Why are console gaymers so obsessed with physical...

why are console gaymers so obsessed with physical? your cd will become unreadable in 30 years and your optical drive will stop working in 15. digital is forever. explain this zoomer mindset to me

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several simple reasons you could'Ve come up with yourself if you had an IQ over 50
>ability to sell games you no longer want
>ability to actually play without an internet connection
>ability to install a game without an update that fucked it over

>digital is forever
Play City of Heroes.

A physical manifestation of money spent. If I wanted to just get the files I'd rather pirate then pay for the same thing.

>ability to sell games you no longer want
literally the only thing that keeps gamestop and the like alive. fuck them
>ability to actually play without an internet connection
you can play digital games without an internet connection are you retarded
>ability to install a game without an update that fucked it over
you dont have to update digital games whenever theres an update available unless its multiplayer are you retarded
only valid reason. so the only valid reason is autism. great

It made more sense when games were sold as-is. Most games now require you to download extra shit via an internet connection before playing. In that case, I would rather just go full digital.
Also, I never return anything out of principle. I see it as a punishment for making a poor financial decision.

>literally the only thing that keeps gamestop and the like alive. fuck them
You can sell games directly to people you fucking idiot.

All of those are solved if you just pirate. Can't sell it but you didn't buy it in the first place. Once downloaded you can play without an internet connection and you can choose not to apply an update. Most scene groups release updates separately.

>I need something physical to feel good about spending money
This is truly the most brainlet reason ever.

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>implying that an online service will last more than 10years

if a game is an online service it doesn't matter if the installation is physical or digital, it'll still be gone all the same

you're not very bright are you?

>paying money to flip some bits on a hard drive you own
Even if the disc costs 5 cents to make it's at least something.

Until Nintendo decided to fuck us, their games held value like fucking gold.

I hope you're not subscribed to any streaming service like netflix because that's just paying money for bits as well.

>not to apply update
Yeah cuz all the games got final releases without bugs

>download 100gb game
>they release patch
>has to download the game with patch again

>bins > pirate
Try to keep up oldfart

I'm not. I leech off my parent's sub or just pirate stuff.
What's your point?

>paying money to ISPs to send and receive some electric signals
Why are you even on the internet?

shut up I'm smart

both digital and physical have their ups and downs. i only keep physical for limited editions/collector editions, which aren't many.
the rest is downloaded onto my hard drive (the ones I wanna keep) because i mod every console.

why are you paying for electricity you ultra cuck?

If I could pirate the internet I would friend.

But they dont botw its 20$ most of the showelware its 10$ only dumbfucks will pay 60$ for wiiu/3dds ports

Because all the console makers have no idea how to deal with digital

>I'm too stupid to find scene patchers that don't require a redownload of the base game.

My point is that if purchases only have value if you can physically see and touch them then you should stop paying for the internet, electricity, heat and other things. My point is that you're a fucking moron.

>he doesnt pirate energy from the sun
He doesnt pirate internet from the neighbors

because CD is better.

>to stupid to use bins he has to pirate games

The physical interaction that I'm retarded for paying for is the fact that I have a functioning home. I'd rather pay someone else to do the groundwork for me then me setup solar panels and shit, and the only way to access the internet is to pay. What's your point? I'm not going to pay for something that I can get for free and with zero risk. I'm not going to steal power like a nigger.

my internet is shit

>usually cheaper
>you can resell
>sharing is easier
>console download speed is shit even with good internet. now only patches are limited by this
>used games, and retailers who specialize in them usually have a return policy. gamestops is 7 days for any reason
>some games get delisted, like Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. thats not incentive to buy physical at launch but it is incentive to keep the market existing.
>collectors items sometimes, like undertale

digital games on PC are a pretty good deal (and also effectively your only option), but digital on console is a terrible idea
>pc digital games are much cheaper - console digital games rarely drop in price and are often much more expensive
>pc digital sales are extreme - console digital sales don't have nearly as significant price drops
>pc digital games can be preserved much more easily than console digital games

>Spend 1000$ on digital games
>Corporate makes stupid rules because why the fuck not
>Account gets banned
>1000$ down the fucking trash

B-b-but muh piracy
Yeah keep thinking piracy is going to be a thing when downloading games is replaced with streaming games which is the direction we're heading because of you fuckwits giving unlimited control to publishers

oh yeah also sony or microsoft can ban you and all of your digital content dies with your account. i think one local backup can be made by calling customer service but if its deleted thats it.

