFV at high level is this: pick a top tier, repeat what his meta is. No creativity required, just cycle through his mixups.

>a guess is guessing
>a mindgame is guessing too
thanks champ.

Post Chun Li.

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Here's an example with Tekken, because SFV as I said only has guessing.

Mixup situation between mid and low
An example could be repeatedly dashing forward into block to scare the opponent into backing away towards the wall.

As I said, the difference is in how open ended the latter is rather than being a railroaded interaction between a couple of moves.

both are guesses. you dont understand fighting games.

Street fighter V was one of the first games that adapted the "Live services" game. They threw the arcade mode out of the window and gave you a shitty, bare bones online mode. The single player mode, when it was added later on, was a terrible one with no final boss and atrocious loading times. The campaign mode, well, play it and see your IQ points dropping like crazy. Its that bad. Also the game is infested with microtransactions that ruins the experience and gameplay wise, they have removed the 1 frame link combos from sf4 which sucks, the parry moves are not as tight as sf:3d strike and the V trigger is a broken situational shitty tool. I would take sf4 focus attack over that stupid vtrigger every day. Also, I noticed that on ps4 there is a slight frame dip in some stages when too many projectiles are appearing on screen. Definetly bad for a fighting game. MKX runs ridiculously smoothly compared to this shit. Any questions?

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The first is a 50/50 that always goes one way or the other.
The second is a situation where you literally have no idea what's going to happen because the possibilities are too big, so you can get surprised.
Obviously you never experienced it because you only play the most braindead of fighting games out there.
Ever wonder why SFV matches are so boring to watch? Because they're just someone going through the motions of that character's meta.

Street Fighter 5 is just footsies until you get your V trigger and then you win, it's fucking shit. I could accept the clay models if the game play was methodical like 4 or just straight fun like 3 but it is neither. Fuck any SF5 shills and fuck any pros playing that shit, you know you're doing for it money. Also free Mike Ross. Peace.

they tried the MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT model that all AAA shitheads have been doing lately, they did it with MVCI too