You are aware that having a physical disk doesnt save you from getting banned in a multiplayer game right? I swear to god physicalfags are actually braindamaged

piracy isn't a factor in this discussion user.
if you wanna be a bottom feeder do it in your own thread.
this is a thread about buying digital or physical

>cheaper on release/2nd hand
>ability to sell them
>if you get banned online you can just make new accounts
>no need to download games whenever you want to play them
>lend games to friends

>literally the only thing that keeps gamestop and the like alive. fuck them
what are amazon/ebay or just sellingto people directly?
>you can play digital games without an internet connection are you retarded
what is installing a game you havent had installed in some time?
>you dont have to update digital games whenever theres an update available unless its multiplayer are you retarded
what are consoles?
fucking retard mate

>your cd will become unreadable in 30 years
That's odd. All my original PS1 games work as good as the day I got em

>it'll still be gone all the same
>pops in disc
nothing personal kid

I can just make a new account. If my steam account got permabanned I'd probably lose around 1,000 bucks in online shit.

your disc doesnt do shit if the servers are shut down, sorry lad

i can sell my physical media after I'm done with it :^)

your library gets unaccessable if your account gets banned

Neither does your digital copy. What's your point?

>What's your point?
i could ask you the same what was the point of this post?

Literally wasn't me

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>your library gets unaccessable if your account gets banned
On what fucking platform?

>What games can I play if I have been VAC banned?

VAC banned accounts can still play single-player games, local LAN games, and multiplayer on non VAC-secured game servers. To find non VAC-secured servers, from the Steam main menu click on View, select Servers, then select Not secure in the Anti-cheat dropdown.

VAC bans aren't even steamwide game bans, it mostly just gets you banned in certain Valve games. You can still play everything else just fine.
Or you can just not fucking cheat in games, it's not that hard.

Except you can't. Multiplayer games come with a single code tied to a single account. If that account is gone no disc is going to save it. I swear to god physicalfags are actually braindamaged

so you just jumped in without even seeing what the discussion was about? thats great

Uh, no? Do you have proof? I've had many copies of games that I've brought over to friend's places and played online just fine there.

you fucking nigger. get shot you absolute dumb fuck.

>you fucking nigger. get shot you absolute dumb fuck.
next time be sure to check what the conversation is about before jumping in looking like a retard and then sperging out when people point that out

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>On what fucking platform?

ps4 and xbox one. idk about steam. this thread wasnt about pc at all idiot

I read the thread you fucking retard. get shot you shitposting nigger. Hope your house get's burnt down.

>'ve had many copies of games that I've brought over to friend's places and played online just fine there.
Yeah, 10 years ago lmao

sure thing buddy

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Why are digital-only fags so defensive about the way they choose to buy their games?

What recent console multiplayer games allow you to take your disc, put it in a different machine with a different account logged in and just play? Name fucking one.

>Digital is forever
Until whoever owns the property decides to shut down servers/ban you and take the game away from you for saying a no-no word


you think having an installation disk is going to save you from that? oh sweet summer child

Because there isn't an emulator out there that doesn't run Jet Set Radio Future like shit

on console yeah you can just put the disk in and it'll work
on pc any game that's old enough to have activation servers taken down will be cracked

i have CDs from the early 90s and they still work fine. i highly doubt that games on DVD/blu ray will suddenly stop working after 30 years. op is full of shit.

I can still install my copy of Max Payne just fine friend, and all my original PS2 games work great. Cheap to boot. I bet my ass that the amount of games that would've been lost if it were digital only back then would be hilariously huge.

How the hell do you "lose" old digital games? Wtf?

are you that dense?
I'm saying that, most likely, gamesreleased on a digital only platform back in the PS2 days would've been lost due to the host company going out of business.

>I'm a consolenigger
Oh never mind

>back in the PS2 days
thats great user but its 2019 now

I forgot that steam is like 20 years old lol

And I can still play my PS2 games just fine.

>Not caring about ownership

I fucking swear we need to kill everyone under 20 and just start over

>And I can still play my PS2 games just fine.
i can also play my DIGITAL versions of ps2 games on an emulator just fine and i dont have to worry about them being lost or getting corrupted :^)

I wonder where those digital copies were sourced?

And if you were smarter yourself you'd catch the number one reason physical games and consoles for that matter are popular, it's a fetish.

user we are not talking about whether digital was better 20 years ago, we are talking about whether digital is better now. you dont seem very bright

You don't own your digital properties such as video games, you only buy the license to download and play them for the foreseeable future. If anything big happens, companies such as valve have no obligation to continue giving you the ability to download and play the games they sell and host.

>>download 100gb game
>>they release patch
>>has to download the game with patch again

I'm saying that in 20 years, regardless of what goes under, I will always have a copy of my favorite games to play. Even new-ish stuff like the wii shop is gone forever.

>he believes in the discrot meme

bet you believe in santa and the holocaust too

i will also have a copy of my favourite games no matter what because nobody can take them away from me. again you dont seem very bright

says you (^:

Good luck pirating on a PS4 user.

Look I live in a country with good infrastructure and it still takes HOURS for a game to download. Ain't nobody got time for that.

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Except there is a pretty good chance that in 20 years your discs will either be unreadable, your console will be broken or you've just lost the discs. None of this is an issue with digital. Well not for digital on PC anyway. Maybe consoles work differently like the waste of money they are.

its an anonymous image board nobody is going to know that you were wrong so you can just admit it

But my PSX discs and consoles work fine. I can even play them on the PS3 or PC if I wanted.

>they unironically still believe in discrot
And they think they're the smart ones, fucking lol

New take: everything, including you, is gay!

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>works fine for me
That's great user but unfortunately that is not a representation of the wider world.

No it's a thread about physical vs digital, it wouldn't matter if I stole the discs or bought them, you gigantic fucking retard.

>drive breaks
>no online store

psn sales are trash while physical copies hit 50% off in around 6 months

>your cd will become unreadable in 30 years
you disc rot losers are funny. CDs only go bad that fast if you store your games in a moist moldy basement or a humid 127 degree attic.

My metal CDs from the 80s all work fine and not a single disc based game I have has any problems playing (except my copy of saga frontier 1 but that’s because it’s scratched to hell because my dumb friend borrowed it)

disc rot is a meme

Based Freudian retard

Nobody said anything about disc rot? CDs get scratches even from optical drives that are failing and you don't know one is failing before it happens.

You Zoomer kids keep promising me my old games are going to stop working but my old games are still running better than my new ones.

Maybe you wouldn't be complaining about not being able to afford a house if you didn't make so many irreversible digital transactions.

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Lots of Gamecube games are already being affected. People assume it's from a manufacturing error.

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anecdotal evidence

>disc rot isnt real
>shows evidence of disc rot
>anecdotal doesnt count!

Really? My PS1 20+ year old games still work.

Wow, I am shocked.

>CDs get scratches even from optical drives
maybe if you use a dashboard player from the early 90s in your car

everybody's copy of TTS is like that. Thats because of a manufacturing defect.

>shows anecdotal evidence of disc rot*
gotta watch out for your cat pissing on you CD collection too then cause that happened to my dad

Physical really needs to die already, theres too much plastic in the sea as is. Physical fags need to get into the 21st century and stop raping the planet.

>digital is forever

Ah, yes. That explains all those amazon reviews of people not being able to watch their tv shows anymore, because amazon hasn' t re-purchased the rights

Physical fags don't throw their games out. Blame the chinese.

We prefer value

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>digital is forever.

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do you understand why optical media is going the way of the dodo?
it's literally just a cost saving technique at this point, optical storage is deeply flawed and we have ways around it now

>Sonic Forces
>Fallout 4

>physical fags
>throw game away
kek, they just sell them on eBay for absurd prices a decade later.

the poo in the loos and chinamen are the ones who still dump garbage in the ocean.

>optical storage is deeply flawed
there are other types of physical storage. i'll take a cartridge over digital

How about when you can no longer play a game because the publisher lost the license? You stupendous retard.

Look at marvel vs Capcom 2. I bought it on 360. Xbox list the license. Now i call never download it again

Literally every environmental issue can be blamed entirely on chinks and poos

>uses outdated operating system

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Games aren't worth the money nowadays. I think if you're young and you have money to waste on gaming, you're better off dishing out for an old console and playing a good old game. Get a PS3 and a copy of Demon's Souls. Or a Gamecube and F-Zero GX. There's no glitches, crashes, bugs, user agreements, updates, no bullshit. You just have your game machine, put the game in and play.

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My PS1 and PS2 and their games still work fine

Why do I have Sega CD games from 1991 that work like new

Because discrot is a meme that digitalfags cling to to make themselves feel better about the fact that they spent money on nothing.

That's what I just said though.

Your dad sounds like a retard, I see where you get it from.

>I bought it on 360. Xbox list the license. Now i call never download it again
Protip: check your download history and download literally anything you've already purchased whether it's been delisted or not.

I used to buy physical CDs/DVDs because my internet was slow as molasses. That meant what i could install the game from the disc, and i didnt to download anything. If i wanted to play online i would still need to patch the game, but its way faster than downloading a whole game.

Now i buy digital, because physical games nowadays dont have discs with the actual game, they contain codes that allow you to download the game, so they're useless for me.

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My console games still come with disks :)

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>what are consoles?
toys for children

>i would still need to patch the game, but its way faster than downloading a whole game
this is now a thing of the past thanks to our beloved gaming companies. division 2, for instance, has a 90gb day 1 patch
so if your internet is slow, you're fucked regardless of physical or digital

I only buy physical, but this post is retarded. You wouldn't freeze to death or lose electricity if you stopped purchasing physical games,

>division 2, for instance, has a 90gb day 1 patch
>whole game is 45gb
Did it download the whole game twice?

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So you are admitting you haven't bought a single game this generation or last? We don't care.

>internet, electricity, heat
anyone would get those for free if it was an option. what kind of retard feels good about paying bills? you're an absolute brainlet

Why would you buy any recent games? They're all trash

i have no idea what the download is about. file sizes are bloated to hell. they could make the game itself less than 45gb if multiple languages and some other useless shit were optional

Besides the point, I have a lot of ps4 games and play them without being connected to the internet. If the console needs an update, they actually include it on disc. Whoever posted that is 100% full of shit. How shitty the state of video games have become is not the issue here.

>So you are admitting you haven't bought a single game this generation or last
>Now i buy digital
Learn to read, okay?

Minimalist gamer here. I'm a better human being than all of you.

you sound like a real sack of shit though

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I've never played LA Noire and it feels good.

I don't care if they last or not, with physical games I can look up while laying down in bed and bask in the glory of boxed games on my shelf. Digital doesn't have that transient luxury.

>feel good
>physicalfags literally FEEL GOOD for buying physical
you couldnt make this shit up lmao

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You need an internet connection to download digital games, making it required, and downloading a game can take a while, putting the CD in the console or PC is instant.

>multiplayer games come with a single code tied to a single account
What universe are you from?

>not playing games feels good
Yea Forums in a nutshell

yeah we do. it feels good to own something you like. digitalfags cant possibly know the feeling though

Learn to follow a thread. I was talking physical. If you can't figure that out, you really shouldn't be using a computer, let alone the internet.

>Buy physical disk the day it comes out
>Get hype as fuck on the way home
>Put the disk on
>18gb patch update required

>Digital is forever
>Original Xbox store shut down and you didn't even get to keep your DLC purchases with games forward compatible like Halo 2 and Project Gotham 2
>Wii has blocked purchases and is scheduled for shutdown by the end of the year, meaning no redownload, meaning you betting it all on a hard drive not failing, which will die faster than a CD

>but you deserve it for green halo man shitty game
>but you deserve it for bing bing plumber baby game
>wont happen on a real console!

Sony will slip soon.

>18gb patch update required
99% lie. You might be able to find an instance or two, but this is hardly ever the case.

Digital vs. physical is a PC vs. console issue. PCs offering superior service make digital superior for that platform but consoles being locked-up DRM boxes makes physical the better option.

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My Gamecube's still reading discs just as good as it used too after like 16 years, and I've only lost one disc to scratching (Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour) and it was due to my little shit cousins not knowing how to properly care for discs.
You just need to take care of your shit.

>flipping bits on your harddrive just to send a signal to flip bits in a company harddrive so it can flip bits in your harddrive while sending a signal to your bank to flip bits on their harddrive.

>no DRM
top kek
i love transfering my PC games to a USB drive and installing on other PCs.


>optical drive in 15 years
thats some good drive, my ps2 and ps3 lasted like 3-4 years

I don't know what you fucks are talking about when you say digital doesn't last or requires internet or anything, I have a file on my computer, and it stays there.
Don't you guys know how computers work?

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I didn't say PC had no DRM, I said consoles are locked-up DRM boxes which they are. Try not getting triggered consolenigger.

>i love transfering my PC games to a USB drive and installing on other PCs.
me too
you can do that with almost any indie game

My ps1, 2 and 3 opitcal drives still work.

Physical media will rot one day, and you can't digitally buy games since the distribution system is going to close down one day.

Piracy is the best option for archiving purposes.

Because I don't want the game forever. I want my money back when I finish the game in a week.

I envy you

>PCs offering superior service
Bullshit. Xbone, PS4 and Switch all have game sharing over different accounts, PC does not.

PC gamers only spread their ass cheeks so wide for the digital Jew because even your physical games were locked to one account/PC/Code.



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Steam has game sharing. And DRM free discs exist.

Obviously this is weak bai-
>159+ replies

your argument is that the medium dies, so do harddrives


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>consoles are locked-up DRM boxes
same as PC then, denuvo boy. try not making shit up

>you can do that with almost any indie game
as long as you dont download them on steam or microsoft store or epic store or any other store

I play video games all the time. But only a handful and I don't buy anything new unless it's a remake of something old I liked, like Katamari Reroll.

Isnt xbox one tried to make disks untradable by inforcing drm?

yes but the backlash was huge and they backpedalled

expect it to come back in some form for the ps4 and ps5

I predict that one console of the next generation will use single activation physical games

Yeah and something like an internet connection required every 24 hours or you're locked out.

It's all pointless from the beginning because physical games, more often than not require a day one patch. If you need to download a file or access an online service for any other reason, then it's all out the window and you may as well have gone digital in the first place. Making physical copies is a good idea but good luck doing this with most games especially if a console is involved.

If xbox on had succes, this would be our new norm, like monthly fee for online

When that happens it's time to get out of current vidya and just dive headfirst into pre-2006 games.

Yeah, but thankfully it was rejected because console users aren't as cucked as PC.

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>explain this zoomer mindset to me
>Muh zoomers
Hey retard, they are the ones buying digital only games with the credit cards of their fathers

>unreadable in 30 years

hard drives start to data rot in 5 years

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i dont think so.
they'll either be full digital with no disc drive or have discs with limited DRM like now
the 'locked disc' thing is highly fucking inconvenient for people who are normal and social.
not being able to borrow a game from a friend for no reason other than corporate greed is ridiculous and there's no other way to spin this practice so they're fucked

initial xbox one sales were slow a lot due to that, actually. retards allowed paid online but that kind of DRM was too much even for normalfags

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>digital is forev-

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After aging 15 years no one would still be playing video games anyway, and having physical would allow you to sell your collection.

>full game trials
what does this mean?

>Playing games online

El oh el

Because you retarded b8poster, it is literally the only way I'll ever be able to legally play licensed titles that have long since expired like Marvel vs. Capcom without resorting to piracy.

>"Haha, look at this waste of money online fees!"
>*Loses hundreds of dollars year in, year out on being digital only*

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Its a demo but you download the whole game. If you like it and buy it, then the game unlocks on your console.

What is this supposed to mean? You mean "free games" giveaways?

salty consolefag

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That sounds incredibly convenient. What's the trick?

You literally don't know anything about PC gaming boy. Stick to your safety box.

Every time you buy a digital copy you lose all the resale value.

he means you're buying shit you dont actually own

if only someone invented a method to transfer data between disks

i'll stick to my bought and owned games, yes

Like 5 bucks in gamestop for old ps3 games collection?

There is none i guess. Just annoying if you wanna try out a game for a few minutes but in return have to download a large file size.

You can transfer thousands of games on steam from a hard drive. I did it with Mass effect back in the day.

I have two grand from selling off excess games I havent touched in years. Shooter 'n' sports are the only games that don't retain value.

Have fun. Don't forget to pay your monthly fee so the DRM overlords get to decide what kind of content you get to play. But it's alright to be under tight control as long as you own a useless piece of plastic right :)

>back in the day
try transfering any EA release from recent years, now

lmao lying faggot consoleshitter

Oh, it's just select games. So it's a shittier version of PS+ "free" games.


>digital is forever

It fucking isn't, and this frustrates you so you take it out on people who aren't forced to adopt a situation you are in. Simple as, otherwise it would be a non issue to you. Who are you thinking about exactly? Investors making a dime back on production costs of discs? Are you an investor? This disc is 20 years old and played to death. I look after my shit.

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Most games on steam don't use DRM at all and can just be launched through the exe. EA took their games off of steam. Essentially any non-denuvo game on steam can just be copied.

I always liked how PS1 discs were black compared to all other kinds.

useless plastic that can be used on any other console and can be sold
have fun with 7 different clients, denuvo hampering your performance, games locked to accounts, content you bought being pulled from stores and generally having absolutely no ownership over anything you spend your money on
damn must feel good all this PC freedom lmao

>Being a poorfag that doesn't take pride in his games and sells them

You literally don't know anything about PC gaming boy. Stick to your safety box.

>zoomer mindset
>zoomers caring about physical when they didn't even grow up owning their games and are the most accepting of digital
OP confirmed for absolute retard.

A lot of Jap games don't even have day one patches, when they do, they're often small. The fact that you associate console games with massive 20 GB patches shows that you must be some ultra casual that only plays always online, "games as a service" shit.

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*gets killed by epic*

as long as dota2, tf2 and csgo exist so will steam
dont think its going away any time soon

>your cd will become unreadable in 30 years
But this is bullshit?

>as long as dota2, tf2 and csgo exist

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>your cd will become unreadable in 30 years
But why do all my playstation 1 games still work user? Could it be that you're retarded

>But why do all my playstation 1 games still work user?
>Introduced December 3, 1994; 24 years ago

tl;dr: consoles suck

I have archival quality burnable DVD-R discs that will outlast the original PS2 discs (which won't last another 5-15 years) and if you care about preserving them you should probably make copies right now.

You're acting as if you can't back up digital copies to physical discs. Just make sure you avoid Sony DVD-R/BR burners when you do because Sony has been sabotaging their own burners since about 5 years for some dumbass reason or other. Any discs you burn with them won't be readable in a few years, and already aren't readable on any other disc drive.